Genesis Arc - Ch. Seven: The Siege of Mythic Terror

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

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Xianzhou Cangcheng basked in the warmth of a day like countless others, its streets a vibrant tapestry woven from the bustling lives of its people. The markets teemed with the chatter of tradesmen, their stalls a kaleidoscope of colors and scents. Children's laughter echoed in alleyways, their games untamed by the wisdom of the scholars who debated passionately in the shaded halls of academia.

Y/N, a boy whose youth belied the depth of his wisdom, stood in the training grounds, his greatsword a silent partner in his morning drills. Beside him, Jingliu, her rebellious spirit channeled through the dance of her lightsword, moved with a grace that defied her noble upbringing. Despite the familiarity of the routine, a faint shadow of unease clouded their youthful faces.

In the city, life unfolded in its everyday rhythm. A mother hummed a lullaby as she prepared a meal, her hands skilled in the art of nourishment. A craftsman, lost in his world of wood and chisel, shaped dreams from the mundane. Elders, their faces etched with the passage of time, shared stories that wove the past with the present.

As Y/N and Jingliu took a moment to rest, the hum of the city around them seemed to fade into the background, overshadowed by the murmurs of a group of astronomers ambling nearby. Their conversation, laced with concern and fascination, drifted over to the young warriors.

"...never seen the stars align in such a manner," one astronomer said, his voice tinged with wonder. "It's as if the heavens themselves are rearranging."

"Strange omens indeed," another replied, her tone serious. "The celestial anomalies this week have been unprecedented. The elders speak of ancient prophecies..."

Y/N's grip on his greatsword tightened reflexively. "Did you hear that, Jingliu?" he whispered, a crease of worry forming on his brow. "They're talking about the stars... like something big is happening."

Jingliu, still poised with her lightsword in hand, nodded slowly. "Yes, it's unsettling," she agreed, her gaze drifting skyward. "It feels connected, somehow. Like a puzzle we're only seeing part of."

Their shared look was one of mutual concern, tinged with the memory of the Wanderer's departure. The simplicity of his goodbye now seemed to carry a heavier meaning, an unspoken awareness of what was to come.

Y/N looked up, squinting against the sun's glare. "Look at the sky, Jingliu. It's darker than usual, isn't it?" he observed, his voice barely above a murmur.

Jingliu's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the heavens. "You're right. And the sun... it's almost too bright, like it's trying to fight off the darkness."

Above them, birds circled in agitated patterns, their flight erratic and disjointed, as if responding to an unseen force. The natural rhythm of the world seemed disrupted, the balance between light and shadow slightly askew.

Y/N's expression grew thoughtful, a hint of the wisdom he was known for surfacing. "I wonder if this has anything to do with what our master said before he left... about changes coming, challenges we'd have to face."

Jingliu's grip on her lightsword relaxed slightly, but her stance remained alert. "Whatever it is, we should be ready," she said firmly. "Master wouldn't have left unless he believed we could handle what's coming."

Their conversation was cut short as a sudden chill swept through the air, the warmth of the sun momentarily eclipsed by a passing cloud. It was as though the universe itself was holding its breath, waiting for the next chapter in an ancient story to unfold.


In Cangcheng, a foreboding stillness had settled, an eerie calm that seemed to press against the senses. This silence was occasionally pierced by the frantic rush of starskiffs, cutting through the sky in hasty patterns that spoke of urgency and fear. The common chatter and laughter of the city's inhabitants were replaced by hushed tones and anxious glances, as if the very air whispered warnings of impending doom.

Y/N, with his ever-present sense of honesty and a wisdom that belied his ten years, felt a knot of anxiety tightening in his chest. "Jingliu, something's not right," he said, his voice low, reflecting the tension that gripped the city.

Jingliu, her noble upbringing doing little to mask the concern in her red eyes, nodded in agreement. "Let's go check on your mother. She might know what's happening," she suggested, her pale hair swaying gently as she turned towards Y/N's home.

As they approached Y/N's house, a sense of unease grew. The door stood ajar, an unusual sight that immediately caught Y/N's attention. He pushed it open, his young heart pounding with apprehension. "Mom?" he called out, his voice echoing slightly in the silent home.

