Chapter Fifty-Four: Sovereign's Dance

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In the vast silence that now spoke louder than any cacophony, Jingliu stood still, an omnipresent force in the world of her own making. Her gaze, both calm and defiant, swept over the creation that sprawled infinitely around her. The world and she were now one; her consciousness had spread across the expanse, touching every leaf, every droplet, every breath of wind.

The elements, once disparate and chaotic, now danced together in a harmony visible only to her eyes. What was once perceived in white and blue had blossomed into a spectrum of significance. Life thrummed in vibrant green, inanimate objects in steadfast blue, each a power source of varying essence, including the arcane, woven into the magical fabric of existence. Emotions painted the world in hues of red, a tapestry of feeling that now coursed through her as if she was the heart of the universe itself.

Stars, the cosmic ornaments of the void, formed into perfect spheres of otherworldly beauty within her mind. Some blazed with the fierce white fire reminiscent of a lion's mane, while others pulsed gently, breathing with the life imbued by lingering spirits that once epitomized civility.

Planets orbited in their celestial waltz, ensnared by their own galaxies, yet connected through the union of dimensions. The whispers of universal spirits, once beyond comprehension, now spoke clearly to her, each word resonating within the core of her being.

Her left hand held an object of enigmatic origin, a prism that emitted a cold, crystalline light. It cast shards of blue and white across her form, an artifact that bridged her humanity with the divine. This noble phantasm, a beacon of her desire, possessed no definite shape to the onlookers, yet to her, its true form was as clear as the unwavering truth.

In this moment of reflection, Jingliu realized the enormity of her transformation. Godhood, a status sought by many through wishful thinking and ambitious pursuit, had been hers through a series of trials, errors, and undeterred perseverance.

She mused on the role chance played in her ascension, a peculiar enigmata that perhaps favored the brave or the foolhardy. Nevertheless, luck had cast its lot with her, and she stood now, a deity in her own right, transcending the limits of mortality to embrace the totality of her existence.

This was the end of the beginning for Jingliu, the Fated One, who had woven her destiny with the threads of the cosmos. Her journey had led her here, to the pinnacle of her own narrative, where she was not just a participant but a creator, a preserver, and an unbounded entity that defied the constraints of time and space.

And so she stood, in quiet dominion over her vast domain, a solitary figure who was never alone, for the world and all its myriad forms lived within her. A new god, who had become fate itself.

The sky, a canvas of her own divine artistry, shifted between the soft hues of dusk and the brilliant white of celestial lights. She called upon her power, and like an orchestra following the conductor's baton, the world harmonized with her will. Pillars of creation realigned, flowers danced to the silent music of the breeze, and the very fabric of the domain rippled in response.

Around her, an aura as pure as the first snowfall—stardust, the remnants of lunar echoes—swirled protectively. It was a homecoming of sorts, a full circle from her inaugural manipulation of the moon's power to her current mastery. The moon, an orb hanging in the heavens, gleamed with the intensity of a star at the precipice of a supernova, its light cascading over her in waves of potentiality.

With a decisive motion, Jingliu lifted her greatsword from the ground, its release from the earth ringing with a chime that resonated through the expanding universe she commanded. As she held the blade at her side, the edges sharpened, realigning themselves with the purity of moon ice, responding to her silent command.

"Here I come, everyone. I will prepare my first strike," she declared, her voice a firm proclamation of her intent. The skies above, once a witness, now looked upon her with obedience. With an almost leisurely swing of her sword, she demonstrated the formidable power that was hers to wield—a spectral slash of moonlight carved its path towards the heavens.

The slash, a wave of ethereal might, ascended silently, its trail a cascade of light droplets that seemed to imbue the very soul with their essence. Upon its contact with the celestial dome, a sound akin to a glass fracture whispered through the domain. Cracks spider-webbed across the sky where her power met the heavens, resembling a mimic slash that soon parted to reveal the opening of a void, a portal to the space she had occupied during her spar with her siblings.

This self-crafted gateway bridged her world with the next, and the influx of life beyond her domain washed over her senses. With preternatural clarity, she pinpointed the location of her siblings. A smile graced her lips, and with the object of noble phantasm in her left hand—a beacon of connection between her divinity and her humanity—she summoned them. Her call was not a request but a command that could not be denied.


