Genesis Arc - Ch. Fourteen: Foxian and Knight

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.


Y/N, refreshed from his shower, stepped out of the bathroom, only to be greeted by Baiheng's laughter. "Look at you, 'Xianzhou's Knight'," she teased, "Even heroes need to remember their basic hygiene."

Y/N grinned, his earlier embarrassment in the shower room now a distant memory. "I guess even commanders can be caught off guard," he replied with a chuckle.

Stepping outside into the bustling streets of Xianzhou Zhuming, they were immediately enveloped in the vibrancy of the city. The area was a testament to the ingenuity of the Artisans, where traditional aesthetics blended seamlessly with cutting-edge designs. The ever-changing architecture was a canvas for the Artisans' creative impulses, each building a unique piece of art, sanctioned by the Council's oversight.

As they walked, Y/N couldn't help but notice the curious glances and hushed whispers of the citizens and tourists. The rumors about him and Baiheng seemed to have spread fast, and he could sense her growing discomfort.

Baiheng let out a sigh, her ears drooping slightly. "I wish we could dispel these rumors quickly," she muttered.

Y/N nodded in agreement. "Let's find a place to eat first. Discussing things on an empty stomach never helps."

Baiheng's ears perked up at the mention of food. "We could have eaten at the hotel, you know."

Y/N shook his head. "Too many eyes and ears there. How about I arrange a private dining room for us? Somewhere quieter."

A foxy grin spread across Baiheng's face, her adventurous spirit shining through. "I'd like that. I'm always eager to try new foods."

Y/N laughed, finding her enthusiasm infectious. "You do seem excited. Good to see you're enjoying yourself."

"As a member of the Nameless, it's my duty to explore all aspects of life, including culinary delights," Baiheng responded, her tail swishing playfully. "So, where are you taking us?"

Y/N paused, thinking for a moment. A smile lit up his face as an idea struck him. "I know just the place. It's a little-known spot, but the food is out of this world."

Baiheng's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "Lead the way, Commander. I'm all for culinary adventures."

With a sense of purpose, Y/N guided Baiheng through the intricate streets of Xianzhou Zhuming. The city was alive with the energy of innovation and creativity, a fitting backdrop for their own little adventure. As they moved away from the crowded areas, the whispers and stares gradually subsided, giving them the semblance of normalcy they both craved.

The restaurant Y/N had in mind was nestled in a quieter part of the city, its unassuming exterior belying the gastronomic wonders that awaited inside. As they entered, the host immediately recognized Y/N and greeted him with a respectful bow.

"Commander Y/N, it's an honor to have you here. Your private room is ready," the host said, leading them through the restaurant.

Baiheng looked around with interest, taking in the cozy ambiance and the tantalizing aromas that wafted from the kitchen. "This place seems promising," she remarked, her earlier hunger returning with renewed vigor.

Y/N smiled, pleased with her reaction. "Wait until you try the food. It's a favorite among those who know of it."

As they settled into their private room, a sense of relaxation washed over them. Away from the prying eyes of the public, they could finally enjoy a moment of peace, accompanied by the promise of a delicious meal.

Baiheng leaned back in her chair, her gaze meeting Y/N's. "So, Commander, what's on the menu for today?"

Y/N picked up the menu, his eyes scanning the options. "Let's see... How adventurous are you feeling today, Baiheng?"

Her reply came with a confident smirk. "With you as my guide? I'm ready for anything."


"Uwaaah! I am stuffed!"

Baiheng's declaration echoed through the bustling streets as they left the restaurant. Y/N, feeling equally satisfied, couldn't help but laugh at her exuberance. He had generously tipped the staff, their gratitude evident in their deep bows and thankful expressions.

As they strolled through the vibrant lanes of Xianzhou Zhuming, Y/N turned to Baiheng with a curious gaze. "So, what's next on your agenda? Any plans for the rest of the day?"

Baiheng hummed, tapping her chin in thought. "Well, I don't have much scheduled for the next couple of weeks. Usually, I'd... uh, 'borrow' a Starskiff and jet off into space to explore new planets," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Y/N's head snapped towards her, his expression a mix of shock and incredulity. "You do what now?" he asked, struggling to process her casual admission.

