Bianca 'Bones' Boyce. Former High School Sports Coach. Moves Up To The NFL.

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My name is Bianca Boyce. Friends call me Bones. On account of the fact, I broke more bones than any of my fellow student-athletes in high school and college. I used to coach high school football, wrestling, basketball, and baseball. When I was offered to coach one of dad's favorite football teams the Carolina Panthers. I didn't hesitate.

I led my alma mater's high school football team to four state championships. Basketball, to three. But I feel I'm ready for coaching pro ball.

The last week of March I took time off and went to Charlotte, North Carolina to Bank of America Stadium and meet my assistant coach, defensive line coaches, trainers, etc. After an introductory meeting with everyone from the owners on down. But after a while. I had a private meeting with the owner and general manager.
I was asked what makes me think that I can lead the Panthers to the playoffs, much less the Super Bowl.
"I believe I can lead this team to a conference championship, if not a Super Bowl ring. And the reason I believe that is when conventional methods don't work. It is time to embrace unconventional and unorthodox methods. I have led the Rigby Trojans to four State Championships with my brand of coaching. I'm not guaranteeing a victory overnight, but I believe this team's due a run at the playoffs at least, and at most a true chance at a Super Bowl victory. I have two conditions. During practice and on the field during games. I'm in charge."
"What's the other?" Scott asked.
I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper, I'll need 53 copies of this made. I altered it a couple of years ago. Had no idea it would be a good idea." I chuckled.
"We'll get the 53 copies done by the time you report for spring training," Scott told me. "Welcome to the Carolina Panthers."
"Thank you. I'll go back home, start packing and be back in a few days." I said shaking Scott and David's hands and headed to a realty company and arranged my new home through them, it looked like a place I could call home. I arranged everything in Charlotte for my home, before catching a flight home to pack, and make the final steps. I was told goodbye by the school, school board, faculty, and students. In fact, the school held a special assembly. Where everyone said their final goodbyes to me.

After everything was packed up and shipped. I took one look around Rigby before heading to Charlotte, North Carolina to my new life.

On the evening of April 2, 2023.
I had settled into my new home, and had the 53 copies of the agreement for each player to sign, I was antsy as to how the first day of spring training was going to go. So I went to Bank of America Stadium and walked the field. I reached the 50-yard line and took one look around. I had made it to the NFL. Tomorrow would be the first day of spring training for my team, the Carolina Panthers. I'm going to give this team a Super Bowl ring or at least a shot at the playoffs.
Scott found me, "Hey. How's our new head coach?"
"I'm fine. Just nervous about tomorrow." I told him. "I know it's just spring training. But..."
"I hear ya. It's a big change from coaching high school." He replied. "I know how it feels. I was a coach for a community college. Now I'm managing a pro team. And I got a feeling that you can at least deliver a run at the playoffs."
"Thanks, Scott." I smiled as he walked away and left me in the center of the field. "Get ready Carolina. Your going to the playoffs this year, and if we're lucky. The Super Bowl." I soon headed home

I woke up early the next morning and went out for a run. And thought about today's training. When I got home, I took a shower, dressed, grabbed my keys, phone, playbook, my briefcase, and headed to Bank of America Stadium.

I parked in the parking lot in the head coach's spot, got out of the car, grabbed my briefcase, phone, and playbook, and headed inside.
I walked into the locker room and put my briefcase on the desk in the coach's office, took my playbook, and the 53 copies of the agreement, and went out to the practice field.

