8| Unexpected

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After encountering the princess, the young boy couldn't help the smile plastered on his face. The young girl's enthusiasm and high energy made him intrigued. He had never been playing around ever since his parents disappeared from the war. He lived a life in the orphanage where some of the high-class soldiers and nuns raise them. The orphanage, where they held orphans; children who had lost their parents from the war were being taken care of and given the best care. For him, the orphanage was hell. In hell, he was in a distortion world where no one could get him out to see the outside world.

Those vicious demons had slaughtered almost the whole village. He watched his parents in the hands of demons. The sight was unforgettable; unforgivable. He would never forget that, no, he would never forgive them. His loved ones and source of happiness were stolen from him. The aftermath from the traumatic event crushed his very soul. He was only five. He was only five! Just as his very life was about to begin, he had to deal the terror and fear that haunted him.

He never wanted to believe in love and real happiness again. Ever since the war, he isolated himself from people. He would rather hide and crawl into a darkness where no one could find him. He couldn't bear a life without his loved ones by his side; he couldn't stand the life ahead of him after everything. The tragic event sunk deep in him and caused a deep wound on his chest. Every night, the dreams would play the same thing over and over, frightening the little boy, frightening his fragile heart. For the first time in his life, he could see how reality played with him with its filthy hands.

Days, weeks, and months passed by, he had to don a mask to hide his broken state. The children in the orphanage classified him as stoned-face, but no child knew how life worked. At a young age, the young boy, Granger, had embraced the cruel reality. For him, naive people always get what they want. Naive people would stay naive and think of life as a living dream. The children around the orphanage were too naive to see the harsh reality, but he couldn't blame them. It was their mindset to begin with. As children, they enjoy life and have fun.

When the girl, Guinevere, mentioned about his parents, the topic hit him hard in the chest. He couldn't possibly respond to that because of the nightmares that were in him. She may had given him a beating, but he didn't care about that. He was just teasing her. He had never felt this so-called joy for how long, and he couldn't help but get overwhelmed. After two years of the war, he felt a sudden warmth feeling inside him. He was overwhelmed by it and didn't want to feel this joy again. No, he would never want to feel it again, but he couldn't possibly help it. It had been so long. It felt nice, but he didn't want to get himself swayed and hurt again. Not that he didn't want it, but he was afraid of what could happen.

It would be nice to give her a visit again. He loved her enthusiasm; her confidence. He should've had said his name as well, but maybe when they meet again. As much as he wanted to befriend the princess, he couldn't afford to expose his identity. Seeing her childish and innocent personality, she could possibly babble his name out to her parents. He doesn't like getting noticed. They'd look for him to present himself in the castle, and the nuns and soldiers wouldn't be pleased because they weren't allowed to interact with others. Even in the slightest chance, he could be in danger for letting some people know his true identity. He would have to come up for a name, an alias to keep him safe and secured. The rate of crime increases gradually every year so the nuns and soldiers prohibit them to make friends with outsiders.

He walked through a crowd of villagers by a huge market place. The market near the orphanage was usually crowded and he would have to get his way out without suffocating himself from lots of people. The chances of thievery were high in there so he had to watch out.

He safely made his way back to the orphanage as he passed through the wide black gates of his so-called home. He was greeted by three nuns. The three of them sighed and walked up to the crimson-eyed boy with his emotionless expression.

"Granger, where have you been?" the oldest of the three nuns demanded.

Granger shrugged. He glanced up to see the disappointed looks on their faces, but he still didn't say anything.

"The cat has got your tongue, young man?" the youngest nun questioned then huffed.

Granger shook his head. "I am fine, Sister Willow."

The middle nun shook her head. She then smiled. "It is time for lunch. In the meantime, why don't you get along with the other kids?"

Granger only nodded his head, following the nuns to make their way inside. The thought of making friends with the naive children made his stomach twisted in knots. He was never the type to socialize with others. He wanted nothing more than to go back to his dorm and sleep. He was tired after the long walks outside and going back to the orphanage.

He walked up to a long rectangular wooden table where the other kids were seated. Not minding their business, he took a seat at the edge of the table. There were pastries and meat, to begin with. All the kids in the orphanage mostly had their sight on the turkey as their mouths began to water from its juicy content.

Granger thought that it was disgusting to see their faces as they eagerly took in one of the bread rolls and cuts form of turkey. He wasn't in the mood to eat after seeing their saliva drooling down. He thought that maybe taking some Spanish bread could satisfy his hunger. He wasn't fond of eating big food.

