Chapter Thirty-Two: Ascension's Trials

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In the aftermath of Fuli's profound words, a reverent silence enveloped the realm. The knight, still captivated by the crystalline sentinel's shimmering presence, felt an inexplicable pull towards the pulsating shards scattered around. It was as if these crystals, alive with the echoes of countless souls, beckoned him to delve into their secrets.

Drawing closer to one of the larger shards, the knight gingerly extended his hand. As his fingers grazed its luminous surface, a rush of visions and emotions surged through him, each memory more vivid than the last. It was a tapestry of moments, both significant and mundane, woven seamlessly together.

Feeling the weight of ages through these fragments, the knight turned to Fuli, awe evident in his eyes. "This realm... It's a sanctuary for memories, isn't it?"

Fuli, ever the enigma, responded serenely, "Indeed, a sanctuary where time's ebb and flow converge. As the universe marches forward, moments transform into memories, fleeting and ephemeral. My duty is to ensure they remain, untouched by the decay of time."

The guardian, taking a moment to absorb the significance, added, "By preserving these memories, you anchor the essence of existence, offering insight and reflection for those willing to seek."

Fuli nodded, its shimmer intensifying. "Memories are the universe's eternal record, a testament to the journeys undertaken and lessons learned. They serve as bridges, linking the past to the present, ensuring the future remains informed."

Entranced by the harmonious hums of the realm and enlightened by Fuli's wisdom, the knight and the guardian continued their exploration, realizing that they stood at the nexus of time, surrounded by the resonances of the past.

In the midst of the realm's vast expanse, the towering spires stood tall, their intricate designs whispering of challenges that lay ahead. The knight, sensing the weight of the impending trials, felt a stir within, a melding of anticipation and trepidation. Fuli's voice, though gentle, carried an undertone of gravity as it addressed the towering structures.

"These spires are not mere relics of a bygone era," Fuli began, "but a manifestation of challenges tailored for beings of your newfound stature. Each one symbolizes a test of resoluteness, might, perseverance, and strength. Ascending them is essential for those transitioning from mortal to godhood."

The knight, absorbing the magnitude of the revelation before him, cast his gaze upwards, staring intently at the luminous spires that pierced the heavens. The overwhelming weight of what lay ahead bore down on him, and he struggled to grapple with the seemingly insurmountable task of ascending these pillars of memories.

Pausing to steady himself, the knight's expression turned contemplative, a frown forming as he tried to align the disparate pieces of information he'd been presented with. "These memories you guard," he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of awe and confusion, "they weave tales of the past, chronicle events of the present, and whisper promises of the future. But I find myself lost amidst this vast tapestry. How do they pertain to me?"

He hesitated, searching Fuli's crystalline form for answers. "You speak of ascension, of transcending the boundaries of mortality. Yet, I stand here, riddled with questions, unsure of my past and uncertain of the path I'm meant to tread. If I am to ascend, how can I, when I don't even have a clear grasp of who or what I was before all this?"

The knight's voice carried a rawness, an urgency stemming from the profound dissonance he felt. It wasn't just about recovering lost memories; it was about reconciling with a past he didn't even know existed and facing the daunting prospect of becoming something greater than he'd ever imagined.

Fuli's crystalline form seemed to glow with even greater luminance as it replied, "Your ascension, young one, though monumental, is merely the beginning. As a fledgling deity, understanding the intricacies of time and memories is paramount. These memories will serve as your guideposts, reminders of the cyclical nature of existence and the interconnectedness of all things."

Fuli paused, the realm around them hushing as if anticipating the sentinel's response. "The 'concept' you seek to understand is vast and mysterious. While I hold dominion over all that is remembered, even I cannot fully fathom the depth and breadth of concepts. They are intangible, ever-shifting, and boundless. You are dealing with forces beyond comprehension. Attempting to grasp them wholly is like trying to hold the universe within one's palm."

The knight and the guardian exchanged glances, realizing the enormity of their quest and the mysteries that still awaited unraveling. The path ahead, though daunting, was also one of discovery and enlightenment.

