Chapter Twenty-Two: Fated Revelation

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In the enigmatic space that transcended the flow of time, Jingliu stood within the grim King's hall. Its walls were adorned with portraits, but the faces within had been torn away, as though erased from the annals of history. The chamber exuded an aura of somber history, and outside its confines, the world appeared to warp and bend, as if reality itself had been contorted by the presence of the God of Concepts.

The God's voice, majestic and timeless, resonated within her mind, addressing her disorientation. "You are confused," it began, its words like a gentle breeze through the corridors of her mind. Jingliu, though a seasoned warrior, couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. She had encountered powerful adversaries in the past, but the godly being before her was beyond anything she had ever imagined. It didn't emanate power like a mortal; it was a force that existed on a plane entirely its own.

As her thoughts danced through the chaos of her mind, the memory of her encounter with the Aeon of Hunt, Lan, surfaced. She remembered Lan's gift of the spirit Thunderlord to Jing Yuan, her student, and by extension Y/N's. The aura of an Aeon was something she had believed insurmountable, but this encounter was different. The God before her represented the very essence of the Abyss, a place where possibilities ceased to exist, where everything was pure and absolute.

Interrupting her contemplations, the God acknowledged her understanding. "You are correct," it affirmed, the voice within her mind a testament to its ability to delve into her innermost thoughts. Jingliu was not merely in the presence of a god; she was in conversation with a being that could plumb the depths of her consciousness.

With the weight of eons in its voice, the God addressed her as the "fated one." In an instant, the God's will was enacted with a snap of its ethereal fingers, and the surroundings shifted, revealing the essence of their interaction in this transcendent space.

As Jingliu stood within the room of ice, a place that seemed to exist beyond time and reality, she found herself enveloped in the frigid stillness of the jagged prison. The walls glistened with a crystalline beauty, and a ceaseless snowstorm whirled around her. The chill in the air seeped into her very bones, making her acutely aware of her isolation.

The God, its shadowy presence a stark contrast to the icy surroundings, began to speak. "This is your soul," it declared, its voice echoing with a sense of profound significance. "Conflicted, adrift and desolate."

Jingliu's brows furrowed as she struggled to comprehend the meaning behind the God's words. The room was a reflection of her own soul, and the symbolism was not lost on her, but the true significance of this revelation eluded her.

"What does it mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with confusion. The magnitude of the moment left her feeling a sense of vulnerability she had not experienced before.

In response, the God extended a hand from within its shadowy robes. The hand appeared liquid, silky, and entirely black. On its palm rested a radiant soul, its ethereal glow contrasting starkly with the God's enigmatic form.

Jingliu's eyes widened as she realized the nature of the soul presented before her. "Is this... my soul?" she inquired, her voice a mixture of awe and uncertainty.

The God nodded in affirmation. It then conjured Jingliu's magnificent greatsword, a symbol of her connection to Y/N and her unfulfilled ambitions. The blade appeared beside her, its intricate design and ethereal luminescence reflecting the essence of the destiny that had been intertwined with it.

Jingliu reached out, her fingers trembling as they made contact with the blade. The surface of the greatsword was cool to the touch, and she marveled at the craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. Yet, it was more than just a weapon; it was a link to her past, to the aspirations she had held, and to the friendship she had cherished.

She explained, "I've always had this sword, but every time I think about it, I think about Y/N." A hint of sorrow tinged her voice. The memories of her fallen friend had often weighed heavily on her, making it difficult for her to wield the greatsword with the same enthusiasm that had once fueled her.

The God, its dual eyes holding a deep wisdom, spoke once more. "That is the reason," it stated. "You are lost. Questions have accumulated, but answers remain elusive."

Jingliu found herself at a loss for words. The God's insight into her inner turmoil was disquieting, and the gravity of its statement settled heavily upon her.

Interrupting her thoughts, the God's enigmatic voice continued, "You seek the fated one. He is not here, but he exists. Hope, Jingliu, for that is what he would desire."

As the word "hope" hung in the air, it resonated within the very core of Jingliu's being. It was a profound moment of revelation, like the first rays of dawn breaking through the darkness. She stood within the enigmatic space, her eyes now shimmering with tears, reflecting the glimmer of newfound hope.

In that instant, as the God's cryptic assurance enveloped her, a realization washed over Jingliu like a soothing tide. The deity had not provided a direct answer, but the enigmatic words contained a hidden truth, a riddle waiting to be unraveled. The possibility that Y/N might still be alive, hidden in the depths of those cryptic words, filled her with a sense of urgency and longing.

