ch.10 Hold me

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After the Edolas arc
~~~~Gray's POV~~~~
(Y/n) wasn't at the guild and this caught the attention of team Natsu. Erza walked over to Yana and slammed her hand on the table. Yana looked unfazed by her actions.
"Where is (y/n)?"
"Relax strawberry. She isn't here. She went out of town cause today is something important to her." She said.
"Where did she go?"
"Why should I tell you? She isn't going to do anything bad. She promised. She always keeps her promises." She says but that only makes Erza mad.
"Don't you know the rules? Everyday you must come to the guild or we injure you to paralysis." She tells her but Yana doesn't move and facial expression doesn't change.

"She isn't doing anything wrong. I know that. She has been like this on this day ever since we've met. She used to take us, but she wanted us to stay at the guild. I know where she went and she doesn't want anyone else to know." Yana says.

"Tell me where she went." Erza said getting a sword out.
"No." Yana said making a sword out of ice.
Erza jumped and Yana jumped with her. Their swords clash as they started to fight. Hey... "Anyone notices that flame brain isn't here too. I thought I just saw him." Everyone stops but the two girls to notice that Natsu disappeared also.
"That's weird cause I was just talking to him." Lucy said.

With (y/n)
~~~~(y/n)'s POV~~~~
Finally I'm here. I got to a broken down house with a tomb stone beside it.
Here lies Marianna Layard.
And only a mother to a child for 6 months.
Died on 2/7/x778
I start to tear up at the site of my home. I heard her sister Layla found her and buried her. Layla came to visit sometimes and was nice to me. I can tell she was here cause of the flowers.
"(Y/n)." A voice said.
I look back to see my new exceed. Andromeda or Andy for short. She is named after my sprit Andromeda. She is purplish black with pink eyes. She wears a sweetheart neckline black dress with silver polka dots on it.

"Andy, where were you?"
"I got lost. Is this the place?"
"Yep, this is where I lives with Marianna." I said as start to cry.
I soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I look behind me to find Natsu staring down at me. I wipe my eyes and look away.
"Great, one of the last people I want to see." I say coldly.

"Today is the day that Marianna died, isn't it?" He said making my eyes water a bit more.
"Yeah, why does it concern you?"
"Hey, I was going to help you but looks like your fine." He said getting up and started to walk away. And before I knew it, words came out of my mouth.
He stopped and looked over his shoulder.
"How were you going to help me?" I ask him.
"Ah you know. The crying on shoulder, holding you kind of help." He said.

"F-fine. You can help." I told him.
He walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and just like that. The tears and crying that I have been holding starts to roll out.

It's been at least 30 mins before I calming down. Natsu starts to unwrap me from his arms but I stop him.
"Please, just hold me." I tell him and that's what he does.

~~~~Natsu's POV~~~~
She asks me to continue holding her so I do. She soon fell asleep in my arms. I look beside me to find Andy sleeping. I put (y/n) on my back and wake up Andy.

"Huh, what? Oh she's asleep?" She asked and I nodded and motioned her to come along so we can head back to the guild.

When they got to the guild.

When we got back at the guild. It was basically a warzone. Everyone was hiding from the two girls fighting.

"What did we just walk in on?" I say grabbing everyone's attention. The two girls stopped fighting and looked at us. Everyone was mumbling on what happened to (y/n), and how I probably killed her. I started to get annoyed and yelled.

"She isn't dead, you bakas!"
"Then what happened to her?" Gray asked. Since when is he interested in the wellbeing of (y/n)?
"Today was the day Marianna died. So she went to her tombstone. I got her scent and found her." I told them.
"She was crying so I held her and she fell asleep."
"You held her? She allowed you to hold her?" Yana said.
I smiled a bit and blushed a bit too.
"Yes, I did hold her."

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