Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sibling Sentinel

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

EDIT: Got complaints that the chapter is not loading, so I had to unpublished the chapter, and publish it back. I apologize for the inconvenience.


Y/N stirred from a dreamless slumber; the morning's tranquility shattered by the gentle rustling of leaves. His eyes opened to a world tinged with the soft light of dawn, finding himself seated cross-legged where sleep had claimed him. The serenity that followed the tumult of the previous day wrapped around him like a comforting shawl.

"It's a relief, to be embraced by such quiet," Y/N mused, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the morning. He was careful not to rouse Igris and Sandra; the Knight and the princess lay side by side, a picture of guardian and charge. Igris' cape draped over Sandra as a makeshift blanket, his armored form resting against a tree, while Sandra's serene face belied the struggle within her dreams.

A silent joy bloomed in Y/N's chest as he observed them, a poignant reminder of a past not so distant. "It's reminiscent of her," he whispered, memories of Jingliu swaddled in his cape surfacing with a bittersweet clarity.

With a faint smile playing on his lips, Y/N rose, his body unfolding with the ease of a shadow stretching at twilight. He moved through the forest, drawn to a clearing where he could delve deeper into the mysteries of his powers.

As he settled into the open space, Y/N considered his next steps. Defense techniques were a familiar comfort, but it was the offensive where he sought innovation. A shadow barrier was simple enough; however, the balance between defense and offense was a delicate dance he had yet to master.

"One step at a time," he reminded himself, focusing on defense first. His arsenal was not lacking—the ornate dagger, his reliable lightsword of shadow—but it was the greatsword that eluded his complete control.

Y/N's contemplation turned to the blacklight, a remnant of his former self - his once blue-aura - now a fusion of black and white flames. The energy responded to his call, forming a lightsword that sang through the air, its touch leaving no mark, its heat a ghost against the skin.

Trees levitated towards him at his beckoning, standing as silent sentinels awaiting his command. These would be his adversaries, his training partners in the absence of a living opponent. "This will suffice for now," he said, acknowledging the loneliness of solitary practice with a tinge of regret.

With a decisive motion, Y/N brought his lightsword down upon the nearest log. It cleaved through the wood effortlessly, leaving behind the signature burns of blacklight—trees charred from within as if consumed by an inner fire. "They carry an impact indeed," Y/N noted, his mind racing with possibilities. "But what if more power is harnessed?"

He channeled his aura, and the lightsword blazed with increased fervor, its form becoming more defined, more formidable. "Is it the immensity of my aura, or is there an interference?" he pondered, the sword reflecting his own dual nature—shadow and light, creation and destruction.

As Y/N grappled with his thoughts, a familiar voice reached him. "You seem to be struggling with something, my liege."

Igris stood before him, his armor gleaming in the morning light, the weight of his greatsword evident even in its sheathed glory. "Good morning, Igris," Y/N greeted, extinguishing the blacklight and opening his hands in a gesture of peace.

"Good morning to you too, my liege," Igris replied, bowing with a knight's reverence.

Y/N, increasingly uncomfortable with the formal address, requested a more personal interaction. "Igris, when we're alone, as we are now, please call me by my name."

The Knight hesitated, his sense of decorum battling against the request. Yet, respecting Y/N's wishes, he relented, "I... I will try, Y/N."

Y/N's smile broadened at Igris' effort. "I knew you could do it, Igris. But now, I need your assistance with something more practical."

"I am ready to serve... Y/N," Igris responded, standing more relaxed now, a subtle shift from his usual formal stance.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Y/N rekindled the blacklight into a blazing sword, the black and white flames intertwining. "I wish for you to be my sparring partner," Y/N declared, driving the tip of his sword into the earth, leaving a miniature fiery crater as a testament to its power.

Memories of camaraderie and the clashing of steel surged within Igris at Y/N's request. The knight's eyes, though unseen behind his helm, shone with the reflection of the sun, and he drew his greatsword with solemn grace. The blade was a masterpiece of the smith's art, adorned with gold and red, a fitting companion to his oath of protection.

"I accept, Y/N," Igris said, his voice carrying the weight of his years and his unyielding spirit.

As the two squared off, the forest around them stood as a silent arena, the whispers of leaves and the distant cries of birds the only spectators to the dance of shadows and flames about to unfold.


The forest was calm as dawn broke, but the tranquility was short-lived as Igris, clad in his red and silver armor, burst forward with a speed that shattered the silence, his approach leaving cracks in the earth. Y/N, alert and poised, pulled his sword from the ground just in time to meet Igris' greatsword, which was already descending with formidable force.