The house was still, almost unnaturally so. Y/N hurried to his mother's bedroom, finding the door slightly open. Inside, the scene spoke of a hasty departure; papers were scattered on the floor, a chair was overturned, and a drawer was left open, its contents partially spilling out. It was clear that his mother, the foxian, had left in a rush.

Returning to Jingliu, Y/N relayed his findings. "She's gone... It looks like she left in a hurry. Maybe to an emergency meeting?"

Jingliu's eyes narrowed as she took in the information. "It makes sense, but why the rush? And where is everyone else?" she pondered aloud, her strategic mind piecing together the puzzle. "The Cloud Knights are usually calm and orderly, but today they're just as erratic."

Together, they stepped back into the streets of Cangcheng, their eyes scanning the environment for any clue that might explain the unsettling atmosphere. The sky above had taken on a surreal quality; the sun blazed brighter than ever, yet it was surrounded by dark, almost black clouds that swirled ominously, casting strange shadows on the ground.

As they walked, an odd sensation washed over them. It felt as if the very ground beneath their feet was shifting, a subtle but unmistakable change in gravity that made their steps feel heavier and yet, somehow, more buoyant.

Y/N and Jingliu stopped in their tracks, exchanging a look of shared disbelief and fear. "Do you feel that?" Y/N asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jingliu nodded slowly, her grip tightening on her lightsword. "Yes, it's like the world itself is... moving."

Around them, the people of Cangcheng began to notice the change too. Faces turned skyward, eyes wide with awe and fear, as the city collectively held its breath, waiting for what would come next.

Then the tranquility of Cangcheng was shattered in an instant. The ground beneath Y/N and Jingliu's feet trembled violently, sending shockwaves through the city. Buildings that had stood for centuries began to crumble, their ancient stones falling like rain from the sky.

Y/N, gripping his greatsword with both hands, swung with all his might, shattering the falling debris before it could reach the panicked crowds below. His face was set in a determined frown, the wisdom in his young eyes belying his age.

Jingliu, moving with graceful urgency, darted among the falling rubble, guiding civilians to safety. Her lightsword flashed brilliantly, illuminating the frightened faces of those she ushered away from danger.

Despite their bravery, the catastrophe was overwhelming. Buildings continued to collapse, the sky turned an ominous black, with only the unusually bright sun casting a ghostly glow over the chaos.

As Y/N and Jingliu navigated through the chaos, their efforts to save the people around them were met with heart-wrenching limitations. The destruction was relentless, and despite their valiant attempts, some were beyond their reach. The harsh reality of their situation began to sink in, shadowing their young faces with the gravity of loss.

Y/N, his hands trembling as he wielded his greatsword, moved debris aside in a desperate search for survivors. "We have to help them all," he muttered, his voice strained with a mix of fear and determination.

Jingliu, her red eyes scanning the rubble, moved with purpose, yet her heart raced with a similar mix of emotions. "Y/N, this way!" she called out, directing him towards a group of trapped civilians.

As they worked together, freeing those they could, the screams and cries of the injured and trapped filled the air, a haunting chorus to their frantic rescue efforts. Y/N stumbled upon a young child, no older than himself, pinned under a fallen beam. With a heave of his greatsword, he managed to lift the debris, but it was too late. The child's lifeless eyes stared back at him, and a profound sense of helplessness gripped him.

"No... no, this can't be..." Y/N stammered, his face draining of color. He stood frozen, the greatsword slipping from his grasp as the reality of death hit him with its cruel finality.

Jingliu, witnessing the scene, felt a surge of sorrow but knew they had to press on. She rushed to Y/N's side, placing a trembling hand on his shoulder. "Y/N, we can't stop now. We have to keep moving. There are others who need us," she urged, her voice quivering but resolute.

Y/N, his eyes glazed with shock, slowly turned to face her. The sight of Jingliu, standing strong despite her own fear, reignited a spark within him. He nodded slowly, fighting back tears, and picked up his greatsword. "You're right, Jingliu. We can't give up."

