Couple Chapters VII: Andrew and Dean

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Couple Chapters VII: Andrew and Dean

~timeline: probably during Dedrick~

~Andrew: age 19~

       "Andrew," my manager said as he walked into the restaurant's kitchen. "You're needed as a waiter today."

       "What? Why?" I asked. He knew how much I hated being a waiter. In fact, he knew how horrible of a waiter I was. That was why I got transfered as a cook instead.

       Was he really that stupid to make me be a waiter for the day?

       "Because three of them called in sick and I couldn't get any replacements in time," he said. "The restaurant can handle being understaffed by two for the day, but not three. So you're needed."

       "Okay, but there are a lot of other people here in the kitchen," I pointed out. "It doesn't have to be me."

       "Yes, it does, because you're the only cook who started off as a waiter," he said. "You have the experience and you'll know what to do. Nobody else will."

       I groaned, something my manager didn't appreciate, but I didn't care. It wasn't like he could fire me anyway. He owed my grandparents a favour, thus me having the job.

       "Don't complain, and just get started at table four," he said. "And please, no swearing the the customers this time."

       "No promises there," I muttered as I grabbed one of the waiter's aprons and tied it around my waist before grudginly taking one of the notepads and pens.

       I walked out of the kitchen, as did my manager, and once I saw who was at table four, I said, "Are you serious? You don't want me to swear at the customers, but you're assigning me to the table where all those annoying shitheads are?"

       My manager sighed. "You are not off to a good start, are you? The other tables are covered. That one isn't, so go now."

       I sneered at him before heading over to table four. I was actually really tempted to quit my job on the spot but if I wanted to eventually move out of my grandparents' house and not be forced to be on my grandmother's stupid diet, I had to keep this job.

       I couldn't even get any other job, no matter how hard I tried.

       As soon as I walked up to the table, the person I hated the most, Dean, looked over at me with an obnoxious smile. "Well, if it isn't Andrew?" he said. "I never thought I'd see you waiting tables again. Didn't you get fired?"

       I really wanted to wipe that smile off of his stupid face. His stupid, annoying, obnoxious, handsome, attractive...

       Okay, I needed to hit my head repeatedly against a wall.

       "I wasn't fired," I said. "I was made a cook instead. So can I start you off with any drinks?"

       "Yeah, can I get some water?" Dean said. "Actually, first, how many calories does water have?"

       I wanted to whack him in the head with my notepad.

      He always asked such ridiculous questions that he knew the answer to, like 'Is the jalapeno hamburger made from ham?'

       And unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to sass him. While I couldn't actually be fired, my manager told me he would take my tips away if I was ever rude to a customer.

       Jokes on him because chances are if I was rude to a customer, I wouldn't be tipped. So he wouldn't be taking anything away.

       "Zero," I said. "Water has zero calories."

       "And would there be any calories is I ask for extra ice?"

       "Ice is frozen water. Frozen water. If water has zero calories, I doubt ice would to you fu--" I cleared my throat before I could finish the sentence.

       And that just made Dean smile even more. "Careful. You wouldn't want to insult me, a customer, now would you?"

       Oh, I would love to insult his stupidly handsome face.

       It took at least three minutes for all of them to tell me what they would want as a drink. And by all of them, I meant four of them. It took three minutes for four people to tell me if that wanted water, a soft drink, or alcohol.

       My manager wasn't impressed by the time I got into the kitchen to get those drinks. "There are other tables that need serving," he said.

       "Then tell that to those pieces of shit who took so long to decide what to drink just because I'm their waiter," I said. "This is all on you, not me."

       It got a lot worse throughout the night when I was serving their table. It took them even longer to tell me what they wanted to eat, even though I said I could come back if they hadn't decided yet.

       Now I know why I enjoyed being in the kitchen a lot more than being out here.

       My manager could even tell that I was in a desperate need of a break so when those losers were finally done with their meals and left, I was given a ten minute break. He told me that the restaurant wasn't as busy as he thought it would be and if it suddenly did during my break, he could simply take over.

       I walked outside to get some fresh air and immediately headed into the alleyway so I wouldn't have to deal with people walking on the streets. Sure, I might have to deal with a serial killer but really, that would be better than going back to work.

       I sighed, resting the back of my head on the wall as I closed my eyes. I really hated working there whenever Dean and his friends showed up. It was like he had a life's mission to bug me.

       And it was working.

       I hated it.

       I heard someone approached me and since my eyes were closed, I couldn't see who it was so I said, "If you're a killer, please kill me now so I don't have to go back to work."

       "Oh, that's a shame," Dean said. "And here I was, enjoying seeing you there daily."

       Why? Why did he have to be here?

       I opened my eyes and looked over at him. "Great, not a killer. Just someone worse. Way worse."

       "Worse than a killer?" Dean asked. "That hurts."

       "As it should," I said. "Look, you already bothered me enough at work. I was given this break because of how stressful you and your meathead friends are, so please let me enjoy my break in peace."

       I knew Dean wasn't actually going to leave. He saw the opportunity to bug me and he was taking it.

       So he just stood beside me, leaning on the wall. "Aren't you the one who tripped me in the restaurant?" he asked. "And stuck gum in my hair?"

       "I stuck gum in your hair when we were five," I said. "So cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it. And leave. Go hang out with your fellow douche bags."

       "No, thank you," Dean said. "I need a break from them. They're, well, you said it yourself."


       "You were our waiter. You know that they had alcohol and I didn't. So they are very much drunk right now since they're lightweights and when they're drunk, they are complete idiots. I was supposed to drive them home but they refused to get in my car so now I'm letting them wander around the streets, and I hope they get arrested."

       "I'm sorry, can you remind me of the part when I asked for your life story?" I asked. "Because read my lips. I don't care."

       "Please don't tell me to read your lips," Dean said. "Because I would much rather do something else."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talkng about?"

      "Wow, you are so clueless," Dean said before pulling me close to him and pressing his lips on mine.


aklnlsdkfns so cute. <3 i had to write this scene because when andrew's book starts, he and dean are already going to be dating i cant wait woo

and you know what i also cant wait for???? certain characters to return to hollyoaks. one of my favourites left a year ago because the actress went on maternity leave but shes coming back in i think july. AND SHES NOT THE ONLY ONE RETURNING. Harry's stepsister, who left in 2015, is returning as well.

and guess what? she was ste's fiance. they also have a daughter together. and ste cheated on her with harry (HER STEPBROTHER) and thats what made the charatcer leave hollyoaks in the first place

which means drama when she returns now that ste and harry are engaged ahahahaha

lol my wattpad account is basically a fan account for hollyoaks and jylan oops

Up next: Hudson and Nova

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