As she grasped the faintest thread of hope, it coursed through her like a current of determination. She held onto the idea that she might one day be reunited with her dear friend, her unwavering bond with Y/N potentially enduring despite the trials and tribulations that had separated them.

"Will I ever meet him?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of desperation and longing. Her gaze remained fixed on the God, her eyes imploring for more answers, for further hints that would guide her on her quest to uncover the truth.

The God's enigmatic eyes regarded her with a depth of wisdom and compassion, understanding the significance of the moment. The deity's cryptic assurance seemed to echo in the timeless space, leaving her with a profound sense of purpose.

"Not today, not tomorrow, but eventually," the God responded, its voice carrying the weight of ages. The ancient words hung in the air, like a promise written in the stars. Though the path ahead remained uncertain, Jingliu's heart swelled with determination. She had been granted a glimpse of hope, a beacon to guide her on her journey to reunite with Y/N.

The realization that her dear friend might still be alive ignited a fire within her, and she felt an unshakable resolve to continue her quest, no matter the challenges that lay ahead. With gratitude in her heart, she whispered a soft "thank you" to the enigmatic deity, the lunar essence of her soul now radiant and her spirit renewed.

The God's response was enigmatic, as it often was. "I will keep watching," it declared before the world around Jingliu began to dissolve into a blinding white light.

The scene transitioned, and Jingliu returned to her current state, standing in the fiery arena before Yexian. The weight of her unburdened soul seemed to lend her renewed strength as she prepared to confront the unholy abomination that had once been Yexian.


In the ethereal realm where time was but a malleable concept, the God and the Aeon of Hunt, Lan, stood facing each other. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation, and Lan's unease was palpable as he summoned his formidable weapon, The Sky-Shattering Lux bow. Its wide ethereal purple form gleamed with an otherworldly beauty, and its arrows possessed the power to lay waste to entire worlds.

But Lan was keenly aware that the God before him was a being of unimaginable might, and his cherished weapon might prove insignificant in the face of such an entity. The God, shrouded in its shadowy robes, observed Lan's actions with an air of detached curiosity.

With a low, enigmatic hum, the God chortled softly, like a being privy to a cosmic joke. In an instant, Lan's bow vanished from his grasp, leaving him bewildered. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at the empty space where his weapon had been, the absence of its reassuring weight unsettling.

"Why now?" Lan inquired, a note of concern threading his voice. He was acutely aware of the agreement the God had with Yaoshi, the Aeon of Abundance, and the unexpected appearance of the God raised questions about the nature of their divine agreements.

The God's response was as cryptic as its presence. "I have taken a particular liking to two individuals," it stated, its words dripping with an otherworldly wisdom. "I wish to observe their journey from its inception to its conclusion." The motives behind its actions remained a riddle.

Fear crept into Lan's heart as he contemplated the implications of the God's presence. The notion that the God's interest in two individuals might entail the destruction of the universe sent shivers down his spine. "Are you an enemy, then?" Lan asked, anxiety tingeing his voice.

The God shook its shadowy head, its dual eyes, one black as the void and the other as white as purity, regarding Lan with inscrutable depths. "These are mortal affairs, not mine," it replied, a cryptic answer that left Lan further perplexed.

Lan was not accustomed to encountering beings that transcended the boundaries of the Aeon realm. The concept of the God, an entity that seemingly defied even its own omniscience, left him deeply unsettled. As he contemplated the potential consequences of the God's appearance for the fate of Xianzhou Alliance and the universe itself, he couldn't shake the feeling that an ominous shadow had been cast over their future.

In the timeless realm, the meeting between the Aeon of Hunt and the God continued, and Lan's unease persisted as he waited for the call for aid from Xianzhou Alliance. The presence of the God, a representative of the void, loomed over them like an enigmatic specter, watching, observing, and waiting.


Yexian's fingers tightened around Jingliu's neck as she reveled in the sensation of her adversary's suffering. The crimson flames of her unholy form danced with wicked delight, and it seemed as if victory was within her grasp.

But then, in a moment of unexpected transformation, a luminous figure materialized behind Jingliu. It was the Moonlit Guardian, the ethereal entity born of her encounter with the enigmatic god. The guardian extended its arms, casting forth a lunar barrier that enveloped the Sword Champion.