The clash of their swords was cataclysmic, sending a shockwave that sheared through the forest, toppling trees and igniting the air with spreading flames. As the two warriors exerted their strength, a stalemate ensued, their blades locked in a fierce struggle.

Attempting to gain the upper hand, Y/N aimed a kick at Igris, who quickly conjured a shimmering silvery shield. The kick reverberated off the shield, creating a shockwave that further ravaged the landscape. Y/N's balance faltered, giving Igris the moment he needed to grasp Y/N by his coat and hurl him toward a tree with incredible might.

Y/N's back slammed into the trunk with a force that would have seriously injured a lesser being. But with his enhanced biology, the impact was merely a nuisance. "Igris, you are incredible!" Y/N exclaimed, impressed and somewhat exhilarated by the knight's prowess.

As Y/N sprang from the tree, his blacklight sword rematerialized in his grip. "And you, Y/N, are holding back," Igris observed, the morning light reflecting off his armor.

Y/N knew he had underestimated the knight. "He's beyond Jingliu's level," he acknowledged silently, using his past battles as a measure.

The two launched into a series of high-speed exchanges, their swords singing through the air. Y/N reveled in the joy of combat, a feeling mirrored by Igris, who found a semblance of his past camaraderie in their duel.

With a sudden leap backward, Y/N broke the rhythm of their engagement, piquing Igris's curiosity about what was to come. Y/N focused, and a potent black aura coalesced in his open palm, a chilling presence that even Igris could feel.

The aura condensed into an orb, dark and pulsating with energy. It was a manifestation of Y/N's newfound abilities, the raw shadow energy taking on a tangible, ominous form.

Igris watched, his stance defensive yet eager to see the extent of Y/N's capabilities. As the orb grew to its full size, its dark energy seemed to drink in the light around it, an eclipse in the palm of Y/N's hand.

Without warning, Y/N launched the orb at Igris with a flick of his wrist. Igris's reflexes kicked in, and he dodged swiftly, the orb missing him by mere inches. It continued on its destructive path until it collided with the forest behind him, where it detonated silently but with devastating effect.

An explosion of darkness swallowed the trees, leaving a gaping, perfectly symmetrical crater in its wake. The silence that followed was as shocking as the obliteration itself. Y/N stood, staring at the destruction he had wrought, a mixture of awe and concern etched on his face.

"Igris... I think we should end it here..." Y/N's voice betrayed a hint of regret, an acknowledgment that the power he wielded was both incredible and fearsome.

Igris turned from the crater, his eyes meeting Y/N's troubled gaze. Inside, he marveled at the sheer destructive potential, a flicker of realization crossing his mind that Y/N might be the key to ending their struggles. But he quickly dismissed the thought.

"Very well, Y/N. Let us attend to Lady Sandra," Igris agreed, his voice steady but not without a trace of his own awe. Together, they walked back to where Sandra lay, leaving behind the charred reminder of their spar.

As Y/N walked ahead, Igris lingered for a moment longer, the silhouette of a shadowy being flashing in his memory—a presage of the power they might soon need to face. With a final glance at the desolation, Igris followed Y/N, ready to face whatever the day might bring, his thoughts a complex tapestry of duty, wonder, and an inkling of fear.

The morning light filtered through the trees, touching the ground where Sandra lay, her form still and serene under Igris' cape. The scene was a stark contrast to the battlefield behind them, a reminder of the fragile balance between peace and chaos.

Y/N's smile was a small but genuine one as he nodded at Igris, appreciating the knight's effort to use his name. It was a step towards something less formal, more personal, and it bridged the gap between their worlds, if only just a little.


The soft rustle of leaves and the first rays of dawn encroached upon the slumbering princess, coaxing her back to the realm of wakefulness. Her dainty yawn, stifled by a delicate hand, was the day's quiet overture.

Clad in the comforting embrace of Igris' red cape, Sandra nestled within its folds, seeking solace in its familiar warmth. Her gaze, curious and still clouded with the remnants of dreams, settled upon the two figures engaged in earnest conversation. Y/N appeared at ease, a satisfied curve to his lips as he toyed with the ornate dagger, its intricate design catching the occasional glint of morning light. Igris stood with noble posture, the epitome of knightly virtue, his attentiveness now directed towards his liege.

Sandra's eyes danced with a playful light, a silent observer to the camaraderie shared by the men before her. Yet, a childish impatience tugged at her, yearning for recognition, a desire she quietly manifested with a soft, intentional huff.


The sound, small as it was, did not go unnoticed. The men turned, their expressions morphing from amused surprise to gentle concern. Sandra, feeling somewhat victorious, allowed a mock pout to grace her features.

