Genesis Arc - Ch. Sixteen: Mara vs Sword

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

EDIT: Wattpad not reloading...


Y/N sat alone in the tranquil husk of night, surrounded by the serene beauty of the woods. The crackling fireplace he had set up cast a warm, peaceful glow, its gentle sizzles and pops harmonizing with the nocturnal symphony of the forest.

Eight years had passed since he first met Ying Xing, the boy who had grown into a master artisan, surpassing even Huaiyan, the revered craftsman of Zhuming. Ying Xing's skill in weapon forging had significantly bolstered the Cloud Knights' arsenal, earning him admiration from many, including Y/N and Jingliu.

Y/N chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the woods. He vividly remembered the day Jingliu tested a sword forged by Ying Xing. While she found it slightly lacking, her compliment and challenge for a sword worthy of a 'Sword Champion' had sparked a new fire in Ying Xing's eyes – a determination to excel further.

As the firelight danced on his face, Y/N's thoughts drifted to Baiheng's relationship with Ying Xing. Over the years, their bond had blossomed, resembling that of siblings, with Baiheng taking on the role of an encouraging and protective older sister, while Ying Xing looked up to her with genuine respect and affection.

Then there was Jing Yuan. Y/N mused over their unique relationship – a blend of friendship and rivalry that often bordered on playful hostility. Their interactions were a constant source of amusement and bewilderment for Y/N. He decided to leave their dynamic in Baiheng's capable hands; he and Jingliu had more pressing concerns to focus on.

Y/N's smile faded as his thoughts turned to his current, self-assigned mission. It was a task he had undertaken alone, without informing anyone, not even Jingliu. Lan had relayed information about Shuhu's proximity, compelling Y/N to venture into these woods, seeking information and waiting in ambush.

Lost in his thoughts, Y/N hardly noticed the fire dying down, its light dimming until it was snuffed out completely. The sudden darkness heightened his senses, and he became acutely aware of his surroundings.

In the quiet of the night, a pair of glowing green eyes appeared in the darkness, radiating malicious intent. Y/N tensed, his calm demeanor giving way to alertness. The peaceful night in the woods had taken an ominous turn, and Y/N knew he needed to be prepared for whatever lurked in the shadows.

Silently, he reached for his weapon, his eyes fixed on the glowing green orbs. The tranquility of the forest was now overshadowed by the threat of danger, and Y/N braced himself for what was to come. The night, once serene, now held a palpable tension, as if the very air was charged with anticipation.


Jingliu awoke with a sense of unease, a frown creasing her usually serene face. She rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Something felt amiss, a feeling she couldn't quite place. With a deep breath, she rose from her bed, her movements deliberate and swift.

Stepping out of her room, she made her way to Y/N's door. Her hand hesitated for a moment before she knocked, expecting a response. Silence greeted her. "Must be asleep..." she whispered to herself, knocking again. Yet, the silence persisted, amplifying her growing concern.

Her instincts now fully alert, Jingliu twisted the doorknob, finding it unlocked. She stepped inside, her voice slightly anxious. "Y/N?"

The room was a reflection of Y/N's organized mind – chairs perfectly aligned, bed impeccably made, and a mini-library with books neatly arranged. Everything was in its place, almost untouched.

Jingliu's initial grogginess gave way to full alertness. She scanned the room, her trained eyes searching for any sign of Y/N. A thought struck her, providing a momentary relief. "If his greatsword is here, then there's nothing to worry about," she murmured, moving towards a large, sheen case – the resting place for Y/N's renowned weapon.

Her hands, steady and practiced, opened the case. It was empty. Not a trace of the greatsword. In that instant, Jingliu's heart sank, a wave of worry washing over her. Her red eyes, usually so full of strength and resolve, now trembled with concern.

Jingliu stood motionless, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Y/N's absence, coupled with the missing greatsword, could only mean one thing – he had left on a mission. A mission he hadn't spoken of, a journey he had embarked on alone.

The realization hit her hard. Jingliu prided herself on understanding Y/N, on being his confidant and companion through every challenge. Yet, this departure, shrouded in secrecy, left her feeling a mix of worry and a rare sense of helplessness.

Gathering her composure, Jingliu stepped out of Y/N's room, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew she had to act, to find him, to understand why he had left without a word. The quiet of the room behind her contrasted sharply with the storm of thoughts in her mind.

As she made her way through the silent corridor of the house, Jingliu's determination solidified. She would find Y/N, and she would bring him back. No matter the cost, no matter the challenge, she would not let him face whatever dangers lurked in the shadows alone.