As the knight grappled with the expansive notion of 'concepts,' Fuli sensed the need for a tangible demonstration. In a realm where words carried weight, actions had the potential to be profoundly transformative. With a graceful movement, Fuli beckoned the knight closer.

"To help you understand, witness the breadth of my abilities," Fuli intoned. The realm itself seemed to still, its vast expanse awaiting the unfolding spectacle.

Without a warning, the surroundings shifted. The knight found himself amidst a bustling market square, the sounds of haggling and laughter filling the air. Faces of beings, both familiar and foreign, passed by, each lost in their world, oblivious to the knight's presence. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the vision ended, and the knight was back amidst the towering spires.

"That was a memory," Fuli explained, "one of countless I safeguard. An event from a distant realm, a mere moment in the tapestry of existence."

Before the knight could process the experience, Fuli's form started to shimmer, becoming translucent, then vanished entirely. The guardian and the knight glanced around, but the sentinel of memories was nowhere to be seen. Moments later, Fuli reappeared, materializing beside them. The ease with which it navigated existence left both in awe.

"My awareness," Fuli continued, "extends beyond the limited perception of mortals. I witness the cycles of the universe, its patterns, its constants, and its variables."

The air around them began to ripple, and suddenly they found themselves amidst a grand council. Leaders of various realms, debating an impending cosmic event, surrounded them. Fuli's presence, though unobtrusive, seemed to resonate with the council, suggesting their significance in this monumental decision-making.

The vision faded, and the trio stood once more amidst the radiant glow of the crystal-studded realm. "My presence, whether proactive or reactive, intertwines with pivotal moments," Fuli articulated, "events that shape the course of realms."

The knight, taking a moment to gather his thoughts, nodded slowly. The demonstration, though overwhelming, provided invaluable insight into the vastness of the realm's guardian and the depths of the powers it wielded.

In the midst of the serene vastness, Fuli shifted, its crystalline form undulating with a pulse of energy. From this energy emerged a door, majestic in its simplicity. Crafted purely of crystal, it glistened and shimmered, radiating an allure that beckoned and promised revelations beyond. The door was not just an entrance; it was a testament to the intricate dance between memory and destiny.

Fuli's voice, laden with the wisdom of eons, resonated through the realm, "Your journey, O Knight, is one of rediscovery and reclamation. Beyond this portal lies the path to what was once yours, the mosaic of memories that define your very essence."

The figure of lore continued, its voice carrying a gravity that hinted at the challenges ahead, "But heed this well: the process of unearthing one's past is never without its trials. The act of remembrance can awaken dormant storms, and with your newfound identity will come inevitable confrontations. The cosmos is vast, and its players many. As you reclaim the fragments of yourself, be prepared to face those who might wish to challenge, or even usurp, your place within it."

The knight, understanding the weight of Fuli's words, nodded solemnly. Gripping the hilt of Ena's dagger, a symbol of determination and a beacon of hope, he approached the crystal door. Without hesitation, and with a sense of purpose burning in his eyes, he stepped through, disappearing into the realm of challenges and revelations that awaited him.


Amidst the azure expanse of her realm, Jingliu's world was a stark contrast to the knight's crystalline sanctum. Instead of shimmering facets and resonant hums, she was surrounded by an infinite horizon of radiant light, punctuated by ethereal figures floating gently in the air. Their forms were incorporeal, reminiscent of drifting clouds, yet every curve and nuance hinted at purpose and intent.

Upon her arrival, Jingliu was immediately surrounded by these luminous beings. Their presence was overwhelming, yet she felt an innate sense of trust, as if she'd known them for eons. Their voices harmonized in a melodious chorus, "Welcome, Nighthilt Sovereign. Your path here is of great importance."

Drawing her attention, one of the beings, distinguishable by its iridescent hues, addressed her, "To relive memories of the past, one must first prove oneself in the present. Your trials are not to question your worth, but to fortify it."

Jingliu, her eyes reflecting her determination, responded, "I'm ready. What must I do?"

