Time To Let Go Of The Past

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*3rd person P.O.V*

When the group left the base the first thing everyone noticed was that there were multiple stalls with various wares and informational boards similar to a science fair as various lombaxes were setting up for their presentations later in the day. Rex had informed ratchet and the group that the presentations would be around one in the afternoon if weather permits otherwise the projects would be moved to the new court so they wouldn't get damaged as a lot of the projects typically have been worked on for several weeks to several months. The group of three lombaxes and two robots all looked around them and they could tell just from glances just how accurate Rex was to his descriptions and seemed intrigued and in Alister's case stunned.

When Rex saw this he smiled a bit and when he heard clank and ratchet start rambling about some of their old projects it gave Rex some pride that he was able to show the group a glance of what was coming up later in the day. As ratchet and clank continued staying in their own world rivet and Kit simply giggled and kept near Rex and Alister.

*Rex's p.o.v*

"Since it seems we've lost the other boys for now should we grab some food and try locating them after to get them their food? They will be safe by themselves for a bit. There are guard members posted at all entrances and at any weak spots that may still exist so nothing should get in that doesn't belong and Rivet, you nor Ratchet won't have to worry about any attacks from the air as we also have scouts in the sky to keep watch so we will very likely be seeing our own ships in the air throughout the entire time the festival is going. I figured it be better to warn you guys ahead of time so you guys didn't go on alert every time a ship goes by."

"You both haven't said much on your lives away from the lombaxes and I don't plan on prying unless I feel you or him are way over your heads and are in need especially sense it's not hard to tell you both have had way too many close calls in your life already. I'm still technically a rookie when it comes to the guard however one of the first things we were told is if we ever needed to talk we were to talk to our Sargent when it came to classified information and seek counseling or family and friends you trust for anything else that may be bugging you. Remember there is nothing wrong with seeking help if things get too much to handle."

As I watched, everyone with me seemed to pause for a moment considering the information especially Rivet and Kit who both looked to each other and appeared to be having their own silent conversation while Alister himself only seemed to give the information a small amount of thought before beginning to glance around in concern as his tail flicks nervously. Seeing this I had gone over to him to ask him what was wrong though by the time I got to him Alister had relaxed and was glacing towards one of the many displays in the square and I had followed his line of sight and spotted Ratchet running about trying to take in everything at once before he was lost in the crowd that was forming once again. As I smiled at Ratchet's curiosity I had looked to alister again expecting him to be smiling seeing ratchet enjoying his time at the festival however what I wasn't expecting to see were flattened ears and saddened eyes though the real heavy hitter was the fact that alister had tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he kept following Ratchet's trail before he simply stopped in the road before saying that he needed some time to himself and broke away from the group with no further explanation before heading in a random direction before he was out of sight.

*Alister's P.O.V*

As soon as I found a area free of any other lombaxes I had sat down and brought my legs close to my body much like in the cave I and Ratchet had taken a rest in and had revealed what I was exiled for. Thinking back on that day I had been so mean to Ratchet when he had simply wanted answers and what did I go and do? I had snapped at him. That look of shock and the way he flinched when I had snapped at him has never left my mind and on my really bad days I sometimes wondered if it would of been better that Ratchet had never found out about me but, then I'm reminded that I have my daughter back and that if it hadn't been for Ratchet who was my nephew by Kaden and his wife's choice I would still be assuming that my daughter was long gone.

I shouldn't be upset and yet here I am a grown adult having tears that thankfully waiting to stream down my face after I was away from everyone. With how curious and energetic ratchet was running around to look at the projects it had triggered memories of Kaden doing the exact same thing all those years ago which in turn caused guilt and sadness to come to the forefront of my mind once again as I was thinking about Kaden though this time there was no suppressing it. It was time I truly let myself mourn everything and everyone who had been lost and hopefully I could ease the suffocating weight on my chest so I could move on and truly enjoy my remaining years in this universe with the family I now have to live for.

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