Chapter Thirty-Four: Where Past and Present Entwine

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The ethereal door behind him closed with an almost imperceptible whisper. The Knight took a moment to let the quiet reality of the world before him settle in. It was a vast expanse, shimmering with a gentle light reminiscent of a universe's heartbeat. The rhythmic glow seemed to speak to him, whispering secrets of the past and promises of the future.

As he began his journey inward, uncertainty clouded his thoughts. The weight of earning back his memories was almost tangible, a force pressing down on his shoulders. Yet, intertwined with this anticipation was a seed of doubt. Would the Knight he once was mesh seamlessly with the man he had become? The thought of a new identity, forged from the union of past and present, both thrilled and terrified him.

The reflections of the Aeons he had met shimmered in his mind. Aha, the Aeon of Elation, whose presence had initially felt so foreign, now evoked warmth and happiness. Akivili, the Aeon of Trailblaze, had urged him to embrace the unknown, a lesson that had become an intrinsic part of his journey. The memory of Ena, the Aeon of Order, was the most perplexing. Why did he feel such a maternal bond with her? Would she laugh or scold him if he dared to call her "mother"? He smirked at the idea.

Then, his thoughts dwelled on Fuli, the guardian of memories. With the power to manipulate memories now also in his grasp, the Knight felt an overwhelming responsibility. Such a gift could change the course of history, alter destinies, or even erase beings from existence. The magnitude of it all sent shivers down his spine.

But before he could delve deeper into his introspection, his surroundings caught his attention. The ground was littered with shards of mirror, each reflecting his image as he walked past. The universe's gentle beat continued, its rhythm syncing with his heart.

Suddenly, up ahead, a figure emerged from the glowing mist. It was a towering presence, Cloaked and veiled in smoky shadows, its mere presence was oppressive. The Knight could feel the weight of its gaze, even though he couldn't discern any distinct features. The entity's eyes, one black as the abyss and the other white as purity, watched him intently. It was like staring into the very soul of the universe.

Each step the Knight took felt like an eternity, the pressure from the figure's mere presence pushing down on him. The other Aeons he had encountered paled in comparison to this entity. It exuded an air of omnipotence, of complete and utter control. The Knight could feel his heart pounding in his chest, every fiber of his being screaming that this being was beyond comprehension, beyond any form or idea he'd ever known.

And yet, the figure said nothing. It only watched.

The Knight was unsure of how to proceed. Should he speak? Should he approach? The weight of uncertainty hung heavily on him. But he knew one thing: this entity was unlike anything he had ever encountered, and it held the key to understanding the very fabric of existence.

Then the serenity of the universe around the Knight was suddenly pierced by a deep, resonant hum emanating from the entity. It felt as if the sound was testing the boundaries of the realm, challenging its very existence. The Knight's core trembled, feeling as if the hum sought to unweave his very essence, threatening to tear his soul asunder.

From the depths of the shadowy figure, a voice emerged, echoing throughout the expanse, "You have ventured far and seek answers. Yet remember, young Knight, some truths remain ever elusive."

Struggling against the overwhelming force pressing down on him, the Knight, with hair as dark as the night, managed to find his voice, albeit tremulous, "I've already expected that." The admission was tinged with apprehension, acknowledging the uncertainty that lay ahead.

The entity hummed once more, but this time with a different tenor—gentler, almost like a parent comforting a child. "Your journey is unique, and your destiny yours to shape," it murmured, the words weaving through the hum. The Knight could feel the shift in the entity's demeanor, suggesting that his response had resonated with it.

Without warning, from the abyss of its form, a pendant materialized. Crafted from shadow pearl, it gleamed with a mysterious blue outline, exuding an otherworldly aura. As the pendant settled against his chest, a peculiar sensation washed over the Knight. It wasn't just the cold touch of the shadow pearl or its pulsating energy; there was an undeniable connection, a tether. The pendant felt like a key, not just a mere object, but something that could unlock a part of him that lay dormant, waiting to be awakened.

Floating towards the Knight, the pendant hovered in mid-air, awaiting its new bearer. "Take it," the figure commanded, its tone not demanding but insistent.

The Knight hesitated for a moment, but then, realizing the futility of defying such a being, he reached out and clasped the pendant. It felt cold to the touch, yet pulsated with an energy that he couldn't quite comprehend.

And just as suddenly as it had appeared, the entity vanished, leaving no trace behind. The oppressive weight lifted, and the Knight, drained of strength and will, collapsed to his knees. A whirlwind of emotions engulfed him. Relief, fear, awe, and curiosity churned within, each battling for dominance. He felt like he had touched the very fabric of existence, been granted an audience with the cosmos itself. "Damn..." he whispered, still trying to process the enormity of what had transpired, "Unbelievable..." The pendant around his neck felt both like a blessing and a burden, a token of his journey into the unknown.