Together, they continued their efforts, moving through the wreckage with a renewed sense of urgency. Each person they saved was a small victory against the overwhelming despair, but the losses they witnessed would forever be etched in their memories, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the harshness of their reality.

Y/N's gaze was drawn to a familiar structure - his aunt's restaurant, now teetering on the brink of collapse. His heart sank as he realized she was still inside. "Aunty!" he cried out, despair cracking his voice.

As Y/N and Jingliu struggled to come to terms with the grim reality around them, a familiar voice pierced through the cacophony of destruction. They turned to see the Wanderer, his figure emerging like a phantom from the swirling dust and debris. His eyes, usually calm and knowing, now burned with a fierce intensity.

"Y/N, Jingliu!" he called out again, striding towards them with purposeful steps. His cloak billowed behind him, as if trying to keep pace with his urgency.

The children, momentarily stunned by his sudden appearance, rushed towards him. "Master!" exclaimed Y/N, his voice a mix of relief and confusion. "But... you left, you said..."

The Wanderer placed a firm hand on each of their shoulders, grounding them in the midst of chaos. "My departure was a necessity, a ruse," he confessed, his gaze unwavering. "I had to ensure that you were prepared, that you could stand strong in the face of what was coming."

Jingliu, her brows furrowed in a mix of surprise and understanding, looked up at him. "You knew this was going to happen?" she asked, her voice tinged with reproach.

The Wanderer nodded solemnly. "I had glimpses, whispers of prophecies and omens that spoke of a great upheaval. I could not be certain, but I feared the worst. Training you, pushing you... it was all to prepare you for a time such as this."

Y/N, clenching his fists, struggled to process the revelation. "So, all this time, while we thought you were gone, you were... what? Watching over us?" The mixture of betrayal and gratitude in his voice was palpable.

The Wanderer's eyes softened. "Not just watching, Y/N. I was making preparations, gathering allies, setting plans in motion to protect as many as we can. Your growth, your strength, it was crucial. You are not just students now; you are protectors in your own right."

The reality of their master's foresight and the weight of their newfound responsibility settled heavily upon them. Jingliu, taking a deep breath, squared her shoulders. "What do we do now, Master? How can we help?"

The Wanderer's gaze was drawn upward to the darkened sky, a grim canvas that heralded the inevitable. His voice, though steady, carried an undercurrent of urgency. "The time for preparation has passed. Our world, as we know it, is on the brink of irreversible change. The destruction we witness now is just the beginning."

Y/N's eyes widened, the raw realization of his world crumbling around him setting in. "You mean... we can't stop this?" he asked, his voice a mix of fear and disbelief.

"No, we cannot," the Wanderer replied solemnly. "But we can save lives. We can guide those who are lost and frightened to safety. That is our immediate mission."

Jingliu, her face set in a determined frown, nodded. "Then let's not waste any more time. We need to act now." Her words were a rallying call, imbuing both Y/N and the Wanderer with renewed purpose.

The Wanderer turned to them, his expression resolute. "We'll split up; it's the best way to cover more ground. Jingliu, head to the eastern district. Help as many as you can to the emergency shelters. Y/N, you take the west. I will secure a path to the evacuation ships."

Y/N clenched his jaw, steadying himself against the overwhelming sense of dread. "What about you, Master? What will you do?"

"I'll confront the heart of this catastrophe," the Wanderer said, his tone hinting at a dangerous task he had set for himself. "There may still be a way to buy us more time, to slow the advance of this destruction. Go now, both of you. Remember, your priority is the people. Save as many as you can."

With a final nod of understanding, Y/N and Jingliu dashed off in opposite directions, their hearts heavy but their resolve unyielding. As they moved through the chaos, helping the injured, guiding the lost, and rallying the frightened, they became beacons of hope in a darkening world.

The Wanderer watched them go, pride and sorrow mingling in his eyes. Then, with a deep breath, he turned and strode towards the heart of the turmoil, ready to face whatever lay ahead. For him, it was a path of sacrifice, one he walked willingly for the sake of the world he had sworn to protect.

The citizens of Cangcheng were caught in a maelstrom of emotions, torn between the instinct to flee and the desperate prayers for salvation. Their world was unraveling before their eyes.

