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"Legilimens" Severus Snape said in a cool, demanding voice aiming his wand at Harry bloody Boy-Who-Lived Potter. The headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry Albus Dumbledore asked the Potions master to teach the boy occlumency. Potter had a dream, or vision according to a certain headmaster, about the Dark Lord. He wanted Severus to teach him occlumency in order to keep the Dark Lord out of Potters mind and planting false images in his head. So far the boy turned out to be terrible at it. It was like he wasn't even trying. The only time he would get throne out of his head is when he stumbled upon a certain memory. He didn't know what it was but it was the same one. Every time it popped up, he would be violently throne from Potters mind. But, something different happened in this lesson.

"Protego!" Harry shouted last second. He had enough of Snape looking into his mind, he had enough of begin told what to do, and he was damn tired of these occlumency lessons. All he wanted to do was to stop Snape from looking in his mind so he can rest, but he was not prepared for what he was about to see.

Images flashed before his eyes at a fast rate, but still slow enough so he can see them and understand them. The first memory he saw was a young boy with shoulder length black hair in Slytherin robes walking down a corridor in Hogwarts. 'Snape' Harry thought. He was just minding his own business and everyone else were mining theirs, not giving him so much of a second glance. But , younger Snape turned around and someone from around the corner shot a spell at him.

The second memory showed Snape again. He was still young, maybe in his late or mid teens. He was in his school uniform just without the robes. He was siting in the corner of a room with his knees drawn up to his chest. He looked... depressed? Harry couldn't place the expression on his face.

The third memory came into view. It was of a tree near the Black Lake at Hogwarts. Snape was sitting under a tree either reading or writing he couldn't see long enough to figure out, for figures started walking near the tree. He heard someone say "Come on Monny, Padfoot," it must be his father. He heard him call to Snape. Snape got to his feet and was putting his wand, books, and quill in his bag. James must have thought that he was going to attack him. Quickly James shouted expelliarmus. Snape, now currently disarmed, was slowly backing up. Was this how his father really was? He heard Sirius cheer him on. Soon a small crowd gathered around. He heard someone shout 'finish him off James'. It was in this moment Harry has never felt more disappointed in his dad. But the memory wasn't over. James proceed to hang Snape upside down a good few feet in the air. The crowd began to chant 'Snivellus Snape'. Harry stared in horror has his dad was smiling, as if he's proud of what he is doing. Suddenly his father said "Who wants to see me take off Snivellus' trousers?" The crowd began to go wild at that. When he looked to Snape, he saw the fear in his eyes, but when he looked in his eyes, that's when he was pushed from Snapes mind and back to the real world.

Snape was pissed to put it lightly. When Harry exited from his mind, he fell back in his chair. There was a look on his face. Was it one of recognition? Or perhaps sympathy? And if so, who was it too? Was he sorry for Snape, or was he sorry he didn't see the hero he thought his father was? When Harry looked up, Snape stalked his way over to him. Grabbing him by the collar he whispered with a murderess tone,

"Your lessons are at an end," Harry had try to say something, but Snape wasn't finished. "Get out." He then let go of Potter roughly. He had expected him to make a run for it, but he didn't. Instead he just walked to the door. None the less, he was leaving. Or so he thought. Potter stopped at the door, about to put his hand on it when he stopped and turned around and said the one word to Severus that no student should ever say to him.

"No." Harry said defiantly. Snape just stood there stunned. No student under any circumstance has ever said that to him. He was about to order the boy out again when Harry held a hand up to him. "No, for once your gonna listen to me Severus Snape. I'm sorry. I'm sorry my father treated you that way. He had no right. Each memory of yours I saw showed you minding your own business and him just straight up attacking you, threatening you. But I dare you, come up with a good reason on how I'm like my father. Yes I'll admit that I break rules. But so what? I bet you did too when you where a student, I bet my mother did and so many others. What does it matter? And when have you ever seen me attack a student just because I feel like it? You know with your Slytherins, especially with Malfoy, that they start it first and I defend myself or I'm defending another student. So I dare you, come up with a good reason."

For once Snape was stunned to silence. It wasn't that the boy dared use his first name, it was that he challenged him. What reason did he have? He always used the breaking rules, out after curfew excuse. And the boy was right. He had done it in school, he remembered Lily on occasion would do it and so many students over the years have too. So what did it matter? When Severus remained silent Harry continued.

