Unwritten Books

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I should've said this earlier about books I haven't written in in like months.

-Golden Heart
-Twins But Opposites
-In Love With the Enemy
-How Hero's Die

Its not that I'm lazy or want to ignore them.

Its just that I haven't planned out what I want to happen in them correctly like my other books.

-Five Nights at Klub Ice
-Accident (counts for Forgiveness, it's sequel)

Five Nights at Klub Ice Is going to have three books. I planned out what I want to happen in what order, sort of.

Accident, and Forgiveness, is also planned out and I know it'll be great and y'all would love the ending and twists to it.

But the other books, I can't plan for them. It's not that I don't want to, I find it more difficult for some reason.

Golden Heart is a book I made my friend because she asked me to. We thought out the title and somewhat of the plot should be. But after writing the first chapter or so, I realized the plot she told me is (sorry if insulting) stupid.

Creepypastas should be scary. I know there are people who ship them together or ship them with their OC's! But to me, it's kinda stupid.

(I don't hate ships. Putting that out there before someone yells at me in the comments. I ship stuff, but not creepypastas)

I'd bet it would be a better story if it wasn't about love over a girl that turns into a creepypasta and falls in love with I don't know, Jeff the killer?

Twins But Opposites is in desperate need of planning. The first book is done, but the second is where there's trouble. I got like three plots I think should happen in it, But then it might make the book too long than I want it to. I don't know exactly.

Fusion, In Love With the Enemy are also books I haven't planned very well.

In Fusion, I could actually write the next chapter and then hit a brick wall. What I mean is this. I've only planned how I want the beginning of the book to turn out like. Us hit the brick wall and have to plan some events and plot.

In Love With the Enemy is kinda the same. Except I've only planned the later event. A few with teamcrafted and the events leading to the ending.

I'm a planning mess all over these books.

How Hero's Die is doing kinda ok. I actually know what I want to do with it. But I haven't written a New chapter in it because I don't know how to put the next chapter in words. Its going to be a date with Alex. I'm not as much a romantic person when it comes to writing. Besides saying minecraft pick-up lines.

Hey bby, are you bedrock? Cause I wanna make the bedrock tonight. ; )

Hey bby, are you lapis? Cause your useless. ; )

Hey bby, are you cacti? Cause your a prick. ; )

Hey bby, are you diamond? Cause you're so hard to find. ; )


Those are mainly the reasons why I don't update those books quite often. If I missed one book I haven't updated, let me know.

Love y'all :D

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