Chapter Thirty-Six: Unfathomable Encounters

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.



In the heart of Ena's realm, amidst the luminous splendor of the celestial city, Y/N found himself engulfed in a state of perplexity. The city's radiant glow enveloped him, yet it did little to illuminate the confusion clouding his thoughts.

"Why this confusion?" he pondered. The root of his unease lay in the labyrinth of his memories. They seemed fragmented, incomplete, leaving gaps in what should have been a continuous thread of recollection. The journey through the memories, shared with Jingliu, had come to an abrupt halt, severing the links to critical events leading up to his current predicament.

"It's all too strange. I should remember everything, but it feels as if pieces are missing," he mused aloud while navigating the shimmering pathways of the city. His presence seemed incongruous amidst the celestial grandeur, a man grappling with the intangible nature of his own past.

Pausing in front of a reflective surface of a building, he examined his reflection. His appearance had undergone a transformation – his hair was now jet black, contrasting starkly with his eyes, an intriguing blend of black and purple. "I look different," he observed, a sense of unfamiliarity accompanying the change. While the alteration was not of his own volition, he found a certain appeal in his new appearance.

"And I also act differently," he continued, introspecting the profound impact of the merging of his past and present selves. This fusion had refined him, bestowing upon him a maturity that he sensed was new. His demeanor, once shaped by a singular past, now bore the complexities of his recent experiences.

Yet, despite this transformation, his memories remained a tangled web, a disarray that he struggled to comprehend. "But why am I truly here, in this state?" he questioned, his gaze narrowing as the black-purple glow in his eyes intensified.

Shaking off the uncertainty, Y/N focused on a resolution. "I should meet with Ena," he decided, acknowledging the Aeon as a figure of guidance, almost parental in its significance to him.

With a sense of purpose, he summoned the Abyssal Gate. A portal of swirling black miasma materialized beside him, an ethereal gateway beckoning him to step through. With a determined stride, he entered the portal, which vanished into the ether as soon as he crossed its threshold, leaving the celestial city once again serene and untouched by his turmoil.


Within the boundless expanse where Ena resided, a realm pulsating with life and scattered with stars, Y/N emerged from his portal. The gateway vanished as soon as he stepped into this familiar yet distant space. He paused, taking in the celestial beauty around him, a wave of nostalgia washing over him. The time that had elapsed in his world of memories made his return to this realm feel like a journey spanning eons.

Surveying the majestic stars nearby, Y/N harnessed his telekinetic abilities, commanding the stars to orbit in a harmonious symphony. It was a gesture reminiscent of his first visit to this wondrous place. The stars swirled around him, and from their luminous dance, emerged small beings of pure light, resembling joyful children.

"Lord Y/N! Lord Y/N! You have come!" The children's voices chimed with excitement as they circled him. Y/N's smile broadened, a sense of warmth kindled by their enthusiastic welcome.

"Little ones, can you guide me to Ena?" Y/N asked gently, kneeling to pat one of the children on its light-formed head.

With eager nods, the children responded in unison, "Come and follow us!" They darted off, their light forms darting through space with Y/N in pursuit, his boots silent in the cosmic expanse.

The journey, though hours in length, felt like mere minutes. The children led him with innocent glee, their arms flailing playfully. Y/N chuckled at the charming scene. Eventually, they reached a massive gate fashioned from a trail of stars, glowing brilliantly.

"Lady Ena is behind this door! She's waiting for you, my lord!" The children sang out in a chorus.

Y/N expressed his gratitude with a promise, "Thank you, little ones. Next time, I'll join your little games." Their joyous jumps conveyed their delight at his words.

As the children vanished into a sea of light, leaving behind the vastness of space, Y/N approached the star gate and stood before it.

"You may come in," echoed Ena's ethereal, motherly voice from behind the gate. As it opened, Y/N entered with a regal posture, stepping into a realm filled with countless stars.

There, floating before him, was Ena. Her presence was commanding, draped in cosmic authority. Her skin, pale and porcelain-like, starkly contrasted the deep cosmos of her attire. The golden headdress radiated from her forehead like sunbeams, crowned with a halo adorned with planetary orbs, symbolizing her dominion over cosmic order.

Her eyes, concealed behind swirling nebulous patterns, exuded a boundless wisdom that seemed to encompass all of time and space. In her hands, she held a transparent orb filled with galaxies, stars, and planets, a testament to her control over the universe's intricate dance.

Her robe, a canvas of the night sky, flowed around her figure, adorned with star patterns that seemed to dissolve into stardust at the edges. Her neck was graced with a necklace of precious gems and pearls, an embodiment of opulence and structure. The lower part of her attire merged with the cosmos, illustrating her unity with the universe.