"Your right though. My father was a swine. He wasn't a great man, hell he wasn't a good man. But who is? Many people would say your not a great man. Maybe in the eyes of some you are, but really your not. I'm not. Many people worship at my feet because they expect me to save them. But look what I did, I let Cedric die I got Sirius killed. If it wasn't for me begin born when I was I would still have had my parents so technically I got them killed. All the people Voldemort killed when he returned to get me I indirectly killed. I'm not a good person yet to so many people I am. I believed my father was a good man because that's what everyone told me. No one told me what he did to you. Not Remus, not Sirius, nobody. And I'm sorry, I truly am. Believe me if you want, but I'm not what you think I am and I am most certainly not what everyone out there thinks I am. Goodnight Professor." Harry concluded at last. He had let slip more than he wanted. He didn't want anyone knowing he blamed himself for his godfathers death, or Cedric's' or any ones really. That would show he was weak, and the savior of the wizarding world couldn't show he was weak.

"Potter," Severus said quietly. He didn't trust himself speaking loud for fear of his voice quivering. When the boy turned back to face him he spoke the words he never thought he would say to him. "I'm sorry." The boy stood there wide eyed. That was the last thing he thought his professor would say to him. He expected the 'ten points from Gryffendore and detention with me tomorrow' not an apology. And for what?
"What are you apologizing for. I'm the one who spoke out of line."

"Your not the only one who spoke out of line. I did. I assumed things about you, things the rest of the public did. Like you with your father begin a good man, what evidence did you have that showed you other wise? And when you came to the school looking like him, I assumed you were just like him. You begin sorted in to Gryffendore just made me believe it more. They way everyone was blessing the bloody ground you walked on, hell the headmaster made it seemed like you could do no wrong. First year you go after the Scorers Stone and instead of a lecture of how dangerous it was, he sat in the infirmary eating bloody sweats with you! And if that wasn't enough he awarded you and your friends house points for the things you did. Sure, he made it seem like they were normal everyday things you did, but I knew the truth." Severus made his way over to his desk and sat down his his elbows on the desk and his head in his hands. He couldn't believe he was revealing this to the kid. Harry meanwhile took the chair he was using earlier and sat in front of the mans desk.

"You hated me based on my looks? Did I not prove to you through out the school year I wasn't like my father?" Harry asked a little pissed off. The man hated him because of his looks? Really? This man is an adult, not some teenager in high school making fun of someone for their looks.

"Yes and I do apologize." Severus said tiredly.

"What makes you sorry?"

"It's what you said. I have no right. You've seen memories to prove you wrong about your father, I've seen memories that prove me wrong about you. I saw glimpses of your home life. How your family made you work for you stay, how his cousins and friends treated you. I took notice at how you were surprised your first Christmas here at Hogwarts that you had presents, how even down to the ugly Weasley sweater that even Mr. Weasley would prefer not to wear, you took it to heart and cherished it. And let me guess, even though it doesn't fit, you still have it correct?" At Harry's shy nod the Potions Master smirked.

"Sir, if I may ask, what was the one memory of you in you school uniform in a corner? That didn't look like a room at the school."

"That would be while I was at home. I was hiding in the attic. My father never allowed me to wear muggle clothes unless it was a suit, or something else respectable. When I got my Hogwarts uniform, he made me wear that and nothing else. But he was a drunk, a violent and angry drunk. He would often beat me for the fun of it." Severus scoffed at the memories. His father could sometimes be ruthless with him.

"Same as my uncle." Harry whispers quietly. He had hoped Snape wouldn't hear him say it, but he did.

"What do you mean same as you uncle?"

"He would sometimes beat me for fun. Or if I did any accidentally magic, and if it was accidental magic he would say he was beating the magic out of me."

"Harry, what's that one memory that you wont show me?" Severus asked the young man in front of him. He used his first name in order to show comfort to the boy before him. Although from what he's been through, he's not really a boy. Never was.

"It was one of the worst beatings I received. He used his belt and broke the skin on my back in multiple places, stomped on both my ankles and broke them. It was winter and he turned off the heat in the house. They used electric heaters in their bedrooms while I just froze under the stairs." Harry said

"Under the stairs?"


"Just call me Severus, Harry." He smiled at the thought that Sn-Severus trusted him enough to call him by his first name.

"Severus do any of the teachers read the addresses written on the Hogwarts letters?"

"No. Professor McGonagall has a quill that is charmed to write out the addresses and then they are shipped off. We don't see them. Why?"