Before her question could linger in the echoing vastness, another being, graceful as the winds of spring, swirled around her, illuminating the realm even brighter. Its voice, gentle as a whisper yet commanding as thunder, declared, "To test your rights, you must showcase the skills that made you the Nighthilt Sovereign. To affirm your dignity, you will face challenges that question your core beliefs and morals. And to ascertain your worth, you must stand resolute against adversities that threaten to diminish your very essence."

Jingliu, emboldened by the clarity of the trials ahead, squared her shoulders, her posture speaking of her unwavering resolve. "I have faced many challenges in my time, and I am prepared to face more. Tell me, what is my trial?"

One of the beings gestured, and a portal of shimmering light materialized before her. "Your trial lies beyond," it intoned. "You shall confront shadows of the past, echoes of decisions made, and actions taken. They are fragments of your journey, and now, they will challenge your rights as the Nighthilt Sovereign."

With a deep breath, Jingliu stepped forward, her every movement radiating confidence. She was not just the Nighthilt Sovereign by title; she had earned it through countless sacrifices and relentless perseverance. These trials, however daunting, were just another chapter in her storied journey.


Jingliu's heart raced as she stepped through the ancient portal, finding herself in the midst of a hauntingly familiar battlefield. The desolate landscape bore the scars of countless wars, and from the midst of its obscurity emerged the figures of the High Cloud Quintet, her closest comrades. The memories were intense, a vivid testament to battles fought and bonds forged. This wasn't just another skirmish; it was a challenge to her very soul.

As she drew closer, the golden glint of a magnificent glaive caught her eye. It was unmistakably the weapon of her young student, Jing Yuan. The blade, elegantly crafted with intricate designs, shimmered with a captivating luster, its tip adorned with a glowing amber jewel. It wasn't just the glaive that held her attention; standing tall behind Jing Yuan was the colossal form of Thunderlord. The gargantuan warrior radiated a powerful golden aura, its armor intricately adorned with celestial motifs, and its glowing eyes conveyed a silent challenge.

A gentle wind swept through, bringing with it the scent of the forests, and there, with his trademark green robes flowing freely, stood Dan Feng, a proud Vidyadhara. His ethereal presence was magnified by the majestic green dragon, coiled around him, its shimmering scales gleaming under the spectral light, and its feral eyes piercing the very fabric of the battlefield.

To Dan Feng's side, an elderly figure surveyed the area, the weight of countless years evident in his gaze. It was Ying Xing, the revered Artisan of the High Cloud Quintet. With each wrinkle and every silver strand in his hair, he held stories of weapons forged and battles witnessed. His hands, though weathered, still possessed the skill that had birthed legends.

Then, an image that made Jingliu's heart stop. There she was, a silhouette that made Jingliu choke with disbelief. Baiheng. With long, silver hair that cascaded like a waterfall, Baiheng's appearance seemed ethereal, almost dreamlike. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of teal, gleamed with a soft light, filled with a gentle resolve. Framing her face were distinct fox-like ears, which only added to her mystical aura. Draped in a cloak of pure white, with soft fur lining the edges, she seemed untouched by the chaos surrounding her. In her hand, she held her iconic recurve bow, its design reflecting the elegance and strength she embodied.

The sight of Baiheng wavered Jingliu's heart. She knew this was just a mirage, a cruel reflection of her past. But the idea of confronting and possibly striking down the specter of her dear friend was unbearable. The trials she faced were not only physical but emotional and spiritual as well. The battlefield before her was not just of war, but of her heart's deepest sorrows. "Such a cruel world," Jingliu murmured, a tear forming in her eye. Despite the pain, she let out a smile of sadness, signifying her acceptance of the challenge before her.

Without missing a beat, Baiheng notched her recurve bow and released three ethereal arrows, glowing with an eerie luminescence. They shot forward, cutting through the misty air with lethal precision, aimed directly at Jingliu's heart.

As she evaded the deadly onslaught, a roar pierced the air. Dan Feng, mounted atop his majestic green dragon, thrust forward with his spear, both warrior and beast working in perfect synchrony. The dragon's scales shimmered as they caught the spectral light, its feral eyes fixated on its target.