Ena greeted Y/N with a smile, her kaleidoscopic eyes shining with happiness. "Welcome back, Y/N," she voiced, her tone resonating with a blend of affection and solemnity.

Standing before Ena, the Aeon exuding an aura of celestial authority, Y/N felt a profound sense of wonder. Unlike his interactions with Aha and Akivili, which carried the familiarity of old friends, the presence of Fuli and Ena resonated with the grandeur of true deities.

"It is also a welcoming sight, seeing you again, Ena," he greeted, his voice tinged with reverence.

"Mother," Ena corrected softly yet firmly.

Y/N, taken aback by her insistence, hesitated. "Uhh... is this from that joke I made back then?"

"Yes, and it resonated with me," Ena replied, her voice gentle. She revealed a small red planet from within her robes and continued, "Though your words were in jest, I see you as the son I never had. Please, call me mother."

Y/N, slightly overwhelmed, acquiesced with a soft "Yes, mom..."

Ena's smile, radiant upon her porcelain face, conveyed her happiness. "To me, creations of life are like children, yet they do not call me mother, only by my titles. But you, Y/N, you dared to call me mother, and I found no offense in it."

"So, only for that?" Y/N asked, seeking clarity.

Ena shook her head, her smile unwavering. "It is also because of your nature."

"My nature?" Y/N echoed, confusion lacing his words. "Do you mean something divine or...?"

"Yes," she replied cryptically, leaving Y/N with a partial understanding yet a sense of contentment.

Rubbing the back of his head, a familiar habit, he responded, "Your answer leaves me even more confused, mother."

Ena's laughter resonated through the cosmos. "I am playful, but I truly see you as my child," she confessed.

Y/N smiled genuinely. "I see you as a mother too."

Clapping her hands with excitement, Ena beamed. "Now, I believe you have questions for me?"

Y/N turned serious. "I do. Why am I here, in this realm, meeting the Aeons?"

Ena's expression turned somber. "I cannot answer that," she said regretfully.

"I thought you might say that," Y/N replied, understanding her limitations.

Interrupting Ena's next words, he added, "Because 'he' would vanish you into nothing, right? Similar to Lan's indirect responses."

Ena's silence confirmed his suspicion. She then shifted the conversation. "Y/N, HooH wishes to speak with you."

"HooH?" Y/N questioned, sensing the gravity of the request.

"Yes, the Aeon of Equilibrium, he would like to meet you," Ena said, uncertainty in her voice.

Sensing the implications, Y/N sighed and summoned the book of realms. A map materialized, pinpointing a new location named Idrilla.

"Idrilla," he mused aloud. "The name sounds familiar."

Ena, listening, offered her voice, which suspiciously sounded happy, "She is the Aeon of Beauty."

"Mother, you sound happy," Y/N remarked, skepticism threading his tone.

"You will like her," Ena assured cryptically.

Accepting her counsel, Y/N prepared to depart. "Alright, I'll be off."

Bidding farewell, Ena expressed her care. "Stay safe, son."

Returning her gesture with a smile, Y/N spoke the name "Idrilla" and vanished into the map, transported to his next destination in the grand cosmic tapestry.


Jingliu found herself wandering through an enchanted forest, a stark contrast to the familiar landscapes of Xianzhou. Here, the trees reached skyward, their branches intertwining to form a living cathedral of green, adorned with the delicate flicker of bioluminescent leaves. The air hummed with the whispers of the woods, a symphony of rustling foliage and distant, unseen streams.

The forest floor was a carpet of lush, vibrant flora, peppered with flowers that glowed softly, radiating a light of their own. It was a scene from a dream, more beautiful than anything she had ever seen in her homeland, which she had always held in high regard for its natural splendor. Yet, this place transcended it, setting a new pinnacle of natural beauty.

Jingliu paused, her hand reaching out to the kaleidoscope of butterflies that danced around her. Each butterfly bore wings of iridescent hues, fluttering ethereally, leaving trails of shimmering dust in their wake. She touched one gently, feeling the fragile pulse of its delicate wings, the brief connection sending ripples of color through the air. It was a moment of pure, serene joy.

With a reluctant sigh, Jingliu withdrew her hand, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she could not linger in this tranquil haven. "I have no time to be dilly-dallying," she reminded herself, the urgency of her quest calling her away from the mesmerizing scene.

As she ventured deeper into the forest, a figure clad in armor caught her eye. Jingliu halted, her lightsword at the ready, as she called out to the stranger, "Who are you?" The armored being turned, startled by her presence, and Jingliu's breath caught at the sight. The armor was reminiscent of a knight's, sparking a memory of Y/N in their youthful days.

"I... I am Pluto! Nice to meet you!" The being's voice was timid yet cheerful, its demeanor unexpectedly light-hearted.