"Because mine was addressed "To Harry Potter, cupboard under the stairs, four Privet Drive Little Whinging Surry. It wasn't until I got the letter did my uncle give me my cousins second bedroom for fear that someone was watching us. But, I never go to open it. Vermon through it in the fire and beat me for it. Over the next few days letters were popping up everywhere. Finally my uncle packed us up and we went somewhere. I'm not sure where, I was in the trunk of the car. It was on my eleventh birthday, exactly on the dot when Hagrid turned up and took the door off the hinges and personally handed me my letter. That was the moment I was told I was a wizard. I knew nothing of the magical world before then. Then he gave me a birthday cake. It looked like it was sat on but I loved it none the less. It was the first birthday cake I ever had. I didn't eat it. I wanted answers as to what Hogwarts was and all that and I set the cake aside and my cousin ate it. The next day he took me to Diagon Alley and we bought my school supplies. It was my first glimpse of the magical world and I loved it. Hagrid is the one who got me Hedwig as a birthday present."

Severus just sat there in pity for the boy. This kid grew up without love much like him, save for his mother and Lily. The boy didn't know that magic existed or that he was a wizard until he was eleven and only a few weeks before school started. Even though Harry grew up with love, he loved more than anyone. He grew up opposite of Severus. He grew up not trusting people and turned into a cold and bitter man.

"So you see? I wasn't pampered like everyone thought I was. That's also why when I first came here I never ate much, I simply wasn't used to three meals a day everyday. And also why I couldn't answer your questions on the first day. After I got my school supplies, my aunt and uncle locked it away. I never got a chance to read the textbooks. And on the train I met Ron and he told me about the wizarding world, showed me the chocolate frogs and the cards that came inside them. But now I know you asked me sixth year questions." Harry told him giving him a half hearted glare. Then Severus did something he didn't do often. He laughed. His laughed caused Harry to erupt into his own fit of giggles

"Yes I did. But I was surprised that Granger raised her hand though. I don't know how she knew that." Severus said confused. To this day he still didn't know how Granger knew the answer sixth year questions on the first day.

"Oh she told me she bought all the books first through seventh year ahead of time of when ever she could. She wanted to get a head start on her education so she could get a good career." Harry confessed.

"You mean to tell me Granger has been reading a head all this time?"

"Yes. Though this year with you begin our defense teacher she's been terrible at potions and I've excelled."

"I wonder why." He said sarcastically. He wasn't prepared for the answer he got though.

"Well I have the Half Blood Prince to thank for that." When Severus' mask broke for his cool stone features to on of surprise Harry chuckled. "I found it very odd that the handwriting looked familiar in the book. Apparently a student wrote in it and corrected just about every potion in the textbook. Now, no one else had corrections in there books. On the first day, everyone was competing to see who could make the Draught of the Living dead. Who ever made the best batch got a small vile of Felix Felicis. I watched everyone follow the instructions the book printed and struggled, even Hermione did. So I followed the Prince's instructions and the potion turned out perfect. Know one knew how I did it. Then something accrued to me, how come no one, not one person could make the potion from the book when the could all the previous years? And suddenly I had my answer." Harry said sitting back in his chair looking smug. Severus didn't know whether to be amused or concerned. Certainly he didn't know it was him right?

"And what was your answer may I ask?"


"What do you mean by 'me'?"

"I realized you always wrote the instructions on the board. That's why the handwriting looked so familiar to me." Harry said.

"And? That's nothing special."

"Severus I've asked around about Potion masters. I was in the apothecary and everyone was talking about you. When I asked the shop owner if there where any other potion masters in the area he just laughed at me. He told me you put them all to shame. He also told me you are the youngest potions master in England for Merlin's sake. Now I know why. Even before you left Hogwarts you where creating spells and could see what was wrong with potions years before you actually took them. That's a great accomplishment. And if you want my opinion, I think my father and his friends picked on you because they were jealous."

Severus sat there stunned at the young man before him. He knew who the Half Blood Prince was and complimented him. And the Marauders where jealous of him? Well, a lot of people actually where when he was in school. He was like Granger back then. He knew everything, could explain things in great detail. Hell, he spent an entire potions class arguing with Slughorn on the properties of rose oil. He proved Slughorn wrong, he knew more than his professor.

  "If I may ask, why isn't there a lot more potion masters in the world? "
  "Because it's basically suicide to most people. You see Harry, when your creating potions and your not careful, things can go wrong. Horribly wrong. Many potion masters don't look closely at the ingredients they use and blow themselves up. They could sustain a mortal injury or a miner one or even kill themselves all because of it. So many don't go down that route." Severus was startled from his thought when the bell for curfew rang. He looked to Harry and motioned for him to follow him to his quarters.

"Since you are out after curfew you may sleep here for tonight." Severus said motioning towards the couch. He had not guest room. Harry just thanked him and transfigured his clothes into sleepwear and conjured a blanket. Severus was about to turn to his bedroom when he remembered what Harry said earlier.

