Chapter Forty-Two: First Aeon

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Y/N stood before Hooh, the Aeon of Equilibrium, in a temple of silent contemplation. The shadows around him swirled like an extension of his own inner turmoil, a tangible representation of the void that he had come to embody. His gaze locked with the Aeon's central eye, a symbol of eternal judgment and balance, feeling the weight of its scrutiny.

"Abyss? You speak of the shadows as if there are... stages," Y/N ventured cautiously, seeking to understand the intricate layers of darkness that Hooh suggested—a curriculum of power that seemed both vast and intricate.

Hooh's central eye, the profound emblem of Yin and Yang, held Y/N in an unblinking stare, seeming to pierce through to the chaos within him. "The Great One's craftsmanship within you has sown a turbulence, rendering you destructive, unable to ascend to the next echelon of your abilities," Hooh's voice rumbled through the temple, a sound both mighty and gentle.

Y/N's hand instinctively went to the rune on his hand, the grim reminder of Oedon's surveillance. "It symbolizes her ceaseless watch, her unending vigilance over you," Hooh elucidated, causing Y/N's grimace to deepen. A surge of anger threatened to rise within him, but he quelled it, knowing he must remain focused and receptive.

"However," Hooh continued, drawing Y/N back from his brewing storm of emotions, "there exists a path, though it treads upon the forbidden—a violation of the ancient laws, an act deemed unforgivable by our kind."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock, the revelation of such forbidden knowledge compelling him. The ancient laws—a concept he had never considered, assuming the universe operated merely on the whims of creation and destruction.

"Why are these laws not known to us? If revealed, would they not ensure obedience and order among all life?" Y/N questioned, his voice a blend of curiosity and critique, seeking to unravel the mysteries that the Aeon alluded to.

The Aeon's form seemed to resonate with the temple's architecture, the gradients of shade across its body representing the spectrum of existence. The fractured squares that surrounded it illustrated the fluidity of the cosmos—a state of constant change and transformation.

Y/N felt the power of Hooh's presence, yet no threat emanated from the Aeon. Hooh's response was like the shifting of tectonic plates, a deep and profound utterance. "Born from the void, I have witnessed the rise of Aeons and the formation of Paths that stretch across the cosmos. The ancient laws are unspoken, yet ever-present. They are not decreed but felt—a judgment, an expectation that governs all."

The ambiguity of Hooh's words left Y/N pondering, a puzzle missing a crucial piece. "Which entity oversees these laws?" Y/N asked, his voice tinged with desperation for a clearer understanding.

Silence fell, and from Hooh's meditative pose, the Aeon bowed slightly to Y/N. As confusion settled within him, Y/N felt a sudden shift, a powerful vacuum that transformed the temple from a place of beauty to an expanse of unfathomable darkness. He sensed the entity behind him, the being of shadows, his shadow pearl reacting to its presence.

Y/N fought to maintain composure, despite the shivers that betrayed his underlying fear. Hooh addressed the presence with reverence, "My lord, you have cometh."

Y/N's mind raced with questions—who was this 'lord' that commanded such respect from an Aeon? The entity's presence intensified, revealing itself in greater detail.

The deity that now stood before Y/N was an awe-inspiring entity, a deity that defied comprehension. Atop its head, a crown of constellations shimmered, each star a story, each constellation a chapter of the cosmos. Behind the arcane mask it wore, eyes glowed with the wisdom of eons, piercing into Y/N's soul.

The regal attire it donned, the waterfall of obsidian silk, flowed with a life of its own, adorned with medallions that bore the mark of mysteries untold. The jeweled adornments it bore resonated with Y/N's pendant, suggesting a connection that transcended time and space.

"We have met before," the deity spoke, its voice that of a man, but layered with an unsettling power. Y/N felt the weight of history in its tone, the authority of the very first consciousness.

"Before all creation, I was. From the Abyss, the void of potential, I emerged—the first to conceive thought, the first to witness the cosmos. I am the Aeon of Nothing, the concept from which all others sprung. I am the ruler of the Abyss," the deity declared, its eyes a kaleidoscope of creation and destruction.

Y/N, overwhelmed by the presence before him, knelt in reverence, recognizing the magnitude of the being that addressed him—the first idea, the original concept that gave birth to existence itself.

"And you, Y/N, are the chosen one to inherit the mantle. I will teach you of the Abyss, of the balance that you must wield," the Aeon of Nothing declared, its eyes a kaleidoscope of creation and destruction.


There, in the sacred silence of the temple, Y/N knelt before the primal Aeon, the progenitor of the very essence of existence. Before him was the embodiment of the Abyss, a being that preceded stars and consciousness. The deity's presence was so profound, so foundational, that even the act of kneeling seemed an inadequate gesture of reverence.

As the Aeon of Nothing moved closer to Y/N, the soft rustle of its robes merging with the surrounding darkness, a profound stillness filled the space. Its every movement was an elegant confluence of shadow and silence, a testament to the primordial power it wielded. Y/N remained still, holding his breath, as if even the slightest sound could shatter the sanctity of the moment.

