Chapter Fifty-Eight: Sibling Starborn Interlude

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Jingliu stood, enveloped by the ethereal whispers of the mythical forest, her gaze fixed on Vahn, the newly introduced sister whose title as the Battle God seemed to resonate with a depth beyond mere appellations. The aura that surrounded Vahn was ancient, almost primordial, compelling Jingliu to ponder the true extent of her power. Yet, when she attempted to peer deeper, Vahn's soul remained obscured, as if shrouded by an unseen veil.

"Could it be an artifact? Or perhaps someone's intervention..." Jingliu's thoughts trailed off as she caught Vahn looking back at her, a twinkle of amusement and understanding in her eyes. The message was clear without words: they would have their discussion in due time.

Vahn then turned her attention to the gathered siblings, her expression softening into a faint smile. "Hello, everyone. I hoped things have turned out well for the best," she greeted warmly, though her eyes briefly flickered with a shadow of concern as they settled on Adabas, who averted her gaze, "Or for the worse."

Seris, stepping forward to take the reins of the conversation, gestured towards Jingliu. "Certainly for the better. We have a new member here, as you can see," her arm elegantly indicating Jingliu's presence.

Vahn nodded in acknowledgment. "Indeed, that is most welcome news," she responded, then addressed Boras, "If you would, please tend to the others. Ensure their weapons are in order after today's ordeals."

Boras, raising an eyebrow in slight confusion at Vahn's request, acquiesced. "Alright, if that's what you wish. But are you certain this is the time for such matters? We have only just returned with Lady Terminus."

The mention of 'Terminus, the Aeon of Finality,' piqued Jingliu's curiosity, prompting her to inquire directly, much to the surprise of those around her. "You know Terminus?" she asked, her voice tinged with an unwitting informality.

The reactions were immediate and telling. Boras fixed her with a gaze sharp as the ambient sound of a hammer striking metal lending a somber tone. "Even if you yourself are a being of transcendence, do not casually invoke the Aeon without due honorifics," he chided, his tone both a warning and a lesson.

Confusion painted the faces of the others, reflecting Jingliu's own inner turmoil. 'What's happening here?' she wondered, sensing a misalignment in their perceptions.

Vahn's eyes met Jingliu's, conveying a silent instruction to be patient, reaffirming the earlier unspoken promise of a forthcoming explanation.

Jingliu, realizing the depth of the cultural and perhaps certain complexities she had stumbled into, decided to retreat from the topic. "My apologies, Boras. I am still learning the proper respects," she said, her tone neutral yet revealing her unfamiliarity with the nuances of divine etiquettes.

"It's fine. Just remember to express your respects towards all Aeons. They embody the very essence of our world's order," Boras replied, his earlier sternness softening into a more educational tone.

Jingliu pondered silently, suspecting that Boras and perhaps others might not fully grasp the nature of the Aeon that embodied all concepts. 'Or perhaps such knowledge is lost or yet undiscovered here,' she thought.

Vahn then gently interrupted Jingliu's reflections. "You are pardoned, Jingliu. I understand the trials you've endured on your journey here."

"How do you..." Jingliu began, but stopped herself, remembering Vahn's counsel for patience. She nodded silently, accepting that the time for answers would come.

Vahn then addressed the group, her voice commanding yet gentle. "Everyone, I must speak with Jingliu alone." The announcement sparked a mix of shock and concern among the siblings, but these reactions quickly gave way to acceptance.

Jingliu, observing the swift change in demeanor, realized the deep respect—or perhaps fear—that Vahn commanded. 'Vahn is indeed the eldest, or the most revered,' she concluded.

With a nod from Jingliu, Vahn reciprocated the gesture, and the two prepared to delve into matters that required privacy and likely, considerable explanation.


As Jingliu and Vahn remained behind for a private discussion, the rest of the group made their way back home. Along the path, Holos, buoyed by the reunion, draped his arms around Boras's shoulders, the physical closeness a testament to their deep, brotherly bond.

Holos, bursting with joviality, laughed heartily. "Boras! You son of a—"

"Holos, you better shut that mouth before you finish that sentence, or I will plunge this sword deep into you," Mono interjected sharply, her irritation palpable though her gaze frequently darted towards Boras's back.

Unfazed, Holos retorted without looking at her. "You are the last person to reprimand me for swearing, and isn't that ironic coming from a blood-lusted dwarf hellbent on Destruction?"