"Before you retire for the night there is one thing I want to make clear to you. It's not your fault." Harry instantly knew what he was talking about.

"Yes it is." he argued with the man.


"It is. I thought about it. All those people, killed because the Dark Lord wants me. I ruined so many families, so many lives. Just because of the time I was born my parents were killed because the Dark Lord wanted me. I got Sirius killed because the Voldemort wanted me and planted that false memory in my head. Cedric died because of me too! I heard Voldemort say 'Kill the spare' and then Pettigrew hit him with the killing curse. And what was I doing? I WAS ON THE DAMN GROUND LOOKING AROUND LIKE AN IDIOT!" Harry finally shouted and reduced to tears on the couch. "I could have saved him." He whispered as he chocked on his tears. Severus, without thinking twice, made his way over to the couch and wrapped his arms around the distressed man before him. Harry carried so many burdens alone.

"Now you listen to me Harry Potter. You are not at fault. The Dark Lord killed all those people because he's a dark sadistic man. Think about all the people he killed before you were born, hell before I was. Know one knew of you or the prophecy so your not at fault there. And now, most have died fighting for what they believe in. It was their choice to die. Was that the choice for all of them no, but it had nothing to do with you. And your parents. They could have stood aside and let the Dark Lord kill you and they live on with there lives. But they loved you enough to put there own lives at risk and protect you. And parent who loved their child would do that. Your godfather decided to go after you to protect you out of love too. He chose to go there. He could have stayed away and lived to see another day but he wanted to protect you. And with Mr. Diggory could have defended himself if he wanted. He could have moved out the way of the spell. He probably was thinking he had to protect you. And he payed with his life. None of those accounts were your fault." Severus told him calmly and slowly as he rub a hand up and down the mans back. Did Harry ever have time to properly grieve for Cedric or his godfather? Did he honestly have know one to talk to so he bottled up all these feelings? "Did you ever talk to someone about how you feel?"

"No. No one would understand, not really. And the savior of the wizarding can't be weak."

"Harry your still a teenager. You can show weakness. No one will think less of you. It will show you are human and nothing more. And the whole future of the wizarding world is not place solely on the shoulders of a fifteenth year old. That is placed on anyone who stands up to fight. It's placed on Lupin, Dumbledore, me, your friends, aurors, the Order and anyone else who stands for the light." Severus said to calm the boy he now held in his arms. Honestly, he really couldn't think the whole wizarding world saw him as his way out could they? He felt the young man start to pull away and Snape released his hold on the boy.

"I'm sorry for the out burst." He said shyly as he hid his face.

"That is quite alright. Perhaps talking about your problems would be better then bottling them up."

"But who could I talk to? Everyone just tells me 'focus on the big picture, kill the Dark Lord. That all you have to worry about'. Who's gonna understand?"

"I will. I know what it's like to bottle up emotions. It doesn't do one good. Look how my life turned out. I never trusted people and my emotions became bitter and soon I was only a bitter person. You may talk to me any time you like, all you have to do is knock. I don't care if you just talk or if you scream what you have to say, just let it out."

"Thank you Severus." Harry said smiling at the man. He finally had someone who he could talk to who wouldn't think less of him and saw him as human and not the Boy-Who-Lived. Then again, since the first day Harry set foot in Hogwarts Severus did treat him like everyone else. Sure, it was a little harsher but still. They bid each other good night and for the first time in a long time, Harry had no nightmares. He was at peace, even if it was for a little while. Harry started making regular trips down to the dungeons to Severus' quarters. Snape gave him the password and Harry sometimes went down there to just do homework in peace and Severus would check it afterwards. Severus would let Harry let out everything he had been bottling up and by the end of the sessions Harry felt great. Eventually they became what one would call friends. When the final battle drew near, Severus trained Harry like no one else did. Severus explained things to him, the reason he needed to know certain things. And in the end it all paid off. Harry defeated the Dark Lord and Severus survived. Harry went into a depression after the war was over. After seeing people killed left and right for hours right in front of his eyes really took a blow to him. But like always, Severus was there to pick him up and brought him out of it. It has been years since then and Harry never married but adopted children. It made him feel like he was preventing kids for growing up like he, Severus or Tom Riddle grew up. They still get together a few times a week to talk. Harry regards Severus as his best friend and Severus feels the same about Harry. Sure they have other friends, but they each hold a special spot in their hearts for one another that no one can replace. And this friendship between them came to be all came from understanding one another.

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