As the dust settled momentarily, a colossal shadow loomed overhead. Y/N, Jingliu, and the Wanderer looked up to witness a sight that chilled them to their core. The sky was cleaved open, and through it emerged figures of immense and terrifying power. Their forms were too vast, too otherworldly to be believed, yet there it was, descending upon their world with a presence that dwarfed everything Y/N and Jingliu had ever known.

"They are here..." the Wanderer murmured, his eyes fixed on the sky.

Y/N stood frozen, his grief for his aunt momentarily eclipsed by the sheer magnitude of the creature above.

The sky above Cangcheng, once a canvas of serene blue, had transformed into a colossal battleground where two dragons, titanic and awe-inspiring, clashed with ferocity that defied understanding. One, a serpentine leviathan, its scales as dark as the void of space, undulated through the air with sinister grace, its multiple eyes glowing with a malevolent light. The other, a golden dragon of celestial beauty, radiated light from its majestic wings, each beat sending waves of incandescent brilliance across the sky.

Y/N and Jingliu, now separated as per the Wanderer's command, found themselves overwhelmed by fear and awe. The sight of these mythical beasts, engaged in a battle of cosmic proportions, rendered their efforts to save the people of Cangcheng almost insignificant. The instinct to flee, to escape the imminent destruction, gripped them tightly.

The same panic had seized the Cloud Knights. Some abandoned their posts, their disciplined facade crumbling under the shadow of the dragons. Their spears clattered to the ground as they joined the throngs of civilians fleeing in terror.

The streets of Cangcheng echoed with the cacophony of fear and chaos. Amidst the fleeing crowd, the usually stoic Cloud Knights were caught in the grip of terror, their disciplined demeanor shattered by the overwhelming sight above.

A young Cloud Knight, his face pale and eyes wide with disbelief, dropped his spear with a clatter. "The legends... they were true," he stammered to his comrade, his voice barely audible over the din. "What chance do we stand against such monstrosities?"

His fellow knight, struggling to maintain composure, grabbed his arm. "We must retreat! To hold our ground is madness!" he urged, pulling him into the throng of panicked citizens.

A woman clutching her child cried out, "The end is upon us! The dragons of old have returned to claim the skies!"

An old man, leaning heavily on his cane, looked up at the battling titans with a mixture of fear and awe. "In my youth, they were just stories," he muttered to himself. "Tales to frighten children... But now, the nightmares have come to life."

A group of merchants huddled together, their goods forgotten, as they debated their chances of survival. "We must find shelter," one insisted, his voice trembling. "The dragons care not for the lives they trample below."

Nearby, a mother desperately tried to calm her children, her voice strained with fear. "Stay close to me," she implored, her eyes darting around for a safe path through the bedlam. "We'll make it to the shelters, just keep moving."

The panic was infectious, and even the bravest souls found their courage waning in the face of such unfathomable power. The dragons, locked in their celestial duel, seemed to embody the very essence of primal fear and wonder, a force beyond the comprehension of mere mortals.

The Wanderer, witnessing the chaos, felt a sinking dread. These dragons, embodiments of ancient power, seemed indifferent to the existence of the world below. Their battle was a dance of destruction, each movement causing untold devastation.

The serpentine dragon, in a display of its fearsome might, unleashed a wave of silvery energy, a spectral tsunami that surged towards its golden adversary. The sun dragon, caught in the blast, roared in pain but retaliated with a fury that matched its opponent. It flapped its enormous wings, sending a solar tempest that obliterated everything in its path.

In the midst of this terrifying spectacle, Y/N, his heart pounding against his chest, struggled to find his bearings. "Jingliu!" he called out, his voice barely audible over the din of destruction. His eyes searched desperately for his friend amidst the fleeing crowd.

Jingliu, her pale hair a stark contrast against the darkened sky, moved with purpose, guiding people to whatever shelter she could find. Her red eyes, usually fierce and determined, now held a glimmer of fear. "We have to keep moving!" she urged the people around her, her voice a mix of command and reassurance.

As the dragons continued their celestial duel, the very fabric of Cangcheng seemed to unravel. Buildings crumbled, streets cracked open, and the sky itself appeared to be tearing apart.