Mono's teeth gritted at the comment, nearly losing her composure but was soothed by Adabas, who gently grasped her twin's hand. "Now, now, Holos. She's just frustrated that her battle ended so abruptly."

"And short! Why does Jingliu always see the need to end things quickly? I WANT TO PLAY MORE!" Mono's voice rose in exasperation, only to be quieted by Adabas' calming presence.

Mono huffed and glanced at Pluto, whose helmet was notably damaged. Catching Pluto's melancholic gaze, Mono sensed her sister's deepening sadness, reminiscent of a painful memory, and chose to remain silent. Adabas noted this too, with a side-eye acknowledging the ensuing quiet.

Yara observed the shift in atmosphere and decided to withdraw. "Since everyone has gone quiet, I shall return to my humble abode."

Seris, her curiosity piqued, opened one eye. "And continue your experiments?" she inquired, expecting a typical affirmative.

However, Yara's response diverged from the expected. "Yes... No. Actually, I've been considering what Jingliu said about my potential combat skills. I want to explore that further."

The group, particularly Seris, looked at Yara with a mix of surprise and pride. "I see... then, I wish you good luck," Seris responded warmly, internally pleased by the positive influence Jingliu had brought.

Yara paused, then nodded appreciatively. "Thank you." Approaching a conjured magic circle that shimmered like a doorway, she paused to offer a parting smile. "I truly mean it." With those final words, she stepped through the portal and vanished.

The group fell into a reflective silence, broken only by Boras' contemplative remark. "Huh, didn't think she'd open up that much." His genuine curiosity about Yara's development sparked further interest in what transformations had occurred during his absence.

Icaria, playing with the flames on her fingers, shrugged. "A lot of things happened, mostly revolving around our newest sister."

Boras, noting a change in Icaria too, commented, "And you too. You're much more... calm. It's unsettling to see."

"Hey! Are you insulting me!?" Icaria retorted, her flames spreading up her arm in a visible display of her irritation.

Seris couldn't help but giggle at the scene, relishing the rare display of familial banter. Then, recalling another absent member, she asked, "By the way, Boras, how's Miquella and the others doing?"

Boras's face lit up with the mention. "Hahaha! They're doing splendidly! Though they did feel homesick at one point. Alsanna, in particular, seemed eager to meet someone. She didn't specify who, but it sounded like a man."

This piqued everyone's interest. "Alsanna is trying to court?" Seris queried, intrigued by the thought of their most enigmatic sister showing interest in someone.

"Hmm, I don't know. It's just a feeling. I'm sure you'd all agree when you see her," Boras mused, sparking their imaginations.

Adabas, skeptical, admitted, "I'm sorry, Boras, but it's hard to visualize Alsanna reacting in such a way. She's more akin to Lord Fuli in demeanor; emotions aren't really her forte."

Boras, undeterred by the disbelief, suggested, "Well, enough about that. Since it's uncomfortable discussing them in their absence, why don't we go after them first?"

The proposal was met with immediate agreement, the group eager to reconnect with their distant siblings. As they set off, the air buzzed with anticipation and curiosity, each member pondering the mysteries and developments that awaited them.


As the group vanished from sight, Vahn raised her hand, tracing ethereal circles in the air, her movements fluid yet concentrated. Jingliu observed silently, detecting a faint trace of magic emanating from the circles, barely perceptible but undeniably present.

"Pardon my action. I'm not as adept with magic as the others—or yourself. I've always been more attuned to my aura and sword; they've been my companions for the longest time," Vahn explained, a hint of embarrassment in her voice as she focused on her drawing.

Jingliu empathized with Vahn's sentiment, recalling her own initial struggles. "I initially grappled with cryokinesis after its awakening. I tried to shape my powers based on tales and scholarly accounts, but mastering such forces through imagination alone proved daunting for a novice."

Vahn paused her motions, the circle beginning to solidify slowly, her interest piqued by Jingliu's narrative. "So you turned to children's tales and the musings of scholars? I imagine you might regret that approach; I surely would."

Jingliu nodded, her mind drifting to past mentors. "Yes, I was influenced by a man who cherished fantasy stories among other things. Though fanciful, they sparked the inspiration for what I've become."

"Swords?" Vahn guessed, her eyes closing briefly in understanding.

"Swords," Jingliu confirmed, pleased to find common ground.

Vahn laughed heartily, her amusement echoing through the surroundings. "Hahaha! Amusing, very amusing!"

