Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Knight's Fashionable Interlude

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

For this chapter, join the amnesiac on a leisurely journey through the enchanting realm of Ena. It's a refreshing break from the usual adventures, a chance for the reader to rest and prepare for what lies ahead, especially when it comes to Fuli.

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The knight, with a gesture of intent, called forth a swirling abyssal portal that reflected the deep mysteries of the cosmos. Taking a steadying breath, he stepped through, immediately being embraced by the resplendent city that lay beyond.

The city was an ethereal masterpiece—a symphony of architectural brilliance that seamlessly combined the wonders of nature with the luminescence of the cosmos. Towering skyscrapers touched the heavens, their facades interwoven with cascades of shimmering waterfalls that played with the ambient light, casting prismatic rainbows in all directions.

Amidst the grandeur of these structures, bridges floated, seemingly suspended by invisible forces, adorned with radiant flora that seemed to sway and dance with the rhythm of the universe. Neon-blue butterflies, almost ethereal in their delicate beauty, flitted around, leaving trails of stardust in their wake. Their vibrant colors echoed off the glass and metal surfaces of the buildings, creating a harmonious blend of organic and synthetic beauty.

The heart of the city pulsed with life. Streets were lined with gardens that defied gravity, growing vertically along walls and archways, and bioluminescent plants illuminated pathways. Streams of water levitated, guided by unseen energies, forming intricate patterns in the air and feeding into serene ponds below.

Ena had been right; this was a place of serenity and order, a stark contrast to the chaos he had recently faced. As he meandered through the boulevards, he observed the city's inhabitants. They moved with purpose, their attire a testament to the city's blend of technology and elegance. Silhouettes of futuristic designs, clothing that seemed to harness the very light of the environment, shimmered as they passed.

Feeling suddenly self-conscious, the knight looked down at his own appearance. His armor bore the scars of numerous battles—dents, scratches, and partially destroyed segments that told tales of close encounters and narrow escapes. In a city of luminescence and harmony, he felt out of place, like a relic of a bygone era.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he realized how out of place he must seem. "Perhaps it's time for a change," he mused, glancing at the various clothing boutiques that lined the streets. With determination, he set off to find something more suitable for his time in this radiant metropolis.


The knight's imposing silhouette drew curious glances from many as he made his way down the luminous streets. Spotting a couple who seemed engrossed in each other's company, he approached them, hoping for some guidance. The two, bathed in the soft glow of the bioluminescent plants nearby, looked up in surprise. Their eyes, reflecting a universe of stars, widened in slight astonishment at his battered armor.

"Excuse me," the knight began, clearing his throat to mask his uncertainty, "I seem to be in need of new attire. Might you point me to a place where I can find clothing suitable for this city?"

The woman, with her flowing hair that seemed to shimmer with every hue of the setting sun, smiled warmly. "Of course," she replied, her voice melodious, "Continue down this path, and soon you'll meet Lyria, the city's most sought-after fashionista. She has an uncanny ability to tailor one's attire to their very essence. I'm certain she'll craft something befitting for you."

Her partner, a tall man with attire that radiated a calming azure light, nodded in agreement. "Lyria's touch is unparalleled. Just listen to the sound of her loom; it's said to weave not just fabric, but stories."

Gratitude filled the knight's eyes. "Thank you, both of you." With a slight bow, he turned to continue on his journey.

The couple exchanged a knowing glance, the man whispering, "He's the one, isn't he?" to which the woman softly replied, "Yes, the tales did not do him justice."

As the knight moved forward, each step of his armor echoed a tale of valor, of battles hard-fought and won. Yet, amidst the harmonic hum of the city, the clangs sounded dissonant. But soon, he hoped, with Lyria's touch, he would find harmony not just in attire but in spirit as well.


Few hours of walking, and the sky transformed in a way the knight had never seen before. The horizon was ablaze with hues of deep purples, rich blues, and fiery oranges, reminding him of a sunset on a galactic level. The display was breathtaking, so he took a moment, standing still amidst the bustling streets, to simply watch. As the sun dipped below, it was replaced by a night sky so clear and vivid that the stars appeared deceptively close to the realm. He smiled at the beauty of it all and continued his quest to find Lyria's touch.

The vibrancy of the city streets was a dazzling mix of historical richness interwoven with modern marvels. Amidst the urban tapestry, a pang of self-consciousness struck him, and he found himself often adjusting pieces of his armor, hoping to make it appear less derelict. The city's inhabitants were draped in the latest fashions, and against such a backdrop, the knight grew increasingly concerned about his appearance, feeling embarrassed and sticking out like a sore thumb in the midst of such modernity..

Stopping at a crossroad, the overwhelming sensation of being out of place gripped him. The city he thought he knew seemed to have rearranged itself, leaving him lost amidst its grandeur.