The Wanderer, his face etched with resolve, knew that the time for action was now. He couldn't stop the titans, but he could still save lives. With a deep breath, he plunged into the fray, his every move a testament to his years of experience and unwavering courage.


As the turmoil of Cangcheng escalated with each passing moment, a ray of hope emerged in the form of an ancient starskiff, gracefully maneuvering through the chaos in the sky. Piloted by Y/N's mother, the foxian, with the assistance of a second, anonymous pilot, the vessel represented a lifeline amidst the catastrophe. In a daring rescue, the starskiff swept through the air, skillfully navigating the barrage of debris and energy unleashed by the dueling dragons.

Y/N and Jingliu, standing amidst the ruins, looked up to see the starskiff descending towards them. The sight of the familiar figure of Y/N's mother at the controls filled them with a mix of relief and urgency.

"Hurry, get on board!" Y/N's mother called out as the starskiff hovered above them, its hatch opening to welcome the young warriors. Without hesitation, Y/N and Jingliu leaped into the vessel, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

As they settled in, the starskiff ascended, joining a fleet of other starskiffs engaged in the desperate evacuation of Cangcheng's populace. The foxian mother, her eyes focused and resolute, piloted the craft with precision, while the second pilot monitored the systems, ready to take over in case of an emergency.

Y/N gazed out of the window, watching as the once vibrant city became a battleground for the two colossal dragons. The serpentine dragon, a dark leviathan of nightmarish proportions, clashed fiercely against its radiant counterpart, the golden dragon, whose wings shimmered with solar energy.

Jingliu's gaze followed the dragons' movements, her mind grappling with the scale of their power. "It's like witnessing the birth of new legends," she murmured, both awestruck and terrified.

The foxian mother glanced back at the two children, her expression a blend of maternal concern and steely resolve. "These dragons are ancient entities, their conflict rooted in a history far older than our civilization. They are indifferent to our existence."

As the starskiff soared towards the emergency ship, a safe haven amid the chaos, Y/N's thoughts turned to the Wanderer. "What about master, Mom? Will he be alright?"

His mother's grip tightened on the controls. "He's doing what he must, as are we all. The Wanderer is no stranger to sacrifice. He's down there, helping others find their way to safety."

The emergency ship loomed ahead, a massive vessel that would carry the survivors of Cangcheng to an uncertain future. Y/N and Jingliu, their hands clasped tightly, watched as their home, a planet ravaged by the fury of battling titans, grew smaller in the distance.

"Will we ever be able to return?" Jingliu asked, her voice a fragile blend of hope and sorrow.

Y/N's mother, standing beside them, gazed out into the starlit expanse. Her eyes, reflecting the distant cosmic lights, held a deep sadness. "I wish I could promise that," she said softly, her voice tinged with a gentle honesty. "But our home as we knew it... it may be lost forever."

Y/N tightened his grip on Jingliu's hand, fighting back the tears. "But we'll remember it, right? We'll keep Cangcheng alive in our memories?"

His mother nodded, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Yes, we will. Our memories, our experiences, the spirit of our people... these things are indestructible. They will be our guiding light as we navigate this new chapter in our lives."

Jingliu looked up, her red eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Then we'll carry Cangcheng in our hearts, wherever we go."


The emergency ship, a beacon of hope amid the chaos, raced through the darkened skies, its escape hindered by the dragons' cataclysmic duel. The sun dragon's radiant fury unleashed a torrent of energy, threatening to engulf the vessel in its destructive wake.

Inside the ship's cockpit, tension gripped the air. Y/N's mother, the foxian, assessed the situation with a calm born of years facing danger. She turned to her co-pilot, the second, anonymous pilot who had been a silent guardian throughout their escape. "Take the helm," she instructed, her voice laced with a heavy resolve.

The co-pilot, catching the unspoken intention in her eyes, protested, "No, there must be another way!"

But the foxian's decision was made. "Please," she whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It's the only way." Reluctantly, the co-pilot nodded, taking over the controls as she stepped away.