Dressed in her battle attire, Jingliu raced towards the Council's Headquarters. Her usually calm demeanor was replaced by a storm of emotions, each reflecting her deep concern for Y/N. Her swift movements, a blur to the onlookers, were driven by urgency and fear.

Upon reaching the grand doors of the Headquarters, Jingliu's fist connected with the heavy wood, sending the doors flying open with such force that they embedded themselves into the walls. The sound echoed through the corridors, announcing her arrival with a thunderous urgency.

She sprinted with incredible speed along the corridors, her focus unwavering. In mere moments, she located Jing Yuan, engaged in conversation with Hua. Her abrupt appearance, accompanied by gusts of wind, startled both of them.

Jing Yuan, attempting to shield himself from the wind, looked up to find his master before him. "What has gotten into you this fine morning, Master Jingliu?" he asked, his voice laced with concern and surprise.

Hua, now more mature and composed than in her younger days, observed Jingliu with a mixture of concern and confusion. "Jingliu, has something happened? You look... ragged," she noted, her eyes studying Jingliu's disheveled appearance.

Jingliu, her usual composure shattered, asked them urgently, "Have you... Have you both seen Y/N?" Her voice was tinged with panic, a rare show of vulnerability from the formidable swordswoman.

Jing Yuan, taken aback by her question, scanned their surroundings as if expecting to find Y/N there. It was unusual to see Jingliu without Y/N, the pair often inseparable, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.

"I... Do not know where Master Y/N has gone," Jing Yuan admitted, his voice reflecting his confusion.

Jingliu turned her pleading gaze to Hua, who shook her head. "I too have not seen him today..."

Hua's response, lacking her usual playful rivalry, underscored the gravity of the situation. The shift in their relationship, from hostility to a mutual understanding, was evident in her tone.

Hearing their answers, Jingliu felt a creeping sense of isolation and dread, her pupils shaking visibly. Jing Yuan, noticing the change in his master, stepped forward to support her.

"Master! Please, take a deep breath," Jing Yuan instructed, recognizing the signs of a panic attack.

Hua also moved to Jingliu's side, offering physical support by grasping her hands. Together, they guided the trembling swordswoman to a chair in the hall.

Jing Yuan called out to Hua, "Please call Baiheng."

Hua nodded and quickly made her way to the communication room.

Jing Yuan returned his focus to Jingliu, his heart heavy with the burden of seeing his master in such a state. "Where are you, Master Y/N?" he wondered silently, a sense of helplessness enveloping him.

As Jingliu's breathing slowly stabilized, the hall was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the occasional whisper of concern from the onlookers. The situation was unprecedented – the unshakeable Jingliu, now shaken to her core, her worry for Y/N palpable in the air.

With Hua hurrying to contact Baiheng and Jing Yuan by her side, Jingliu struggled to compose herself, her thoughts racing with possibilities and fears. The absence of Y/N, a constant in her life, left a void that seemed to consume her very being. The search for answers had just begun, and with each passing moment, the urgency grew.


Baiheng, having just completed her mission report to the Sky-Faring Commission, arrived at the hall with Hua. The sight that greeted them left Baiheng momentarily speechless. Jingliu, a symbol of strength and composure, was visibly shaken, while Jing Yuan stood beside her, a mix of concern and confusion etched on his face.

"Jingliu!" Baiheng exclaimed, rushing to her side. She took Jingliu's hand, offering a comforting touch.

Baiheng's gaze turned to Jing Yuan, seeking an explanation. Jing Yuan quickly recounted the events leading up to Jingliu's distressed state.

Baiheng's expression turned pensive. "It got to the point of a panic attack? She must really care for him," she mused.

Jing Yuan nodded solemnly. "Master Y/N and Master Jingliu have shared a bond since childhood. It's a connection beyond our understanding..."

Baiheng inquired further, "Any updates on Y/N?" She glanced around, noticing his conspicuous absence.

Both Jing Yuan and Hua shook their heads, indicating no new information.

A heavy sigh escaped Baiheng as she refocused on Jingliu. "Jingliu, look at me," she urged softly.

Jingliu, still reeling, turned her gaze slowly towards Baiheng.

"Y/N is strong, one of the strongest we know. He can handle himself. You have to believe that," Baiheng reassured her, her voice steady and soothing.

Jingliu's response was a quiet nod, an agreement uttered through her breathlessness.

Just then, a majestic voice echoed through the hall, causing everyone to tense. "I apologize for intruding."

Baiheng immediately summoned her bow, a gift from Ying Xing forged from pieces given by Lan. Jing Yuan readied his glaive, and Hua assumed a defensive stance.

