Happy Birthday Professor

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Severus was sitting down in his dungeons, sipping on some fire whiskey. This is how he celebrated every 9th of January, or his birthday. Oh how he loathed this day. Albus always announced it during dinner, so he skipped out on those meals. He only ever celebrated his birthday with one person, but sadly, they passed away twelve years ago. He still missed her to this day. Oh, he missed how she would come over with some dollar candy and they'd sit on his roof and watch the sunset and at night they would try and count the stars. Those were the days he loved, just spending it with his only friend. But now, here he was in a giant castle that he now called home, down in the dungeons, sipping an amber colored alcohol, all alone.

He was about to pour himself another glass when he heard a knock at the door. He grumbled to himself thinking that it was the blasted headmaster coming to wish him a happy birthday. He swung open the door expecting to see an old man in long, colorful robes, but was shocked when he was met with instead a small, Griffendor second year with Avada Kadavra green eyes staring at him from under a mop of dark brown hair, holding a small box.

"Potter, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at dinner?" he asked as he stared at the child. Merlin how he looked like his father. Though, to Severus' surprise he didn't act like his father. Instead, he was kind and caring like his mother.  He protected his friends and stood up for strangers. He ignored house rivalry's and actually befriended some of the Slytherirns' including his godson Draco Malfoy. He found out with every passing day, he acted more like his mother than his father.

"W-well sir, the headmaster told us it was you birthday," figures  he thought dryly to himself. "A-and I just wanted to give you this." he said nervously as he handed the box to him and turned on his heel. He slowly started to walk away, when Severus tore open the paper, he was amazed that under the wrapping paper was something he never thought that he would see again, along with a note. 

Dear Professor,

My aunt told me to clean out the attic and I came across this box. I opened it to find a lot of my mom's old things from when she was little. I found this picture and asked my aunt of what it was. She explained to me how you two were the best of friends, and how you considered yourself brother and sister by the way you looked out for each other. I have a few pictures of her so I thought you would would appreciate this more. I could tell she meant a lot to you. 

There's also one more thing I want to tell you. I've been watching you since first year. I notice things. I can tell you really don't want to be alone. I know a relationship between a student is not permitted, but I was hopping that you could give me a try. I would like to get to know you better. I understand if you don't want to. Hope you have a happy birthday,


Severus stared blank face at the note. Potter had feelings for him? But how? All hes been to him is cruel. He thought more about his feelings on Potter. He didn't hate the boy, and he did have a good personality. He thought that it couldn't be that hard to learn to love him. Sure, he was a student and that would be hard to get by, but he could do it. Heck, he deceived the Dark Lord for so many years, he could do it to Albus. And even if Albus did find out, that old coot would probably approve. 

He turned back to the picture of him and Lily when they were eight years old. They were sitting by a fountain in the park on an autumn day. It was windy and her hair was blowing in all different directions, leafs danced around them, the branches swaying in a kind of soothing rhythm, and him. He was smiling like he had no care in the world, like there was no such thing as a Dark Lord. He was smiling like a kid should when he was with his best friend. He looked up to see that Harry had reached the bottom of the stair case and was about to head up to the higher floors and to his dormitory.

"Potter?" he called after him. Harry turned around and stared at his professor with shiny green orbs, and a small tint of red on his cheeks, even visible in the darkness of the dungeons. He took his pointer finger and signaled for the boy to come back. Harry walked slowly until he was standing in front of him, eyes down on the floor. "Did you mean what you said in the letter? The second part I mean."

"Yes sir. I did." Harry said not taking his eyes off the floor. He put his hand on the boys shoulder and gently moved him into the room. Once in the living room, he moved to stand in front of the boy and lifted his chin up using two finger. 

"You do realize how serious this could be if were caught right?" he asked as he stared into the boys eyes. He saw them light up at his words.

"Yes. Wait... are you saying... does this mean... are we-" he stopped his blabbering by lightly pressing his lips to his. Slowly the kissed deepened. For Severus, it was perfect. His lips were a nice soft, pink that felt heavenly on his. He felt the boy snake his arms around his waist and hold him closer. He gently pulled away and the boy rested his head against his chest. Something accrued to him and also seemed to accrue to Harry.

"Hey professor?"

"Yes Harry?" he asked as he rested his chin on the top of his head. 

"We fit." And this was the truth. They fit together like they were two missing pieces of a puzzle. 

"I guess we do. Oh, and Harry, when were like this, you can just call me Severus." Harry smiled up at this.

"I love you Severus."

Severus smiled a true smile, one that he hasn't shown in years. "I love you too Harry." and he kissed his little lover. "This has to be the greatest birthday present I ever recived." Severus said as he lead him over to the couch and together the snuggled for the night. Little did they both know, there was a certain old wizard was smiling in approval, because the walls of Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry really did talk.


This is a small story for Severus birthday. Happy birthday day professor!!!🎊🎉

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