Swallowing his pride, he approached a group of lively locals. "Excuse me," he began with a hint of sheepishness, "I'm a bit turned around. Would you know the way to Lyria's Touch?"

A young woman, eyes shimmering like the city lights, looked him up and down before replying, "Lyria's Touch? Oh, brave knight, you're quite a distance from there. It's our city's crown jewel."

A younger man, suppressing a chuckle at the sight of the knight's battered armor, added, "It's hard to miss once you're in the vicinity. A beacon of elegance, much like what I assume you were before your... adventures."

An elder, sensing the knight's momentary discomfort, stepped in. "Head down the main boulevard. When you hear the alluring melodies from Lyria's, you'll know you're close."

With a nod and a gracious smile, the knight replied, "Thank you for your kindness. My travels have taken their toll, as you can see. Your help is invaluable."

The initial young woman, with a playful glint in her eye, remarked, "It's a rare sight here, a knight in... well, such authentic armor. There's a certain allure to it."

Another man, slightly taller and appearing perturbed, commented under his breath, "Allure isn't the term I'd choose."

Grateful, the knight flashed a genuine smile and expressed his gratitude, causing a few of the women in the group to blush and some of the men to scowl in slight jealousy. "I better find my way then. Thank you all for your guidance." With a renewed spirit, he journeyed forward, heartened by the city's unexpected embrace.

After what felt like hours, weaving through the urban labyrinth, the knight finally stumbled upon the building the locals had mentioned. To say they did not do it justice would be an understatement.

The skyscrapers of the realm, which once felt distant and towering, now dimmed in the shadow of Lyria's establishment. The building didn't just stand but floated, held aloft by an ethereal force. Streams of cascading waterfalls flowed down its sides, their sources seemingly from nowhere and everywhere at once. Luminescent vines wrapped the structure, their blossoms opening and closing in a rhythmic dance to the heartbeat of the city. It was an architectural masterpiece, blending the splendor of nature with the sophistication of the advanced civilization.

The entrance was a grand archway, guarded by statues of winged seraphs, their eyes adorned with opalescent gems that glistened in the ambient glow of the realm's night. The building's exterior was made of a material that mirrored the heavens, reflecting the close-knit stars and creating the illusion of infinity.

As the knight approached, the doors - crafted from a shimmering, almost liquid-like metal - parted seamlessly, beckoning him inside. The interior was just as mesmerizing: floors of clear crystal revealing swirling galaxies beneath, walls adorned with tapestries that moved and shifted, telling tales of old and new, and in the center, a majestic loom that seemed alive, its threads glistening with an otherworldly sheen.

And there, surrounded by mannequins showcasing her otherworldly designs, stood a lady. Her very presence seemed to illuminate the room, her aura a blend of grace and power. Her eyes met the knight's, and she smiled knowingly.

"Welcome, traveler," she greeted, her voice the perfect harmony of a whispering wind and a commanding thunder. "I've been expecting you." The knight could only stare in wonderment, realizing that his journey in this realm was only just beginning.

The knight gazed at the bustling establishment, the grandeur of its design striking him instantly. Amid the opulent décor and dazzling displays of fashion, a woman stood out, her presence commanding the attention of all in the vicinity. With graceful steps, she approached him, her radiant smile reaching her eyes.

He hesitated, then inquired, "Are you Lyria?"

She smiled, her face lighting up in recognition. "Indeed, I am," she replied, nodding graciously.

Although her smile was mesmerizing, the knight found himself unperturbed. Observing his indifference, Lyria pouted slightly. "I've been told my smile could enchant any man. Seems you're the exception."

The knight appeared confused, "My memories are not intact, but there's something familiar about all this."

Understanding dawned on Lyria. "Ah, amnesia. I've heard tales of such a plight."

Seeking to move past the awkward exchange, Lyria shifted topics. "Your armor seems battered. Were you in combat?"

He thought for a moment, recalling the colossal humanoid statues that had attacked him. "There were... challenges," he admitted.

Lyria glanced over his damaged attire, her expression a mix of sympathy and professional critique. "While I may not be a warrior, I've seen the scars of battle. You need new clothing."

He nodded in agreement.

Seizing the opportunity, she suggested with a cheeky grin, "Perhaps you should disrobe."

The knight's eyes widened in surprise. "Eh?"

She laughed lightly, glancing around at the onlooking patrons. "Not here, of course. We wouldn't want to cause a commotion."

He followed her gaze, noticing several women staring at him with eager anticipation, and a few men with eyebrows raised in amusement. Hoping to diffuse the situation, he proposed, "Perhaps we could find a more private space?"

Lyria's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Inviting me for a private 'snack', are we?"

The knight blinked, taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Shaking her head with an exasperated sigh, Lyria remarked, "Oh, how endearingly innocent you are."