A figure in purple armor emerged, immediately recognized by Baiheng. She bowed in reverence. Jing Yuan and Hua, still on alert, followed suit upon realizing the identity of the newcomer.

"At ease, everyone. I am Lan, the Aeon of Hunt," the figure announced, his voice carrying an air of authority and calm.

The revelation prompted a collective bow from the assembly, their respect for the Aeon palpable.

Lan turned his attention to Jingliu, who met his gaze unflinchingly. "I must be straightforward. I sent Y/N on a mission."

His words struck a chord of shock and anger in Jingliu. Her eyes darkened as she glared at Lan. "You... WHY DID YOU SEND HIM OUT? WHY!?" she demanded, her voice filled with rage and desperation.

Lan remained composed. "O' friend of Y/N, do not be wrathful... I have granted him my protection, a blessing to guard him."

Jingliu's response was a snarl. "That's no guarantee of his complete safety!"

Lan acknowledged her concern. "True, but should he require aid, he can call upon me, and I shall be there."

Jingliu, now fueled by a mix of fear, determination and anger, retorted, "Send me... Send me out there! I can help him." Her voice was adamant, her plea to Lan filled with a deep sense of urgency.

The atmosphere grew tense, the air seemingly compressing under the weight of their auras. Jing Yuan knelt, using his glaive for support, while Hua struggled against the overwhelming presence.

Baiheng, visibly shaken, pleaded, "Please stop! You're frightening everyone!"

The surrounding crowd, indeed terrified, watched in awe and fear.

Recognizing the distress they were causing, both Lan and Jingliu withdrew their imposing auras. Lan considered her for a moment, his visage unreadable. Finally, he nodded, "Very well, I shall provide the coordinates marked by a glowing star. You will know it when you see it."

Jingliu, still fraught with anger, reluctantly nodded her agreement.

"What mission did you send him on?" she asked, her voice still tinged with frustration.

Lan's next words sent a chill through the hall, his voice resonating with a majestic yet ominous tone.

"I sent him to maim Shuhu."


As dawn broke, casting a soft golden light through the trees, Y/N found himself in a relentless pursuit. The green-eyed assassins of the Denizens of Abundance, skilled and elusive, led him deeper into the forest. They moved with a grace that belied their deadly nature, their cloaked forms blending seamlessly with the shadows.

Y/N followed with unwavering focus, his greatsword strapped securely to his back, its presence a constant reminder of the potential battle ahead. The clanking of his armor and the soft rustle of his movements were the only sounds that disturbed the quiet of the woods.

After an hour of tireless pursuit, they arrived at a structure that appeared to be an ancient tomb, its stones haphazardly stacked. The assassins, wordlessly acknowledging a truce, lined up on either side of the entrance and bowed deeply, inviting Y/N to enter.

Stepping into the tomb, Y/N was immediately engulfed in a subspace, a transition that left him momentarily disoriented. When his vision cleared, he found himself in a grand chamber, its lofty ceilings reminiscent of a royal castle. The air was thick with the scent of cursed magic, with books floating amidst dark green energy.

At the center of the chamber, behind a U-shaped table cluttered with strange materials and chemicals, stood a figure draped in a green robe. The being turned to face Y/N, his expression unreadable, his eyes shifting in hues of green and blue.

"Welcome, Xianzhou's Knight," the figure spoke, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I am Shuhu. Why have you come before me?"

Y/N, maintaining his composure in the face of the unexpected, replied calmly, "I have come seeking answers and to understand your intentions."

Shuhu, observing Y/N with a critical eye, responded, "My intentions are my own, Knight. But perhaps we can find common ground. What do you seek to know?"

Y/N, aware of the delicacy of the situation, chose his words carefully. "I seek to know the reason behind your recent aggressions and your interest in Xianzhou. Your actions have caused unrest, and I wish to resolve this without further conflict."

Shuhu's lips curled into a thin smile, a hint of intrigue in his gaze. "A noble pursuit, Knight. But you must know, my actions are driven by a greater purpose, one that may not align with your ideals."

Y/N remained resolute, his stance unwavering. "Then enlighten me, Shuhu. Help me understand your perspective. Perhaps there is a way to reconcile our differences without further bloodshed."

In the eerie tranquility of the ancient tomb, the tension between Y/N and Shuhu grew palpable. Shuhu, reclining in his chair, broke the silence with a declaration that was both simple and ominous. "To heal the world with the blessings of Yaoshi, to have the world think alike. Simple, right?"

