Chapter 29: These Final Words

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The world stopped.

Terrified screams grated eardrums. Blood seeped through thin clothes. Flushed skin paled underneath the dim sunlight. Knees buckled. Deep carmine coated a trembling hand.

It's my fault.

The thought echoed in the Listener's mind. Ken swore he was hit by Electivire's Thunder attack for he was paralyzed. He felt as if he were a lifetime away as Jay dropped and sobbed, clutching his hand to his bleeding shoulder.

It's my fault that Jay will die.

He expected to feel unbridled fury and hysteria, but instead freezing dread sunk its claws into his heart. His lips parted, yearning to say something. Anything.

Alice voiced her conflict for him. She bounced between absolute horror and boiling anger before deciding on the latter. Bristling, she screamed at Cyrus, "Why'd you do that? We won the battle!"

Don't scream. He'll shoot you, as well. The thought snapped Ken out of his stupor and he stepped in front of her, eying the handgun resting at Cyrus' side. He noticed Casper's ashen face and parted lips; the blunet hadn't been anticipating his younger brother being shot.

Cyrus studied the incensed girl as he replied, "You're delusional if you thought I would accept your bargain."

"What about Jay? He's your family! Family members don't shoot other family members!" she snapped.

Ken refused to let his gaze wander from the deadly weapon. Jay's pained groaning sounded from behind him.

"His faulty emotions betrayed him and he sided against Team Ultragalactic," Cyrus said matter-of-factly. His lips curled into a half-sneer as he glared at the bloody teenager in question. "Such emotions are but mere illusions. And, like all illusions, they fade over time until death banishes them forever. That is why I have abandoned all emotions as useless sentimentality."

Ken tensed as the psychopath stalked towards them and pulled Alice with him as he stepped backward. He scanned the vicinity for his Pokémon, but they were nowhere to be found. Summoning another was too risky.

Cyrus continued speaking, saying, "But that doesn't matter. I doubt you will ever understand my position if even my own kindred cannot." He paused a foot apart from Jay, and the Trainer watched him through watery eyes. "How wasteful."

An explosion rattled the debris as Jay's Tyrantrum fought off incoming Crobat. In the back of Ken's mind, he wondered if his traveling companion was capable of registering it. Would his last moments be full of only his wretched uncle?

Quickly, the Listener looked at the disruption and paled. A neon stream of electricity from Arceus struck Mew, and the petite legendary plummeted to the ground. The ivory equine gravitated to the remnants of the altar and lifted its leg.

"Comply with my requirements, Amachi, and you won't undergo the same fate as Jay," Cyrus said, annoyance evident in his creased forehead.

His boot struck Jay's back, and the spelunker screamed in pain as he tumbled face-first. Alice jerked in Ken's grip, and he almost released her. But he didn't. He couldn't let her join Jay who was writhing atop the frigid mountain peak.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Arceus stomp with all its mighty power and stagger the crumbling earth.

* * *

Mew flinched as Arceus unleashed yet another Earthquake attack. Fissures akin to thunderbolts advanced towards it, and it winced as it forced itself to get up. Mew whirled to a great rock far from the onslaught and rested, sparing a peek at the storming sky.

Inky haze clouded the sun. Shadows faded as forlorn darkness replaced the daylight. Flying debris erupted all around only to ricochet off of Mew's psychic barrier. The barrier's pale waves flickered; the protective shield was wavering. It wouldn't be long until Arceus' wrath expanded across the region.

If that happened, there was no more saving the world. Mew would be the first to suffer from Arceus' rage as an example to other legendaries if they dared try to stand in the creator's way.

The moaning of stone giving out caught the legendary's attention. Mew saw the final standing pillar become decorated in spiderweb-like cracks. The onyx lines wrung the dying column and it emitted one last groan before collapsing... right where the humans were.

* * *


Alice wasn't sure who said it, but everyone sprang into action once it was uttered. She lunged for Jay, but Casper already had the teen by the collar of his shirt. Had there not been a twenty-foot pillar toppling onto them, she might have just used the adrenaline pumping in her veins to fight the brute and rescue her friend.