"It sure took you long enough to notice I've awakened, humph!" she declared, her feigned indignation belied by the twinkle in her eye.

Igris, ever the dutiful knight, was quick to offer his apologies, his voice resonating with a sincerity that sought to smooth any ruffled feathers. "I must apologize, my lady. My liege has been quite engaged with his questions," he said, bowing to Sandra in a gesture of respect.

Y/N's previously animated features now settled into a mask of neutrality, his dark eyes meeting Sandra's with quiet intensity. "How are you holding up, Sandra? Do you feel well?" His concern was palpable, the protective instinct of a guardian momentarily displacing the light-hearted mood.

Sandra's brows knitted together in mild confusion. She could not recall any event that might have warranted such worry. "I feel like I've just slept through a marathon. Is there anything you wish to ask of me, my liege?" she inquired, her voice a melodic lilt despite the gravity of the moment.

Y/N contemplated her response, his mind weighing the pros and cons of revealing the full extent of the previous day's occurrences. "Sandra, do you recall what happened yesterday?" he asked, his voice steady and composed.

Her head tilted, a silent admission of her ignorance to the events he referenced. "No, I don't... did I perhaps hurt you all?" Her grip on the cape tightened, her voice laced with concern and the dawning realization that her lapse in memory might harbor more significant implications.

"The light you manifested during your prayers took a similar form as an explosion. Thankfully, we managed to calm you... unscathed," Y/N explained, careful to tread the fine line between honesty and reassurance.

Relief washed over Sandra's features, and her grip relaxed. "Since nobody is hurt, shall we go and find the other knights and the tombs?" Her eagerness was infectious, her youthful energy a stark contrast to the serene forest around them.

Her buoyancy seemed to lift the solemn mood that had settled over the forest clearing. She moved with a youthful grace, the red cape trailing behind her like the regal train of a gown, imbuing her with an air of innocence and nobility all at once.

Y/N's smile grew, warmth spreading through him at Sandra's resilience. He exchanged a glance with Igris, who responded with a silent nod of agreement.

"Let's go find them," Y/N declared, the weight of leadership sitting comfortably on his shoulders.


In the soothing embrace of her newfound sanctuary, Jingliu's senses returned, her consciousness emerging from the depths like a diver breaking the surface. The burn and beat of battle were but memories on her unblemished skin, now swathed in the soft fabric of azure robes. Her fingers traced the seamless cloth, finding no evidence of the ordeal she remembered—only the impeccable artistry of a healer's touch.

Her gaze wandered, drinking in the sights of her sheltered haven. The room was a forest of glass and greenery, where flasks of every shape housed the raw essence of enchantment. Sunlight, filtered through a canopy of luxuriant foliage outside the large, open windows, played upon surfaces that sparkled with internal galaxies, nebulous blooms, and bottled zephyrs. Everywhere she looked, nature and alchemy danced in silent harmony—a testament to the healer's mastery over life's hidden looms.

At the center of this tranquil world stood its creator, a figure of scholarly elegance. Her attire, a flowing ensemble of midnight hues, was crowned by a witch's hat, adorned with the blue of cornflowers that whispered of secret midnights. The woman wielded her wand with the precision of a maestro, coaxing forth from the ether azure dust that swirled into being, conjuring a butterfly of pure light that took flight amidst the tranquility of the alchemical grove.

"Awake, I see. Lie down for a bit; your mind needs healing from your pride beaten yesterday," the woman instructed without glancing up, her voice firm yet not unkind, resonating with the authority of one who knew the intricacies of healing beyond flesh and bone.

Jingliu, despite her confusion, acquiesced without protest, easing back into the embrace of the bed, though her mind churned with fragmented memories of the day before. "Yesterday?" she echoed, seeking anchors in the healer's words.

The woman continued her work, the wand in her hand birthing a butterfly from the dust, its glow casting serene patterns on the walls. "You don't remember? Icaria must've hit you hard. She's sorry, you know," the robed woman said, her words painting a picture of concern wrapped in a layer of clinical detachment.

A realization dawned, and the recollections of duels with Mono and Icaria cascaded through Jingliu's thoughts—each defeat a lesson, each lesson a stepping stone to strength. Pride had indeed been her adversary, and it seemed it had been bested thoroughly.

Turning her attention back to the woman, now a profile of concentrated thought, Jingliu ventured, "I assume you are another of their siblings?" Her voice was soft, her warrior's pride set aside in the presence of the healer.

"That I am. Yara, the doctor of this family," the woman replied, finally turning to bestow upon Jingliu a gaze sharp and discerning, eyes that seemed to pierce through the veils of flesh to the very essence of being.