Y/N, analyzing Shuhu's words, sensed the underlying malice. "And to 'heal,' how do you plan to do that? Do you intend to destroy the very foundation of Xianzhou, built on the principles Lan has established?"

Shuhu's calm demeanor shattered as he slammed his hands on the table. "DO NOT TWIST MY WORDS, BOY!" he roared, his anger betraying his composure.

Unfazed by Shuhu's outburst, Y/N replied with a snicker, "You are easily angered, Shuhu. The leader of the Abundance, shouting at a 'common Knight' because he speaks the truth... How amusing."

Shuhu's face twisted with fury, but he quickly regained his composure. "You will understand when you experience Mara, Y/N. Join us. With your strength, we can achieve countless victories!"

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "And what would I gain from this alliance?"

Shuhu, sensing an opportunity, played his card. "Then you can live together with Jingliu, can you not?"

At the mention of Jingliu's name, Y/N's anger erupted. With a forceful blow, his fists shattered the table, creating a crater and sending fragments of nearby books flying.

Shuhu stepped back, his eyes wide with a mixture of fear and admiration. "Incredible..."

Y/N glared at Shuhu with unbridled fury. "You dare... utter her name from your mouth!?"

Shuhu opened his mouth to respond, but Y/N cut him off, "Negotiation is over." 

With a swift motion, he unsheathed his greatsword, its blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the chamber.


The Starskiff, cutting through the vastness of sky, carried Jingliu and her companions closer to their uncertain destiny. Jingliu, usually the embodiment of calm and control, now wrestled with a storm of emotions. Her deep connection with Y/N left her vulnerable in moments like this, every second apart amplifying her worry.

Her fingers traced the sheath of her sword absentmindedly, each movement a silent prayer for Y/N's safety. Jing Yuan, observing her, felt a growing sense of helplessness, wishing he could do more to ease her burden.

Hua, arms crossed, contemplated the situation. The gravity of their mission, underscored by the urgency in Jingliu's demeanor, was not lost on her.

Baiheng, piloting the Starskiff with focused precision, suddenly broke the tense silence. "Everyone! Look at the stars!" Her voice, filled with a mix of wonder and urgency, drew everyone's attention to the celestial spectacle unfolding before them.

The stars, shining with an ethereal brilliance, formed a path in the sky, outshining the sun and casting a surreal glow over their surroundings. It was a sight both mesmerizing and ominous, a beacon guiding them toward Y/N's last known location.

Jing Yuan and Hua shared a moment of awe at the spectacle, but for Jingliu, the sight only tightened the knots in her heart. They were drawing closer to Y/N, and with each passing moment, her resolve strengthened.

"I'm coming for you, Y/N," she whispered to herself, her voice a mix of determination and fear. "Please be safe..."

As the Starskiff continued its journey, guided by the starlit path, the group braced themselves for what lay ahead. The unknown dangers of confronting Shuhu and the uncertainty of Y/N's condition loomed over them, but they were united in their purpose: to bring Y/N back, safe and sound.

The Starskiff surged forward, cutting through the sky with unwavering determination, as if fueled by Jingliu's silent plea. The journey ahead was fraught with peril, but they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them, bound by their loyalty and friendship.


The chamber, once a silent testament to dark ambitions, now trembled under the raw power of Y/N. His aura, a swirling tempest of deep dark blue, signaled the unleashing of his true strength. His greatsword, a masterpiece forged by Ying Xing, gleamed menacingly in his grip.

Shuhu, recognizing the imminent threat, conjured barriers etched with ancient scribes, powered by the essence of Mara. But Y/N, undeterred, thrust forward, his blade piercing through the barriers with ease, shattering them like glass.

In a desperate move, Shuhu teleported outside the subspace, unwittingly dragging Y/N along with him. The lush woods that had been a silent witness to their confrontation were now splintered and destroyed, a casualty of their clash.

Shuhu, panting heavily, conjured a grotesque Mara hand from his torso, using it as a shield against Y/N's relentless assault. The impact of their powers unleashed a blast that decimated the surrounding environment, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake.

Realizing his own vulnerability, Shuhu summoned his army of assassins, commanding them to engage Y/N in close combat. But what followed was a display of Y/N's unparalleled prowess. With a single, swift, and devastating slash, he obliterated the twelve assassins, their bodies cleaved in half, disbelief etched on their faces even in death.

Shuhu, watching from afar, couldn't fathom the depth of Y/N's strength. He was no Vidyadhara or other mystical being, yet his power was immense, almost otherworldly.