Baiheng puffed her chest out proudly. "Oh yes, it's quite the adventure! Meeting new cultures, people... though, I might need to lay low for a bit. The Council and the Sky-Faring Commission aren't too happy about my... let's call them 'expeditions'," she said, her tone light but her fingers fidgeting nervously.

Y/N's disbelief morphed into realization. "So, you're the one behind all those missing Starskiffs?" he asked, remembering the numerous reports and meetings that had revolved around this very issue. He had once jokingly speculated to Jingliu about a mischievous foxian being the culprit, never imagining he'd actually encounter her.

As he loomed over her, his face shadowed by a mix of surprise and reprimand, Baiheng's confident demeanor faltered. She looked up at him, a hint of worry in her azure eyes. "Um... mercy?" she offered, her voice small.

Y/N crossed his arms, his expression stern. "Hell no. Do you have any idea of the chaos you've caused? The Council and the Commission have been at their wits' end!"

Baiheng wilted slightly under his gaze. "I... I didn't think it was that big of a deal. I always brought them back... mostly in one piece," she mumbled, her ears drooping.

Y/N sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Baiheng, 'borrowing' Starskiffs isn't just a small prank. It's a serious issue. We need to address this before it escalates further."

Baiheng nodded, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a sense of guilt. "I understand. I'll... I'll make it right. But how?"

Y/N's expression softened slightly. "First, no more unauthorized 'expeditions'. We'll need to report this to the Council and find a way to make amends."

Baiheng nodded solemnly. "I'll follow your lead, Y/N. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just... I love the thrill of exploration."

Y/N looked at her, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe there's a way to channel your adventurous spirit into something less... chaotic. Let's talk to the Council and see if there's a role you can play that involves exploration without the 'borrowing' part."

A small smile returned to Baiheng's face. "That... actually sounds exciting. Thank you, Y/N."


Y/N led Baiheng through the bustling streets of Xianzhou Zhuming, the lively ambiance contrasting sharply with his contemplative mood. He was acutely aware of Baiheng's gaze, curious and filled with a mix of apprehension and excitement.

"We're heading to Huaiyan's place at the Flamedisk Forge Palace," Y/N informed her, his thoughts focused on the conversation he had with Lan and the Heliobi in his dream.

Baiheng's ears perked up in interest. "What's the occasion? Something specific?"

Y/N nodded, his expression serious. "There's an artifact that needs handling. It's a delicate matter."

"An artifact? Sounds mysterious," Baiheng mused, her tail swaying with curiosity.

Y/N remained silent for a moment, then added, "It's complicated. You'll understand better once we're there."

Baiheng followed him, her expression a blend of trust and intrigue.

Their journey took them to the heart of Xianzhou Zhuming, where the Flamedisk Forge Palace stood majestically. The palace was a marvel of artisanship, its design a testament to the creative genius of Xianzhou's artisans. Y/N could feel the palpable energy of the Flint Emperor even from outside, a force like a blazing sun.

The guards at the entrance recognized Y/N immediately, saluting him with deep respect. "Commander Y/N, welcome. General Huaiyan is in his office," one of the guards informed.

Y/N thanked the guard and proceeded inside, Baiheng trailing behind him, her eyes wide with awe at the grandeur of the palace.

They navigated through the spacious halls, adorned with portraits of distinguished figures. Baiheng couldn't help but express her admiration, but Y/N was solely focused on their destination.

Upon reaching Huaiyan's office, Y/N knocked and waited. The door swung open, revealing Huaiyan surrounded by an array of scrolls and gadgets. His attention was fixed on a peculiar ring.

"Huaiyan," Y/N greeted with a nod.

Huaiyan glanced up, first at Y/N and then at Baiheng. "Y/N, are you sure it's wise to have her present for this discussion?" he asked cautiously.

Y/N assured him, "Baiheng is a trusted friend. She needs to be aware of this."

