Chapter 5: Civil Politeness

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It was around noon by the time Alice's mother parked her car and twisted around to face Ken and Alice sitting in the backseat. Her daughter played with her sweater's sleeves while the blond next to her stared out the window. She'd questioned him earlier that morning about what had caused the bright pink mark on his forehead. He avoided answering her inquiries by stuffing his cheeks with fruit.

"While I'm running my errands you two can walk around. I'll call you when I'm done to meet up," she explained.

They chorused, "Okay."

Alice stepped out of the car first and checked her reflection in the mirror for the thirteenth time. Lumiose City was a place to dress to impress those around you. The people in her sight were business casual adults drinking coffees whilst resting at cafés.

Ken met her on the sidewalk and asked, "Where are we going?"

"We're on Vernal Avenue, so if we keep on going straight we can look at an evolutionary stone store or an herb shop," she said.

He nodded and the two walked side by side down the stone pathway. Part of Alice wanted to try to hold a light conversation with him to ease the tension, but the other half of her wanted her to stay silent until he apologized for being egocentric.

"Let's go in there," Ken suggested.

Alice looked up at the sign reading, 'Stone Emporium', and nodded. The store's atmosphere was a cross between a museum and a department store. It had snow white walls with snow-white floors vacant of distractions except for a giant poster displaying every type of evolutionary stone and Megastone known to the public.

The pride of the store was the shelves of sparkling jewels looked like pieces of glass holding particles of the rainbow. These stones ranged from being the size of a softball to a coin. Trainers gathered around the displays to gossip about their effects. Unfortunately, those said trainers had the poor luck of standing in front of a certain bitter blond who was still irritated from being attacked by a Pachirisu that morning.

"I heard that Steven Stone has every single stone known to man," a girl with pigtails who looked no older than twelve said.

Her blonde friend's eyebrows shot up and nearly hit her hairline. "No way!"

"Yup, my brother told me." Pigtails girl wiggled her eyebrows. "He also said Steven Stone is super hot in person."

"Come on, even I knew that."

The two broke into giggles before falling silent when they saw Ken glaring down at them in the display case's reflection. He said coldly, "If you're not purchasing anything, you should move out of the way of the products so others can see them."

Pigtails' face turned red. "S-sorry, sir!" she stammered and took off with her friend in tow.

"That wasn't very nice," Alice pointed out. She squirmed uncomfortably in secondhand embarrassment as the other customers stared at them.

"It's not kind to block the way of others, as well."

The brunette shook her head in disbelief. "It's still rude."

The blond thought back to his dream earlier where his mom lectured him about putting himself into other peoples' shoes. I wouldn't be standing in the way of a display. He pursed his lips. But if somehow I did, I have no idea how I would, I suppose having an older person telling me to move would be unpleasant.

"I'll be less abrupt next time," he finally said.

Alice didn't expect him to agree with her. She failed to hide her surprise "Oh, okay."

Ken picked up a fiery red stone whose core resembled an ember. Its color reminded him of the bruise he acquired earlier from that damned squirrel-like Pokémon. "I'll buy this."

* * *

"Hurry up, Carl and Kaden are already there! I want to get a spot in the front!" a little boy cried, speeding past Ken and Alice as they left the shop.

The girl running behind him shouted, "Slow down!"

Ken and Alice watched them run ahead straight towards Centrico Plaza. They glanced at each other and followed the hollering kids. Once they reached the center of the city famous for its Prism Tower, they found themselves standing among a crowd full of dozens of people. Strangely enough, there were cowboys wearing ten-gallon hats and spurred boots on a raised platform.

The tallest of the bunch held a mike to his mouth and cleared his throat. "Howdy there, folks. I'm glad to see so many youngsters came out to take part in Lumiose City's first ever Gogoat Race! This year's prize is an all expenses paid shopping trip to Boutique Couture."

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Boutique Couture owned the extravagant title of Lumiose's most fashionable clothing store. Only the most stylish of citizens could pass through their doors and spend thousands of Pokédollars on one pair of high-end boots.

The cowboy beamed at the enthusiastic response. "Now let's get the riders! There can be up to two people per Gogoat, so grab your bud and step forwards."