Yexian, her fiery touch now meeting a celestial resistance, recoiled in surprise. The barrier, infused with the power of the moon, disrupted the flames that had once burned with unrelenting fury. It was as if the very essence of the moon's cool light had found a way to stand against the inferno.

Jingliu, feeling the protective aura of the guardian, drew strength from its presence. She focused her thoughts on the power bestowed upon her by the deity she had encountered in the Chamber of the Soul. With newfound determination, she whispered a vow to herself, "I won't let your sacrifice be in vain, Y/N."

In an instant, Jingliu's body moved with grace and fluidity, akin to the elegance of a dolphin gliding through the waves. The crescent moon that hung in the night sky above now shone brilliantly, casting its silvery glow upon her form. The power of the moon coursed through her, and it was as if the guardian's presence had granted her a celestial blessing.

With a powerful leap, Jingliu ascended into the air, her ascent resembling the majestic arc of a soaring bird. Her greatsword, the symbol of her connection to Y/N and her unfulfilled ambitions, gleamed with newfound radiance. It was a weapon that she had rarely used in the past, haunted by the memories of her dear friend. But now, under the influence of the moonlit power, she wielded it with a newfound sense of purpose.

As she descended from the heavens, her greatsword slashed through the air, releasing a devastating wave of crescent-shaped ice slashes. The arena, once engulfed in the inferno of Yexian's power, was now blanketed in a freezing storm of crystalline blades. The icy assault covered every corner of the battleground, encasing the charred remnants of the fallen in frost.

In the spur of the moment, Jingliu propelled herself with unmatched speed, closing the distance between her and Yexian. Her greatsword, guided by her unwavering resolve, pierced through Yexian's unholy form from the front. It was a strike of unparalleled precision and speed, akin to a bird of prey descending upon its quarry.

Yexian, her fiery body pierced by the frigid greatsword, let out a piercing scream of agony. The flames that once consumed her now faltered, replaced by the numbing chill of the moon's power. She found herself in a state of vulnerability that she had not anticipated.

The fiery woman's grip on Jingliu's neck had transformed into an agonized clutch, her once-malevolent grin now twisted in pain. The fiery champion's body, once an embodiment of unholy power, shuddered as the moonlit blade continued to pierce through her. Her screams reverberated through the arena, a haunting chorus of agony.

Jingliu, her face a mask of determination, held onto her greatsword with unwavering resolve. The power of the Moonlit Guardian surged through her, and she could feel the surge of victory coursing through her veins. This was a pivotal moment in their battle, a moment that had the potential to alter the course of Xianzhou Yuque's fate.

As Yexian's fiery form waned, her human-like features began to reemerge. The crimson flames that had once enveloped her now sputtered and dimmed, replaced by a haunting pallor. Her eyes, once gleaming with otherworldly darkness, now reflected the pain and fear of a mortal being.

With a final, desperate effort, Yexian released her grip on Jingliu, her body crumbling into smoldering embers. She fell to the ground, her fiery figure dissipating into the cold earth of the arena. Her laughter, once manic and malevolent, had given way to the silence of defeat.

Jingliu, breathing heavily, lowered her greatsword, its blade still shimmering with the moon's power. She watched as the remnants of Yexian's existence faded into the ground, leaving nothing but a scorched imprint upon the arena.

The Pontiff, hidden in the shadows, observed the scene with a mixture of satisfaction and contemplation. It had anticipated this outcome, but it also recognized the significance of what had transpired. Its King must have shared crucial knowledge with Jingliu, igniting her power and determination.

Jingliu, her armor bearing the marks of her fierce battle, looked around the arena. The moon's light still bathed the battlefield, a stark contrast to the inferno that had raged moments ago. The fallen lay as silent witnesses to the epic clash that had taken place.

But amidst the devastation, Jingliu felt a glimmer of hope. The memory of her friend, Y/N, had guided her to this victory. She knew that her purpose was not yet fulfilled, and the quest to uncover the truth of his fate would continue.

With a sense of solemnity, she whispered to the moonlit night, "Y/N, I will find you, and I will uncover the secrets that have eluded us for so long."

The arena remained in an eerie silence, and the echoes of their battle still hung in the air. The future of Xianzhou Yuque was uncertain, but for now, the Sword Champion had emerged victorious, a testament to her unwavering determination and the newfound power of the Moonlit Guardian.

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