Guiding him to a secluded area, Lyria then set about assisting the knight with choosing attire that would be both functional and fashionable. The process, while new to him, was enlightening, and he found himself immersed in the world of fashion under Lyria's expert guidance.


Lyria led the knight through a series of winding hallways, the ambiance shifting from the vibrant opulence of the main showroom to a more serene and intimate setting. As they walked, the corridors echoed with the soft sound of distant music, ethereal and enchanting.

Upon entering a spacious chamber filled with various measuring instruments, elegant mirrors, and fabrics of every conceivable texture and hue, the knight felt a bit overwhelmed. In one corner stood a curious-looking pod, glowing with a soft, iridescent light.

"This," Lyria began, gesturing to the pod, "is where I create. It scans the person, mapping every inch of their form, and then I design something that not only fits perfectly but accentuates their strengths and hides any... imperfections."

The knight raised an eyebrow. "Imperfections?"

Lyria chuckled, her laugh like the tinkling of wind chimes. "Every being, no matter how perfect they may seem, has something they wish to hide. But don't worry, I won't reveal any of your secrets."

Taking a step towards the pod, the knight hesitated. "What do you need from me?"

"Just relax and trust the process," Lyria said with a reassuring smile, guiding him inside.

As the light enveloped him, the knight felt a strange sensation, as if the very essence of his being was being analyzed and understood. Moments later, the light dimmed, and he stepped out, feeling surprisingly refreshed.

Lyria approached him, her eyes appraising. "Perfect," she murmured, her fingers dancing across a holographic panel. Images of potential outfits began to materialize, each more breathtaking than the last.

The knight watched in awe as designs tailored explicitly for him came to life before his eyes. From sleek, form-fitting garments that exuded an air of regality to more rugged, functional wear suited for a warrior, each piece seemed to tell a story.

Finally, Lyria settled on a particular design: a fusion of the knight's past and potential future. It was an ensemble that paid homage to his armored past, with modern, streamlined enhancements. The primary color was a deep midnight blue, highlighted with accents of silver and gold, perfectly complementing the knight's stature.

"I believe this will suit you," Lyria remarked, her eyes sparkling with pride. "What do you think?"

The knight looked at the reflection in the mirror, the transformation undeniable. The modern attire seamlessly blended with hints of his armored heritage, creating a harmonious blend of old and new. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Thank you," he murmured, gratitude evident in his eyes. "You truly have a gift."

Lyria smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from her. "It's my pleasure, sir Knight. But remember, an armor is not enough, sir Knight. We'll go through a few more designs."

As the knight and Lyria finished discussing the last of the outfit specifics, the knight hesitated for a moment, his gaze falling upon some of the other designs showcased in Lyria's studio. With a slightly embarrassed cough, he said, "Actually, there's two more designs I'd like to request, if it isn't too much trouble."

Lyria looked up in surprise, an amused twinkle in her eyes. "Oh? Taken a liking to fashion, have we?" she teased.

The knight chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "It seems so. Although, my color palette might be considered a tad bland."

She giggled, her laughter light and melodic. "I don't mind at all. It's rather refreshing to see men taking an interest in diversifying their wardrobes with a bit more flair."

His lips curved into a grateful smile. "Thank you for understanding."

Curiosity piqued, Lyria tilted her head, "But, I have to ask, being an adventurer and... no offense intended... somewhat homeless, how do you plan to store all these clothes?"

Without uttering a word, the knight waved his hand, conjuring a miniature black abyss portal in front of him. He then effortlessly dropped his armor into it. The set vanished as if it was being swallowed by darkness. "This," he began, "is my method of storage. Convenient, isn't it?"

Lyria blinked in astonishment. "Incredibly so," she replied, still processing the spectacle she just witnessed. "Now, what's this other design you have in mind?"

Clearing his throat, the knight began detailing his vision: "I imagine a long, silver-buttoned blue coat with three separate coattails. The collar adorned with a white serpentine pattern, a snake's head elegantly draped over the coat's left shoulder, its tail winding down the right side all the way to the hem. The edges of the coat would have a distinct gold lining, with the inner lining showcasing a silky golden flower blossom pattern. Each cuff would feature five gold-buttoned straps with the same gold lining. And for the second coat, I'd prefer it in black, highlighted with neon blue serpentine patterns, also with three separate coattails. Instead of an ascot tie, a black sleeveless zippered-turtleneck beneath a midnight blue formal vest would be perfect."

Lyria, already envisioning the design, nodded as she began sketching. "I can see why you've taken an interest. These designs are truly unique. I'll ensure they're nothing short of perfection."

The knight nodded, content.

Lyria's fingers danced over her drawing pad, sketching the intricate designs the knight detailed. Every word he uttered painted a clearer image in her mind.