Ken yanked her by the wrist in the opposite direction, and she hastily stumbled along. Fragments rained down on them and sliced open unprotected skin. Dust stirred in the destruction, obscuring their vision. The uneven earth caught their feet, and both trainers cried as they tripped and scattered across the rough terrain. A wild slab narrowly avoided crashing into Ken; it crushed the pebbles underneath its weight with a soft grumble.

They lied in stupor for a moment, panting laboriously and struggling to calm their chaotic heart rates. Alice sat up first and winced as she detected blood seeping out of fresh cuts. Ken mimicked her, albeit much slower.

"Are you okay?" she asked in between gulps of air.

He frowned. "Of course not. A boulder nearly flattened my head."

"And I almost fell off a cliff like half an hour ago. Today's been a really bad day." It seemed unreal as she admitted her experiences aloud.

To their right, the shattered pillar had formed into a giant barrier separating them from Jay and his family. Neither teenager could spot their friend nor the enraged Arceus who'd caused this chaos. The rubble near them tumbled as stones shifted. A petite figure rose from behind it and cocked its head at the couple.

Alice audibly gasped, and Ken backed off.

"Mew!" she called.

The legendary hovered midair, debating whether or not to approach. It finally nodded and glided to them, or more specifically, to Alice. It gave her a closed-eye grin, and the trainers exchanged bewildered glances.

"Can you—" Alice stumbled on her words "—can you help us? Jay was shot and he really needs to go to the hospital or he'll..." She didn't have to say the word aloud for her plea to get through.

Mew's shoulders drooped, and its head tilted downward: no.

"Arceus will destroy us," Ken reminded it, his speech strained and taut. Panic shortened his patience and brought forth his bitterness. "You're one of the most revered legendary Pokémon ever, Mew. Surely you can do something."

Its ears flattened as it recoiled. Sadness shone in its azure hues, sobering the humans' attitudes. Ken unclenched his jaw and turned heel to recollect himself while Alice took a cautious step toward Mew.

"Please, Mew, you have to help us or at least tell us what to do to help you," she begged. "Maybe if we band together then we can beat Arceus. You're strong, our Pokémon are strong, plus our teamwork's pretty strong, too. Please, Mew."

The third Earthquake struck, launching the serrated ruins skyward. Both Trainers ducked for cover, bracing their limbs above their heads for protection. Mew's optics flashed white, and a translucent orb encircled them. Stones bounced off the Protect with muffled thumps.

However, not everyone shared the duo's luck. Tormented screams rang in their ears as Team Galactic grunts were crushed beneath the dislodged rocks. Ken's blood ran cold as he recognized Casper's distinct, baritone voice among the caterwauls. He subconsciously clutched Alice's hand beside his on the ground, finding a sliver of solace in her touch.

The unmistakable sound of gravel being crunched underfoot reached the blond's ears. His palms grew clammy and his eyes stretched wide as an immense figure prowled out of the dense fog. Hateful crimson bore down on the cowering band, paralyzing all their movements.

"The dastard spoke truthfully," Arceus began, every syllable hanging heavily in the air, "when he pronounced that Mew caused the gravest mistake in history. Mankind deserves none of the blessings granted to them. Both of our clans failed their simple tasks: yours, the bridge builders, never secured the bond between man and Pokémon, and mine failed to restrain man from producing destruction."

Mew's tail lashed as it shook its head, arguing through a link neither human could perceive.

Arceus scorned. "Conceiving new clans wouldn't mend this."

The rosy Pokémon puffed its cheeks out and spun in a circle, releasing its spurt of frustration through exercise. Once sated, it floated atop Alice and stared Arceus straight in his eyes as it hugged her head. She tensed as Mew's paws ignited with a neon blue energy and cupped her temples. Minty-hued tendrils sprouted from the orbs and reached out to Arceus and Ken.

Snow white encompassed their vision.