Y/N, his voice calm yet laced with a dark despair, called out to Shuhu, "Well? What else do you have, Shuhu? Or shall I bring hell upon you?"

"... Hell? Arrogant bastard!"

Shuhu, spiteful and desperate, began a dark incantation. An ominous energy gathered, forming a grotesque magic circle. The air grew thick with ancient power as Shuhu's voice deepened, resonating with primal rage.

"I... was once the consort of queens. I WAS SOMEONE WHO DRANK WITH THE OLDEN KINGS!" 

Shuhu's chant morphed the magic circle into a portal, summoning eldritch creatures from its depths.

Y/N, knowing the gravity of the situation, invoked the one-time blessing granted by Lan. Merging his aura with the Aeon's power, his greatsword blazed with a magnificent fusion of purple and blue, resembling an ethereal aurora.


The strain of this power was immense, threatening to tear his body apart. His bones creaked, his flesh tore, but Y/N held on, driven by a resolve stronger than his physical pain.

But it was too late. Shuhu's summoning had unleashed eldritch creatures into the world, their otherworldly presence a nightmare made real.

In a last-ditch effort, Y/N lunged at Shuhu, his greatsword raised high. The downward slash connected with a force that sent both adversaries flying back. Y/N crashed against a tree, blood seeping from his mouth, the toll of merging with an Aeon's power nearly overwhelming him. Yet, he clung to his sword, his only anchor in the chaos.

Shuhu, severely wounded and weakened, screamed in agony. His core had been irreparably damaged by the Aeon-infused slash. With hate-filled eyes, he glanced at the eldritch creatures now roaming free, their hunger palpable.

Smirking bloodily, Shuhu taunted Y/N, "HAHAHAHA! WHAT WILL YOU DO NOW!?" His laughter echoed through the destroyed woods as he teleported away in a flash of green light.

Y/N, mustering the last of his strength, responded with a defiant middle finger, his silent vow to never yield echoing in the silence that followed.

The aftermath of their battle lay before him: a forest in ruins, eldritch creatures lurking in the shadows, and the uncertain fate of the world hanging in the balance. In the distance, the starlit path beckoned, a beacon of hope amidst despair. Y/N knew his journey was far from over; the true battle had only just begun.


The Starskiff touched down in a clearing, a safe distance from the ominous woods that lay ahead. The team disembarked, immediately feeling the oppressive air thick with malice and curses. An unsettling aura enveloped the area, a tangible manifestation of the chaos unleashed by Shuhu.

Baiheng, her fox-like instincts heightened, shivered visibly. The energy emanating from the woods struck a primal chord of fear within her. "This... this is wrong," she whispered, her voice quivering with apprehension.

Jing Yuan, gripping his glaive tightly, scanned the surroundings with a warrior's focus. Beside him, Hua clenched her fists, her martial artist's discipline evident in her stance. Despite their readiness, the palpable dread hanging in the air was unnerving.

Jingliu's gaze was fixed on the woods, her expression a mix of determination and concern.


The eerie sounds of laughter, childlike yet twisted, filtered through the trees, sending chills down their spines. It was a macabre melody that foretold danger.

As they cautiously approached the edge of the forest, the source of the laughter became visible. The creatures that emerged were a nightmarish sight. With tongues lolling grotesquely from their mouths, they slithered and prowled around, their bodies a grotesque mockery of life.

The creatures paused, their gaze falling upon the group. In their eyes gleamed a malevolent intelligence, a hunger for chaos and destruction. They seemed to revel in the fear they evoked, their laughter growing louder and more distorted.

Baiheng took a step back, her instincts screaming at her to flee. Jing Yuan tightened his grip on his glaive, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. Hua's eyes narrowed, her body coiled like a spring, ready to unleash her fiery martial prowess.

Jingliu, stepping forward, drew her sword with a fluid motion, the blade catching the dim light. "Stay alert," she commanded, her voice steady despite the overwhelming sense of dread. "These creatures are unlike anything we've faced before."

The team formed a defensive circle, backs to each other, as the eldritch beings began to close in. The air was thick with anticipation, the boundary between the natural and the supernatural blurred by the presence of these otherworldly entities.

In the distance, the destruction wrought by Y/N and Shuhu was evident, a grim reminder of the battle that had taken place. Jingliu's resolve hardened; she knew that Y/N was close, and she was determined to reach him, no matter the horrors that stood in their way.

The confrontation was imminent, a clash between the guardians of Xianzhou and the twisted spawn of Shuhu's dark magic.  As the creatures advanced, the team braced themselves, ready to face the unknown terrors that lurked within the shadows of the woods.


End of Subchapter

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