"The Abyss," the Aeon's voice broke through the silence, its tone the essence of tranquility, "its energy is silence. Use it to your advantage in the battles to come." The words, though softly spoken, carried the weight of an unspoken command, a directive from the depths of the void itself.

Y/N's heart quickened at the revelation, a confirmation of the power he had sensed within himself, a power he was only beginning to understand.

The Aeon then turned its unfathomable gaze upon Hooh, who had maintained a respectful bow. "Hooh, you will remain here. Guide him in the ways of Equilibrium," the Aeon of Nothing decreed, its authority absolute and unquestioned.

"You two may rise," it spoke again, prompting Y/N and Hooh to stand. As Y/N lifted his gaze to meet that of the deity, he felt an overwhelming mixture of fear and respect. Hooh's ascent was marked by the grinding sound of stone, a testament to the Aeon's monumental presence.

Y/N now stood before the Aeon of the Abyss, his mind teeming with questions. The Aeon's invitation was clear, "You have questions," it acknowledged, its voice reverberating through the darkness.

And so, with a voice barely more than a whisper, Y/N asked the question that had burned within him, a simple yet profound inquiry, "Why?" It was the culmination of his confusion, his desire for understanding, a single word that carried the weight of his very existence.

The Aeon considered Y/N, its gaze intense enough to make him falter. "You are an anomaly," it began, "a being who defies the pre-written narratives of the universe. Your existence fosters new possibilities, new characters that were never meant to be yet now play their parts."

Y/N listened, his confusion deepening with each word. The Aeon's explanation painted him as a catalyst, an instigator of change within the cosmic story.

"You began as a mere supporting character, destined for a life of insignificance. But your path deviated, intersecting with hers, and from that moment, you became more than an extra—you became integral to the narrative," the Aeon explained, its voice echoing within the void it had crafted.

It was then that the Aeon mentioned her, and Y/N's thoughts immediately flew to their first encounter, the profound connection that had sparked between them as children. "Did you feel a surge of sensation when your paths first crossed? When you looked into her eyes?" the Aeon questioned.

Y/N recalled the euphoria, the inexplicable happiness that had filled him upon meeting Jingliu. It was a feeling that had lingered, unnoticed until now.

The Aeon continued, interpreting Y/N's silence as an answer. "She was meant to be the protagonist of her own tale, and yet, your stories intertwined, creating a narrative rich with possibility and complexity. You ceased to be a background character; you became a co-author of the story."

Y/N remained silent, the revelations washing over him, reshaping his understanding of his own life's journey.

And then, the Aeon delivered a truth that shook Y/N to his core. "I have watched your growth, your harmonious ascent alongside her. And then, you reached into my realm. You tapped into the Abyss, and it transformed you, granting you a semblance of divinity."

Y/N's eyes then mirrored the weariness of a soul burdened with revelations that threatened to unmoor him from reality. "I... you mean to say, I was just a puzzle that seemed to fit into someone else's story?" His question, born of a desire for confirmation, echoed into the silence, seeking the solace of truth.

The deity, a primordial presence amid the darkness, hummed in response, a sound that vibrated through the very fabric of the cosmos. As if summoned by this celestial resonance, the darkness gave way to a breathtaking canvas—a tableau of stars that pulsed with life, each a vibrant testament to the Aeon's creations.

"Let me elucidate further, Y/N," the Aeon of Nothing suggested, its tone an invitation to witness the unfurling mysteries of existence.

With a grace that belied the complexity of its actions, the deity wove together elements, those named by the scholars of Nous, weaving a cosmic lesson in creation. Before Y/N's awestruck gaze, the elements ignited, converging into a nascent star that hung between them, a microcosm of light amidst the void.

"This fusion, it is akin to the union of your life with hers," the Aeon of Nothing explained, its voice a guide through the enigma of existence. "Together, you and the woman created a narrative that intertwined, your combined stories shining as brightly as this star before us."

Understanding dawned on Y/N, a clarity that washed over him like the light of a newborn star. His role in Jingliu's story was not that of an intruder but of a destined co-author, their shared bond a confluence that transcended mere coincidence.

Yet, questions lingered, each seeking the light of truth. "Then... how did I come to tap into the Abyss?" Y/N queried, a newfound comfort in the deity's presence allowing him to voice his deepest curiosities.

The Aeon, ever patient, answered, "Mara—your homeland's curse—is a force of corruption born from overwhelming emotions and information that would shatter a mortal mind over time." It paused, allowing Y/N to absorb the gravity of its words. "You met the conditions that should have ended you, yet here you stand."

Y/N's thoughts raced to the affliction that plagued Xianzhou, the slow-acting venom that coursed through the veins of his people. The answer was a missing piece to the puzzle, yet it did not fully satiate his quest for understanding.

The Aeon sensed Y/N's continued confusion and expanded upon its narrative. As it summoned forth memories of battles past, images of Y/N fighting alongside Jingliu filled the void, their harmony in combat a dance of life amidst the specter of death.

