Chp.4: Food Stall

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*Clank's P.O.V*

Me and Kit were milling around new fastoon to restock supplies for ourselves and our friends and as we did so we had been greeted by various lombaxes and the occasional fongoid that had decided to visit along the way. After greeting them back me and Kit continued on our way. It was a nice change of pace to not have to fear for our friend's safety especially now that the lombaxes have brought over some of their much more advanced equipment from the dimension that they had made their new home as well as some of the blueprints for said equipment.

This time however nobody could gain access to the new blueprints except for a select few which included Mags who had taken the initiative to talk with Gary and the monks three months after tachyon had been killed by Alister so he could regain access to the archives. The monks allowed it without any argument knowing that he was its original assigned protector along side ratchet's father Kaden from the lorbs Kit meantioned Ratchet found when he was on Savali. After Mags gained access to the archives that's when things started improving more than they already had because everything that the lombaxes had stored had been kept safe from the craigmite attack that had costed countless lives and wasn't accessible to the two nefarious due to them being in yet another hidden area of the archives. The plans that had been stored away in the archives allowed the engineers and developers to start working on rebuilding inventions that would help us towards developing the lombax city here on old Fastoon.

On a different note as we walked Kit suddenly got excited and tapped my arm which made me look towards her and when she knew I was paying attention she then pointed out a small shop that was selling lombaxian food and suggested that we get some food for our partners when they woke up from their nap and I had agreed with her. When we got closer and saw what was available I was unsure which food item to purchase for our friends as none of the food looked familiar to me however kit made it a bit easier. She had pointed out a rather big pastry with what appeared to have spiced meats inside that came in a two pack. Out of habit I  had scanned the food to make sure it was safe before we were greeted by the vendor who had come around to shake both mine and kit's hands saying that they were thankful for what we and our friends did to help in the attack.

We had reassured them thanks wasn't needed as it was our job to keep people safe however It had taken about five minutes before the vendor calmed enough so we could pay them the requested bolts on the tag however they gave us a discounted price as thanks to us and our partners during the battle and also made sure to package the food within our eyesight so we knew they didn't slip anything into it as they seemed to have heard me scanning the food earlier and reassured me that they wouldn't dare do something that would harm our friends which made me relax a little however old habits die hard as I still planned on scanning any consumables that our friends may have every time due to past circumstances that had nearly taken at least ratchet's  life in the past multiple times.

After we were done in the market we made our way back to the base and along the way we had come across Alister and Mags who were enjoying what looked to be tea as little tags hung over their cups and there was a jar of golden syrup between them which I assumed was breegus nectar which Alister likely harvested the day prior sense he was the only one with knowledge of how to harvest it with minimal injury. Alister had a really content look on his face and even from here I was stunned that my hearing sensors picked up on him actually purring which proved previous statements Alister made about loving breegus nectar in his tea and honestly it didn't surprise me.

Ratchet was now the same way after he was introduced to the nectar during the whole great clock incident that had lasted two years while he was teamed up with Alister who we now knew was meant to be ratchet's uncle upon ratchet's parents request before everything went wrong because of one really big mistake. I didn't want to interrupt the two men so I had gone on my way with Kit following right next to me. Besides we had some food to deliver before it got cold.

(A/N: mild romance moment in dream)

*Rivet's P.O.V*

I was the first one up from mine and ratchet's nap  however I didn't know fully what had awaken me. I was having an seemingly good dream that had me and the morts doing our usual routine with collecting zurpstones for Trudi and working on anything that wasn't at one hundred percent functionality though while doing that I had suddenly been grabbed off my feet and was met with a familiar face with emerald eyes knowing it was ratchet. Shortly after ratchet was nuzzling into my cheek and then had moved in and kissed me gently on the lips as I could feel ratchet's rumbling purr between the two of us however shortly after the scene changed. Suddenly I was on a bed that wasn't my own and I was in a completely different location all together. The last thing I remembered was hearing ratchet's voice from a different direction but it was impossible to decipher what was said and then a rather bright flash was seen and an muffled noise followed before I shot up from the bed and relized I was panting.
(end romantic moment)

On instinct I had looked to ratchet to ensure he was still there and felt instant relief seeing him next to me before laying back down and decided to pet along the ear closest to my organic arm as my metal one was currently detached and in doing so I had gotten myself a quiet purr in response as well as a gentle sigh as he unconsciously leaned into my hand which instantly made my heart beat in adoration. The peaceful moment was soon interrupted however when I heard our robotic pals returning and the smell of something really good hit my nose which seemed to hit ratchet as his ear twitched as he started stirring. It didn't take long before he was fully awake likely due to both our lives being rather dangerous ones where we had to be quick to the draw regardless of how exhausted we were.

It was when we heard a knock on the door and Kit asking to let them in as their hands were pretty full that I left the bed and let them in while ratchet got up and stretched getting out any tightness that may have resulted from sleeping in the same position the entire time. I was met with our partners holding small grocery bags that were perfect for their size as well as a bag that contained the enticing scent that alerted me of the food in the first place and had woken ratchet from his rather deep slumber. I will have to eventually tell him about the dream I had as it was still lingering at the back of my mind but, for right now I was going to let it be. He and the others were happy and I didn't want to be the one to ruin that.

*Timeskip after eating*

*Rivet's P.O.V*

I had to admit after trying those spiced meat buns  that clank and Kit brought I couldn't deny lombaxion food was delicious and was quite upset that I wasn't able to enjoy it sooner though I knew the reason why. That screechy craigmite had definitely been a lot stronger than I would have expected even when he was by himself on the battlefield. That throne of his was the equivalent of at least five R.Y.N.O guns squished into one and then there was the fact he had reinforced the throne with the hardest metal known in the universe making it impossible to damage it except at the leg's weak points which he had guarded from damage by keeping anyone that dared get close back with the constant long to short ranged weapons.

Now that I knew what the other lombaxes and ratchet had been up against made me realize that despite being more technologically advanced than most we definitely weren't the top dogs and I'm not self centered enough to think lombaxes were. The closest I could compare to that could come close to top dog would have been my nefarious who had been eaten by bubbles the kraken or kit when she had been controlled. No matter how I looked at it there would always be more advanced species out there and that scared me.

Forcing myself from those thoughts I looked to ratchet to see how he liked the spiced bun and was happy to see that his tail was wagging in an excited manner. I will have to try to find a recipe to make the spiced meat buns for him sometime but for now I will just enjoy the fact that ratchet could relax and enjoy the calm period that we were in and I hope that it would stay. I have a feeling ratchet can't handle much more and I don't want him to. He deserves to have a peaceful life with those he loves from now on and I hope I can help with that. Only time will tell.

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