"Yeah, girl was begging for my attention." Said who I guessed was the quarterback.
"Hey. Who's that?" Said Adam Thielen. Wide receiver. According to the roster I studied when I arrived here.
I blew a whistle, "Line up!"
Everyone did as told. Adam and his friend.
"Thank you. Now. I'm your new head coach. And yes, I am a woman, and yes, I'll kick your ass if you try anything." Most of the players were surprised by the fact that a beautiful woman was their coach. Some were not happy about it. But I wasn't there to make friends. I was there to make damn certain that this team makes it to the Super Bowl or collapse heading in that direction. "Now I heard one of you bragging earlier. Something about a girl begging for attention?" Everyone was nervous. "Everyone will run until I say stop unless the guilty party comes forward." Everyone looked at the quarterback. "Your name?"
"Matt Corral. Quarterback. And the best player on the team." He stated.
"Ohh, your one of those players?" I asked.
"What type of player?"
"Paper ballers. Players that are so full of themselves and their talent. They act like a little kid. Number 9 fits considering that's what I'm looking at. A nine-year-old in the body of an overpriced, overpaid jackass. And you Thielen. Are the same as him. From now on. You all will treat women with respect. And if I hear otherwise. I'll make sure you regret it. And I don't believe in financial punishment. Like my uncle. I believe in physical punishment." I started handing out the agreement, "This is an agreement that states that as long as you don't show up hungover for practice or games, are not late for practice, or games, and don't bully fellow players and staff. I'll make sure you get a chance to go to the Super Bowl."
"I've already signed a contract. I'm not signing another one." Corral said.
"This isn't signed, you don't get any field time this season. So. No agreement. No playtime until it's signed. That's the end of it. You all have until tomorrow to hand them in. If your thinking of complaining to the GM or owner. They already know about this agreement. So. Until I have it in my hand tomorrow. Any player that doesn't hand it in, is going to be riding the bench. And as an added incentive, they will also be running during every practice. Only participating in practice at my leisure." Once I handed out the last copy. I let them read the agreement for an hour. Then watched as they all put them under their phones as we started spring training. A two-hour run around the field.
After the run, I had them do up-downs, sit-ups, and push-ups and even ran through a couple of drills to see if they can think on their feet. At lunch, the players collapsed in the locker room. Matt and Adam were complaining about how hard the first half of spring training was so far.
"Somebody better tell this bitch, it's spring training, not boot camp." Matt said.
I walked in behind him, "This bitch says that since you haven't learned to treat a woman with respect. You get to do 500 push-ups. Due by the end of the day."
"What?!" He screamed.
"Oh let's tack on another 500. Sound better?" He kept quiet. "Get out on the field and start. I'll be along shortly. Move it!" He scrambled out of the locker room and onto the field. When he disappeared I looked to Adam, "Want to come? He could use a friend. You two are pretty joined at the hip earlier." Adam left for the field, as I looked at the rest of the team. "In case you didn't get my point. Any bellyaching about practice or training camp, you will be assigned any number of suicides, push-ups, sit-ups, or up-downs. Your former coaches may have placated you. No more. Your going to earn every second of game time. Don't like it. There's the door, good luck with the rest of your career." Nobody stood up or even walked out. "I think I've put you boys through enough today. So you all go home and remember to sign the agreements and turn them in. If you want to continue training today, get some food and drink in you, I'll be on the field observing the paper ballers." The team looked at each other before heading to the cafeteria. Adam and Matt were on their hundred-and-fortieth push-up when I arrived on the field.

When the team got on the field from lunch, the rest of the day ran through drills, I kept a close watch on Matt and Adam as they continued their push-ups until they reached the 500 I requested and they joined us for the remainder of the first day of spring training.

By the end of the day, the boys were tired, but got showered, changed, and left for their homes. Even Matt and Adam left without complaint. I stayed and planned out tomorrow's training.

An hour later, Scott walked into my office, "Hey. How'd the first day go?" He asked.
"Uh, a few hiccups. But that's to be expected. Nothing new to me." I chuckled.
"That's good to hear." He smiled. "Well if you need anything for the team. Let me know."
"Will do, Scott." I grinned as he left my office.

After I told my coaching staff the plan for tomorrow, I went home and cooked myself some dinner, ate it, and watched a game or two from last season.
I soon went for a run before heading to bed. I got changed into some sleepwear, checked my messages, turned off the light, slid into bed, and fell fast asleep.

The next morning, I woke up early, went for a run, got home, showered, dressed, cooked breakfast, and brewed some coffee. Ate breakfast, drank some coffee, and headed to the stadium for the second day of spring training.

Once I arrived at the stadium, I walked into my office and found a pile of the agreements. I counted them. 51 total signed agreements. Which told me there was two missing, Adam's and Matt's copy. I'm not going to stand for overinflated egos. And Adam and Matt were going to learn that the hard way today. After getting my whistle, hat, and my playbook from my desk. I headed to the field.
I walked out to the practice field, and blew the whistle, "Line up!" They all lined up. "Now, I would like to say thank you, guys that signed and turned in the agreements and turned them in. There's only two missing. And I want the people that didn't turn in their copy. To start running from goal post to goal post."
"Until when?" Matt asked.
"I say stop." I replied. "You two have ten seconds to start running, unless you want me to fill your spots with someone that actually listens to who's in charge?" The team oohed at that, as Matt and Adam started doing their assigned punishment. While the team and I ran through drills and plays.

At lunch, I ate in my office as I read the roster of possible replacement quarterbacks and wide receivers.

