Alexander Smith Character Chart

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As part of the initial story planning process, I like to do up character charts so I can keep interests, and mannerisms consistent and also keep track of events that are personal to that character and their perspective on it. This is an edited version of Alexander Smith's chart. It was made before I adjusted some events and names in the story, so I've edited this chart to match the current cannon. There are also spoilers ahead.


Alexander Smith

Full Name: Alexander James Smith

Title(s): Doctor

Nickname(s): Alex, or just Smith


Gender: Male

Build: Lean

Weight: 160 lbs

Hight: 6'2

Hair colour: platinum blond

Hair Style: Short, but long enough on top to be slicked back

Eye Colour: ice blue

Glasses? Contacts?: Wire rimmed glasses

Distinguishing features: His eyes are piercing, and his nose is a bit larger than average

Personal Details:

Date of Birth: September 12th 1944

Nationality: Caucasian (Canadian)

Religion: Atheist

Politics: Conservative

Astrological sign: Virgo

Relationship status: Widower


James Smith - Son (1989)

Rufus Smith - Son (1987)


Arthritis in his knees and hips


Wealthy, but most of it is tied up to assets in the laboratory and is in debt.








Personal philosophy:

If you're not first, you're last

Favorite colour: Burgundy

Dress sense: Business casual


Expensive watches and sunglasses

Cosmetics & toiletries:

Old Spice

Hair pomade

Favorite foods: Chicken wings

Favorite drinks: Scotch, neat

Favorite music:

Classic rock

Rather fond of "The Eagles"

Favorite films:

Classic black and white horror, especially "Frankenstien" and "Nosferatu"

Favorite authors:

George RR Martin

J.R.R Tolkien



Dark chocolate

Being humiliated or perceiving that he is being humiliated/ embarrassed

Choice of Newspapers and magazines: The Reader's Digest

Verbal expressions: "Get it done."

Talents & strengths:


Pays close attention to detail




Emotionally distant



Steeples his fingers under his chin while he listens or is thinking


Biology (epidemiology and genetics)

Insects (especially different types of beetles)

High Fantasy novels

Hobbies & activities:

Watching television, especially game shows and contests

Playing board games, incl. Table top games

Bird watching

Collecting insects

Memberships: Subscription to The Reader's Digest

Ideal night out: A quiet dinner in after an eventful day bird watching

Ideal Holiday:

A stay-cation

Personal ambitions:

Abstract immortality

Have an impacting legacy on the scientific community, for better, or for worse




Complete darkness


Reginald Marvin








Pets: None


Parents: Maurice and Jen Smith - Deceased

Relationship with parents:

Both parents worked, and never had time for him

Raised by Governess/ Nannies

Hometown: Toronto, Ont.

Childhood home: Townhouse



Other children excluded him because he was 'strange'


Excelled at school and earned a full ride to UofT

Had little to no friends during high school

Character's Home


52 Belcher St. York Creek, NB



Estate-agent type description:


Front exterior:

Yellow siding, with white trim.

Two bay windows on either side of the door

Front garden trimmed and weeded

Lawn perfectly cut down

Rear exterior:

Large back deck with a hot tub

In ground pool

Manicured garden and mowed lawn

Main entrance:

Small porch that neatly fits coats and shoes

Ground floor:

Living room, den, master bedroom (with ensuite), washroom, and two bedrooms, and kitchen/ dining room


unfinished with storage areas

Upper floors: N/A

Style of furnishings:

Modern, minimal and stylish

Specific furnishings:




BA: Biology


PhD. in biochemistry

Research programs and internships while in school

Relevant work experience as a molecular biologist at TheRisingTide

This is where he met both Rachael and Marvin, then eventually Montello


8 years obtaining md-phd


Worked as Molecular biologist at TheRisingTide for 18 years

Multiple awards for his work with Mountain Pine Beetles and how to stop their spread

Awards for his work with Deer ticks and stopping the spread of Lyme disease

Current Employment: Director of GreenerPastures

Date Employment Commenced: 1987 and onward


Managing and coordinating all GreenerPastures projects with their respective Team Leads

Person/ people responsible to:

Vincent Montello

People responsible for:

Rufus Smith

James Smith

All other team leads across the laboratory, and everyone under them

The ERS agents assigned to his facility

Feelings about work:

He has devoted his entire life to his work, and does not separate his personal life from his work life

He has little to no life outside of work

Career ambitions:

Complete the development of the Eternity Virus

Be immortalized within the scientific community for his work to heal people

Previous employment:

Summer Internships

TheRisingTide laboratory

Workplace address: GreenerPastures, York Creek, NB

Description of exterior: Looks small, and squat. Generic red brick

Description of main entrance: The lobby is ostentatious with marble tiling, floor to ceiling windows, and lofted office spaces above.

Description of workspace:

Office in the loft area, at the end of the hallway, in a corner. Large windows in the corner illuminate the room. The furnishings are sleek, and modern, made of stone and metal. His office also contains a full stocked bar.

Description of canteen:


Tuna Sandwich


Vehicles owned:

Cadillac CT6 V


Specialises in viruses and molecular biology

Good at chess

Runner (was when he was younger)

Particular items owned:



Grew up in Toronto, Ont.

Parents were both well known in their fields:

Mother: Best-selling Author of psychology, self-help books

Father: Heart Surgeon

Always had difficulty empathising with people, and had a hard time making friends

Type of kid to do odd experiments around the house on bugs and small rodents

Graduated with a full scholarship and later went to work for TheRisingTide for 18 years

He met both his wife Rachael and his friend Marvin while working there

Was approached by Montello (an investor) to do a contract on creating a virus that could allow humans to clot their own blood, and even control how it flows in the body

He and Marvin were singled out for their work with CRISPR

Began work at GreenerPastures in 1987

Began work on Deer ticks, and mountain pine beetles on the upper levels as a plausible cover

Immediately began work on the Eternity project, and made a breakthrough in 2002 using artificial wombs

Relationship with Rachael

Began when she started working under Smith and Marvin at TheRisingTide

He married her that same year - 1977

It wasn't until the Eternity project got started (1987) that there was a significant strain placed on the marriage

The same year, Rufus was born which didn't help

Rachael insists she begin the Angel Project as well

Though they had grown emotionally and physically distant for a number of years, their relationship ultimately came to end in 2012 when Smith aimed to weaponise the Eternity Project and Rachael was killed trying to stop him

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