Chapter Twenty Nine; Sigils

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Sigils gave a shaky inhale, "Tonight is a night that will be forever remembered."

Eyes stared at him, piercing gazes that tore through his soul and searched for the remaining pieces of his breaking heart.

Henwy wasn't standing beside him like he normally did. Instead, he was poised at the edge of the stage, his stance rigid and tense.

"Tonight will be the night we punish a traitor."

A ripple of unease crawled through the group. He paused briefly to let the words and evidence sink in. Eyes turned from him to Henwy, who still stood, quiet and unfazed.

"It has been recently brought to my attention that the cause of the Chamber's shattering was because of someone who we once called friend. Leader, even."

There were shouts of both panic and anger. Biffle, Nico, Gold, and, Karan stood to calm the others who were beginning to stand.

There was a shout in the crowd that determined the town's choice.


Sigils felt his chest tighten as he watched the shouting. He couldn't make out what everyone was saying, but he saw their faces.

He saw Alxton's ears flattened against his head as he held Ambrew close.

He saw Jerome shouting at Biffle, all teeth bared at him, while Siimii stood beside him, starting at Biffle, looking so torn.

He felt a presence move to stand beside him and he turned to see Henwy.

He didn't say anything, just offered a knife. Sigils grabbed his hand quickly.

"No, are you crazy?" Sigils asked in a hushed tone.


"Henwy-," Sigils started before he was cut off by a violent cough.

Sigils whirled around to see Biffle collapse to his knees. Nico and Siimii shot to go help him and knelt beside him.

Sigils felt his chest tighten even more.

The two mayors ran to Biffle's side, pushing away Nico and Siimii.

"We need to get out of here," Gold whispered. Karan hugged him and the man shook, arms pulled close to his body and eyes slightly glowing. Sigils wasn't focused on him.

Biffle shakily got to his feet.

"Don't kill Henwy," Biffle gasped, blood trickling from his mouth, "We can't have anymore deaths."

Piglin Flu.

Henwy turned to Sigils.

"Sigils, kill me."


Henwy grabbed Sigils' wrist. Everyone flinched towards the two mayors.

"Kill me."

Sigils shook his head.

"Biffle is dying because of me!" Henwy shouted.

"That doesn't mean I should kill you!" Sigils shouted back, desperate.

Henwy stepped back and revealed the knife from before.

Sigils' eyes widened.

He reached for Henwy as the mayor raised it to his chest.

The next thing he knew he was on the ground and there was fire all around.

The ringing in his ears faded and he heard the crackling flames and roars.

Sigils sat up to see a giant black creature. It's body shape looked almost wolf-like with giant wings. The members were fighting it.

Henwy was struggling beside Sigils. A flaming board had fallen onto his leg, trapping him in place.

Sigils staggered towards him and, combined with Henwy's strength, they shoved the board away and struggled to stand.

Biffle and Nico ran to them, followed by Gold and Karan.

"We need to get to the machine!" Biffle shouted over the flames.

The four stared to heard them out of the Town Hall. Sigils tried to make his way to the others but Biffle pushed him on.

The next thing he knew they were running. They took the trail to the forest and followed it to Gold's home.

"Come on!" Nico shouted to Henwy and Sigils.

The four darted inside, but Gold and Karan stayed outside.

"What are you-?" Henwy began but Nico grabbed his arm and pulled him to the basement. Sigils followed closely, his headache growing and blocking out reason.

In the basement was a lab, similar to Sigils' lab.

But one major difference was the time machine on the back wall.

"Get in there and fire it up," Biffle firmly told the two mayors.

They nodded and entered the machine to find no controls.

The glass door slammed shut behind them.

Sigils whirled around to see Biffle and Nico pressing buttons and flicking levers. There was a scream from above followed by a roar.

"Nico! Biffle!" Sigils shouted, banging a hand on the glass.

Black claws reached into the room as the machine hummed.

The walls were ripped into, causing dirt to crumble into the room.

A black face shoved its way in.

The lights flickered and Biffle and Nico turned to the monster. It's back brushed the high ceiling, making it's neck dip low.

The monster was covered with blood.

It's eyes locked with Sigils. He took a small step back. The humming grew.

The monster lunged at Nico.

Giant claws tore at flesh. Blood smeared the window. Biffle drove a trident into its back. It ripped Nico's muscle out of his chest, exposing organs and bones

At the time he didn't realize he was clutching Henwy's arm.

The screams were horrible.

Nico laid right beside the machine window. Biffle was fighting but the Piglin Flu was slowing him down.

Sigils sank to his knees and pressed a hand to the window, a spot just beside Nico's face.

Nico's eyes rolled to look at him.

And then he winked out of existence.

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