Chapter Six; Loaf

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Lookumz jumped into the portal and disappeared. Henwy and Sigils jumped in as well followed by the three mayors.

Loaf didn't know exactly why he waited until then, but he finally jumped in.

A cool breeze washed over him as he landed on the other side, his feet landing on rough endstone instead of the lava the portal was placed above.

He quickly scrambled aside to allow the others through and scanned the dimension.

All around them was a dark purple void speckled with barely visible black stars. Islands of washed-out yellow stone dotted the landscape. Henwy, Sigils, and Zud were slowly working on a large bridge across the void to the large island where the Ender Dragon was located.

Large, dark pillars of different heights stood stabbed into the endstone. Loaf knew of the floating crystals on top of each pillar that healed the dragon.

Loaf turned to look back at the group. They had managed to bridge across and were swarming the larger island.

"Come on, Loaf!" Jerome called.

Loaf turned and ran across the bridge. Jerome offered his hand and pulled Loaf onto the ledge. There was a ferocious roar. Loaf turned and saw the dragon fly over one of the pillars. Henwy shot an arrow at the end crystal. It exploded under the dragon. The dragon gave another screech and flapped harder to stabilize itself in the air. It flew over a few of the other crystals and soon enough, its wounds had healed.

Loaf produced his own bow and knocked an arrow into place. He carefully aimed at the nearest crystal and shot. The arrow flew across the sky and embedded itself into the crystal. It exploded, sending smaller shards flying.

Loaf and Jerome started towards the last two crystals but they exploded in sync. He turned to see Henwy give Sigils a high five before they both aimed at the dragon that was swooping down towards the ground, it's eyes trained on Zud, Kate, and Siimii. The Ender Dragon opened its large jaws and exhaled a blast of purple gas that lingered on the ground. Luckily, the three were able to dodge it. Loaf saw Zud scoop some of it into a bottle.

The dragon swooped back into the sky and flinched suddenly. The dragon turned towards Loaf and Jerome and Loaf was able to see two arrows embedded into its left eye. Loaf aimed his bow and added a third.

The dragon turned towards the small bedrock pillar in the center of the island and hovered just above it. The campers surged forward, daggers and swords in hand. The dragon watched them all with its one functioning eye. Loaf reached it first and stabbed his sword into its soft underbelly and twisting it.

The dragon roared and swung its tail in an arc, knocking back Sigils, Biffle, Nico, and Henwy.

Loaf jerked his sword back, sending the shimmering, purple blood flying onto the pale endstone.

Loaf saw Frost thrust his two diamond daggers into the dragon's shoulder, right under the wing. The dragon gave another furious roar and swung its head around to snap angrily at Frost, it being preoccupied with Lookumz, the other admins, Kate, and Ambrew.

Loaf ducked and rolled away from the blast of purple fire, but Frost wasn't as lucky. The side of his arm was scorched and he clutched it, giving a sharp yelp of pain. He staggered away from the beast, Rafessor and Florian helping him. Loaf saw them giving the injured admin a few types of healing potions in the corner of his eye.

The dragon flapped fiercely, trying to bring itself back into the air. A few of the members tried to continue slashing, and Loaf saw Henwy and Sigils fire a few more fire-tipped arrows. The dragon soared far overhead. Loaf tried to shoot an arrow at it but it curved and fell to the ground.

The dragon soon swooped back down and unhinged its jaws to send another blast of death, this time aimed at the three admins. Loaf and a few others managed to embed a few more arrows into the dragon, so it turned away and headed towards Loaf and Lookumz who was nearby.

Loaf knew the dragon was extremely low on heath, so he aimed one last arrow, straight into the back of the dragon's throat, and shot. The dragon convulsed and streaks of bright lavender light broke through the dragon's thick scales. Loaf had to shield his eyes. The light died and the body of the beast disintegrated.

Loaf laughed and thrust his sword into the sky, many others doing the same.

The Ender Beast was dead.

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