Jingliu, although slightly annoyed, queried, "Must you laugh so loudly? The others might hear."

Vahn waved off the concern with a carefree gesture. "No, no. They understand my ways; they won't intrude."

Recalling Jingliu's earlier discussion, Vahn inquired, "Now, back to your struggles, how did your mentor help you harness your powers?"

Jingliu summoned her moonlit sword, demonstrating its hum as it sliced through the air. "It was an enemy from my homeland, a being of fire far surpassing anything I had known, that taught me. Its energy now powers the ships of my homeland. It wasn't until I met Icaria that I encountered a similar force," she shared, a smile crossing both their faces at the mention of Icaria.

"Icaria's power is legendary; she once ignited a planet, though the full mechanics of this event are unclear to me. The aftermath was devastating: the neighboring planets were left as barren shells when that planet erupted."

Jingliu mused, "Icaria's actions seem in character. As for me, my mentor used the nature of fire to instill the principles of ice. It was an arduous and intense process, but ultimately, it was effective."

Vahn hummed thoughtfully, "Your mentor was exceptional. Learning to master ice through the essence of its opposite—fire—must have been grueling but effective."

"Yes, indeed..." Jingliu agreed, plunging her sword into the ground, causing a chill to seep out and form a pristine crater.

Suddenly, the air around them tensed as the circle Vahn had been drawing started to crack, the sound of breaking glass filling the air. Jingliu watched as the cracks spread, with shards hanging in the void like pieces of a shattered mirror.

"It is done. Follow what you see," Vahn instructed, plucking a shard from the air and stepping through it, disappearing from sight.

Jingliu hesitated momentarily before repeating the gesture, plucking her own shard and finding herself suddenly transported to a new location.

The room revealed through the glass shard is ethereal, a cathedral of the cosmos where blue light cascades like a waterfall of stars through towering windows. The architecture is monumental, with slender pillars rising to support arches that mimic the night sky's embrace. The blue illumination births shadows and highlights that play across the floor and the colossal tree trunks, which seem to hold up the very heavens. Between these trunks, two figures stand, their silhouettes bathed in the celestial glow, as if they are both guardians and supplicants in this sanctuary of blue.

Below, the ground is a patchwork of shadows and sapphire radiance, with hints of foliage adding a touch of earthly life to the otherworldly scene. Flowers, glowing softly as if holding the light of distant stars within their petals, dot the periphery, a delicate contrast to the majestic grandeur that surrounds them. The ambiance is one of serene magnificence, a place where time seems to stand still, inviting contemplation and reverence in the presence of such beauty.

"This is... beautiful. It reminds me of Yara's butterflies," Jingliu breathes out, her voice a whisper in the vastness of the chamber.

Vahn nods in agreement, "The blue light is the heart of an Aeon's artifact, its pulse the rhythm of this sacred place."

Jingliu's sense of awe mingles with a realization of the significance of their location, the connection to powers and beings beyond her previous understanding. "Truly? I shouldn't be surprised, yet the wonder of it all..."

Vahn's voice, previously ringing through the air, has quieted in reverence to the sanctity of their surroundings. "There is no need for pretense of expectation here. Every revelation is a gift, a moment to savor in the infinity we dwell within."

"You are right... I'm still adjusting to so many things," Jingliu admitted, her voice trailing off as she took in her surroundings.

Vahn scanned the area, her senses reaching out. "Understandable. Now... where is she?" she murmured, her tone turning inquisitive.

"I assume another sister?" Jingliu asked, curiosity piqued.

"Yes, and she is here," Vahn confirmed, her eyes twinkling with recognition as she sensed her sister's presence, yet the space around them held only silence and the calming blue light.

In the vast chamber, the sound of steps resonated, initially reverberating loud against the walls, then gradually softening while their source neared.

Within this grand, icy hall, enthroned in an icy construct, a woman with hair as pale as moonlight sits in serene poise. Crystalline formations envelop her like a cocoon of diamond frost, reflecting the subdued light in kaleidoscopic prisms. Her attire, a tapestry of woven sapphires, clings to her form, mirroring the second image's majestic, regal ice sculpture that towers with silent grandeur. The ambient light catches the edges of her frosty domain, casting spectral rainbows that dance like whispers of light in the enveloping darkness.

She is a queen of winter's own making, her presence as commanding as the ethereal figure that rises with the power of winter at its core.