Huaiyan nodded, then addressed Y/N, "The Primordial Flame has consulted with me about you."

Baiheng gasped softly at the mention of the Flint Emperor's title, but Y/N remained unfazed, accustomed to the dragon's presence in his life.

Huaiyan tossed the ring to Y/N, who caught it deftly. The ring was elegant, adorned with small green gems, resembling a ceremonial band.

"I was surprised," Huaiyan began, "The Primordial Flame spoke highly of you. But are you sure that you're not under its influence?"

Y/N's demeanor changed instantly, the temperature in the room dropping perceptibly. "Do not suggest that," he said sharply, his voice tinged with anger. "The Aeon of Hunt tasked me with retrieving this ring, and the Flint Emperor is aiding in that effort."

Huaiyan recoiled slightly, his expression one of shock. "You've been in contact with Lan, the Aeon of Hunt?"

Y/N nodded, his anger subsiding. "Yes, and this ring is part of something larger, something we need to address."

Huaiyan sank into his chair, overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation. "By the Hunt..." he murmured.

Y/N, regaining his composure, addressed Huaiyan one final time. "We'll take our leave now. And I apologize for my earlier reaction."

Exiting Huaiyan's office, Y/N and Baiheng found themselves back in the expansive halls of the palace. Baiheng looked at Y/N with concern. "Are you alright?" she asked softly.

Y/N met her gaze, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "I should be the one asking you that. I didn't mean to alarm you."

Baiheng waved off his concern. "No worries, I understand. Things seemed urgent."

Y/N took a deep breath, then shared a piece of his past. "The Flint Emperor has been a part of my life since my twenties—a mentor, a thorn, and a friend."

Baiheng listened intently, her eyes reflecting admiration. "And Lan? What about your encounter with the Aeon?"

"Just two days ago," Y/N replied, a hint of wonder in his voice. "It's been a surreal experience."

Baiheng stored this information away, understanding its significance. "So, what now? About the ring?"

Y/N held the ring tightly, determination in his eyes.

"We destroy it. It's too dangerous to be left unchecked."


In the secluded part of Zhuming's garden, Y/N and Baiheng stood surrounded by the tranquil beauty of lotuses. The area was serene, a stark contrast to the extraordinary events that had just unfolded.

Baiheng, eyeing the ring in Y/N's hand, commented with a hint of apprehension, "It looks pretty, but there's an ominous feeling to it..."

Y/N remained silent, focusing his thoughts, and called out for Lan. The sky above them tore open, causing bystanders throughout Zhuming to stop and stare in awe and confusion. Even from his office, Huaiyan gazed out, marveling at the sight of the Aeon of Hunt.

Lan descended from the rift with incredible speed, landing gracefully in the garden without disturbing its tranquility. Baiheng felt an overwhelming urge to kneel before the majestic presence, and she did, while Y/N stood firm.

Lan rose to his full height, clad in armor that shimmered with a purple hue. "I have come in my human form," he announced, his voice echoing with authority.

Y/N tilted his head slightly, curiosity in his voice. "Is this your appearance before you became an Aeon?"

Baiheng, ever the avid collector of information, quickly brought out an advanced gadget to record this momentous event. She was visibly excited, typing away with fervor.

Lan nodded, a sense of pride in his voice. "Yes, this was my armor. Part of my past self."

Y/N extended his hand, offering the ring to Lan. As it hovered above Lan's palm, it began to levitate, enveloped in a purple aura. With a simple gesture, Lan crushed the ring, disintegrating it into nothingness.

"Thank you for your assistance," Lan expressed his gratitude towards Y/N.

Y/N, with his usual modesty, replied, "I couldn't have done it without the help of the Flint Emperor, Huaiyan, and Baiheng here." He gestured towards Baiheng with a backward thumb, acknowledging her role.

Lan turned his attention to Baiheng. "A follower of Akivili, I presume?" His voice carried a tone of dignified curiosity.

Baiheng straightened up, responding with due respect. "Yes, my lord! I've always been inspired by his philosophy."