Reacting swiftly, Jingliu summoned her lightsword, the blade illuminating with a cool azure glow. In one fluid motion, she parried Baiheng's arrows, redirecting the force to send a chilling slash of ice towards Dan Feng. However, before it could reach him, Thunderlord intervened, stepping forward with a resounding stomp. His titanic figure acted as a bulwark, blocking the icy slash with a mere flex of his armored muscles.

Catching her breath, Jingliu's keen eyes darted across the battlefield, evaluating her opponents. Their teamwork was impeccable, just as it had been in the days of their camaraderie. Their tactics flowed seamlessly, leaving no room for her to exploit any weakness. As her eyes scanned, she caught the sight of Ying Xing, standing aloof from the direct confrontation. In his hands was a sword she didn't recognize, its blade pulsating with arcane energy. She barely had a moment to ponder this anomaly when a massive fireball, burning with white-hot intensity, plummeted from the sky towards her.

With reflexes honed from years of battle, Jingliu managed to evade the fiery onslaught. As the ground beneath her scorched, her loyal Moonlit Guardian sprang into action. It manifested a radiant barrier around her, a shield crafted from the pure essence of moonlight. However, before she could regain her footing, a sudden surge of water threatened to engulf her. Dan Feng's water dragon had expanded, its massive form swelling as it bore down on her with a torrential might.

Jingliu's heart raced as she saw the dragon's imminent explosion. The sheer force would surely obliterate her shield. But before she could react, another threat manifested. From above, Thunderlord, with all his celestial might, descended like a divine avenger. His massive spear, glowing with otherworldly energy, aimed straight for her. It seemed as though the very heavens had sent a divine spear to end her existence.

The battlefield transformed into a world of ice and mist as Jingliu released her latent elemental energy. An avalanche of cascading icebergs surged from the ground, shrouding the entire arena in a veil of frost and haze. The overwhelming surge of cold managed to deflect both the dragon and Thunderlord's strikes. The giant's mighty fist was caught in the icy embrace, freezing over and then shattering into countless shards. The dragon, its grandeur temporarily subdued, was rendered immobile, frozen in a lifelike statue of crystalline beauty.

Jing Yuan, always the opportunist, took this chance to close in on Jingliu. His glaive danced with precision and purpose, but to Jingliu, it was like a dance she had choreographed herself. She recognized every move, every feint, for she had taught them to him. Using this intimate knowledge, she gracefully dodged his attempts, weaving around his strikes. When the moment came, she retaliated, sending forth her lightsword in a precise X-shaped slash. As her blade connected, Jing Yuan's form dissipated in a radiant glow, like stardust returning to the cosmos.

But victory was short-lived. Ying Xing, having been silent until now, conjured a wall of flames, intending to trap Jingliu in a pyre of his own creation. The fiery prison roared and crackled around her, but Jingliu's Moonlit Guardian acted on instinct, negating the flames with its ethereal presence.

As the flames vanished, Dan Feng emerged from the smoky remnants, his spear poised for a killing blow. He might have succeeded, had Jingliu been any other warrior. But the Moonlit Guardian heightened her senses, allowing her to detect even the slightest of movements. With elegant speed, she twirled, severing Dan Feng's arms along with his weapon, and without hesitation, pierced his heart.

Breathing heavily, Jingliu scanned the frosted battlefield, her eyes catching the silhouette of Ying Xing amidst the dissipating mist. He began to chant, his voice a low murmur, weaving together an arcane incantation. But Jingliu wouldn't grant him the time to complete it.

"You always did love your theatrics," she quipped, propelling herself forward with an almost ethereal grace.

Ying Xing's eyes widened as he felt the chilling edge of her blade brushing against his neck. "Jingliu..." he whispered, the enchantment dying on his lips, replaced by a mix of awe and resignation.

Her blade moved swiftly, leaving behind a trail of luminescent ice in its wake. As Ying Xing's form began to dissolve into the cold, he managed a wistful smile. "Teach them... as you taught me," he whispered, his form scattering like snowflakes in the wind.