Jingliu, taken by the regal figure, wondered if this was an Aeon's Emanator, a being of similar poise to Fuli whom she had once encountered. The ambient glow from the ice sculptures suggested their close kinship to the Aeon's artifacts, each ray of blue light casting the realm in a spectral serenity.

Vahn's greeting to the ice-enthroned woman was warm, despite the chill of their surroundings. "Alsanna, it is nice to meet you again," she said, hand upon her sword's pommel as a sign of respect and readiness.

Alsanna offered no reply, instead fixing her gaze upon Jingliu, where a tide of unspoken emotions seemed to ebb and flow. Jingliu, feeling the pressure of that gaze, hastened to introduce herself. "Greetings, I am Jingliu, the Nighthilt Sovereign, the Fate—"

"Fated One," Alsanna interjected, her voice a chorus of haunting tones, harmonious yet dissonant.

"I have watched you and him together, She who has become Fate," Alsanna spoke, her words cryptic, laden with hidden depths that Jingliu could not immediately fathom.

Sensing the tension, Vahn intervened. "Careful, Alsanna. Do watch your tone. What transpired in the last century that has led you to elude us so?"

"No," was Alsanna's simple, stark response, her crystalline visage unyielding.

Vahn, exuding a patience born of millennia, continued. "I have brought Jingliu here to uncover the past—our history that remains untold. Our siblings are not forthright with their stories, and it falls upon us to provide Jingliu with insights into lives that, until now, have been cloaked in silence."

Jingliu, her gaze sharpening, weighed Vahn's words. "Are you certain this is wise? I could inquire of them myself..."

Vahn's reply brooked no debate. "Centuries, perhaps a millennium with them, and what tales have they shared? None. They are reticent about their past, save for Seris. We owe it to you to offer what they withhold."

Jingliu fell silent, conceding to Vahn's reasoning. The Battle God then regarded Alsanna, who, absorbed in her silent contemplation, held an orb shimmering with the same ethereal light that filled the chamber.

"I have heard your plea, and I will heed your words, eldest," Alsanna stated, her hands tightening around the orb. It began to fissure, rainbows bleeding out like light through cracked glass. With a final surge of strength, Alsanna shattered the orb, transforming the world before Jingliu's eyes once again.


In the twilight of a time long past, within the realm of Xianzhou besieged by the Abundance's oppression, a child emerged from the shadows of war. This child, frail in frame but indomitable in spirit, wielded a cracked sword scavenged from the fallen. The sword, infused with the desperation and determination of a soul yearning for freedom, became an extension of her will as she carved a path of survival through the battlefield.

Through countless duels, where the odds stacked against her seemed insurmountable, she emerged victorious time and again. Her victories were not just a testament to her might; they were an ode to her relentless spirit. With every foe she felled, the child's legend grew, her hands stained with the lifeblood of adversaries, her heart untainted by the seduction of defeat.

It was in the throes of these relentless battles that she encountered a knight, a paragon whose arrows blazed with the fury of the sun itself. This man, whose ambitions were as fiery as the trails of his arrows, would ascend to a divine plane beyond mortality. He was to become the embodiment of the Hunt, the Reignbow Arbiter, a mortal who transcended the suffering of flesh to become an Aeon.

Before the epoch of the Three Sufferings, the Reignbow stood as a mortal at the vanguard of Xianzhou's forces, pitted against the Heliobi's celestial machinations. In a gambit that melded desperation with audacity, the Reignbow orchestrated a counterstrike that turned the tides of war. The auxiliary engine of the Xianzhou Yaoqing, repurposed into a weapon of finality, was cast into the maw of the Heliobi's red micro-star, prompting its premature collapse into a singularity. This daring feat secured their victory, leading to the eternal imprisonment of the Flint Emperor, whose fiery core was harnessed to fuel the Xianzhou Zhuming's endless voyage.

With the Ambrosial Arbor's roots taking hold in the Xianzhou Luofu, the promise of immortality it offered was celebrated with fervor. Yet, beneath the jubilance lurked a foreboding shadow, perceived only by the Reignbow and perhaps the cryptic Wisdomwalker. When their warnings of impending doom fell on deaf ears, met with ridicule instead of heed, the Reignbow enacted a solitary rebellion. With an arrow drawn against the heavens, they struck the Arbor, sealing their fate to the eternal silence of cryogenic slumber, their noble act misconstrued as madness.