Y/N and Jingliu, having overheard the exchange, rushed towards the cockpit. Their hearts sank as they saw the foxian mother moving towards a smaller, back-up starskiff stored within the emergency ship.

"Mom, no!" Y/N cried out, his voice cracking under the weight of realization. He pounded against the invisible barrier that separated the cockpit from the rest of the ship, his tears flowing freely.

Jingliu reached out, her hand trembling as she tried to pull Y/N back. Her own emotions were a tumultuous storm of fear, admiration, and sorrow.

The foxian mother turned to face her son and Jingliu one last time. Her face was a mask of love and determination, etched with the pain of impending separation. "Thank you," she said softly, her voice breaking as she embraced them both. "Remember, always protect and be strong for each other."

With a final, lingering look filled with love and pride, she turned and entered the smaller starskiff. Y/N's screams of despair echoed in the ship as he watched helplessly, his mother's figure growing smaller in the distance.

The foxian mother piloted the small vessel with precision, positioning it between the emergency ship and the incoming blast from the sun dragon. In a moment of heroic sacrifice, she activated the starskiff's energy shields, absorbing the full brunt of the attack.

The emergency ship shuddered under the impact, but the foxian's sacrifice had shielded it from destruction. As the smaller starskiff disintegrated under the overwhelming force, a bright light illuminated the sky, a final testament to her bravery.

Inside the emergency ship, silence fell among the survivors. Many were citizens of Cangcheng who had witnessed the foxian's final act. Eyes wide with a mix of awe and grief, they looked out at the continuing battle between the dragons, the legends of their childhood coming to life in a display of terrifying beauty and power.

Y/N, collapsed against the wall, sobbed uncontrollably, his heart torn apart by the loss of his mother. Jingliu, her eyes red and swollen, stood by him, her presence a silent support in the face of overwhelming grief.


The emergency ship, a bastion of hope amidst chaos, hurtled through the cosmos, carrying the last remnants of Cangcheng's people. Inside, Y/N and Jingliu, two young souls bound by a shared destiny, stood at the helm, their eyes fixed on the haunting spectacle unfolding behind them.

Their home, the vibrant world of Xianzhou Cangcheng, now lay in ruins, its beauty and life ebbing away under the relentless assault of the titanic dragons. Y/N's eyes, red and swollen from tears, burned with a fire born of loss and resolve. The image of his mother's sacrifice, a final act of love and protection, replayed in his mind, fueling a silent vow within him.

Jingliu, her noble upbringing a stark contrast to the raw emotion she now displayed, wrapped her arms around Y/N. They stood together, sharing the burden of grief and the unspoken determination to honor the fallen. Her tears, blending with his, were a testament to the depth of their bond and the shared pain of their loss.

As the ship moved further away, the last image of their home was a devastating one. The serpentine dragon, with a tail like a cosmic whip, lashed out in the heat of its duel, its immense force colliding with the Flagship. In that moment, the fate of Cangcheng was sealed, its legacy now a memory in the hearts of those who escaped.

Aboard the ship, the refugees of Cangcheng navigated the vastness of space, each grappling with the gravity of their loss. Hushed conversations filled the air, stories of survival and memories of those left behind weaving a tapestry of collective mourning and resilience.

Y/N, his youthful face marked by a newfound maturity, turned to Jingliu. "We have to be strong, for them, for everyone who didn't make it," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Jingliu nodded, her red eyes reflecting the resolve in his. "We will," she replied. "Together, we'll find a new home, a new beginning. We owe it to them, to your mother, to everyone."

In the silent expanse of space, as stars and galaxies passed by, Y/N and Jingliu shared a look of mutual understanding. Their journey had taken an unexpected turn, propelling them into an unknown future. But in that moment, a silent promise was made – to forge a new path, to carry the legacy of Cangcheng, and to honor the memories of those they had lost.

The destiny of Y/N and Jingliu, intertwined with the fate of all who survived the wrath of the titans, was now written amongst the stars. As they stood at the helm, their hearts heavy but unbroken, they faced the uncertainty of the cosmos with courage and hope, ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead.


End of Chapter


A/N: Next chapter will be about the aftermath and transition to time-skips.

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