Y/N watched, a faint smile upon his lips as he saw himself, time and again, standing resolute against the tide of despair. Each memory paused, highlighting his unwavering spirit, a testament to the strength that had carried him through the darkest of times.

"Your resilience, your undying hope, it stilled the Mara's insidious advance," the Aeon continued, its words painting a portrait of Y/N's indomitable will. "You walked the precipice of life and death, each brush with the void bringing you closer to the Abyss."

Y/N recalled those moments of near obliteration, the encroaching darkness that had beckoned him with each life-threatening ordeal. It was a darkness that he now recognized as the Abyss, an understanding that clicked into place with a clarity that was almost painful.

He reflected upon Yaoshi's words, her declaration of his resistance to Mara. "The Mara," Y/N mused aloud, seeking confirmation, "it could not corrupt me, and in its failure... the Abyss became my curse."

The Aeon nodded, a solemn gesture that sent the star drifting towards a miniature black hole, the star's light fighting against the pull of oblivion. "And what remained was a mere fragment of the star, the distance wrought by separation sundering you from her."

Y/N understood then that his bond with Jingliu had been both his salvation and his curse. The revelation brought with it a sense of bittersweet acceptance, a recognition of the unique path he had tread, a path that had led him here, to the presence of the very essence of the concept of existence.

The Aeon of Nothing had illuminated the truth of Y/N's existence, his place within the tapestry of the cosmos. He was an anomaly, a deviation from the expected narrative, his very being a catalyst for change.

As the quietude that followed the deity's revelations settled in, Y/N felt the sting of separation—a chasm that had unwittingly formed between him and Jingliu, leaving their stars adrift in the celestial sea. His voice, barely a whisper, conveyed the weight of his realization and his need for understanding. "May I know... what happened to Jingliu after my disappearance?"

The Aeon responded not with words but with an illustration of cosmic truth. Before Y/N's eyes, the once unified star split into two—a division that rendered each half incomplete, yearning for a reunion. The fragments metamorphosed into necklaces, one of shadow pearls, like the one Y/N bore, and the other a pendant that held the essence of the heavens within its crystalline prism.

Y/N's breath hitched as recognition dawned upon him. "The necklace of shadow is me, then the other...!" His voice trailed off, and his gaze turned to the Aeon, a silent plea for confirmation lighting his eyes.

"It is hers," the Aeon affirmed with neutrality, "and the two of you are entities seeking to reweave your story. She fares well, despite the distance between you."

Relief cascaded through Y/N, a soothing balm to the ache of the unknown. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of solace in the knowledge that Jingliu remained unharmed.

His hand found his shadow pendant, its significance now a token of a bond that spanned realms and fates. A silent acknowledgment of their intertwined destinies.

"Are you satisfied with the answers presented before you?" The Aeon's inquiry, directed towards Y/N, acknowledged the silent witness of Hooh, who stood apart, the very embodiment of Equilibrium.

Y/N pondered, his mind a tumult of queries yet unvoiced—his nature, his purpose, the encounters with other Aeons, the trials he faced, the power he sought. Yet, in this moment of revelation, he felt a measure of contentment. Life had used him, just as the higher powers of Xianzhou had, but in this truth, there was freedom. He nodded in acknowledgment, yet added, "I have many more questions, but... I guess that I will see it once my journey here is over, correct?"

"Yes, once you have grown," the Aeon concurred, its simple affirmation, a lodestar for the odyssey that lay ahead.

Y/N sighed, the answer a mix of solace and vexation. Growth—in power, in maturity, in character—was an inevitability, a truth as constant as the stars.

His next question was a whisper of vulnerability, a tremor of hope. "Then... will I ever meet her?" The yearning behind his words was palpable, a plea cast into the vastness of the universe.

The deity's response echoed the assurances it had given to Jingliu in another time, another place. "Soon, it is closer than you think."

The answer, simple yet profound, brought tears to Y/N's eyes—tears of joy, of anticipation, of a future that held promise. He wiped them away, a gesture of gratitude towards the entity that had bridged the gulf between despair and hope.

"Thank you," Y/N said, his voice imbued with heartfelt thanks. His gaze met the deity's, an exchange of mutual recognition.

As the cosmos returned to the serenity of the temple, the Aeon of Nothing proclaimed its intent. "I will take you under my arms and train you. The power of the Abyss, understood only by me and another."

Hooh, recognizing the reference, remained silent, aware of the other Aeon—the one who embraced the inexorable void of meaninglessness.

Before Y/N emerged another Aeon—a being akin to a cosmic singularity, its eyes gleaming with the stark contrast of existence and non-existence. Its presence was a challenge, an enigma wrapped in the enshrouding mists of the universe.

The Aeon of Nothing introduced the new challenge. "IX will test your hopes and your will, as I will forge you to your own fate." With that, it conjured a greatsword of abyssal darkness, a weapon that dwarfed Y/N's own shadow sword in both form and power.

End of Chapter

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