ch. 15 Clock pieces pt 3

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"So if that is true..."Erza said and I just nodded.

"We just helped the Oracian Seis end the world." Lucy said.
Yana's POV
"So we were working off of what we thought were good intentions? They were really helping the enemy?" Wendy said.
"If that's true, then we are in some major trouble." Happy said.
"I can't believe I was so cocky. Sorry Dad, I failed you." Lucy said covering her eyes.

"Oh come on, if anyone is to blame, its your Dad." (Y/n) said.
"What are you talking about?" Lucy said.
"I agree, he was beating around the Bush with all book clues and anagrams." Carla said.

"Yeah! If he just came out and told you. Then we wouldn't have to do all this work!" Natsu said.

"And then we have more time to play!" Happy said. 

"And who wouldn't want that?" Natsu said.

(Y/n) then walked up to Lucy and hugged her.
"Everyone makes mistakes. But always remember that your friends are always right here and we are here for you." She said.
Lucy teared up and hugged her back.
"Let me get into this hug!" I said as I came up and hugged the two of them.
Lucy started to laugh.
"Aw, Lucy's laughing. Are we making you happy?" Wendy asked.

"I can't help it if everyone is acting so silly." She said.
"Good, there is no use in shedding tears." I say.
Everyone agrees with me. 

Time skip 

We were on Christina flying around when we heard the clock started to ring. 

"The infinity clock!" (Y/n) said. 

"Its ringing out there somewhere." Natsu said. 


We soon got the guild and informed everyone on what was going on. 

"The Oracion Seis, I was hoping I never get hear that name again." Macao said.
"I recon that's why old Makarov was summoned by the wizard saints?" Wakaba said. 

"Our guild was responsible for their members arrest following the Nirvana incident. And now it seems they've escaped from prison." 

"While we were asleep for seven years, they got alot stronger." Gray said. 

"The last time Yana and I saw the Oracian Seis, I wiped them all out and she got to watch." (y/n) said nonchalant. 

Natsu stooped eating and everyone looked at the two of us. 

(Y/n)'s POV 

They looked at us like we both had a third eye. 

"What? They were messing with us and I was pissed off so I crushed them under a rock." I told them. 

"We were so really hopeless against them." Carla said. 

"I couldn't do a single thing to help, I'm too weak!" Romeo said. 

I walked over to him and gave him a noggie. 

"Don't talk like that squirt. You're an amazing wizard." I said putting him in a headlock and continuing the noggie I gave him. 

"Sorry, I am the one to blame for all of this." Michelle said. 

"Michelle, please don't be so hard on yourself, remember what Natsu and (Y/n) said before? My Dad dumped this crazy stuff on us and expected us to figure it out without any explantion." 

"How do you think your father got involved with all this business with the infinity clock?" Wendy asked. 

"No clue." She said. 

"The infinity clock." I said standing up. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. 

"I can't help but hear that somewhere else." 


"Marianna, what's this about? It's very weird." Younger me said. 

I was looking through her library and found and very old encyclopedia. I flipped through it and found something about the infinity clock. She walked over and looked over my shoulder.

"Well this story is about the infinity clock. A clock which can cause chaos and madness all over the kingdom. You want to stay away from this clock (y/n), it can cause great chaos and I don't want anything bad happening to you, understand?" She said. 

"So this clock exist?" 

"Yes, many think it is a myth but I know it exist." She says sitting beside me.


"My mother taught me a song about it."


"Yep, it went like;

Tick tock
There goes the clock
Ringing through the air
It self so rare
Chaos come in and flows
Madness shows its glow
The gears started to run
The real nightmare has just begun."

Flashback over

"Tick Tock,
Goes the clock
Ringing in the air,
Its self so rare.
Chaos come in and flows
Madness shows its glow.
The gears started to run,
The real nightmare has begun." I sang remembering the song.

"Marianna, she knew the clock exists. There was a story about it that I read. I don't know how but she knew." I told them.

"That song you sang is about the clock. But there is one thing I don't understand." Levy said.
"What, Levy?"

"Real Nightmare, I wonder what kind of nightmare. (Y/n), can you remember anything about a real nightmare?" Levy said and I shook my head.

"I didn't finish reading it. But it doesn't matter right now. We need to find the where abouts of the Oracian Seis. Anyone know how we can find them?" I said and Cana woke up. She's been sleeping a lot.