Amused, Lan chuckled deeply. "As a token of my appreciation and apology, I offer you fragments of my bow. Have them reforged into a new weapon by the artisans here."

Materializing the fragments, Lan presented them to Baiheng, who was shaking with excitement. "Once reforged, this bow will allow you to summon spectral arrows at will," he explained the bow's abilities.

Baiheng bowed deeply, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, my lord! This is an honor beyond words."

Lan prepared to leave, his duty calling him back. "I must return to keep watch over Yaoshi," he stated, hinting at his ongoing responsibilities.

Y/N waved farewell, while Baiheng wished him well. With a nod, Lan leaped back into the rift, which closed seamlessly behind him, leaving the sky as it was.

Y/N turned to Baiheng, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Well, that was easier than expected."

Baiheng's laughter echoed through the garden, her delight unmistakable. "I can't wait to see what kind of bow the artisans will create with these pieces!"

The garden, though, still abuzz with the aftermath of Lan's departure, had transformed into a stage of quiet awe. Y/N's presence, already commanding respect, now seemed to radiate an even greater aura, drawing whispers and glances of admiration from the onlookers.

"Everyone, please, carry on with your day," Y/N addressed the crowd gently, his voice calm yet authoritative. The guards and visitors, recognizing his humility despite the celestial interaction, nodded and gradually dispersed, their murmurs echoing in the air.

Baiheng, observing the crowd's reaction, let out a wistful sigh. "That's going to be big news, huh? You just had a chat with an Aeon in a public garden."

Y/N exhaled softly, a mix of resignation and amusement in his tone. "So much for a quiet meeting."

His gaze lingered on the fragments of Lan's bow in Baiheng's possession. "I think it's best if you hold onto those for now," he suggested, admiring the ethereal beauty of the shattered relic.

Baiheng glanced at the fragments, then back at Y/N. "Do you have any recommendations for an Artisan?"

"I'd suggest waiting for someone truly skilled in bow crafting," Y/N advised, hinting at the potential of emerging talents. "Huaiyan's expertise lies more with blades. Bows aren't really his forte."

"Fair enough," Baiheng conceded, carefully placing the fragments into her bag for safekeeping.

Just then, Y/N's device chimed with an incoming message. He glanced at the screen to find a message from Jingliu, announcing her imminent return. A smile of relief and anticipation spread across his face.

Baiheng noticed the change in Y/N's demeanor. "Something good?"

Y/N nodded, his smile still present. "Jingliu's coming back in a few hours."

An idea sparked in his mind, and he turned to Baiheng with an inviting look. "Hey, Baiheng, would you like to meet Jingliu?"

Baiheng's expression shifted to one of intrigue, tinged with a hint of playful mischief. "Oh, Y/N... Are you sure about that? You might just be digging yourself a hole here."

Y/N let out a soft chuckle, aware of the potential complications but undeterred. "It'll be fine. Jingliu's always open to meeting new people, especially friends."

"Alright then, lead the way, Commander," Baiheng replied, her tone laced with curiosity and a touch of excitement.

As they left the garden, the whispers of the crowd followed them. Y/N and Baiheng, now bonded by their extraordinary experiences, walked side by side through the streets of Xianzhou Zhuming. The anticipation of Jingliu's return added a new layer to their conversation, as Y/N shared tales of their adventures and Baiheng listened, eager to meet the legendary swordsman who had been a constant in Y/N's life.

The streets bustled around them, but in their shared journey, there was a sense of camaraderie and an unspoken understanding that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.


Emerging from the Starskiff, Y/N and Baiheng found themselves amidst a sea of curious eyes at Xianzhou Luofu. The whispers and stares of the onlookers were palpable, fueled by the recent news of their extraordinary encounter with Lan.

Baiheng, her finger thoughtfully pressed to her lips, surveyed the crowd. "Seems like our little adventure with the Aeon has become the talk of the town, hasn't it?"

Y/N gave a nonchalant shrug, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. "After meeting Lan in such a public manner, I doubt this news will quiet down soon. And strangely, the Council hasn't summoned me yet."