A single word encompassed the maelstrom of emotions Jingliu felt, with fragments of her soul fluttering away like fragile wicks of a candle in the fierce gusts of a stormy night. The trials had been brief, a fleeting passage of time, but their impact was indelible. It wasn't the physical exertions that tormented her, but the phantoms that haunted her during the trial. The mirages of the Cloud Knights, the High Cloud Quintet, and Baiheng pierced her spirit. But none hurt more than the sight of Y/N.

She knew these trials were a crucible, a test of her mettle and the weight of her title, the Nighthilt Sovereign. They were gateways to the past, conduits to the memories she yearned to embrace and the one face she longed to see. Even a mere glimpse, a fleeting shadow of him would have sated her heart. But destiny had been less kind.

Indeed, power had nestled in her hands, a testament to the tragedies she had surmounted, but what was power when she stood alone at the pinnacle? Jing Yuan, her diligent student, might discern the cracks in her facade, the melancholy that sometimes clouded her eyes. Yet, comprehension of the depths of her despair was beyond his reach.

The crystalline tinkling announced Fuli's presence, not emerging from the pendant but materializing before Jingliu, its form glinting like a myriad of stars. Her eyes, streaked with the trails of dried tears, locked onto the Aeon. Words were unnecessary; the myriad emotions that played on her face conveyed more than any spoken language could.

Fuli, perceptive as ever, intoned, "Your path's end has been charted. Journey forth, and the moments when you first crossed paths with him will unfurl before you."

Had the Aeon been watching her all along? It was no accident, no twist of fate that she found herself in these realms. Fuli had orchestrated this dance of destiny. If the Knight had to traverse his journey of self-discovery, then Jingliu, his destined counterpart, was fated to walk a similar path. In their individual growths lay the potential of an intertwined destiny.

Jingliu's response was a weighted silence. The air around her began to thrum with palpable energy, almost as if bending to the will of its sovereign. With the pendant clutched in her grasp, she slowly rose, her bearing regal, her presence dominating. For a brief moment, the sovereign and Aeon locked eyes - a queen and an eternal entity, acknowledging each other's significance. The gaze Fuli returned was layered, filled with an emotion akin to pride. Its initial apprehension about Jingliu's resilience had now been replaced with admiration and satisfaction.

With a silent grace, Fuli moved aside, clearing the path for Jingliu. As she began her walk towards her destiny, she paused and cast a backward glance at the Aeon. The depths of gratitude in her gaze spoke volumes. Acknowledging her silent thanks, Fuli offered a nod of affirmation, and in a cascade of shimmering crystals, vanished from sight.

With renewed determination and a heart full of anticipation, Jingliu continued, each step taking her closer to the culmination of her journey.


In the boundless expanse of the Abyss, Fuli materialized. This was not the commonly perceived abyss of tales told to mortals and immortals, deities, and spirits alike. This was the true Abyss, the inception and cessation of all existence.

Dominating the Abyss's vastness stood the shadowy entity, an enigma wrapped in impenetrable veils of darkness. Both cosmic beings locked eyes, engaging in an intense silent confrontation. The crystalline structure of Fuli trembled, refracting errant beams of light, revealing its struggle against the overwhelming might of the entity, who, by contrast, remained perfectly still, exuding an air of condescension.

Drawing on a deep reservoir of strength, Fuli voiced its thoughts, a sound akin to the chime of celestial bells, "Are you at peace with the outcome?"

Without delay, the entity manifested two translucent orbs, mirroring the ongoing journeys of the Knight and Jingliu. It intoned, its voice reminiscent of the void between stars, "Indeed."

The Aeon's form seemed to quiver, much like a mortal's sigh of relief. "Why all these manipulations? Summoning the Aeons across the universe, breathing life into some of them, to what end?" Fuli's voice echoed with the gravitas of a deity questioning the universe's motives.

For a moment, the Abyss was silent, the entity's inscrutability deepening. Undeterred, Fuli pressed on, "Is there an unseen prophecy at play? A lurking menace we remain oblivious to?"

The shadowy figure finally responded, its voice a mere wisp, almost lost within the vast emptiness, "Not all that you conjecture." Its cryptic words hung in the air, teasing a deeper mystery. "Yet, I extend an invitation. Watch with me," it whispered, gesturing toward the orbs.

Compelled by a sense of duty and captivated by the unfolding tapestry of events, Fuli approached the visions. "I shall. For it is my obligation as the Aeon of Remembrance."

The two cosmic entities, one crystalline and the other an embodiment of obscurity, stood side by side. As they observed the destinies of the Knight and Jingliu, the universe around them descended into a profound stillness, as if holding its breath in anticipation.


Inside the quaint cafe, nestled in the heart of Ena and adjacent to the majestic Astral Express, Akivili sat, their armor gleaming brilliantly. It was like looking at a patch of the night sky itself – twinkling stars, celestial patterns, and constellations were masterfully etched into the silver sheen of the Aeon's armor.

As Akivili sipped their tea, the helm they wore hid their face but failed to mask the palpable aura of deep knowledge and supreme authority that it exuded. To anyone familiar with the tales of the Aeons, Akivili was the embodiment of cosmic wisdom, their reputation built upon the daring expeditions they had undertaken.

