Chapter 24 - GMGS pt 10

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Y/n's pov

It was time for the fourth day and it was time for the main event, it was called the Naval battle but after it was explained to us, I like to call it Water Sumo because that's what it basically it.

"Welcome to the 4th day event!" Mato said.

Then one by as they were announced. I saw Lucy and Juvia go in representing Fairy Tail A & B. Minerva went  for Sabertooth, Jenny Realight for Blue Pegasus, and other people for other guilds. Today was also the day for tag battles, I have a big feeling that Natsu and Gajeel will go against Sting and Rouge. But let's focus on this event now, Lucy and Juvia better use their advantages. 

Small time skip

Yana's pov

Do you readers remember when you said that they better use their advantages? Did you mean for them to work together? I SURE AS HELL THOUGHT THAT! Now Juvia was taken out and now the special 5 min timer was turned on and it was Lucy against Minerva. 

"You can do it Lucy! Put her in her place!!" I yelled. 

I may not like Lucy but she is to win points for us to win. So the entire 5 mins, she went face with Minerva and it went down the drain. 

Minerva was cheap shooting Lucy and even took her keys from her she won't retaliate and fight back. But Lucy wouldn't give up, oh wait never mind Minerva is doing that to her. I clenched the railing and Ice started forming from my hands. 


Minerva continued to attack Lucy like she wasn't a human being. Although Lucy has been really rude and horrible to Y/n and Natsu's relationship but no human being should go through this. I looked up at Y/n and this girl is 3 seconds from going off and rampaging the entire arena. But Lucy was strong enough to withstand the horrors that Minerva placed on her for the last 5 mins timer

Then Minerv-ass decided to do be a real bitch. She held Lucy by her throat and stuck her out the sphere. They call the event to an end but at this moment it was way too late to do that. The battle was long over for Lucy. 

Minver-ass dropped her body so carelessly and everything went in slow motion. Natsu and Gray jumped out and trying to reach out to her but before they could reach her, a swift force came in and swept her up before she hit the ground. The force was so hard that it caused dust to swirl around the arena and to the crowd including me. I covered my mouth due to the sand. When it cleared up, it revealed the force to be Y/n. 

Her bangs covered her eyes as she gave off a murderous aura towards Minerva. I smirked, Y/n is at stage 6 pissed, there are 8 stages and she's at 6 and she's hasn't hit that in two years. 

Y/n turned and gave Natsu Lucy's body and the medical team, Wendy, and Cheria came to take care of her. Y/n walked up to Minerva and grabbed her bathing suit and pulled her. 

"LIsteN yOU sTUpiD bITCH! I May nOt be On GooD terMS wITH HER. But I'm the only ONE THAT BEATS HER UP SENSELESS!! AND I'M NOT EVEN GONNA GO THAT FAR!!!!" She screamed in her face. 

See, she cares for Lucy. 

Sting came to Y/n and pulled Minerva back from Y/n's grasp and faced her. 

"Don't touch our lady, under no circumstances." He said, darkly like that. 

Y/n calmed down a bit but was still pissed. 

"What.. the.. hell.. are.. you.. gonna.. do.. about.. it?" Y/n said, getting in Sting's face.

Erza pulled Y/n back and Natsu and Gray glared at Sting. Y/n glared at him as well. 

"It doesn't matter if your an old friend or not. Mess with a Fairy Tail member, you mess with Fairy Tail and that means you mess with me." Y/n said. 

I jumped down there to and went face to face Rouge. 

"And the tension between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth is major! The only way to cease this tension is that if one of them or none of them win the title as the strongest guild." Chapti said. 

We all left to go check on Lucy and the fact that an official was talking to Master. 

Third Person pov

A dark evil aura was giving off on the hooded person sitting in a dark cave although it was light outside. 

"Zeref, she's soon to pay for her sins."

A dark chuckle rang through the cave as the hooded person threw a dart to a picture of Y/n, hitting it straight in her heart. 

You remember when I said I needed help? I still kinda do, but it got better when I just read through Wikipedia. So enjoy this chapter for now because it'll be a while before I get another one out there.

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