The reminder of the Council brought a shadow of concern to Baiheng's face. "About the Starskiffs... Are you really going to report me?" Her voice held a tinge of worry.

To her surprise, Y/N offered a different plan. "No, I've been thinking. I'll just tell them I sent you for intel. Given their view of me, they'll probably just be relieved."

Baiheng's ears perked up, a mixture of surprise and relief evident in her expression. "But wouldn't that tarnish your reputation?"

Y/N's reply came with a reassuring smile. "After our encounter with Lan, I doubt my reputation can suffer much. It's a risk worth taking to keep you out of trouble."

Baiheng couldn't help but laugh, a genuine, carefree sound that seemed to lighten the atmosphere around them. "I owe you one, Y/N. Thanks for covering for me."

With a casual wave of his hand, Y/N reached out and playfully ruffled Baiheng's hair. She responded with a delighted, almost musical, fox-like noise. "It's all part of being a friend. Don't worry about it."

In a spontaneous moment of gratitude and affection, Baiheng embraced Y/N, her arms wrapping tightly around him. The crowd around them, already abuzz with whispers, seemed to erupt in a frenzy of gossip, their eyes wide as they witnessed the embrace.

Unfazed by the burgeoning rumors, Y/N returned Baiheng's hug, inadvertently adding fuel to the fire of speculation. But within the circle of their arms, none of that mattered. For a brief moment, they stood in a bubble of camaraderie and mutual support, oblivious to the world around them.

As they finally parted, Y/N glanced at the crowd, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Seems like we're giving them quite a show."

Baiheng, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of joy and embarrassment, nodded. "Let them talk. They don't know the half of it."

Together, they stepped off the platform, walking side by side through Xianzhou Luofu. The rumors would continue, but for Y/N and Baiheng, their bond was something beyond the reach of idle gossip. It was a friendship forged in the fires of adventure and solidified in the trust they had placed in each other.


In Xianzhou Yuque, renowned for its ethereal beauty and the art of divination, Jingliu, a woman of steadfast resolve, stood amidst the enigmatic ambiance. Her composed demeanor, untouched by the persistent demands for her insights from the members of the commission, radiated a serene confidence.

"At least the job is finished days earlier than expected," she mused with a satisfied smile, her eyes reflecting the tranquility of the surroundings.

Retrieving her device, Jingliu tapped a message to Y/N, informing him of her impending return within a few hours. As she pocketed the device and made her way to the Starskiff port, snippets of conversation from newly arrived tourists caught her attention.

"Did you hear about Commander Y/N's relationship revelation?" one tourist whispered excitedly.

"Yeah, I heard it's with a foxian! She must be incredibly lucky," another chimed in, their voices tinged with curiosity and admiration.

Jingliu's heart skipped a beat, a mixture of surprise and unease settling within her. The news, unexpected and unsettling, disrupted her calm exterior momentarily.

Meanwhile, in Xianzhou Luofu, Y/N and Baiheng meandered through the vibrant streets. Y/N, engaging in light-hearted banter, shared anecdotes about an irksome Council member, Dan Feng, the High Elder of Luofu, a Vidyadhara with a penchant for arrogant declarations.

"He actually claimed that he was stronger than me," Y/N recounted with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Baiheng's laughter rang out, her hand covering her mouth as she reveled in the humor of the situation. Her eyes sparkled with mirth, enjoying the playful side of Y/N.

As they continued their stroll, an unexpected chill permeated the air, causing passersby to hasten their steps, sensing an unspoken tension. Baiheng, feeling the sudden drop in temperature despite her warm attire, voiced her confusion. "Why does it feel so cold all of a sudden?"

Y/N, recognizing the familiar aura of intense emotions, turned around to face the source of the sudden change. His gaze met Jingliu's, her eyes ablaze with a mix of hurt and fury.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Baiheng instinctively sought refuge behind Y/N. The intensity in Jingliu's eyes was enough to unsettle the bravest of souls.

"Jingliu, wait. Let me explain," Y/N called out, hoping to soothe the storm before it unleashed its fury.

Jingliu's voice, darker than usual, cut through the tension. "This had better be a good explanation, Y/N."