Jingliu, sensing no threat, lowered her lightsword and introduced herself simply, "I am Jingliu."

"Ah! The Nighthilt Sovereign!" Pluto exclaimed, bouncing with an energy that belied the armor's weight. The sight was comically endearing, and Jingliu felt a smile tug at her lips despite herself.

"Yes, that is me," she acknowledged, her discomfort with the title still lingering.

"Mmhm! One connected to the moon, we know!" Pluto chirped, and Jingliu's curiosity piqued at the mention of 'we.'

Before she could inquire further, a rustling from the woods put her on guard. Pluto hastened to reassure her, "Ah! There's nothing to worry about, it's just—"

"It is I," a deep voice announced as a being of celestial grandeur emerged. The being stood before her, his form a majestic fusion of armored constellations, his presence commanding yet not menacing.

"I am Holos, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Nighthilt Sovereign," he greeted, his massive jeweled axe reflecting the ambient light of the forest.

"The pleasure is mine," Jingliu responded, still cautious, but the awe she felt in the presence of such a mythical figure was undeniable. Why are all the beings she's encountering lately so strong and mythical?

"Pluto, let's show her the way to our home," Holos suggested, his voice now imbued with a warm sincerity.

"Ay! Let's go, Jingliu!" Before she could protest, Pluto took her hand and led her forward.


Caught in the whirlwind of events, Jingliu stumbled after them, her mind racing with questions. Where were they taking her, and what purpose did these beings have in guiding her path? Despite her reservations, Jingliu followed, intrigued and hopeful that this path would lead her closer to the answers she sought.


Led deeper into the woods by Pluto and Holos, Jingliu's curiosity about her new companion grew. "Pluto... If I may know, are you a boy or a girl?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine interest.

Pluto turned her helmeted head toward Jingliu, her voice bright and clear. "I'm a girl!" she proclaimed.

A smile graced Jingliu's lips. "You handle yourself like a great warrior. Are you perhaps a swordswoman, like me?" she asked, sensing a kindred spirit.

"Ya! I can swing two swords, and I'm pretty sure I could beat you in a fight!" Pluto boasted, her earlier timidity replaced with a warrior's confidence.

Jingliu, amused and delighted by the friendly banter, playfully issued a gentle tease. "I must let you know that I am taller than you."

Pluto groaned, her bravado faltering. "Gagh! Please don't say that!" Her response drew a soft giggle from Jingliu, the sound echoing lightly through the trees.

"It's nice to see you two getting along, but we have arrived," Holos interjected, his deep voice drawing their attention away from their playful exchange.

Jingliu paused, taking in the breathtaking sight before her. The forest opened up to reveal a cathedral-like clearing, where towering trees formed an archway to the sky. The pillars of the trees were veined with glowing blue and encrusted with what seemed like gemstones, reflecting the light in a cascade of colors.

A little girl stood at the center, her presence commanding yet delicate. She was draped in a cloak of vibrant red, the color of a blooming rose, contrasting strikingly against the cool blues and deep shadows of the forest cathedral. Leaves and petals, resembling shards of rubies, swirled around her in a gentle whirlwind, caught in a perpetual dance of natural magic.

Jingliu, taken aback by the young girl's formidable aura, felt a mixture of wonder and anticipation.

"Hello, Nighthilt Sovereign. I am Adabas," the girl greeted, her voice a melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the woods. "And we wish to train you," she announced, her eyes glinting with a power that rivaled that of an Aeon.


Y/N appeared in a flash of myriad starlight, his arrival marked by a cascade of cosmic glimmers that faded into the ancient stillness of the place. He found himself in the midst of ruins that whispered tales of bygone eras. The remnants of what once might have been a grand structure now lay surrendered to the relentless march of nature.

He wandered through the fallen stones and overgrown arches, his fingers tracing the cracks in the weathered rocks, a fine dust dislodging and drifting away with his touch. "What happened here, I wonder?" he pondered aloud, his voice dissipating into the quiet air, the only response the soft rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze that seemed to carry the secrets of the past.

The light filtered through the foliage, casting dappled shadows upon the ruins. The structure, with its once-sturdy columns and arches, stood defiant against time, yet succumbing to the inevitable decay. Y/N paused to survey the scene, the contrast of the place's former glory and its current state of decay striking a chord within him.

A sense of perturbation crept over him, a reflection of the disarray before his eyes. It was as if the very air was laden with the weight of memories, the silent echoes of laughter, and the roar of battles long since faded into the ether.

With a resolute breath, Y/N acknowledged the futility of remaining idle. "Well, I can't just stand here and do nothing, I must go," he resolved. With a steady pace, he ventured deeper into the heart of the mysterious ruins.

End of Chapter

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