AU: Canter Part II

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I honestly don't know how many Canter chapters there will be. But OH WELL. More Canter. (next one will be my favourite because it includes pictures and they're so cute and i cry)(thank you cake for giving me canter feels)

AU: Canter Part II

~Hunter: Age 17~

       If someone were to ever tell me I would fall in love with my best friend, I would laugh in their face and the amazing joke they told.

       Cannon was probably the definition on annoying. He never ceased to bug me, and I was constantly annoyed by him. Yet somehow, I was able to fall for him anyway and now, I was the happiest I had ever been.

       I had never been so happy ever since Cannon and I started dating. Well, I probably would be happier when we no longer had to sneak around everybody. We hadn't even been out anywhere on a proper date. Our dates only consisted of watching movies and having dinner together in our own homes.

       When our parents weren't there because even they didn't know, and it was starting to get harder and harder. 

       The alarm clock on my phone went off, so I reached on the nightstand to turn it off. Cannon ended up waking up because of it, groaning as he shifted in the bed and pulled the blanket over his head. "What time is it?" he asked in a groggy voice.

       "Eight in the morning," I said.

       Cannon took the blanket off from over his head to look at me in disbelief. "Eight? Who the hell sets an alarm for eight in the morning on a Saturday?"

       "Someone who owns a horse," I said. "I just have to put him out in the field so he can get some exercise. He'll get restless if he stays in his stall all day."

       "All I'm hearing is how you're choosing your horse over your boyfriend," Cannon said.

       "No, all I'm saying is I have to take my horse out of the stables and into the field so he can run around," I said. "You can go back to sleep."

       "I can't because someone decided to set their alarm for eight in the morning," Cannon said. "You've never done that before."

       "Yeah, I have," I said. "I wake up this early every weekend. You wouldn't know because usually when you sleep over, you're in the guest room. You never sleep in the same room as me,let alone the same bed."

       "Fine, go take care of your horse," Cannon said. "I'll just stay here, all alone, with no one to talk to. Just me, all by myself."

       "Stop being melodramatic," I said. "I'll stay for five more minutes, but then I really have to take Thunder out of his stall."

       "That's good enough for me," Cannon said. "So... Are we ever going to tell everyone about us?"

       I sighed. "I want to. Believe me, I do. I'm just... Worried."

       "Who cares what the public and the media will think?" Cannon asked. "Our fans have always shipped us when they found out we were the sons of Cameron Venturi and Austin Bolton, and they started shipping us a lot more when I came out as bisexual."

       "I'm not worried about what the public and media will say," I said. "I'm worried about my parents."

       "Really?" Cannon asked. "You're... That's what you're worried about? Hunter, come on, of course they're going to accept it. They both accepted me when I told them I was bi, and your dad even said I can go to him if I ever need to talk about anything."

       "Yeah, but you're not their son," I said. "It doesn't mean they'll accept me."

       "Seriously?" Cannon asked. "If they accept me, they're going to accept you. But it's all up to you. I already know my parents will be fine with it, so we'll tell them when you're ready to tell your parents. I just wished we wouldn't have to hide it in our own homes."

       "I'll try doing it soon," I said. "Just let me work up the courage. And in the meantime, I should go take Thunder out of her stall."

       "But it hasn't even been five minutes," Cannon said. "We've just started dating and you're already lying to me." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed to get changed before heading out to the barn. "Okay, then you can at least give me a kiss before you leave."

       "I would, but morning breath is a thing," I said. 

       "Just a quick peck," Cannon said. "Please? I've gone too long without a kiss."

       "What are you talking about? We kissed last night."

       "That was hours ago, Hunter."

       I knew Cannon wasn't going to shut up until I gave him a kiss, so I sighed and leaned down before giving him a quick peck. 

       "Thank you," Cannon said before snuggling into the bed and pulling the blankets tightly around him.

       I headed to my closet and grabbed some clothes to get changed into. Afterwards, I grabbed my jacket and shoes, putting them on before heading to the door to leave. "I'll be outside if you need anything," I said.

       "I won't need anything since I'm going to try going back to sleep after being woken up too early," Cannon said. "Well, I actually do need something. Another kiss."

       "Bye," I said, leaving my bedroom and closing the door behind me.

       "Jerk!" Cannon called after me.

       I headed to the back of the house where the stables were. As soon as I walked in, Thunder peeped his head out of the stall, knowing exactly what I was going to do. I grabbed his halter and leading rope before heading to his stall and opened the door. He stayed perfectly still as I placed his halter on him, then attached the leading rope to it.

       I led him out of his stable, closing the door behind him before leading him out into the fenced-off field just for the horses. While I was taking off the leading rope and the halter, I saw Dad walk over and stand by the fence.

