Ch. 16 GMGS pt 1.2

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Y/n's pov...

We were at the beach training, I would of went alone with Yana but Natsu insisted we come along with them. On the there...

"You're an baka, you know." I said as Natsu laid on my lap due to his motion sickness.

I ran my hands through his soft and silky hair. I could he enjoyed it cause he was purring.

"Well, at least you can wait this out with me." He said though his moans and groans.

I blushed at his kind words and smiled at him.

"Sure." I said as I kissed his head.

Lucy's pov...

WHY!!!!!! JUST WHY!!!!!! Why does she get Natsu? Why is she the lucky one? Are the heavens that cruel to me? All I wanted was Natsu, was that so hard to give me? But you gave him so someone who doesn't deserve him? Why!!!

"Can you like, not do your lovey-dovey things infront of me? I don't want to lose my lunch." Gray said.

"Yeah, me two. Tone it down." Yana said.

I was sitting with Erza, Wendy, Levy, and the Exceeds. Natsu, Y/n, Gray, and Yana were sitting on the right booth of me.

"Can you guys wait for the Grand Magic Games?" Yana asked us.
"I can't, we are going are gonna get Fairy Tail on top! I promise that!" Y/n said.

Natsu groaned in agreement. Ugh agree with her.

"Well, first we must train to become stronger to win!" Erza said.

We all nodded and Natsu groaned.

"I've gotta go use the bathroom, be right back." I said walking to the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom, went to a empty stall and sat on the floor. Tears came to my eyes as I thought of what could happen.

"Haha, Natsu." Y/n said as they were running in a field.

"I'm gonna catch you Y/n."

Then he did and they were laughing.


"You may kiss the bride." The priest said as he backed up as Natsu and Y/n walked up to each other and kissed.

They walked out of Kardia Cathedral with all of Fairy Tail clapping for them.


"It's a boy."
Crying filled the room as Natsu was at the side of a tired Y/n, who was breathing hard from giving birth.

"It's a boy, Y/n. I'm so happy."

"I'm so happy..."

They kissed as they had their little family.


"Mommy! Daddy!" A boy with spiky h/c was running up to a little older Natsu and Y/n.

"Hey sport!" Natsu said picking him up.

I walked up to them to find this moment, they all turn and smile at me.

"Aunt Lucy!"

Those keep repeating themselves in my brain.

"Lucy... Lucy... Lucy.... Ah, Yo Lucy! Wake up!"

A voice brings me out of my hallucination as I saw Y/n standing there.

"Oh, hello Y/n." I said not wanting to see her.

"I'm just here to tell you we are approaching the beach soon, so don't fall asleep in the bathroom." She said before leaving.

As soon as she left, tears came to my eyes again. Why doesn't he love me? Why...


"Alright! Let's get training!" Y/n said, jumping in the air with her f/c micro bikini top with white stars and a matching skirt.

"You guys won't even know what hit y'all once Y/n and I get finished training." Yana said grabbing Y/n's hand and running off with her.

At least she's out the way... for now.

"Come on Happy! We can't let Y/n and Yana beat us and get stronger than us."

"Aye! But aren't they already stronger then us?"

"Aww, be quiet cat!"

They had their conversation as they went into the forest to train to get stronger. I smiled at Natsu's and Happy's relationship.

Don't worry, I gonna get stronger because of y'all and maybe you'll see something in me then Y/n.

I ran off to train with Capricorn cause my magic capacity needs work.

Lucy's pov

We all stood their dumbfounded about what happened, Lucy Heartfilia you have done it. You've messed up shit for everyone.

I fell on my knees as Natsu, Erza, Gray and Y/n fell to the ground saying,

"There's no hope for us now."

"No! This wasn't supposed to happen! UGH!!!! YOU STUPID STASH FACE!!!! GIVE US OUR TIME BACK!!!!!"

After the gang got their shit together. Let's move on to the part where they meet Crime Sorcerer.

Everyone gasps at the known face that's haunted Fairy Tail.

"Juvia it has been a while since I've seen you!" The pink haired girl... Meldey was her her name hugged Juvia.

"OK Jellal, you have a reason to appear before us. Speak of it or We'll leave." Y/n said.

She was so rude, how does Natsu tolerate her?

"Ahh, Y/n and Yana. Been years since I've seen you two." Jellal said walking to the two of them.

No way! They know Jellal?

I looked to my side and found Natsu and Gray seething.

"Ahh, Jellal Fernandez. Now that we've met again, what are gonna do? Try and offer me "friendship." " Y/n said, laughing with Yana at what she just said

"Well, I was here trying to help you guys but since those two don't seem to let me help y'all..." Jellal trailed off and started to walk away.

"You guys are idiots! You're letting golden opportunity go right past y'all. YOU STUPID BITCHES!!!!" I yelled at them, everyone was shock but it got Y/n fuming.

"Oh, I'M a stupid bitch?!? At least I don't drool after other people's boyfriends!" She yelled right back at me getting in my face.

We started fighting without magic cause we both knew I'd win.

"Hey! Stop that!" Natsu said.

"I don't know what he sees in you! You're nothing but a stupid ex-criminal with some pointless revenge! Your friend follows you like a little bitch! YOU DON'T BELONG IN FAIRY TAIL!!!!!" I yelled at her.

Natsu pulled Y/n away from me and hugged her. Gray pulled me away and we went to sit with the others. Yana went over to Y/n and all three of them were talking.

"Lucy, your behavior was uncalled for. Y/n was simply joking with Jellal, and he was just playing along. I remember back in the Tower of heaven he tried talking to two girls with h/c and ice blue hair." Erza said.

"Yeah, Lucy that was out of proportion." Wendy said.

"Well, sorry. I guess I have built up frustration with us trying to win the GMGS." I said lying straight through my teeth.

They all nodded, then Y/n, Natsu, and Yana came back. Natsu and Y/n were holding hands as we listened to how to they could help us.

Time skip, still Lucy's pov.

Everyone was in pain except Erza, Yana, and Y/n. I sweat in pain, groaning loudly.

"How... can you guys not be in pain?" Natsu groaned out.

"They probably have had second origin released." Gray groaned out.

Y/n just rolled her eyes at her difficult older brother. She then waked over to Natsu and rubbed his back while whispering in his ear causing them to giggle but Natsu then groaned in pain. Causing Y/n to continue with helping him chillax.

Maybe I never had a chance... I can't compete with that.

Lucy's giving up on trying to win Natsu? What does it mean! Grand Magic Games are approaching! With the second orgin, do they have a chance? Bye the way, that's how Yana looks. If you guys were wondering.

-Natsumi Sakura, President of the OntoImpossibleDreams LLC where you can read stories and request them as well. If you want a certain story, you can ask me to write and PM how you want it to go.

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