* * *

A two year-old girl gurgled to herself as she plodded around a meadow. She cooed as Beautifly soared overhead and chortled, reaching up for them with her chubby fingers. The brunette's pigtails bounced as she followed them, intent on stroking their rainbow-colored wings.

She stopped short of the Beautifly lounging on a gigantic flower, choosing to gape in awe instead of chasing it. Her tiny legs folded under her as she started to play with the yellow dandelions poking out from the feathery grass. The Bug-and-Flying-type soon became used to its newfound companion and suckled its nectar without care.

Mew revealed itself to be hiding in an Oran Berry tree, observing curiously as the young girl shredded the lawn. Feeling whimsical, it carried a fruit to her side and nudged her with it. She squealed at the sight of the Pokémon and its 'toy' and clapped her hands.

"Bewwy!" she cheered.

Mew nosed the object to her and purred in amusement as she promptly jammed her fingers into its tender skin. Violet juice sprayed everywhere, and her laugh echoed about the clearing. Nearby Pokémon paused to view her playing with the legendary then carried on.

The images faded from their minds, leaving the trainers in bewilderment. They had no time to reflect as Mew latched onto Ken and sapphire blue vines akin to Alice's tethered the group.

A ten year-old boy wiped sweat from his brow as he hiked up the slopes of Sinnoh's mountains. The fluffy canine at his side wagged its tail nonstop, licking his fingers for reassurance. He cringed at the slobber and flicked it off.

"I appreciate your efforts, Growlithe, but your drool's sickening," he said.

His companion ripped in response, its cheerful bark signaling that it had no guilt for him. He chuckled at his partner's antics and continued walking until a squeal burst out above him. Surprised, Ken stumbled back and tripped on Growlithe, sending them both to the dirt.

He dusted his pants off as he clambered to his feet and rushed after the distressed cries. Tottering at the edge of a cliff was a Clefairy wailing in terror as a flock of Starly dove down to peck it. The Fairy-type whimpered and battered at the birds with its stubby limbs, wincing as its tender skin was pierced.

Ken gritted his teeth. "Growlithe, frighten them away with Ember."

Heated sparks spewed from the Fire-type's mouth and rode the wind, singing the Starly's wings. The avians squawked in alarm and scattered, leaving the small Pokémon.

Ken jogged to the Clefairy and cradled it. He knelt down and rummaged through his bag, withdrawing a lavender spray bottle. It whimpered as the medicine seeped into its wounds.

"The pain won't last long," he reassured, spraying the potion. "You won't have to worry about the Starly following today."

* * *

The luminescent tendrils loosened on the group and dissipated midair. Mew gestured from the confused duo to Arceus, and the god sighed. Stress laced its intimidating features, creasing its forehead and rippling its muscles. Still, it moved forward and bent its neck, offering the crown of its head to Alice.

Alice stared at the divine being in befuddlement, and Ken tensed in preparation to act. He didn't know what he would do, but he was ready to try something to prevent her from harm. Mew noticed their rigidness and nudged Ken apart from her then lifted Alice's trembling hand to Arceus' head.

Dense, silky fur met her fingertips as she pressed her palm atop it. A feeling akin to a pulse throbbed inside her, transferring her warmth into him in steady beats. She stiffened at the sensation; it wasn't uncomfortable because it was painful, but rather because it was identical to the exhilaration she felt when linking with Scizor.

Arceus softened in the slightest, most unnoticeable way and shook her off. It stepped back and proclaimed, "I acknowledge the fairness you're presenting me, but you're incorrect, Mew. There's as much evil in this world as there is good. Two kind humans do not outweigh the myriad of factions who've endeavored to ruin the world I invented for them."

Mew faltered, allotting the other legendary enough time to assume he'd succeeded.

No! Fear drove Alice to act as she cleared her throat then called out to him, "I mean you're right, but—" Arceus' piercing glare landed on her "—I, ah, there are always good people who try to stop the, the bad people."