Quickly, Y/N introduced Baiheng, clarifying the nature of their relationship and the unfortunate misinterpretation by Huaiyan's followers, which had led to the widespread rumors.

Jingliu's expression softened slightly as she listened, her aura gradually receding. "So it's all just a misunderstanding?"

"Yes," Y/N affirmed. "Baiheng is just a friend, nothing more."

Jingliu turned her gaze to Baiheng, who cautiously released Y/N and introduced herself. "I'm Baiheng, part of the Nameless. It's an honor to meet you, Commander Jingliu."

Acknowledging Baiheng, Jingliu's expression lightened slightly. "Jingliu will do. Since you're a friend of Y/N, that makes us... acquaintances, at least."

As the atmosphere began to thaw, Y/N, eager to mend the situation, suggested, "Why don't we all grab dinner? My treat. It'll be a good chance to clear the air."

Baiheng's spirits lifted at the mention of food, while Jingliu, though still processing the revelations, managed a small smile.

As they walked towards a nearby restaurant, Jingliu couldn't help but tease Y/N. "I leave for a few days, and you befriend a woman?"

Y/N, with a light-hearted chuckle, responded, "She's a good person, Jingliu. And I thought you might like a female friend to talk to."

Jingliu, her tone softening, admitted, "You're enough for me, Y/N. But I suppose it's nice to have more friends."

The trio, now reconciled in the midst of confusion and chaos, made their way to a local restaurant renowned for its exquisite cuisine. The atmosphere was a mix of relief and awkwardness as they settled into their seats.

Y/N, ever the peacemaker, initiated conversation to ease the tension. "So, Jingliu, tell us about your mission. I bet you have some interesting stories."

Jingliu, still adjusting to Baiheng's presence, nodded slowly. "It was successful. The commission's issues were... more about politics than actual problems. But let's not talk shop now."

Baiheng, eager to make a good impression, chimed in, "Y/N told me a lot about you, Jingliu. It's great to finally meet you in person."

Jingliu offered a small, somewhat forced smile. "Yes, Y/N has a way of making friends wherever he goes." Her glance at Y/N was affectionate yet teasing.

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, with Y/N sharing anecdotes from their past adventures. Baiheng listened intently, occasionally asking questions or laughing at Y/N's more humorous tales.

As the evening progressed, the initial tension dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Jingliu, now more relaxed, found herself enjoying Baiheng's company. The foxian's lively personality and her tales of exploration brought a new dynamic to their duo.

The meal itself was a feast for the senses, each dish more delectable than the last. Y/N, true to his word, treated them to a variety of dishes, encouraging them to try everything.

Baiheng, with her adventurous palate, dove into each new flavor with enthusiasm. Jingliu, more reserved, found herself pleasantly surprised by the culinary delights.

By the end of the meal, the three of them were laughing and sharing stories as if they had been friends for years. Baiheng's earlier trepidation had vanished, replaced by a warm feeling of acceptance.

Jingliu, leaning back in her chair, finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Y/N, about the rumors..."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Yes?"

Jingliu sighed, a hint of frustration in her tone. "I know it's all nonsense, but it's irritating. I hate seeing your name dragged through gossip like that."

Y/N reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on hers. "I know, and I'm sorry you had to hear it that way. But you know me better than anyone. You know I'd never..."

"I know," Jingliu cut him off, squeezing his hand gently. "I trust you, Y/N. Always have, always will."

The moment was a poignant one, a reaffirmation of their bond that had stood the test of time and trials.

Baiheng, witnessing their interaction, felt a sense of warmth and respect for the depth of their relationship. "You two are amazing together," she said, her voice carrying a genuine admiration.

Y/N smiled, "We've been through a lot. And now, we have a new friend to share our adventures with."

As they left the restaurant, the night air cool and refreshing, Y/N, Jingliu, and Baiheng walked side by side. The stars above shone brightly, mirroring the newfound bond that had formed among them.

Their laughter and conversation continued as they walked, a trio united by fate and friendship, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


End of Chapter

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