The frost and mist converged, revealing Baiheng, standing serenely amidst the icy devastation. The weight of the moment pressed heavily on Jingliu, each step towards her old friend felt like an eternity. Baiheng's fox ears twitched slightly, a soft melancholic smile playing on her lips.

"You have changed, Jingliu," Baiheng remarked softly, her voice a gentle caress against the biting cold.

"And you," Jingliu's voice wavered, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, "always had a way of seeing through me."

The space between them closed, and as Jingliu's blade connected, Baiheng leaned in, her whisper a bittersweet lullaby. "It's alright, my friend. Sometimes, to move forward, we must let go." Her ethereal form began to dissolve, but not before gracing Jingliu with one final comforting smile.

With each fading silhouette, Jingliu felt a chasm widening within her. It wasn't the physical exhaustion that pained her, but the heartrending weight of the past rearing its haunting visage. She stood alone amidst the icy remnants, her breath visible in the frigid air, every exhale a testament to the storm brewing within.

As the cold winds began to soothe her fevered brow, a nagging thought clawed its way to the forefront of her mind. She looked around, her gaze sweeping the desolation, and the realization hit her like a tidal wave. Someone was missing. Someone pivotal to her past. That deliberate absence, that mocking void, was the world's cruel jest at her expense. She felt the bitter sting of her decisions. The trial she once embraced with determination was now tainted with sorrow and regret.

"Why?" she whispered to the unyielding winds, her voice a mix of anguish and defiance. "What more do you want from me?" The silence that followed was deafening, deepening her resolve against the world's malevolent games.


Upon passing through the door, the Knight found himself in a vast arena, unparalleled in grandeur. The stone walls of this colosseum bore tales of past glories, seemingly erected for royalty to showcase their might. A cacophony of chants and cheers reverberated through the air, echoing off the walls. He was surrounded by a sea of battle-hardened spectators, their eyes filled with anticipation and thirst for warfare. Each one, with their scars and tales of bravery, had earned their place as veterans in this crowd.

Taking in the immensity of the situation, the Knight started to remove his coat, fearing its imminent damage amidst the battle that awaited. Beneath it was his armor, reflecting the dim lights of the colosseum and amplifying his formidable presence. As he adjusted to his surroundings, the crystalline guardian, now in a smaller form, nestled comfortably on his shoulder, its ethereal glow casting a small halo around them.

With a voice that resonated with wisdom, the guardian intoned, "Your first objective in this trial: Endure."

The Knight, with a raised brow, responded, "That sounds foreboding. But before I face whatever comes next, tell me, who are you truly?"

The Guardian, shimmering with a light reminiscent of Fuli, replied in a voice that echoed with a divine resonance, "I am but one face of Fuli, a fragment of their vast entity. An aspect that has taken form to guide you."

A momentary flash of realization crossed the knight's face. "Your semblance to them... it's uncanny. So, you're my guiding star in this ordeal?"

The Guardian nodded gracefully. "Indeed. But remember, I am also here as a sentinel, ensuring the delicate balance between reality and dreams remains unbroken. The fabric of existence is intricate, and any disruption can bring about chaos."

Before their conversation could continue, a massive force descended from the sky. The ground trembled and dust clouds billowed as a colossal entity landed in the colosseum's center. The knight remained rooted, his posture reflecting a calm determination.

Emerging from the haze was a behemoth, its appearance both majestic and fearsome. Muscles rippled beneath its dark, almost obsidian-like skin. A magnificent mane of hair, resembling a wild storm, crowned its head, from which protruded twisted, elongated horns. Its front limbs, ending in clawed hands, flexed with raw power. The creature's tail, armored with razor-sharp scales, trailed behind it, seeming to possess a life of its own. Its eyes, a fierce blend of fire and ice, locked onto the knight, promising a battle of epic proportions.

With a deep breath, the Knight steadied himself, looking up at the towering beast. "So, when you said 'Endure,' you meant to survive this titan, I presume?" he muttered, his voice dripping with both anticipation and trepidation.

In response, the behemoth roared and charged forward, its arms growing in size as the powerful muscles bulged, readying for a devastating blow. The arena seemed to tremble in its wake.