Bathed in blinding whiteness, the siblings found themselves abruptly summoned into an otherworldly expanse. As their eyes adjusted, they took in the sight of their new surroundings—a realm that transcended joy and nostalgia and demanded a grave seriousness. They stood amidst the sky of light, a celestial firmament that defied all logic.

Before them, an architectural wonder stretched towards the firmament—a cathedral not of this reality, crafted from materials both known and unfathomable. The towering columns, adorned with ornate carvings, seemed to pierce the heavens themselves. Winged statues, both awe-inspiring and intimidating, were interwoven into the very walls, a testament to the divine craftsmanship that shaped this ethereal court.

Light cascaded through the grand edifice, its gentle luminescence casting a sacred glow over all it touched. It was a scene of tranquility, of otherworldly peace that seemed to still the very air.

"A world that has no resemblance to our own, a dimension constructed by a deity," Yara mused, catching a snowlike particle upon her palm. It did not melt, but remained a perfect crystalline snowflake, untainted by the warmth of her skin.

Seris, with a smile playing upon her lips, surveyed the realm with an air of contentment. The rapidity of Jingliu's ascension had been sudden, yet the completeness of it left no room for doubt. "She has truly done it. Well done, Jingliu," she whispered, admiration lacing her voice as her eyes danced over the primordial designs before them, marveling at the aesthetic wrought from the very idea of creation.

Adabas' gaze wandered until it settled on a solitary figure standing before the cathedral, prompting a knowing smile. "Everyone, look forward. The Nighthilt Sovereign has decided to grace us with her presence," she announced. At her beckoning, all eyes turned towards the figure that had called them forth.

There, before the grandiose gates of the cathedral, stood Jingliu—her transformation into sovereignty complete. The Nighthilt Sovereign, a title newly forged, yet already heavy with the weight of her accomplishments.

"Greetings, everyone," Jingliu's voice, rich with the timbre of newfound authority, resonated across the expanse, demanding respect not as an echo, but as a testament to her presence. The cause of this compelling effect remained ambiguous—whether a byproduct of her ascended status or a testament to her increased power, Jingliu mused that it was likely both.

She surveyed her siblings, her gaze free from the weight of uncertainty that once clouded her vision. They returned her look with an understanding that spoke of pride and recognition of her achievements—a shared sentiment that resonated deeply within each of them.

"Look at you go, Jingliu. From a lost maiden into one we can proudly call a sister," Holos remarked. His form, a visage of the cosmos encased in armor, shone with an inner light that reflected his joy and anticipation, an implicit challenge to test her mettle.

None among the siblings could fault him for his instinctive eagerness; a similar battle lust stirred within them all. Jingliu, now sensitive to the very emotions of her domain, perceived their feelings as red particles—the dark glow of seriousness and desire enshrouding them.

"Thank you, Holos," she responded, her tone a perfect blend of jest and sincerity. "I would continue the statement if it weren't for everyone's battle lust. It's making my world quite suffocating." Her words, spoken with a lighthearted confidence, sparked a round of shared amusement among the siblings, underscoring the intimacy and camaraderie that bound them together.

The air, charged with the siblings' unspoken eagerness, vibrated with anticipation. Jingliu's jest, light yet laden with the truth of their feelings, only served to heighten the atmosphere of expectancy.

Yara, her expression alight with intellectual curiosity and a warrior's spirit, stepped forward. "Your domain is indeed suffocating, but only because it's brimming with potential. Show us, Jingliu, the extent of your dominion over these new powers." Her tone, firm yet respectful, challenged Jingliu not just as a sister, but as a peer in the realm of power.

Adabas, ever the enigma, her smile cloaked in shadows, added, "Yes, let's see the world through the eyes of our Nighthilt Sovereign. After all, it's not every day we witness the birth of a deity among us." Her words, dripping with intrigue, hinted at the deep well of possibilities Jingliu's ascension had unlocked.

Seris, serene and composed, her smile broadening, echoed the sentiment. "Indeed, your journey has been a spectacle of growth and revelation. Lead us into this new epoch you've ushered in." Her encouragement, gentle yet profound, underscored the magnitude of Jingliu's transformation.

Responding to their collective challenge, Jingliu lifted her hand—a casual gesture that belied the forthcoming display of her prowess. With a flick of her wrist, the landscape before them morphed, the sky parting as if bowing to her will, revealing vistas that defied imagination. Mountains cascaded into valleys of luminous flora, and rivers flowed with the essence of pure energy, a demonstration of her control over the fabric of reality.