After everything that had happened, he dropped himself to bed and looked up at the ceiling. He felt his heart beating at a fast pace. As much as he wanted to sleep, his eyes were wide awake, refusing to close. His throbbing heart was excited, elated perhaps. He had never felt this way before and couldn't help the uneasy feeling settled inside him.

The smile he crept across his face earlier was one thing that made him feel this way. It had been so long since the last time he felt this light feeling. His own mind didn't want to get carried away by these feelings again, but his heart wanted nothing more than to experience this again. One question appeared in his head that he seemed to asked himself that somehow made him wonder.

Do I deserve to be happy again?

Usually, he would shut people off especially when they're too senseless. He despised those people, but he couldn't blame them for their naive mindset. But even after their losses, they seemed to find ways to be happy. How are they happy for everything that had happened? How to be happy? How to live a content life even when the things you love would be stolen?

To be honest, he doesn't know anymore.

But then again, wouldn't it hurt to let your guard down and live a moment?

He turned his gaze to see the sleeping green-eyed woman beside him. For 16 years, she's never changed. The usual outgoing energy she held was still the same. He couldn't remember the last time they've been together as children. He remembered the feelings he held for her. He clearly remembered everything that had happened to them, but his ego wouldn't admit. He did hide with an alias he composed, and that she wasn't able to identify him. He had the same black hair with some white in it, but the scar made the difference. He was still the same, but she couldn't tell. The first time they've met, he let his guard down and played the princess. He couldn't help the joy he expressed when they played together, spent time together. He knew the girl was special, but she doesn't know that. After he left her, he didn't know what had happened next.

After everything that had happened in a short period of time, he wanted to make sure that she gets out alive. He would rather get his ass kicked than let her die and her family would grieve. She could be reckless, but she was fearless. After that paralysis incident, he could see how fearless she was. Sure, she was still dismayed after the big interruption of her wedding, but he knew for sure that she had what it takes to save people. He would have to keep a keen eye on her, or she might end up getting poisoned by a Poison-Type Pokémon next.

It took another 15 minutes to reach their destination. The cruise ship came to an abrupt stop at the edge of the island. Passengers were awaken by the sudden force of the ship that had signalled them to make their way.

Guinevere woke up from her light nap. She turned to her left, but Granger and Minette weren't there. She looked around her, but the ship seemed to be nearly empty as a few passengers made their way to the exit. Dawn and Barry were preparing their departure as the small Pokémon hopped up to the blunette's shoulder. Dawn turned around to see the confused green-eyed woman.

"Have you seen Granger and Minette around?" Guinevere asked, stretching her arms up.

Dawn shrugged. "Probably went to the restroom." Piplup climbed down and snuggled into his trainer's arms.

Guinevere nodded, her eyes squinting. "I guess we stand here and wait for them."

"Sorry for being late!"

She looked up to see Granger in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Guinevere could've sworn he could see some muscles being rippled from his thin shirt. Minette came along and spun around tirelessly.

"I can't wait to get out of here! Granger here took forever."

Granger just rolled his eyes.

Minette giggled. "Just be your casual self, party pooper!"

Granger crossed his arms, feeling all too dizzy. He wanted nothing more than to sleep again. It had been how long since he last had sleep. He sighed.

Why are you here again?

Minette laughed. "Because I'm amazing."

The three couldn't help but laugh at the two exchanging fixated looks on each other. Granger had his usual death glare on the Ghost Pokémon, but the Pokémon didn't flinch. On Guinevere's perspective, they seemed to be good friends.

"Trust me, Grangey, don't worry," Minette said.

"Last time you've said that, you nearly caused a seizure to an adult," Granger warned.

"But I didn't!" She giggled.

Granger slapped a hand on his face, glaring at his partner from her annoyance.

Guinevere had her eyes widened, looking at the pair in confusion. "So...can we get going? You do have something to say to me, right? And I deserve an explanation for this."

Granger groaned. "Alright. But first, we're meeting someone. After that, ask me anything."

Guinevere's face lit up and grinned. "Deal! I'd be waiting for that good explanation." She then removed the jacket she wore and gave it to him. Granger looked down to see the green-eyed girl returning his belonging.

"Keep it," he insisted.

Guinevere shook her head. "I'm not fond to hot places, so I'm fine now."

Granger nodded, respecting her decision. "Ok." He then put the jacket back inside his bag.

Isn't that adorable? Minette teased. She returned your jacket! Just the second day together, and you two seemed to get along!