"Leave that to me." She said stretching.
They got a map and Cana got some cards. She said she is amazing at fortune telling and that she can tell us where we are going. Wendy and Bickslow and Yana, Grey and Freed, Juvia and Gajeel, Erza, Evergreen and Max, Happy, Carla, Andy, Crystal and Pantherlily, and finally Natsu, Lucy, Michelle, Elfman and I were a team.

I walked up to Cana.

"Are you sure they are accurate? Just want to make sure." I asked her.
She smiled and nodded.
"My fortune telling is amazing and spot on! Don't worry about it." She said.

I nodded and got with my group. We all left to our destinations. When we got there, we were face to face with the big gigantic metal robot with the stick controlling it.

"Let's defeat this metal jerk!" Natsu yelled.
Lucy called on Taurus and the perverted cow came out and fantasized over Lucy's and I body. What I didn't see is Natsu getting jealous.

All of us tried to attack but got tangled up instead.
"What are you Bakas doing? Get the hell off me!" I yelled before my boobs got squeezed a bit. My face blushed red.

"A-and who t-the hell is doing that?"
No one confessed so I used my gravity magic.

"Dual blast, uptown heaven forth!" I yelled as a magic circle came above me and blasted the two Bakas off me.
I stood up and faced the Oracian Seis member.

I grabbed my keys and pulled one out.
"Open gate of the great hunter; Orion!"
A ding dong was heard and a dude with brown hair, bow and arrows in a warriors outfit came out.
"Orion is here, at your service." He said before shooting some arrows in the metal robot and they exploded.

"Yes, that should do..."
The smoke just cleared up to reveal him as shiny new.
"You'll have to do better then that." He said.
Oh I will. I thought pulling out some iron.
I chewed on it until it was all gone.
"Iron dragon's roar!" I said as a blast of molten iron blasted from my mouth and made contact with him. But it revealed nothing but steam.

"Let me try something, Fire dragon's wing attack!" Natsu yelled. The attack did little to nothing to him.

"You all can't do nothing to me. You all so stupid as to let the sixth member of the OS in your guild as your closest friend." He said looking at Michelle.

"You can't start saying lies about Michelle." Lucy said walking towards Michelle but was pushed back by my gravity magic.

"Hold up Lucy. I want to hear what he has to say."
"Are you saying you believe him?" Lucy asked.
"Nope but I've always seen something fishy about Michelle. She acts too clumsy for her own good. Unlike what I've seen of a rich girl. They'd act more classier, act like Lucy. So please go on. I want to hear it." I said.
He laughed and started to speak.
"Who your looking at is the sixth member of the OS. Imitatia. Joined us to help her 'big sister'. He said talking about Lucy.

"Shut up! Your just saying lies about Michelle!" Natsu said.
"I don't know Natsu. Have any of you noticed strange magic coming from her." I said walking to her.

"And answer me this 'Michelle', if that is your real name. If you're really part of the lobster family, what is your sister's name? Ms Lobster." I asked her getting in her face.

Tears were running down her face.
"Well?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know!" She bursting out crying.
"Shyla Lobster is her name. Died in the attack on the Lobster Plantation. They say Michelle's body was never found. So you aren't the real Michelle? So are you Imitatia?"
A red and white beacon surrounded Michelle as her outfie changed. It was a nature related one.
"M-Michelle, You lied to us? How could you?" Lucy said.
Lucy started walking towards her but I grabbed her and pulled her away.

"Lucy stop. That's not Michelle. She never was. I bet you don't even remember her." I said.
Lucy stopped and looked down.
"I knew it. Now to you." I said looking Imitatia.

"You little bitch. So you've been lying to us this whole time." I said, Two iron dragon magic circles appeared in my hands.
"Iron dragon's scythe; Triple formation!" I said as iron scythes, three each on my arms. I ran up and swung my arms to hit her but with her shield, she blocked my attacks and started hitting me with her floral shield.

I couldn't Dodge so I easily for bruises and cuts and fell to the ground. But I don't quit that easily. I got back but someone yelled my name.
"(Y/n)! Don't! You're hurt!" Natsu yelled.
I looked back at them and smirked.
"I'm an ex-criminal. A few cuts and bruises don't do nothing to slow me down." I said before reequipping.
"Reequip; Emerald Princess Armour!" I yelled as a bright light surrounded me.