Duos rushed to the stage, earning laughs from the cowboys who talked to them.

"Have you ridden a Gogoat before?" Ken asked seriously.

Alice rocked on her heels. "No, but I've ridden a Skiddo before. It's what evolves into Gogoat." She paused. "Wait, do you want to join the race?"

He nodded. "Let's sign up."

His timing is amazing. I can't believe he came here the week Lumiose City decided to throw fifty different events all at once. "Okay."

Alice stuck to his side as close as she could, wincing whenever she accidentally brushed against another person. The crowd enveloped the two into their mass of chattering strangers. They were near the front when a man throwing his hands into the air smacked her cheek, knocking her into Ken.

Ken stiffened when she crashed into his side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders before she could fall any further and narrowed his eyes at the man. "Watch what you're doing."

"Sorry, miss, I s'pose I got too wild." He chuckled sheepishly and held his hand out. "The name's Jed. I hope you and your boyfriend can forgive me."

Alice's face burned as she weakly shook his hand, noting how calloused his hold was. "My name's Alice and, uh, don't worry about the hitting thing, it's fine. Also, Ken isn't my boyfriend."

"Oops, I hope I didn't make anything awkward." Jed's face lit up as he smiled brightly. "You two look like trainers. How 'bout I make it up to you? The sheet for the rentals is all filled up, but y'all can use my Gogoat for the race. It's a passionate little fella."

She gasped. "Really?"

"Of course! The reason I came out here with family is to get more people interested in Pokémon racing." He unclipped a Poké Ball from the belt around his waist and placed it in her hand. "It's twenty minutes 'til it starts at the exit to Route 14. Y'all have to circle 'round the city in one big loop."

"Thank you so much!" Alice beamed, clutching the Poké Ball to her chest.

Ken's hostility left him when Alice got the Poké Ball. "We'll win the race."

"You better keep your word 'cause I'll be placing bets with my brother on this." Jed winked. "I'll see y'all at the finish line."

Ken and Alice watched him join the group of cowboys onstage then began to head towards the starting line. The excitement swirling within the brunette slowly dissipated as nerves prickled their way through. She nervously tapped her fingers against the Poké Ball as she imagined everything that could go wrong.

Her anxious movements didn't go unnoticed by her partner. He mentally debated with himself then announced, "I'll meet you at the starting line, I need to get something."

"I don't think we should split up," she objected.

"I'll be fine. If you get in trouble you can call me."

She doubted her phone's cracked screen would work functionally.

"Ken, I—"

"Go, Alice."

She sighed as Ken ignored her protests to go Arceus knows where. I guess that whole agreeing thing from the store earlier was a once in a blue moon experience.

It didn't take Ken that long before he came across a café advertising hot drinks. While he scanned his menu his phone vibrated in his pocket, singing a song. He fished it out to silence it and visibly relaxed when he saw who was calling him.

"Hello," he answered.

An elderly voice chirped, "Hi! Sorry I didn't call last night, I got busy with some lost trainers who thought Legendary Pokémon live here."

Ken's lips twitched up into an amused grin. "Again? Celestic Town's on every Sinnoh map."

"You young people don't use maps anymore. If the place isn't a hot spot on social media then it doesn't exist to people under twenty." She cleared her throat. "But that's not why I called. How are you feeling?"

"Indecisive. I'm debating what type of tea to buy. Alice and I entered a race and now she's nervous."

"A race? How exciting. You made up with Alice faster than I expected."

His half-smile fell. "Not exactly."

"Ken." She sighed. He could visualize her rolling her eyes. "What did I say?"

"You told me to do my best."

"I know for a fact that you holding a grudge against your partner isn't your best. Man up and take that stubborn mask off."

He frowned. "I don't know her."

"You'll never get to know her if you don't try. Why don't you promise me you'll make an effort?"

"I promise that—" he hesitated "—I promise I'll try."

"Good. Now I have to run off, I see those trainers from yesterday on my porch."


"Who knows?" She chuckled. "I'll call you tomorrow."


