Part 5: Mechanical Instinct

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(A/N: this is fan art bye cacedoll thank you so much!!! It looks really really awesome!!! And I thought it would look good for the cover of this chapter!! So go Follow cacedoll for this amazing da art! It's actually my first fan art to any of my fanfics so this going down in the books :3
Thanks and enjoy~)

Freddy's Pov: (Bïtch left Bon!)
I walked out of the room blushing crazy and sweating and out of breath. Red, Clyde, and Molly cam tuning to me with worried or scared expressions."What happen Fred?!" Red said putting his hands on my shoulders. They kept throwing questions at me til Molly stood back and let out a broken out mangled screech. It would break glass if it could. Our attention turned to Molly. Molly cleared her throat and motioned me to follow her to stage and I say right next to her."N-Now tell us Wh-what happened without F-forcing him!" She snapped at Clyde and Red and gave me a sweet look. I breath out still trying to breath right. "I went in there, the lights were off, Bonnie was about to tell me something then soon enough we kissed?!? I freaked out and walked out of the room!?!?" I put my face in my hands and Red let out a huff and Clyde gasped. Molly didn't move, she looked so wise and innocent. Red shook his head," Did you guys apologize??" And I nodded then Clyde did another gasp,"And you just  left him!?!? Your gonna make him feel like he did something wrong!! I'm gonna go talk to him." Before Clyde could walk past Red, even before Red could move an inch. Molly flashed up and ran in front of Clyde making him stop and have a heart attack. Molly's expression was solemn(I just had to change stinky diaper 😖)
Everyone froze and stared at her."No, we should handle Freddy's feelings first, help him learn to face up to Bonnie. Bonnie is already crying, I know..." Everyone stared at her as she talking solemnly and seriously. Clyde looked confused at her," How do you even know?" She gave Clyde somethings like a death stare which gave Clyde the shivers and just gave me and Red goosebumps." I've been through things you girls haven't been through." She turned and started walking to pirates Cove. He all gaped our jaws. Clyde shook his head and walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder for her to stop,"Wait just a minute, I'm no girl! I might wear makeup and everything but I don't get over emotional like you real girls!" Then something snapped between me Red and Clyde. Molly turned and stared," Do I look like I give a fuck about boys? That's right you've never had fucked before have you?" She did hat glare again and yachts when we shut our mouths. Molly turned completely around."Now! You douche bags( do you know what tha is XD) don't know how work with this! So will be in charge! Freddy!" She called and I straighten up," Yes ma'am!" "You will be the student now! You will learn and listen to really respected Bonnie's passion and activities!" I nodded and Molly turned to Red" Fredrick!" He hated it but he straitened up,"Yes ma'am!" "You will help me and Tina be demonstrations if needed! Show Freddy to be confident and to also look strong even if he isn't in the inside!" Red nodded but when his head lowered I saw him smirk. Guess he just likes the way Molly acts as a soldier, unlike Foxy. "Clyde! You are the closest to know of Bonnie, even if you never know his favorites! You are attach to him and you should know how his feeling! So I want you to start this operation." She said the last sentence calmly and Clyde looked up surprised,"What do you mean?" Molly stared straight into his eyes."I want u to try to get connection with Bonnie through your mind to see what he's thinking." She said and Clyde looked as if he lost his breath."I-I'll do my best!" He then started grudging and concentrated. Molly stood as he groaned and grudges loudly. Me and Red just looked bewildered at Molly. We got up and went behind her."Are you crazy he could hurt himself!" "What if he hurts himself!" "Molly!?" But then Clyde just stopped. He just stopped dead with his eyes widen and then his body and breath became shaky. Molly looked calmly surprised,"He caught something." We went to him and he didn't move. Molly went to his face,"what happened?" And Clyde have a shaky breath and we stopped to hear him." H-he... He's not in control anymore.... He isn't controlling his body! He isn't control his mind!! It's him!! ITS HIM AGAIN!!!" He shouted crying and fell to his knees with his hands to his hand. Freddy felt tightening fear. What do you mean not controlling his own mind? And who is HIM!?!?

Shadow Bonnie's Pov:
"It's Me." I stretched in Bonnie's body. I was controlling his mind and he just allowed me in? I can't believe this is happening." Free.. Finally Free!!" I jumped off of Bonnie's bed. Had a smirk on my face and my white pupils glowed evilly. It's good to be doing this again. I went to the door and heard A shouted,"ITS HIM AGAIN!!" I knew that voice!? It's that stupid girly boy named Clyde. Well he is right about one thing.. I opened the door and walked out. I saw my old FRIENDs and a darkish brown Fazbear who I knew of as Freddy. Mangle, Bon, Fredrick, and Freddy Fazbear turned and stared at me. " I'm back." I said in a unison. Clyde was in tears on the floor but he quickly got up growled at me."Sebastion!!!" He went to jumped but Red held him back. Molly stood her ground and gave a wise experience solemn gaze at me but angry too. Freddy stared at me in disbelief." Hehe that's right, Basie is back!"( you know from Black Butler) I exclaimed evilly with a wink of my eye. I saw Freddy turn his hands into fist as if he was about to come at me and punch me." Oh no no no. You don't want to hurt Bonnie, do you?~" I chuckled at the end and Freddy lowered his ears and his expression became defeated. Tina ran in and gasped in shock and ran to Mangle. I looked at Mangle,"Last time I saw you, you were all "Mangled" I laughed and her gaze went a bit deeper." Oh that's right... I made u go through so much pain," her hands turned to fist," Made you feel unwanted' her ears went down a bit but still angry,'Unloved' her eyes then showed a little pain and lifted the seriousness,' and heart broken." She broke her position. Her ears were flatten and her eyes were sad with defeated and she looked broken to me. Even if she was in one piece. Red came and comfort her then stared at me angrily." Your wrong! She is not unloved or useless!! We love her!! I LOVE HER!!" He shut his mouth blushing, Mangle looked up at him with shining eyes as if she was about to cry. She put a smile on her face and he smile too. I got a bit angry." ENOUGH! I'm here for what I came for!!" I shouted and everyone stared at me bewildered. Sown things snapped between them all but I know it wasn't anger..... It was fear.

Wow!!! 1,300 words! I put my phone on the charger when I went to write this story. It was at 69% now it's at 56%..... What the hell?? Anyways thanks for the amazing fan art Cacedoll!! The next fanfic I will work on will be the Nightmare X Fredbear one! I'm doing the GoldTrap book last to think on it for a while.... Since it's gonna be in Christmas, and it's August right now... That's why. Anyways thanks for so much of all you guys support. Thanks for so many veiws on my artbook and this book and on Nightbear and on Goldtrap, everything!!
Thank you for everything
Bye Homies. JD loves you~

1,400 words now XD

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