"The extent of my domain," Jingliu began, her voice resonating with the power of her position, "is only limited by imagination—and mine has become as boundless as the universe itself." With a mere thought, she summoned a breeze that carried whispers of ancient knowledge, a tangible manifestation of her connection to the cosmos.

Holos, unable to contain his warrior's heart, laughed heartily, his form shimmering with celestial energy. "A challenge, then! Your new world is a wonder, Jingliu. Let us explore its limits together, in the way of warriors."

The siblings, each powerful in their own right, nodded in agreement, their readiness to engage with Jingliu in this new realm a testament to their unbreakable bonds. Jingliu, their newly ascended sister, stood at the center of it all, a sovereign of unparalleled might yet still the sibling they knew and cherished.


As the energy hum vibrated through the domain, a silent command for battle positions, the siblings instinctively scattered, assuming their roles in the imminent confrontation. Their gazes were drawn upwards to the celestial display—a legion of moonlit swords hung in the sky, a beautiful yet ominous prelude to the storm that Jingliu was about to unleash.

Utilizing her noble phantasm as a focal point, Jingliu channeled her vast energy into a conscious extension of her will. The artifact, aglow with the potent energy of the Dark Moon, served not merely as a weapon but as a conductor for the symphony of power she was about to orchestrate.

With a motion that seemed both effortless and infinitely commanding, Jingliu beckoned the swords to descend. They fell like a meteor shower, each impact cratering the earth with the force of miniature suns going nova. The landscape transformed, bearing the scars of divine wrath, a testament to the sovereign's might.

Holos' protective constellations shimmered around each sibling, a bastion against the onslaught. However, the relentless barrage of lunar blades began to wear down their defenses, each strike a hammer blow to their celestial armors.

Pluto, driven by a surge of resolve, tapped into the depths of her power. The symbol of Lan, a mark of her mysterious heritage and connection to the Aeon, manifested through her blades. With energy akin to the legendary Aeon of Hunt's bow, she launched herself at Jingliu with velocities that blurred the line between space and time.

The collision was monumental, Jingliu's greatsword meeting Pluto's assault in a clash that reverberated across dimensions. The godling's composure remained unshaken, her strength now an unyielding fortress against which Pluto's efforts found no purchase.

Sensing a new threat, Jingliu's instincts flared as Mono, embodiment of pure destruction, advanced with deadly intent. The little girl's approach was a cataclysm in motion, her very presence a vortex of annihilation.

Yet, in a display of her ascended power, Jingliu summoned her Moonlit Guardian. The spectral protector intercepted Mono with a devastating counter, its sword sending her hurtling away with a force that spoke of the sovereign's unmatched command over her domain.

With a burst of speed that blurred the line between divinity and the physical realm, Jingliu launched herself into the fray. Her form, a flash of light against the darkened sky, collided with Pluto. The impact sent Pluto hurtling towards Mono, a tactical maneuver that shifted the focus of the confrontation. Jingliu's decision to have Pluto engage with her Moonlit Guardian was a demonstration of her ability to dictate the flow of battle, ensuring that her adversaries were positioned according to her design.

Turning her attention to Holos, Jingliu found his gaze already on Pluto, a silent communication passing between them. Holos, understanding Jingliu's unspoken command, nodded solemnly before sprinting towards the duo, his form a comet streaking across the battlefield. This moment of coordination highlighted the deep bond and mutual respect between the siblings, a testament to their shared history and the trials they had overcome together.

As Jingliu turned to face Seris, Adabas, and Yara, the battlefield transformed. What was once a realm of dreams now mirrored the harsh reality of their contest—a world reshaped by the will of its sovereign, where the beauty of creation and the specter of war coexisted.

"Now, then. Shall we?" Jingliu's challenge, echoed under the watchful gaze of the moon, was an invitation to transcend the limits of their power, a call to arms in the truest sense. The stage was set for a battle that would define the essence of their existence, under the light of a moon that had seen the birth of a god and would now witness her sovereignty affirmed.

End of Chapter

A/N: Hello, it has been a while—more than a week since I've published a new chapter. Sorry about that ;)

Anyway, I'm excited to announce that I've published a new book called "Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)." Please give it a read. That's all for now. Thank you!

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