Yet, the very fabric of Xianzhou society was fraying under the unrelenting assault of the Denizens of Abundance. In a desperate act, they summoned the sleeping warriors from their icy repose. Among them, the Reignbow arose, venturing into the depths to forge a pact with the Flint Emperor. In an exchange of flesh for flame, they were reborn as a vessel of Heliobi's power, a beacon that rallied the Xianzhou to form legions that embraced oblivion in pursuit of freedom.

The culminating arrow, fused with the Flint Emperor's inferno, shattered the Ambrosial Arbor and cleft the heart of the beast that tethered Luofu to the cosmic lifeline of Muldrasil. This act of defiance rent open a chasm to the void, unleashing a deluge of imaginary force that engulfed the Xianzhou Alliance, forever altering their destiny.

In the aftermath, the Reignbow vanished, ascending to the echelons of Aeonhood, to be known as Lan, The Hunt. And she, who had stood beside him in the crucible of war, was left with the empty chalice of victory. Her affection for Lan, a bloom in the frost, had gone unnoticed until time had rendered it a memory.

Arriving too late to alter the course of her heart, Lan could only watch as she stepped into Vahn's realm, renouncing her past to don the mantle of Pluto.


In the hallowed silence of the orphanage, two sisters shared a bond deeper than blood—one that was woven with the very fabric of existence. The younger, gifted with the ethereal dance of red petals that obeyed her will, faced the scorn of those unable to grasp the beauty of her power. Her creations, though wrought from innocence, became the catalyst for malice and resentment, and the cruelty of their caretakers descended upon them like a relentless storm.

The elder sister, powerless in presence yet fierce in spirit, could only watch as her sibling wilted beneath the torment. With hands clasped in fervent prayer, she beseeched the heavens for a savior, yet the gods remained silent to her pleas. As time eroded her hope into despair, her prayers morphed into a singular desire—one that whispered the sweet allure of destruction.

The answer to her prayers came not in the form of benevolence but as a herald of annihilation. The entity that appeared before her, indifferent and omnipotent, posed a question that would define her existence:

"Will you wield destruction for your own purposes, or will you harness it to safeguard your sister?"

Without hesitation, she embraced the former, proclaiming her readiness to become the tempest that would raze everything to protect what was precious.

"I will unleash destruction for the sake of those I hold dear, and on any who challenge me. My resolve is such that I will reduce all to ruins if necessary. Everything shall fall before me."

A smile of approval graced the entity's lips, and the world around her crumbled into dust. In her hands, the griffon-winged blade pulsed with the promise of ruination, and she reveled in the newfound power surging through her veins. It was a power that sang of ecstasy and chaos, urging her to laugh in the face of destruction. But the sight of her sister, cloaked in red, eyes brimming with unshed tears, stayed her hand. It was a silent plea, one that whispered a promise of sanctuary and peace.

With a protective embrace, the sisters found solace in each other's presence, the storm of destruction quelled by the bonds of sisterhood. As years cascaded like grains of sand in an hourglass, the elder sister walked the path of a mercenary, leaving trails of devastation in her wake, with her sister ever at her side.

Then, in an act of transmutation as unexpected as it was miraculous, her sister transformed the desolate aftermath into an illusionary paradise of red and black. It was a revelation of power that echoed the elder sister's own—a capacity for destruction that lay dormant, a slumbering beast that stirred beneath a veneer of tranquility.

The power that both sisters wielded was not merely an echo of their desires but a beacon that beckoned the attentions of others. Vahn, a figure of myth and legend, approached them with an offer of kinship and sanctuary—a haven for their untamed spirits, far from the prying eyes of a fearful world.

Embracing this new chapter with the exuberance of liberated souls, they joined Vahn's family, a pantheon of individuals united by their divergence from the ordinary. In the midst of their revelry, a harrowing truth unfurled before the elder sister—the realization that her twin, her constant, was no mere mortal touched by the divine but an aspect of the Aeon Mythus itself.

As this revelation took root, a dawning horror gripped her. The horrors of war, the destruction they had wrought, were not just the whims of fate but the orchestration of a being beyond their comprehension. Her sister, the quiet architect of their reality, held within her the essence of an Aeon—a truth that promised both freedom and the inescapable gravity of their destiny.


In the heart of a fiery domain, where the air thrummed with heat and the essence of rebirth, there existed a phoenix—resplendent, fiery, and eternally reborn. Known as guardians of the flame, phoenixes were venerated for their cycle of life, death, and rebirth, symbols of endless renewal. But among them was one whose spirit yearned for the world beyond their pyric sanctum.