"So, two coats," she murmured, noting down the designs on separate pages. "One is a silver-buttoned blue coat with a white serpentine design, and the other black with neon blue serpentine patterns." She looked up at the knight, her eyes sparkling with interest. "They both sound absolutely splendid."

The knight nodded, "Exactly. The blue one will be my formal attire for official events, while the black one is for more casual outings or perhaps when I'm feeling a bit more... mysterious."

Lyria chuckled, "I must say, for someone who's always on the move and doesn't have a permanent residence, you have a surprisingly keen fashion sense. It's impressive."

The knight grinned, "Well, just because I roam the lands doesn't mean I can't look good doing it. And with my powers, I don't have to worry about storage or the weight of my belongings."

Lyria looked at the sketches and then back at the knight. "Alright then, give me some time to get these designs prepared. And, by the way, I commend your choice in patterns. The serpentine design adds an edge, a sort of majestic elegance."

He smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Lyria. I've always been fascinated by the grace and danger of snakes. They represent transformation and mystery to me."

With a nod of acknowledgment, she stood up, "I'll get to work on these. It's going to be a masterpiece."

The knight bowed slightly, "I have no doubt about that. I'm eager to see your creations come to life."

And with that, he took his leave, leaving Lyria immersed in her world of fabrics, colors, and designs, excited about the challenge ahead.


Upon leaving Lyria's touch, the knight couldn't contain his excitement as he stepped out, wearing his newly acquired ensemble. The attire truly resonated with his character, blending the old-world charm with contemporary trends.

He was adorned in a lavender turtleneck, hugging his body and emphasizing his physique. Over it, he wore a deep slate jacket, slightly slung over his shoulder, showcasing the carefree spirit that lurked beneath the composed exterior of a knight. The jacket was tailored to perfection, tapering at the waist and flaring out just a touch, hinting at the comfort it provided. His jet-black pants complemented the look, snug at the thighs and tapering down to his ankles, where they met a pair of polished black shoes. His raven-black hair, slightly tousled, fell neatly on his forehead, adding a touch of boyish charm.

With his attire sorted, the knight felt a newfound confidence. The city, with its looming spires, intricate alleyways, and bustling markets, awaited his exploration. As he took a deep breath and began to walk, the cobblestone streets whispered tales of yore, and the modern skyscrapers beckoned with promises of adventures yet to unfold. Every corner had a story, every shadow had a secret, and the knight was ready to unearth them all. Today, it wasn't just about battles and quests; it was about relishing the beauty of the world around him, embracing new experiences, and creating memories that would last a lifetime.

As the knight walked further into the city, the warm sun catching his new attire, he couldn't help but admire his reflection in a nearby ornate glass window. The vibrancy of his ensemble, coupled with the bustling city life around him, brought forth a moment of self-awareness.

He paused for a moment, looked at his reflection, and murmured to himself with a touch of pride in his voice, "I must admit, I do look rather nice. Perhaps there's more to this 'fashion' than just armor and chainmail." A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he continued on, the world appearing just a bit brighter, and his steps just a bit lighter.

The transformed knight meandered through the bustling avenues, his steps full of purpose yet devoid of haste. The modern streets of the city, filled with vibrant stalls, aromatic cafes, and melodious street performers, seemed to dance around him. Each step he took was deliberate, each glance he cast around, filled with wonder and curiosity.

The cobblestone pathways echoed with the soft murmurs of onlookers. "Who is he?" one woman whispered to her friend, her eyes following the knight's every move. A vendor, adjusting his display of fruits, couldn't help but steal glances at the majestic figure walking past his stall.

A group of young women, dressed in the city's latest fashion, giggled amongst themselves. One daringly approached the knight, twirling a strand of her hair, "Excuse me, sir," she began, her voice flirty and teasing, "Are you some kind of noble visiting our city?"

Before he could respond, a burly man selling artifacts shouted from across the street, "Hey! You look like someone who'd appreciate the history of these relics!" clearly trying to divert the knight's attention from the young admirers.

Meanwhile, a few older women exchanged knowing glances, seeing past the fashion and recognizing the stance of a seasoned warrior. "He may wear the clothes of today," one murmured, "but he carries the weight and wisdom of ages gone by."

As the whispers grew louder and more persistent, children ran past him, their laughter a delightful melody in the knight's ears. Some daring ones tried to imitate his walk, puffing their chests out and striding with exaggerated seriousness, much to the amusement of their watching parents.

Yet, throughout all this, the knight remained largely oblivious to the commotion he was causing. He was lost in the beauty of the city, its rich history, and the possibility of new adventures. The world around him felt fresh, vibrant, and full of promise. Today, it was not about being the hero or the warrior; it was about living in the moment, savoring each experience, and allowing himself to be carried away by the city's charm.

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