Without hesitation, the Knight assumed the poised stance of an ancient martial warrior, channeling dark energy into his fists. As the two met in a collision of force, their punches clashed with an impact that sent tremors throughout the colosseum. Shockwaves radiated from the point of their contact, causing the onlookers to brace themselves.

With a sudden surge of power, the behemoth's fist connected with the Knight's torso, launching him like a meteor into the colosseum's walls. Stone cracked and debris flew as he carved a crater into its structure. But the Knight was far from defeated. Harnessing his energy, he propelled himself from the wall, becoming a blur as he shot towards the behemoth.

Reaching the creature, the Knight delivered a punch with such ferocity that it sent the behemoth rocketing skyward. Just as it reached the peak of its ascent, a swirling portal of darkness — the Abyssal Gate — appeared above it. Emerging from the portal's depths was the Knight, who, with a gravity-defying leap, sent another thunderous punch into the behemoth's face. The force of the blow sent the creature hurtling back to the ground, its descent causing a shockwave so potent that the very fabric of their reality quaked, threatening to unravel everything in its path.

The behemoth's rage was palpable. Its skin took on a reddish hue, and the air grew thick with steam rising from its enraged form. The Knight watched with a mix of alarm and fascination, keenly aware of the impending fury about to be unleashed.

With a mighty roar, the creature brought its fists together and drove them into the ground with an unparalleled force. The very earth shook, and the majestic arena crumbled around them, sending shards of rock and debris into the air. Amidst the chaos, the Knight found himself caught within the behemoth's grasp, his leg ensnared by its titanic hand. With each swing, the creature thrashed the Knight against the broken remnants of the colosseum.

But even in his dire situation, the Knight's determination remained unyielding. Conjuring a sword made of pure black light, he sliced through the behemoth's fingers and arm with swift and deadly accuracy. As the creature bellowed in pain, it lunged at the Knight with its remaining arm, only to be met with another of the Knight's tricks. An Abyssal Gate materialized before the Knight, swallowing the behemoth's charge. With a sharp motion, the portal was closed, leaving the creature with one less limb.

Seizing the moment, the Knight launched himself upwards, his fist connecting with the creature's chin. The blow's force was so devastating that it separated the behemoth's head from its body. As the dust settled, the once-mighty creature lay defeated, and the Knight, though victorious, felt the world spinning around him, the aftershocks of the creature's relentless assault still lingering.

A voice, deep and resonant, broke the silence. "Impressive," Fuli intoned, its voice echoing with god-like authority and complexity. "I had anticipated an hour for you to overcome this challenge, but your innovative use of your powers... it was a sight to behold."

The Knight managed a weak smile, fatigue evident in his eyes. "Thank you," he rasped. As the familiar crystal door materialized, signifying the next stage of his journey, the Knight chose to sit, taking a moment to gather his strength. The trials ahead would surely demand every ounce of his resolve.


With every step Jingliu took, the world around her seemed to degrade further. The once-verdant landscapes now bore the stain of desolation. Inky black sludge oozed across the land, suffocating any remnants of life. Plants, once green and full of life, now stood as twisted husks, their essence drained. The very air was thick with a palpable sense of decay.

Jingliu's stride was confident, even as the environment grew increasingly hostile. Her previous challenges, though many, had been met and conquered with ease. But nothing, nothing at all, could have prepared her for what awaited her next.

She froze in her tracks, her eyes widening in horror at the sight before her. Among the decay and darkness stood a familiar figure, one she'd hoped never to see in such a state. Clad in once-gleaming blue armor, now tainted with the corruption of the realm, was a man wielding a greatsword. His posture was imposing, his demeanor sinister.

Her heart shattered at the realization. "NO! NO! NO!" Jingliu cried out, her voice echoing with pain and desperation. "WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME?!"

It was Y/N. The man she held dear, now a puppet of the very darkness she fought against. Every ounce of her being screamed in denial, unwilling to accept the cruel twist of fate. But the evidence was irrefutable, the nightmare real. The path forward was clear, yet the weight of the impending confrontation threatened to crush her spirit.

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