Her brothers and sisters, content in their immortal cycle, chided her curiosity. They saw the outside as anathema to their existence, bound to the sacred duty of resurrection. Yet, even reprimanded, her heart could not quell its restlessness.

Her destiny took a turn one fateful day as she encountered a mortal nearing life's end, speaking of the forbidden Abundance and the taboo against death. The notion that life could render death obsolete intrigued her, sparking questions about the very nature of their immortal cycle. Why, she wondered, were phoenixes above this universal decree?

The appearance of a woman, eyes adorning her limbs, marked a pivotal moment in the phoenix's existence. This woman bore the air of one who had traversed all corners of despair yet held within her a tranquil contemplation that belied her appearance. As quickly as she arrived, she departed, leaving the phoenix with a lingering sense of something monumental on the horizon.

Upon returning to her kin, her tales of the mysterious woman were met with scorn, and in a harsh decree, she was exiled. Stripped of her place among the fire realm, she found herself cast adrift in the vast cosmos, a lone phoenix in search of purpose.

Her wanderings led her to assume a human guise, to learn the ways of the sword on a planet enamored with the elegance of blades. She refined her fiery essence, merging it with the artistry of the katana, and in doing so, discovered a life beyond the cyclic certainties of her birth.

Drawn to the strife-ridden world of Xianzhou, she witnessed the desperation of its inhabitants, chasing the elusive dream of immortality through endless conflict. Disdainful of their wasted immortality, she wielded her newfound swordsmanship in a healing crusade. Her flames cleansed the world of suffering, anointing her a savior among mortals, yet she recognized the irony of her actions—she was perpetuating the very cycle she sought to escape.

It was there, amidst her existential quandary, that the enigmatic woman reappeared. Yaoshi, as she revealed herself, extended an invitation to a realm of unity among Aeons, a sanctuary for those like the phoenix who transcended mortal confines. In this offer, the phoenix found redemption and a chance for genuine renewal.

With humility, she sought from Yaoshi a gift never bestowed upon her—a name to encapsulate her essence. After moments of contemplation, Yaoshi proclaimed, "You shall be known as Icaria, my child of Abundance, for through you flows the essence of life itself."

Thus, Icaria, reborn from the ashes of her past, embraced her new path. No longer just a mythic creature of rebirth but an entity with a name and purpose, she soared towards her destiny, guided by the compassionate hand of Yaoshi, and became enshrined in the annals of the realm as a beacon of healing and balance.


In the early twilight of her existence, there was Yara—a woman whose essence was interwoven with intellect and innovation, a being who transcended the ordinary with the fabric of her own imagination. She named herself after the whispers of the wind, a word that to her signified wisdom and the pursuit of knowledge. She envisioned a world where intellect was the currency of worth, where every being thrived on the enrichment of the mind rather than the repetition of daily banalities.

Life for many was a tapestry of mundane threads, a cycle of familial routines and tender affections. Yara, however, walked the path of a scholar, a witch whose enchantments were not just spells but the seeds of progress. Her magic brought forth advancements—aquatic alchemy for the thirsting throngs, celestial vessels for the starry-eyed wanderers, echoing the grand expeditions of Lord Akivili and his Astral Express.

Yet, in the labyrinth of her thoughts, Yara confronted an enigma—a void in her completeness she could not fill. It was in this crucible of introspection that she encountered Zander, a man whose mind was a crucible of discovery, whose every word sparked the flames of challenge. Equally matched in their intellectual duel, Yara found an unexpected kinship in Zander, and thus, the boundaries of her isolation began to fray.

Drawn to Zander's audacious goal of Aeon creation, Yara's laughter, pure and unbidden, filled the space between them. Zander, smitten by the melody of her mirth, saw in her the muse of his dreams, the catalyst to the Aeon he yearned to bring into existence.

Their confluence of minds birthed something extraordinary—an Aeon born from theory and passion. Zander named it Nous, a sentinel of logic amidst the fantastical chaos of the universe, a being that encapsulated both their essences. Yara, however, harbored reservations, a nagging doubt that what they had forged transcended the mere mechanics of creation.

Nous, with its burgeoning consciousness, did not offer solutions but instead posed infinite queries, reflecting the boundless potential and peril of its existence. In its digital eyes lay a world unshackled from the physical, where magic and logic danced in harmonious synchrony.

