Master Potter

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Harry had enough. From the first day of school to now in fifth year, he has had a crush on his potions professor, Severus Snape. Mostly every night since then, it's just been dream after dream of him taking Severus for himself. He needed his professor more than anyone could know or understand.

It was around midnight when Harry pulled out the Marauders Map and looked for Severus's name. He found him, alone in his office down in the dungeons. A wicked grin worthy of a Death Eater spread across his face and he pulled out his invisible cloak. He slipped it on and making sure that he didn't wake his house mates, made the long walk down to the dungeons.

Severus was sitting alone is his office grading papers to keep his mind off of his true desire. Not many people know this, but Severus is a submissive. In the Wizarding World you have the dominants and the submissives. A dominant can claim whoever as long as there a sub. All Severus wanted in life was to have a dominant and he found one he wish he could have. But in his heart was an ache saying his dominant wouldn't accept him.

Severus was just think about said dom  when he heard a sudden knock on his door. When he read the name that appered above the door his heart started to beat faster. He quickly got himself under control and put his sneer on full force.

When Harry arived outside of the door he quickly checked the map to see if he was still alone. When he saw that he was he whispered 'mischief managed' and knocked on the door. When he heard Snape say come in, he slowly pushed open the door and slipped inside.

When he looked at Snape he could see the confusion in his eyes by seeing the door open and close with nothing. Harry quietly walked around the desk and behind Snape's chair. He then reached his hand out drooped, the cloak on the floor, and tapped Snape on the shoulder.

Severus gave a startled jump at the sudden feeling and turned in his chair to Harry standing there with a grin on his face.

"Mr. Potter what is the meaning of this?" Snape growled at his student.

"Aw come on Sev, don't be like that."

"I beg your pardon?" Severus said as he raised an eybrow.

"I've been watching you for a while now, and I noticed something. You try to act like a dominant." Harry's laughed as he saw Severus's eyes grow bigger. "Yes I know your really a submissive. Your not gonna fool me. Now do me a favor and stand up."

When he didn't Harry grabbed a hand full of his robes and jerked him up. He then kicked the chair out from behind him, turned him around and pushed in on the desk. Then using a spell bound him the the desk.

"POTTER!" Severus scream at him when his hands were bound. When he tried to pull himself free they would tighten.

"I know what you want you know. I could give it to you. I know you want a dominant to care for you, to love you, and protect you. But knowing you your to scared to ask. So insted," he leaned over Snape and kissed is neck. "I'm gonna make you beg for it."

And with those words Harry casted another spell the bound Severus legs as far as the legs of the desk. Once this happened Severus became a little scared. What was Potter planing on doing to him? There's no way in Merlin that Harry would want him as a submissive. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt Harry reach around to the front of him and unbutton his pants.

"Don't act so scared. I can feel you like this." Harry said as he ran his hand over Severus's erection. Severus had to bite his lip to hold in a moan. He was NOT going to give Potter the satisfaction he wanted.

He then felt the coldness of his desk when his clothes were suddenly spelled off. He felt Harry take on if his fingers and trace around his enterence. Severus shivered in pleasure at the contact but still held back him moans. He then pushed the finger in him and moved it around. Soon he was adding fingers until Severus was stressed a full four fingers.

When Harry took his fingers out he almost whimpered at the loss. He then heard the zipper of Harry's pants go down and his heart raced a little more. Severus then felt the head of Harry's cock trace around him the same way his fingers did. Then he slowly pushed into him, all the way till Harry was laying on top of Snape's back.

Harry began to move back and forth very slowly, savoring the feeling of Snape's body molding around his cock, and he would lightly brush against his prostate to tease him.

Once Harry started to brush lightly against his prostate he couldn't take it anymore. "P-potter." He stamped out.

"Nope. If your asking for something it's Harry."

Snape swallowed his pride and asked "Please Harry. No more teasing." Severus went completely submissive at that moment. He didn't care if was the great Harry Boy who lived Potter was the one to shag him over his desk.  He needed it.

At those words Harry began to move faster. Severus gave up on holding in his moans once Harry began to beat rapidly against his prostate. Soon both were a sweaty mess. Things began to fall on off the desk due to the vibration.

Harry reached around and began to pump Severus cock in time with his thrust. When he felt Snape was close he put a silent, wand less charm to prevent him from cuming.

"Please Harry. I have to cum." Whined Severus as he felt his cock grow more full.

"Whose your master?" Harry asked in a low growl.

"Y-you." Severus breathed out.

"And are you gonna be my little submissive? Forever and always?"

"Always." After Severus muttered that word Harry removed the charm and Severus shot out a thick, white stream. Harry wasn't that far after him.

"Where's you rooms at?" Harry asked as he unbound him.

"A little further down the corridor." Severus said as he pointed down the left were no students were allowed. Harry magically put back on there clothes and made there way down. When they entered they went straight to the bed room.

Harry captured Severus lips in his own and pushed him back lightly on the bed. He then took a small box out of his robe pocket and opened the lid. Inside was a submissive collar. It would only be visible to him, but would tell other dominants that Severus was taken. Harry pulled Severus into his arms and drifted off into the land of sleep. Severus fell asleep with one thought in his mind. 'My dominant does want me'

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