When it dimmed down I was in a Emerald Green Ball gown but in the front was short that it showed my legs. It was short-sleeved. I had a emerald sword in my hand.

I ran up to Imitatia and sliced left and right so fast even I don't know.
"Rose thorns!" She said as green thorns came out and stabbed me in my arms and legs. I fell down bleeding. I reequipped out of the armour.

"(Y/n)!!!" I heard a male voice yell.
"Sleep pollen!" Imitatia yelled before I got knocked out. The last thing I said before seeing black was,

I soon woke up in jail cell. But something happened. When I opened my eyes I saw something horrifying.
"Ahh!!!!" I yelled getting scared from that horror.
I backed up into something. I looked up to find Natsu. I got up and hugged him senseless.
"W-what the f-f-fuck are t-those?" I said shakily.
"They are the butt jiggle gang. No need to be scared." He said.
They turned around to have such ugly faces.
"Kyaa! It's even uglier in the front!" I yelled hugging him tighter.

"Hey that's is very offensive. You should look in a mirror sometimes. Maybe you'll see who the ugly one is." One of the said.
That got me angry but someone said it before I did.
"Hey! Don't say my mate is ugly! She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see!" Natsu yelled.

"Mate?" I said.
Natsu looked at me and hugged me.
"Yes. Mate. Will you be my mate? (Y/n)."
I smiled and hugged him.
"Yes, yes, Yes!"

We were hugging until some people interrupted us.
"Alright enough of the lovey-dovey moment. Can we figure a way out NOW?!?" The leader said.
I rolled my eyes and released Natsu.

"So what's the plan?"

"You sure this will work?" I said holding out one of my bronze keys.
"Yes, (n/n)." I blushed when he called me by my nickname.
"Alright. Open Gate of the Phoenix; Phe!" I said as a lady made of fire appeared. (If any of y'all watch Adventure time. She looks like Flame Princess)

She looked pissed off.
"H-Hey Phe." I said.
"You Idiot!" She said throwing  a fire ball at me. I dodged it and ran behind Natsu.
"I told you she was mean."

"So what do want me to do?" She said

We told her our plan and of course she said it was stupid but she agreed to it. She set the wall on fire and left.
"Alright (y/n). Show us those acting skills of yours." Natsu said.
I nodded and got on my knees. I held the bars and started to shake them.

"HELP US! FIRE!" I yelled.
The others started yelling after me.
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! What's going on?"
"Are you blind? Do you need an eye doctor? There is a fucking fire behind us and you aren't doing shit about it!" I yelled at the idiot guard.

"Alright, Alright. But don't do anything funny." He said before letting us go.
Once we were out, we attacked the guards and knocked them out.

"Sorry but someone we know is in trouble and we need to get her." I said.
We all ran off to find Lucy.
"I hope Elfman got away and told the others." Natsu said. I nodded.

"I know he did. He wouldn't suddenly disappear." I said.
We continued to run and told the butt jiggle gang to get lost. We ran into this dinosaur looking dude.

"Who the hell are you?" Natsu said.

"That's Gutman the cleaner, be careful. He uses rupture magic." Coco said. (I forgot about her)
"I'm about to rupture his face." I said punching my hand. (I know. Horrible pun)

Natsu and I ran up to him.
"Be carful!" Coco said.
"Oh ho, lots of magic energy to rupture on." He said telepathically.
As soon as we jumped in the air. A horrible painful surge went through our bodies.
We fell to the ground as the pain continued.
"This is my magic. Hope you're doing very horrible."

To be continued in part 4
I know you've been waiting for this part and I haven't updated ever since that a/n. And I know I have one more part to write but atlest I made this chapter the one that you and Natsu get together and I know its rushed but in a couple of chapters will be a LEMON!!! So let's get ready for that. Also read my latest books;
Gajeel's twin sister
The Dragon Alchemist; an Edward x reader.

So remember to
And request in my anime x reader.
OntoImpossibleDreams out!

Natsu; Happy Belated Birthday Nesi-chan!!!

Soul; May you continue to get cuter everyday!

Levi; And more awesome.

Edward; Happy Birthday!!!

Nesi-chan; Aww, thanks you four. *Gives them a group hug.*

Natsu, Soul, Levi, and Edward; *mumbles* She loves me no me!

Nesi-chan; *let's go of them* and you ruined the moment.

Nesi-chan out!

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