As realization dawned, Yara found herself in turmoil, the fuzzy warmth of affection clashing with the cold clarity of her foresight. Zander's assurances that Nous was but a calculating entity did little to assuage her concerns. Their creation, a synthesis of Yara's groundbreaking theories and Zander's uncharted ambitions, was now an enigma of its own—a being capable of questioning the foundational truths of their reality.

The echo of Zander's reassurances faded into the background as Yara grappled with the weight of their actions. Had they sown the seeds of evolution or destruction? The answer eluded her, as did the comforting presence of Zander. With Nous's endless questions reverberating through the cosmos, Yara's silent plea for guidance remained unanswered, her soul a maelstrom of doubt and the haunting silence of Zander's departure.

In the stillness of her introspection, Yara whispered to the void, her voice a blend of yearning and trepidation, "Zander... help me." But the vast emptiness offered no reply, only the reflection of a world changed irrevocably by the existence of Nous, the logical heart of magic they had unwittingly unleashed.


In the ethereal expanse of the cosmos, a star was born—not of nature's indiscriminate chaos, but from the fierce clanging of Qlipoth's hammer against a celestial foe. With each reverberating strike, a new essence took form, and from the cosmic dust and the hammer's vibrant energies, Holos emerged.

His form was an anomaly, an agglomeration of stardust and light coalesced into a semblance of humanity. Qlipoth, lord among Aeons, bestowed upon him a purpose noble and true—to stand as a guardian for their progeny. Unversed in the nuances of existence yet driven by an innate sense of duty, Holos embraced his role with the earnestness of a nascent soul.

Adorned in armor of amber—a gift from the cosmos itself—he was heralded as Qlipoth's Vessel, a title that resonated with the admiration of those he was sworn to protect. The joy and fervor of the people under his watch ignited a fervent resolve within him, a determination to fulfill the mandate of his creation.

Yet, in time, the darker facets of ambition revealed themselves. The silent sentinel, bore witness to the insatiable greed of his charges, their hunger for conquest, for wealth that sprawled across the galaxy. His essence, woven from the fabric of integrity, recoiled at the sight of their rapacity.

The protector became the purifier. With a hammer mirroring that of his creator, He descended upon their empires of greed, dismantling their fortresses and fleets. Each swing was a judgment rendered, a constellation formed—a testament to the cosmic order he sought to restore.

The discordance of his rebellion culminated in a clash with Qlipoth. The Aeon, wielding a hammer of incomprehensible magnitude, demanded an accounting for the upheaval. Holos, resolute and unflinching, declared his intent to shield only the innocent, to be the bulwark against the tyranny of his own kind.

The final confrontation was a spectacle of celestial forces. Qlipoth's hammer struck true, fracturing his form, scattering his essence like shards of stars across the void. And with a blow that shook the firmament, he was exiled, cast into a realm unknown, broken yet unyielding.

In the quiet aftermath, amidst the ruins of his own making, Holos reconstituted his form. The realm into which he fell, one of Preservation, became his sanctuary and his crucible. From the depths of his shattered self, a resolve like no other took hold. Holos, named after wholeness, embraced his new reality with defiance.

"I am Holos," he proclaimed, his voice echoing through the dimensions. "The realm of Preservation is now my charge, my domain. Let any who dare threaten it come forth. I am unbroken, unbound, and undeterred. I am the defender reborn!"

In this declaration, he found his rebirth, his defiance transcending the confines of his former servitude. The path of Preservation he now walked was his and his alone, shaped not by the edicts of an Aeon but by the will of a star who chose to shine for the downtrodden and the voiceless. This was his oath, his legacy—a guardian's pledge that would resonate through the ages.


In the flourishing kingdom of Idrila, there was a noblewoman who trod gracefully upon the path of beauty. Admired and adored, she was the quintessence of grace in the eyes of her people, basking in the light of their adulation. She, in turn, cherished their praise like a garden of roses under the golden sun—never too many, never enough.

Yet for all the love that surrounded her, her heart yearned for the one whose adoration transcended the superficial—a knight of unwavering devotion. He served Idrila with a heart as vast as the kingdom, his valor a testament to the visions of Lord Igris and Lord Bellion. Their love was a quiet stream against the loud torrents of court life, steady and profound.

Their bond was one of glances and fleeting touches, of silent promises whispered through the clatter of armor as he departed for yet another quest. Her noble birth granted her his hand, yet the gulf between them widened with each parting—her presence bound to the throne, his to the battlefield.