Right before he hung up she said, "Oh, and you should order chamomile tea, it'll help calm her nerves."

"I will. Goodbye, Miss Carolina."

Meanwhile, Alice reached the set-up area where the Gogoat stood at the white starting line. She came to a stop at the only empty slot and gulped as she released her mount.

The white beam materialized into a bulky, peanut-colored Pokémon. Its thick horns curled behind its head like a bike's handlebars. A forest green bush hung around its neck, trailing down its back to encase its tail. It pounded the ground with its amber hooves while emitting a series of raspy grunts.

"Hi, Gogoat," Alice greeted. "My name's Alice and today I'll be your rider-person-thing." Gogoat gave no response as he stared at her. "Oh, okay. Cool. Um, there's actually another person that'll be on you too. His name's Ken and he's—" she paused to search for a word "—he's serious. Let's do our best to win."

With one hand on its bushy collar and the other on its back, she ungracefully pulled herself onto the Pokémon. Alice momentarily lost her balance and would've fallen straight off if she hadn't grabbed onto Gogoat's horns. Gogoat rumbled beneath her, displeased with her terrible mounting.

"Sorry," she muttered. She scratched Gogoat behind one of its ears, her gaze softening as it leaned into her touch just like how she hoped it would.

Alice was impressed by how much more she could see sitting on Gogoat. It took her no time at all to spot Ken's platinum blond head bobbing through the crowd. She waved her hand at him and grinned when he got to her side holding a couple of to-go cups.

"Chamomile, it helps with nerves," he informed, handing her a drink.

"Thanks," she said. Alice took a sip and closed her eyes as she savored the taste of it.

Ken scanned Gogoat, comparing it to the others. It wasn't the largest nor was it the leanest. Its horns were an impressive size, he'd give it that.

"Are you positive you can control Gogoat?" Ken asked.

"I can do this," she reassured. "It's not that hard."

He nodded despite not feeling reassured at all. Ken grabbed onto Gogoat and jumped up then straddled the Pokémon. Alice grew as stiff as a cardboard as he settled behind her.

The speakers overhead crackled, "Racers, get up on that white line."

Alice gulped as she took Gogoat's horns in both of her hands and ran her thumbs across their rough surfaces. She bent her wrists and the Grass-type trotted forwards to the line. An uncomfortable spout of warmth crept up Ken's neck as he held onto Alice's waist.

"The rules are real simple: follow the markers on the street to get around the city, don't attack other racers, pay attention to road signals, and most importantly, have fun." The speaker chuckled. "Now for a good ol' countdown."

All the racers tightened their grips on their Gogoats' horns.


Alice took a deep breath.


Ken told himself to get over it and got a firmer grip on Alice.


Gogoat stomped its hooves on the ground.


I got this, I got this. It can't be that different from handling a Skiddo.


Arceus, please have mercy on me and don't let Alice misguide Gogoat.


All the Gogoat moved at once, leaping from their places with the concrete as their springboards. Their hooves barely touched the earth as they raced through the streets. The difference in power soon became clear as the herd spread out in a line-like fashion.

Fortunately, Alice and Ken were towards the front as their small Gogoat surprised everyone around it.

Alice's heart hammered in her chest as she held onto Gogoat's horns for dear life. Her hair whipped back into Ken's face as she leaned forwards against the Pokémon to lessen the friction against the wind. Ken moved with her and clenched his jaw, not enjoying the wildness of the ride.

Alice found it difficult to concentrate at first because of all the commotion. Her peripheral vision became a useless blur of passing buildings and she had to squint to see in front of them. The first sharp corner appeared in her sight.

"Left!" she shouted.

The brunette tugged on Gogoat's horns, veering off the road onto the sidewalk. An old lady they passed laughed and waved. Alice smiled at her as she turned her head only to squeal in terror. The distraction of the old lady made her steer Gogoat so it ran straight towards a cute, little cart selling flowers.

"Hold on!" Alice shrieked.

Her warning came too late.


Author's Note

I've rewritten this chapter so many times I lost count. I think I'm finally pleased with how it came out, haha.

Question of the Chapter: Would you participate in a Gogoat race?

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