Minette, shut up. He winced, but he couldn't hide the blush that crept across his cheeks. The two teens took noticed but they were confused. Guinevere, on the other hand looked at the two of them and wondered what had happened.

You know, Granger, she does share a common trait with Moon. The first time we've met, she bombarded me with questions. Oh my goodness, she's even as pretty as her! Even after four years, you've never changed your taste.

Granger shot daggers at the Ghost Pokémon. Shut up!

Fine, whatever. Shut me whatever you want, but I'd still come back to the topic. Minette snickered.

Shut. Up!

Granger felt himself burning up and quickly shove past them. Minette followed his trainer as they both went to the outside world. Dawn, Barry, and Guinevere, exchanged looks together in confusion before heading down.

They were met by the scent sea breeze as the wind carried their hair. Dawn gasped when the wind nearly took her hat away and Barry couldn't contain his laughter. Guinevere loved how the wind ghosted her skin and making her hair fly. It felt like as though it was just the beginning of summer, but she knows that it's winter. She just felt the summer vibes around this new place.

They took a few steps forward to get a better look of Boyleland, they met the slight warm rocky floor beneath their shoes. As they took another few steps, they spotted a sign in sight with blue ink on a green sign board.

Welcome to Boyleland! Look up to see Boyle Volcano. Look down to see your shoes.

That's promising. Guinevere thought.

They then spotted some small vents around that released steam. They figured they were somehow near the volcano area. They were surprised; flabbergasted, but not shocked in fear. Besides, Water Pokémon can protect them from the lava that might spit out.

They spotted Granger having some odd staring contest with his Pokémon. Guinevere wondered what was all about from his reddened face earlier, but she wouldn't bring the subject up. She had to focus on the important things, after all.

The three of them walked up to meet them. The crimson-eyed man had his face flustered when his eyes met with her green-orb ones. He shot daggers at the Ghost Pokémon again, but wasn't affected. The environment around them wasn't helping at all as it could made him burn up.

Granger silently cursed at the Pokémon beside him.

"You're welcome, Grangey!"

Guinevere looked at the two before she spoke. "Oh, um...by the way..."

The two looked at her before she continued.

"So what are we gonna do now? This place looks like some tourist spot!" She grinned. She could've sworn she saw Granger's face burning even more.

"You know what's nice, Guin? The small vents here can be used as a sauna! Give it a try when there's time," Minette said as she spun around.

Granger took a deep breath. "Let's get going." He took out his Pokétab and took a few taps on his gadget. "We're close. Guinevere, someone would like to meet you there."

Granger gave him a puzzled look. "Who?"

"Are we going to pay a visit?" Dawn asked.

"Whoever that person is, I'mma challenge him!" Barry brought out a Poké Ball, squatting as he prepares himself.

Dawn tutted. "Barry, I don't think that's the case."

"What? I want a challenge!" he whined.

Dawn then faced the two adults, shaking her head. "Don't mind him. Let's get going."

Guinevere nodded. "Let's go, then." The group headed off, leaving Barry as he complained.

Realizing that he was alone, Barry shouted. "Hey, don't forget me!" He then quickly ran to them to catch up.

She wondered who could that person be. She wondered, but she had to keep her guard up. Ever since the 'Team Rocket' issue this morning, she wanted to watch out for anything. But then again, she's dealing with Granger. The emo guy knows what he's doing and had entered the Pokémon world. Until now, she had no idea how he ended up here in the first place. It's not like she'd force his mouth to talk.

They walked up the stairs and found themselves seeing small houses with a few people gathering up with their supply. Dawn crossed her arms, her Piplup on her shoulder as the small Pokémon glanced around. Barry crossed his arms as well, impatiently looking at the Pokétch on his wrist to check the time.

Granger stopped and went to a narrow path. Minette told the three to keep up with him and followed her trainer. As they continued their pace, it felt a lot warmer than when they first landed here. They didn't realize that they were close to the heat source of the place.

They finally came to a stop in their track as a small cottage stood at the narrow path. The two teens exchanged looks together and had drank water from their water bottles. Granger looked down on the tablet on his hand and furiously tapped while beads of sweat streamed down his face. Guinevere was sweating as well. She wiped the sweat off her with a handkerchief and shove the small squared cloth back at the pocket of her bag. She looked up at the Ghost Pokémon with her usual expression.

Silence poured down at the four and seemed to be sweating from the close heat. Granger took the lead and knocked the green wooden door, waiting for response. He turned around to see the two teens with their puzzled expressions. He then turned to look at the green-eyed woman, who stared back and met his crimson ones. It took a moment before he pulled away and knocked again.