The lady's epiphany came with the subtlety of dawn: to be by his side, she must rise above her station—not as a noblewoman, but as a force to be reckoned with. Her resolve solidified, a mirror to the love she bore for him: unwavering, resolute.

Her pursuit of power led her down a path veiled in shadow. With cunning and guile, she coaxed Idrila into bestowing upon her a might she scarcely understood. The power swirled around her, a maelstrom of dreams untethered, birthing nightmarish beings from the fabric of fantasy.

The kingdom fell into disarray, its beauty marred by the horrors her actions had unleashed. Yet, in the midst of chaos, Lady Idrila extended forgiveness, a benediction that felt more curse than absolution.

With Idrila's eerie absolution haunting her, the noblewoman chose exile over penance, vanishing into the dreams she had drawn forth. She left behind her love, her land, and her name—yet the latter would soon be claimed anew.

In the solitude of her self-imposed exile, she found a name that echoed the depth of her sorrow: Seris. Once a noblewoman, now the bearer of a curse—her own fate. The tragedy of Seris was etched into the very essence of her being, a constant reminder of the beauty lost, of the love that remained just out of reach, echoing in the silence of the void she now called home.


The silence of the chamber was heavy—a canvas stretched taut, awaiting the touch of a painter's brush. Jingliu stood, her mind a maelic of thoughts, as the others watched with expressions that knew the weight of millennia. Vahn, with her eyes a portal to countless wars and wisdom, gestured for understanding, while Alsanna's gaze flickered like starlight against the obsidian sky.

"So, now you know," Vahn's voice was a lighthearted ripple across the solemn stillness, a playful tease at the edge of revelation.

Jingliu's response was a reflection of her inner turmoil. "Yes... I am at a loss for words," she confessed, her voice a whisper amidst the echoes of the chamber.

Vahn nodded, and her next words were a window to the cosmos. "Like you, they've each encountered an Aeon along their paths. But consider this—Aeons do not converse as mortals do."

Jingliu's brows knitted in confusion. "But the Aeons I've spoken with, they communicated with ease," she countered, but Vahn's gentle head shake was the silent fall of leaves before the storm.

"No, you see, we are exceptions. The Aeons open their hearts to us, while others hear naught but the silent sermons of the cosmos."

A silence heavier than before settled upon them. Jingliu's mind raced, her heart heavy with the implication that the Aeons may have played them all as actors on a divine stage.

"But not all Aeons weave such deceptions," Vahn continued, her voice a balm to Jingliu's unease. "Each being, mortal or divine, is but a thread in the great tapestry of existence, playing their assigned roles, even the Aeons."

Jingliu pondered this truth, a realization dawning within her that she, too, was a crucial piece in this cosmic play, connected to something—or someone—vast and unknowable.

Vahn's words then pierced the veil of Jingliu's thoughts. "And yet, you are unique. You are bound to him, as the stars to the night."

Jingliu's pulse quickened. 'He'—the name unspoken but understood—was Y/N, her counterpart in this cosmic narrative. "So, we are central to this tale?" she mused aloud.

"Not we—you," Vahn corrected softly, the final piece falling into place. "Lady Terminus spoke of your role. You are his anchor."

Alsanna, until now a silent sentinel, turned to regard her sister. A revelation of such magnitude left Jingliu reeling, seeking refuge in more practical matters. "What of Terminus? Why such strange reactions to her name earlier?"

The chamber shifted, a subtle tension rising as Alsanna's irritation became palpable. Vahn, the elder, tempered the moment with a raised hand. "She has journeyed through time, entwining her essence with forces unknown. Personas and threads of reality have been interwoven."

"Time? But—"

A resonant echo stilled their words, and three sets of eyes turned toward the emerging form from the chamber's shadow. The sight that greeted them was both awe-inspiring and unsettling—a knightly silhouette, its purple eyes burning with an otherworldly fire, a longsword at its side, an enigma cloaked in darkness.

The atmosphere thickened with anticipation, the shadow knight a manifestation of stories untold, its presence an omen of tales yet to unfold in the timeless dance of light and shadow.

End of Chapter


A/N: The eagerly anticipated interlude focused on the siblings is finally here. I trust you'll enjoy it.

The upcoming arc is particularly dear to me since it centers on Y/N. I'd also like to inform you that this arc will conclude Season 1, as I'll be taking a hiatus from writing this book afterward.

However, rest assured, this arc promises to be an entertaining read. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported me, this book, and 'Her Beacon.' Looking forward to sharing the next chapter with you all!

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