Chapter Sixteen; Zud

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The second he found out about the chamber he thought about Wilbur.

Zud, Alxton, and Sigils had adventured down to the Living Chamber. It was a monthly requirement to check to see if the Chamber in good shape.

It had never been broken before.

Zud didn't know what to do.

He was about four steps ahead of the other two, visibly shaken about the discovery.

Zud hit the surface and spotted Henwy and Ambrew, walking along the path and cheerfully talking.

The second Henwy saw Zud, he stiffened and put on his serious face.

"The Chamber was destroyed," Zud spoke horsely.

Henwy's eyes widened and cast a sharp glance to Ambrew.

"Wilbur was shot by a piglin," Henwy responded.

Zud felt the world drop beneath him.

"Get Siimii," He spoke to no one in particular before turning and bolting to the infirmary.

Siimii was exploring the forest with Jerome and Loaf. She wouldn't be back soon.

Zud was numbly aware of Henwy and Sigils running beside him.

He threw the door open so violently he expected it to crack.

"Where's Wilbur?" Zud shouted. Frost jumped.

"He's right this way-," Frost began turning his body towards a door at the end of a short hallway.

"Let me see him," Zud interrupted, pushing past Frost and started towards the door.

"Zud! Listen, the arrow struck just under his heart. The wound was already infected when he arrived. Raf and Flo are doing everything they can, but I'm not sure if he will make it through this life," Frost explained.

"Death is permanent now, he better survive," Zud growled and threw the door open.

Kate and Lookumz jumped. They were off to the side, watching the two admins work on Wilbur.

"Wilbur!" Zud cried.

Rafessor and Florian stepped aside, allowing the man through to his adopted son.

Wilbur's eyes were clouded over, staring absently at the ceiling. For a few agonizingly long seconds he though he was too late.

Wilbur rolled his eyes to look at Zud.

"Wilbur? Hey, it's me, Zud," He said softly.

"Dad," Wilbur replied slowly.

A weird tingly feeling erupted from his hands where he held Wilbur.

"Yeah, I'm right here," Zud closed his eyes and lightly pressed his forehead to Wilbur's.

Wilbur softly exhaled.

"WHERE IS MY SON?" There was a shriek from outside the room.

The admins, mayors, Kate, and Lookumz were in the corner, speaking in harsh but quiet tones. They turned to the doorway when Siimii had screamed. Frost stepped outside, followed by Kate and Henwy.

"I'm not going to die, right?" Wilbur rolled his head and Zud opened his eyes.

"I don't know," Zud whispered dryly.

Siimii burst into the room, seeming to scan everything at once until her eyes fell on Wilbur and Zud.

"Who did this? Zud, did you know?" Siimii's voice was high and shrill as she shouted.

"Mom," Wilbur whispered softly. Siimii deflated and rushed to the piglin's side.

"Wilbur," Siimii had tears on the edge of her eyes, threatening to leak down her face. Zud's vision was also blurred.

"I remember Sigils and Henwy singing for me," Wilbur started.

"Wilbur, please save your strength," Siimii pleaded, holding his hand firmly.

"I remember training in the forest," Wilbur continued, "I remember making my golden axe with Jerome. I remember learning English with you and Kate and Lookumz," Wilbur's eyes started to drift. Zud gripped his hand tighter.

"I remember you finding me," Wilbur was loosing his voice. Zud couldn't speak. Only listen.

Wilbur blinked a few times, "Mom taught me weaving."

"I taught you weaving," Siimii responded numbly.

"I still remember the stitches you taught me. I like the fish scale stitch for smaller looms," Wilbur was starting to close his eyes.

"Wilbur, look at me," Siimii instructed. The dying piglin did so, "Repeat the steps to me."

"In, out, in out," Wilbur started.

"In, out, in, out, in, out," Wilbur and Siimii chanted in monotone voices.

"Breathe evenly," Zud instructed.

The three fell into the chant. It felt like they are trying to cast a spell.

A spell to keep him alive.

Wilbur's voice started to trail off. The last word he said was a weak "in".

His body grew stiff and his head fully rested on the pillow, eyes half closed.


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