Across the table, Aha lounged with all the casualness of someone with nothing to prove. His humanoid appearance was punctuated by a jester mask, its enigmatic smile both inviting and unsettling. "Remember, Akivili," Aha began, his voice dripping with mischief, "the time when we, mighty Aeons, would play tricks on those hapless travelers? Transforming into jesters and leading them on a merry chase through the galaxies?"

Akivili's grip on the teacup tightened, and a faint sound of cracking porcelain followed. "At least," Akivili replied coldly, "I do not resort to irritating gimmicks to gain the attention of others."

Aha's gasp was so exaggerated that for a moment, it seemed like he might faint from sheer dramatic effect. "Oh, the cruelty! How could you accuse me of such pettiness? Is it bullying now to spread joy and laughter?"

Akivili was about to retort when a sudden cosmic pulse, invisible to the mere mortals around, caught their attention. The Knight was delving into his memories. Aha, never one to miss an opportunity for a performance, laughed. It was a paradoxical sound – delightful yet with an eerie undertone.

With a grace that seemed impossible given the weight of his armor, Akivili stood and looked up, gazing through the cafe's transparent walls. The vast expanse of the universe stretched above, countless stars sparkling like a tapestry of diamonds. "May your journey through your memories be a fruitful one, Sir Knight," Akivili murmured, a soft smile playing on their lips.

Aha, in the meantime, continued his comedic spree, making jokes about the constellations as if they were old pals who'd had one too many drinks at a celestial party. "Do you think Lan ever gets tired of chasing Yaoshi? Or maybe he's just lost and won't ask for directions!" he quipped.

Akivili, choosing to rise above, merely sipped his tea, letting the comforting warmth spread through him, even as Aha's jests grew louder and more outrageous.


The ground beneath the Knight's feet softened as he journeyed further, each step sinking slightly into a carpet of velvety moss. The ambient noise of the realm quietened, replaced by the distant lullaby of crickets and the rustle of the wind. Emerging before him was a secluded oasis - a pristine pond shimmering under the gaze of the hauntingly beautiful blue moon.

Its silvery light painted everything it touched, from the still waters to the grand tree that stood guardian beside the pond. The tree, ancient and wise, bore soft pink petals that glowed with an inner light, scattering around like fragments of forgotten dreams. These petals, carrying whispers of tales from ages past, symbolized rebirth and the eternal cycle of life and love.

Surrounding the pond, the bluish-glowing flowers emitted an ethereal luminescence, casting tall, ghostly shadows. The Knight felt a sense of déjà vu, the scent, the hue, all hinting at a moment locked deep within his heart.

"Is this...?" He murmured to himself, reaching out to touch a petal.

Yet, in a reality that seemed to almost parallel his own, Jingliu stood. Her pale locks caught the silvery beams of the moon, looking almost like strands of liquid silver. She felt the presence of the pond calling to her, pulling at heartstrings she had long forgotten. With tentative steps, she approached its edge and knelt, her crimson eyes scanning the mirror-like surface.

And there, in the depths of the reflected world, two figures stared back at one another. A black-haired man with deep, haunting black-purple eyes met the gaze of a pale-haired woman with piercing red eyes. Though they seemed worlds apart, the water bound their gazes in a spellbinding dance.

"You..." Jingliu's voice trembled, her eyes widening in recognition.

The Knight, startled by her voice, responded with a mix of confusion and recognition. "Do I know you?"

Their eyes, windows to their souls, searched each other for answers. The distance between them seemed immeasurable, yet the water bridged their worlds in an ephemeral bond.

Jingliu hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is it really...?"

Just as her fingertips grazed the water's surface, ripples cascaded outward, distorting their reflected visages. The Knight reached out, as if trying to bridge the gap between them, but the waters began to churn violently. The serenity of the pond was shattered, its surface contorting with frenetic energy.

Suddenly, the chill of the water seeped into their very beings, as though icy tendrils were reaching out to claim them. Dark, swirling vortexes spiraled upwards from the depths, ensnaring their reflections in a shadowy embrace. As the tendrils tightened, they felt themselves being pulled, not downwards, but backwards in time.

The surrounding sounds of the serene realm faded, replaced by muffled echoes of laughter, distant chatter, and melodies of a time long gone. Colors bled from their vision, replaced by sepia-toned memories that danced on the periphery of their consciousness.

And then, clarity.

The noise of a bustling market, the scent of fresh flowers and spices in the air. Children ran through the streets, merchants shouted their wares, and there, in the center of it all, a younger version of the Knight and Jingliu, their eyes meeting for the first time. The weight of destiny pressed upon them even then, their souls recognizing one another long before their minds did.

In this ancient tapestry of memory, they saw their fates weaving together, intertwining, binding them in a dance of love, sorrow, and longing. The world of their past played out around them, a testament to the beginnings of an epic tale of two souls inexplicably connected.


A/N: YAYYY! We're finally going to venture their story arc together! What do you guys think of the book so far? I hope you all have a good day!

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