       "You're back early," I said. "How was the trip?"

       "Amazing," Dad said. "Except for Ivy crying on the plane for a good half an hour on the flight back. Sorry we couldn't take you."

       "It's fine," I said, taking the halter off, and Thunder then began trotting around the field. I walked out of the fenced area and stood beside Dad. "I had more time to spend with Thunder." And Cannon. "Besides, I probably shouldn't miss any classes this year. It's my final year of high school and I actually want to do well."

       "Well, I'm glad about that," Dad said. "Just don't put too much pressure on yourself. If you feel like the classes or homework is too much, just tell me or your mom."

       "Or Cannon," I said. "You know how smart he is and he's in most of my classes. I'm sure he'd be willing to help me out."

       "Speaking of Cannon, do you know if anything is going on with him at his house that his parents don't know of?" Dad asked. "Cameron called and told me he was crashing here almost every night since your mother, sister, and I went on the trip. Cameron's worried that Cannon wants to avoid him and Jess for some reason."

      "There's nothing I don't know of," I said. "I'm pretty sure everything's fine. He probably just likes spending time here because his parents can't control how much food he eats or how much he sleeps in."

       I was so thankful I inherited my parents' acting skills. I was always able to think of lies quite quickly, and my parents could rarely tell when I was lying.

      "I just hope that's it and there isn't any problems," Dad said. 

      "Well, this is Cannon we're talking about," I said. "He's basically an open-book. If something's bothering him, he would say something."

       "I don't know," Dad said. "Trust me, he's pretty good at hiding things."

       I knew exactly what he was talking about, and I said it before I could even stop myself. "You mean like him being in love with me?" I asked.

       Dad looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You know?"

       I sighed, knowing that I just screwed myself over. I was probably going to have to tell my dad if I couldn't find a way out of this. "Yeah," I said. 

       "How did you find out?" Dad asked. "Did you accidentally tell you or something?"

       "Kind of," I said.

       "Kind of?" Dad repeated. "How?"

       I didn't reply, and instead turned my attention to my horse running around the field.

       "Hunter," Dad said. "You know you can trust me with anything, right?"

       He was right. I could trust him with anything. I've been through so much already; my dyslexia, my drinking problem, my disease. And no matter what, my dad, my parents, were always there for me when I needed it.

       They wouldn't turn me away now.

       "Remember the song I wrote, the one I was so proud of, was turned down because it didn't 'fit my image'?" I asked and Dad nodded. "Well... I was so down about it. I was upset and stressed because I was so proud of that song, and it does fit the image I'm going for, which is just me. Anyway, a few days before HallowPalooza, Cannon was comforting me and I kind of... may have... kissed him."

       "You kissed Cannon?" Dad asked, and I still kept my focus on my horse so I wouldn't have to look at his expression.

       "Yeah," I said. "Then I told him to forget about it, and he got mad and accidentally told me. That was why he was mad at me during HallowPalooza."

       "So... Why did you kiss him?" Dad asked.

       "Because..." I sighed and finally faced Dad. "Because he's the only person who treats me the way I actually want to be treated, and he understands how hard it is growing up in the spotlight. And even though he's a huge pain in the ass, he's always there for me when I need someone and he always knows how to cheer me up. I'm in love with him, Dad."

       "Does Cannon know that?" Dad asked.

       "Yeah, he does," I said. "I told him when we were forced to do that stupid escape room at HallowPalooza. He... He has been my boyfriend ever since."

       "Oh, so that's why Cannon has been coming here so often," Dad said. "That makes a lot of sense."

       "You're... you're not mad?" I asked.

       "Why would I be mad?" Dad asked. "Hunter, you're my son and no matter what, I just want you to be happy. It doesn't matter who you fall in love with. In fact, I'm glad it's Cannon for two reasons. Well, multiple reasons, but two main ones. One, know for a fact he won't just be using you for fame. That's one thing celebrities have to worry about. And two, Cameron and I always wanted our children to date and get married."

       "Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," I said.

       "Are you going to tell the public?" Dad asked.

       "I think we're going to give it a few more weeks," I said. "We still have to tell his parents, but he said he'll do it after I tell you and Mom because he knows for a fact they'll accept it. And we also want to make sure the very beginning of our relationship isn't put directly into the spotlight. We just want time to ourselves before it gets hectic, which I know it will."

       "Well, that's a smart move," Dad said. "I'm just glad you found someone that makes you really happy."



I was going to write something in the author's note but I can't remember it so now I'm angery.

And to make me feel better, GIF TIME:

I LOVE THAT VIDEO SO MUCH. I'll post it on my snapchat for those who have me on there.

And let's post another gif of a relatable Cannon:

^^Mood every day at school (even though i don't go to school every day and i have this whole month off oops)

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