"I am Jingliu," she acknowledged, "perhaps you've been told of me." The thought of Mono and Adabas' chattering about her to their siblings brought a faint smile to her lips.

The woman regarded her with an analytical gaze, then nodded slightly. "I am aware," she replied succinctly, her attention now fully on Jingliu. "As the healer of this family, your physical recovery is but a part of my study. The 'Mara' you bear is of particular interest." Yara said, the term rolling off her tongue with a mix of curiosity and nonchalance. Her expression revealed nothing of her thoughts on the matter, only a scientist's impartial interest.

Jingliu's mind brimmed with questions, yet she felt the weight of Yara's wisdom pressing upon her—this was not the time for inquiries. There would be moments aplenty for that, she sensed.

"Rest, Jingliu. Your curiosity will be your companion in due course," Yara advised, her tone now carrying the soft cadence of a lullaby. "The world of answers will wait for your waking."

Nodding, Jingliu surrendered to the healer's counsel, allowing the blanket to shield her once more from the world of wakefulness. Her breathing slowed, her consciousness receded, and she drifted off into the healing arms of sleep.

Obediently, Jingliu closed her eyes once more, the comfort of the blanket and the lull of Yara's potioncraft easing her into slumber. The room settled into a quiet harmony, the only sounds the gentle bubbling of concoctions and the rhythmic breathing of the warrior in repose.


The chamber of healing had settled into a familiar lull, where time seemed to flow with the grace of the luminescent dust motes that danced in the shafts of light. Into this sanctuary of tranquility stepped a figure, her pale hair cascading like a waterfall of moonbeams, her presence as arresting as the silence before the storm. Yara, amidst her meticulous craft, offered her a fleeting acknowledgment, a silent greeting between those who had long shared the unspoken language of kinship.

"I have never seen you this eager, Seris," Yara remarked without lifting her gaze from the vial she expertly twirled between her fingers. The contents within sparkled, a captive constellation spinning at her command. "Could it be that you have taken a liking to her?" she probed, her voice a soft murmur entwined with the subtle clinks of glassware.

Seris, the visage of stoic beauty, did not immediately respond, her steps measured as she approached a chair near Jingliu's bedside. The sleeping warrior lay in peaceful repose, a stark contrast to the tumultuous trials that had borne her to this point of respite. Seris seated herself, her posture a testament to grace and a profound contemplation that seemed to weigh upon her.

With a tenderness that belied her spectral aura, Seris traced her fingers along Jingliu's form. The slumbering swordswoman shivered ever so slightly; a leaf touched by the first breath of dawn. "She has been through a lot," the doppelganger whispered, her voice a lament for battles fought and scars etched upon the soul.

Yara's gentle cadence filled the space between them, her words laced with an empathic warmth. "Memory relapse can indeed bring out the best and worst of their lives; she must be fatigued," The healer's gaze remained on her task, but the air carried her concern. "She should have rested before starting her training," she said, the unspoken rebuke hanging in the air like the fragrance of herbs.

Seris' gaze met Yara's, a silent conversation passing through their shared gaze. "It's true. I should have stopped them, but..." Her voice trailed off, a rare hesitation that spoke of inner conflicts and ghosts of the past.

Yara, seizing the moment with the precision of a surgeon, cut through the pretenses. "But she reminded you of your past, your struggles," she asserted. "You are not her, and she is not you. Stop dwelling on what happened in the past; you're only hurting yourself."

A soft chuckle escaped Seris, the sound almost foreign in the stillness. "It is rare to see you lose your composure, Yara," she said, her humor a brief respite from the gravity of their exchange, a hand covering her mouth.

"Do not evade my point, sister," Yara retorted, her pen pausing above the parchment, her attention now fully on Seris.

Seris' expression sobered, her eyes reflecting a depth of resolve. "Yes... I hope for her to grow strong, to avoid my past mistakes. We will help her forge a new path. She must remember she's not alone," In her confession lay her hopes for Jingliu, a future unburdened by the chains of yesteryears.

Yara absorbed the words, a silent sentinel of her sister's heart. The air hung heavy with unspoken understanding, the weight of which only siblings could truly bear.

"May I stay here for a while? I'll keep watch." Seris requested softly, mindful of the peace that cradled Jingliu.

Yara, returning to her scrolls and concoctions, gave a nod of assent. "Do as you please, just do not disturb my work," she granted permission, her pen once again resuming its dance across the page.

Seris settled into the silence, a guardian watching over a new kind of hope, while Yara continued her alchemical symphony. The room, a cocoon of potential and healing, held them all in a delicate balance, as life, ever fleeting, marched on outside its walls.

End of Chapter

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