"You can't pin the blame of infrequent teams on the majority," Ken continued, letting her gather her thoughts and settle her nerves. His arm brushed hers, and he was vaguely aware of her hand grasping his in a suffocating grip. "Mankind's much like any other species where we have agitators who push boundaries that should've laid untouched."

"Bad apples," Alice blurted. "Just because there are a few bad apples doesn't mean you should go and throw away a full bag. You can't erase a whole entire species." She extended her free palm outward, forcing herself not to quiver. "I mean, you felt the connection, right? When we touched?"

Arceus countered, "One clan member cannot erase generations worth of idleness. If mankind is so intent on ending itself, then I shall save the honorable souls from suffering." The wind strengthened, and the temperature plummeted. "Judgement will befall quickly."

That was a death sentence if Ken had ever heard one. Alice's valor he'd deemed irresponsible and troublesome in the past stimulated his own willpower. Determined flames ignited in umber spread to frosty indigo and melted his hopelessness.

"You can protect innocent families who wish to keep living rather than slaughtering the entire universe," Ken disagreed, raising his voice to an atypically loud volume. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin. "Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem that fades in and out of history among disconnected people."

Arceus narrowed its eyes. Mew's shifting ceased. Alice's lips pulled into a tight grin, and she squeezed his hand in encouragement.

Ken continued, "I won't deny that mankind is a flawed race. My parents, your Listeners, died at the hands of madmen when all they wanted to do was secure the future."

His tongue swelled in his mouth as bitterness painted his palate. He cleared his tight throat and willed tears that yearned to burst forth to settle.

"I beg you to reconsider your decisions," he pleaded. "Team Ultragalactic's philosophy is untrue. Human emotions are the root of evil just as much as it's the source of goodness. Mankind furthers itself by learning from its mistakes and accepting the aid of others." He glanced at Alice. "I would know."

Arceus reflected silently, and doubt sickened the trainers. Ken knew his words had affected the Pokémon, but it was unclear if it was enough. Mew prodded Alice with an obvious, soundless message: go on.

She furrowed her brows. We need a selling point. Something smart. Something dramatic. Wait a sec. Dramatic. Her favorite shows raced through her mind, and she inhaled sharply. This better work.

Alice took a deep breath then whispered to Ken, "Trust me."

He didn't hesitate to nod in affirmance.

"Please give us a second chance, Arceus," she begged. The Kalosian unattached herself from Ken and stood before Arceus with glistening tears she'd been reeling back. "We don't even have to be the lives spared. Make an example out of us, if you have to."

Ken masked his alarm at her sudden declaration. It was apparent to him what she was doing, but it made his heart drop to his feet regardless.

Both Arceus and Mew were visibly stunned.

It's working! Alice pushed herself to continue on. "I mean, if we really are these superheroes that you made us out to be, then we should do the right thing and not put ourselves before the rest of the world."

Ken followed her steps and added, "It's our obligation. If that means sacrifice like my parents, then so be it."

"You're absolutely willing to lay down your lives for the sake of others?" Arceus questioned.

Alice and Ken nodded once, hand-in-hand. If it was the end, then they would face it together.

"I see." The god faced Mew. "I have made my decision."

* * *

Atop Mt. Coronet's peak on Spear Pillar, a mystical equine climbed into the sky. It scanned the land below it, glowering at the mass chaos of the beings fighting to the death. The countless number of screams and eruptions echoed in his ears. It was revolting.

Nuisances were pests, and pests were meant to be exterminated.

Energy surged through its body as Arceus mustered his underlying strength. A pulsating orb amassed above its mane, emitting raw power. With a grunt, it reared onto its hind legs then snapped forward.

The golden sphere spiraled into the heavens and ruptured into a hundred different strands of lethal beams. Mt. Coronet's occupants paused their combat to gape at the crimson ribbons dancing through the night. They didn't register the attack chasing after them until it was too late.

Arceus' Judgement attack kissed Spear Pillar and obliterated it from existence.


Author's Note

Well... that happened! I can't believe there's only a few chapters left following this one :0

Question of the Chapter: What's your favorite legendary Pokémon?

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