Jim Caldwell walked in, "Coach?" I looked at him. "When should Corral and Thielen get a break?"
"Until I say. They can get a water break but they can't stop running. Give them water bottles but they don't stop running." I replied. Jim left as I finished lunch and made a few calls.

After lunch and we returned to the field. Corral and Thielen were still running with water bottles. I had the team run through a few more drills and plays. While I approached the two troublemakers.
"Learned your lesson?" I asked as they approached the west goalpost.
"Yes, coach." Adam said.
Matt didn't say anything. "It seems that I didn't drive my point home with Corral. Adam. If you can guarantee to turn in the agreement signed tomorrow. And follow the rules and conditions on it. You can go join the team." He grinned as he ran toward a group doing drills. "Maybe you might want to wait until tomorrow. But at least observe."
"Thanks, coach." He smiled genuinely grateful for what I was hoping Matt would learn. Choices (and egos) have consequences.
"As for you, Corral. Keep going until I come back. Then you may go and it all starts again tomorrow." I walked away and joined the team for the last pair of drills and plays.

After the team left for the day. I approached Matt who stopped and collapsed.
"Ready to give up?" I asked. He was breathing hard, so hard he wasn't able to respond. "Report tomorrow for another round of punishment roulette." He slowly sat up as I walked into the locker and found Adam.
"Coach. I just wanted you to know. I'm gonna work my ass off for the next week and a half." He said.
"Learned your lesson well. Good. And I'm happy to hear that." I smiled. "Go home. Tomorrow. We start over. Clean slate."
"Thanks, coach." He left and I stayed a little after to plan tomorrow's training.

I soon headed home, made an easy dinner, ate it, got showered, dressed in sleepwear, checked my messages, called the wide receivers for tomorrow, and told them, thank you for their interest but I wouldn't need them. Slid into bed and fell asleep.

Day 3, was exciting, I woke up earlier than usual, got a run in, and after a quick shower, and breakfast. I headed to the stadium for the third day of spring training. Lo and behold I found Adam there early. I let him in and he handed me his copy of the agreement. "Thank you, Adam."
"No problem, coach." He got ready for the days round of training.
The team arrived soon after he did. When Matt arrived just before he would be considered late for day 3. "Good to see sore legs won't let you miss out on spring training. But today, your going to be the team's waterboy/gopher. Anything they need or want, you get. No questions asked whenever they look thirsty, you get them water. Unless you have a signed copy of the agreement." Matt groaned as he just took his jacket off. "At ten thirty I have a surprise for the team. Or at least for you and your not gonna like it."
He headed out to the field followed closely by me and the team. They ran through drills and plays, and so far Matt was doing great as the waterboy/gopher.

At ten thirty, the possible replacements for Matt arrived on the field. "Mr Rodgers, Mr Mariota. Thanks for coming." I shook their hands.
"Thanks for inviting us coach. And congrats on getting the job." Rodgers said.
"Thank you. And your welcome. Now let's see what you got."

For the next couple of hours. In full view of Matt. I watched as they pulled off my most complicated plays to perfection. After lunch, we had a chat with my defensive and offensive coordinators and my quarterback coach. I told Mariot and Rodgers that I was very pleased and impressed by what they both did. But until I was able to talk with Scott and David. I wouldn't be able to give them a decision. But I thanked them for their time and told them I'd be in touch. They left and I approached Matt who was watching from the sidelines as he was gathering towels.
"I really hope you understand the point of today?" I told him. "I want your copy of the agreement in my hand tomorrow, or you will be replaced with someone who really wants to be here." I looked him in the eye. "So what's it going to be? Continue with your pride and ego leading the way and I replace you? Or. Sign the agreement, play by my rules and listen to my orders. Because I swear to God, you step out of line once. Your gone. And Rodgers or Mariota replaces you."

When day 3 was over, I of course stayed late to plan tomorrow's training. While the players left. When Scott came in, "Knock, knock. Can I talk to you?" He asked.
"Of course," I replied as he walked into my office and closed the door. "What can I do for you?"
"What's the situation with Corral?"
"I just got tired of waiting. I know I said I'd wait. But. It won't be long before the 2023 season is here. So I called Rodgers and Mariota. Just in case we need a backup plan. But also to scare the shit out of him." I told him.
"I have every faith in your decision. Because when David and I asked you what made you think you could lead the Panthers to the playoffs or the Super Bowl. Your answer was so full of conviction. Your eyes told us that you were the one that would definitely get us to the show. So you have my support. See you around." He left, after I finished getting day 4 training planned. I headed home and I was so tired that I went straight to bed.

I wasn't looking forward to day 4.

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