"Come in." A high-pitched male voice rung.

The four exchanged looks together before Granger turned the door knob to enter.

They went in to see a white room with two rectangular windows at the sides, a standard sized book shelf on the left together with a round table and a yellowish rectangular mat. Plants on the right side, along with a small kitchen area. The group were surprised to see such a tidy room.

No one was around except for a tall man with platinum hair in the center, staring at a picture frame. As the group took a few steps inside, the tall man turned around to meet them with a small smile on his face. He was a scrawny, tall, young, and white man. He wore a beige t-shirt with dark-colored jeans; his steel eyes looked at each and everyone of them. Dawn felt her heart tugged inside her chest at the soft expression he held. He looked like he could steal the hearts of young women.

"Welcome," he greeted. A white squirrel hopped up on the platinum hair-colored man. It had some pink line over its body but mostly covered by white, yellow circles on its cheeks. Its dotted eyes looked around and chirped.


"This is my partner–Pachirisu. Pachirisu, say hi to them," he said.

Barry gasped, his jaw dropped. "Isn't that a Shiny Pachirisu?"

The platinum hair-colored man chuckled. "Why yes."

"So cool!" Barry then exclaimed. "If only I could catch one."

Dawn crossed her arms. "But you already have six Pokémon."

"I just wanna get a Shiny Pokémon!" he insisted with his hands curled to fists in excitement.

"Pachirisu?" Guinevere mumbled.

The platinum hair-colored man laughed. "I'm interested to meet you all. And that, let's introduce ourselves." He then cleared his throat. "My name's Sebastian Wright. Call me Sebastian."

So he's American, huh. Guinevere suddenly trapped herself in her own thoughts.

Dawn felt her heart plummet for a moment before she could respond. "My name's Dawn! This is Piplup, my partner!" Piplup chirped happily and smiled at the Shiny Pachirisu.

"The name's Barry, by the way," Barry greeted, reaching out a hand.

The platinum hair-colored man, Sebastian, gladly took his hand in return. "Nice to meet you. You two looked like you could do some Pokémon Battle."

The two then teens laughed.

"And you, ma'am?"

Guinevere snapped out of her thoughts then glanced up to see Sebastian with a soft smile on his face as he walked up to her. "What's your name?"

Guinevere looked down, not meeting eye contact with him. She didn't know if he could trust him. She felt a strange aura around him.

Sebastian nodded in return, backing away from her. He thought that she wasn't ready to introduce herself. "If you're not ready to talk to me, that's fine. I can wait." He then chuckled.

Guinevere glanced up and shook her head. "My apologies." She cleared her throat. "I'm Guinevere."

Sebastian's eyes widened. "What...a beautiful name you had there. Now everyone, please take your seats and make yourselves at home."

The group (except Granger) nodded and sat down on the floor. Granger went up to him with his arms crossed. The white male shrugged at the crimson-eyed man.

"Why are you here for me again? When we called, you weren't specific," he said in a cheerful tone.

"I'm not here for you," Granger stated and glanced at the green-eyed woman. He then pointed at her. "She's here for you."

Guinevere was taken aback as the platinum haired-colored man walked up to her and smiled. She slowly stood up to meet his grey-orb eyes to her emerald ones. He couldn't help but find him attractive. By just the looks, she could that he had soft lips. He looked like a tall teenage boy, slightly taller than Granger. She had to tilt her head up to meet up his gaze.

"Guinevere?" Sebastian smiled warmly, staring down at the nervous woman.

"...yes?" She looked down.

Sebastian pursed his lips. "Can I ask a question from you?"

Guinevere glanced up once more and cleared her throat. "Um...ask away."

Sebastian nodded and crossed his arms. "So what's your last name?"

Guinevere's eyes widened. She didn't know how to respond to his question, but she couldn't lie either. She would get caught for lying, for sure. She took a deep breath and replied, "B-Baroque..."

No one responded as silence poured down the room for a moment. The two teens gasped while Granger had an unamused expression, his arms crossed, his back leaned against the wall. Minette had no reaction at all, but floated there beside her trainer.

Sebastian had his eyes widened, but then his lips formed a smile. He bent down to her level and whispered something into her ear. Guinevere flinched at his hot breath that sent chills down her spine.

"Hello, chosen one. I have been waiting for your presence."


Hello, people! I want to make this post on this special day for me! I have leveled up! For a special day, I'll make an update!

I hop you all enjoyed this. This'll probably be my last note for all of you. Stay safe!

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