Chapter 26 - FINALE

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This is the final chapter of OE;NF before the Epilogue, it's going to be pretty medium long because I'm not including the 5th day in the series, so yeah....

Third person pov

The New Fairy Tail team was ready for whatever Sabertooth has to throw at them. Today they were going to do Tag Team battles so each player had a partner to help them. Everyone knew what one of the fights was going to be...

"Y/n..." Natsu said, looking at her. 

"Yes...?" She said, leaning closer to him. 

"I love you, know that." He said. 

"I know, know that I love you too." She said, giving him a peck on the lips. 

"OK lovebirds first match is starting." Gray said. 

The first match was Blue Pegasus and Quarto Puppy, Ichiya and Bunny Head vs. Bacchus Groh and Rocker. 

"I really hate that pervert." Y/n said.

"Me too." Erza said. 

So they fought, and when bunny head's head fell off. It was a really um... Awkward situation. 

"TWO ICHIYAS!?!?" Erza and Y/n yelled, holding each other on consciously. 

"It's Armageddon!" Erza said. 

So the winner of the match was Ichiya and Nichiya when Nichiya was showed to have no magical abilities other than flying. The next match was Mermaid's Heel and Lamia Scale, consisting of Milliana and Kagura vs Lyon and Yukia. 

"Those eyebrows..." Y/n said shivering. 

"I know.." Natsu said. 

They fought and they were fighting pretty good too, it actually ended in a draw. 

"I wanna go see Lucy, come with me?" Y/n said. 

"You? Wanna go see Lucy?" Natsu asked. 

Y/n nodded. 

"Just to see how she is doing, and to try and make amends with her." Y/n said. 

Natsu nodded and we left before the last tag team match. We walked to her room and stood in front of it.

"Are you sure? You and Lucy haven't been the best of friends lately." Natsu said.

Y/n nodded and opened the door, revealing a book reading Lucy.

"Hey Lucy." Natsu said as we walked in.

She smiled once she saw Natsu but it went away as her eyes landed on Y/n.

"Y/n...." Natsu said pushing said girl up.

She scoffed before facing Lucy.

"Listen Lucy, I'm sorry for any rotten things that you've thought I've done. I'm sorry for the death of your mother because I own the instrument that killed her. I was hoping that we'd least make amends and you know....

Be friends?" Y/n said.

Before Lucy spoke, Y/n cut her off.

"I'm sorry that I stole the boy you love, I'm sorry that I fell in love with him because it caused me to hurt you. You actually can be pretty cool if your not fighting with me over Natsu." Y/n said.

Lucy sat there in silence, soaking in the words that Y/n said to her.

"I accept your apologies, I'm also sorry for hurting you as well. I should of understood that I wasn't dating Natsu and I couldn't keep girls from falling for him. I mean who wouldn't fall for him?!?"

"Blind and deaf people." Y/n said and they both laughed.

Natsu was standing on the side uncomfortable that they were talking about him like he wasn't there but happy that they were making up.

"So friends?" Y/n said sticking her hand out for Lucy to shake.

Lucy smiled and took it.

"Friends." Lucy said before pulling her into a hug.

It surprised Y/n but she gladly accepted it. They soon released the hug and they both looked at Natsu.

Y/n looked at Natsu, then Lucy and back at Natsu.

"I'm so gonna regret this..." Y/n said before walking to Natsu and pulling him to Lucy.

"Give her a quick peck on the lips and only a peck or so Mavis help me, I'll cut your balls off Natsu." Y/n said.

"Are you sure?!" Lucy and Natsu asked.

"I know your just dying to know how he kisses. So a quick peck, PECK!!" Y/n yelled.

Lucy smiled and Natsu leaned down and gave Lucy a quick peck on the lips causing her to faint. Natsu leaned back up and walked over to Y/n. They both left as it was time for Natsu's match.

They walked in the hallway towards the exit into the arena. Before they got out there, Y/n pinned Natsu to the wall and gave him a kiss which he returned quickly and wrapped his arms around her waist.

They soon started making out, bot giving a care if anyone saw them.

"Natsu...." A familiar voice said.

Natsu and Y/n turned and saw Happy standing there. They both smiled and Y/n backed up.

Happy had tears in his eyes as he said Natsu's name again.

"I know, I know." Natsu said turning to the exit where Gajeel was waiting.

He gave Y/n a quick peck on the cheek and walked out.

Y/n went up to Happy and he flew himself to her arms.

"We just have to have faith in Natsu. He always pulls through." Y/n said walking down the opposite direction.

Y/n dropped Happy back with Yana and them and went to where the team was.

"How's Lucy?" Gray asked. 

"She's fine, was reading a book when we got there." She said. 

Gray nodded and we faced the battle area, where Natsu, and Gajeel were verses Sting and Rogue. 

"Thirty minutes! Good luck." 

The crowd was going wild as Natsu and Gajeel gave the first punch. They continued to fight the Sabertooth dragons.

"Wait, hold up!" Sting said.

Natsu and Gajeel stopped at Sting's request.

"You wanna make a bet?" He asked.

The crowd went wild as this idea was going through their minds.

"What's the bet!" Natsu asked.

"If we win, Y/n L/n and Yana Satamoto, Lucy Heartfilia, and Levy McGarden joins Sabertooth!" Sting said.

"Aww hell naw ooh!" Y/n said.

"What if we win?" Gajeel asked

"You get to keep them of course."

Natsu and Gajeel were faced with a difficult decision, they would guild members, people they love on the line.

Natsu looked at Y/n, who seemed trouble but nodded, at Yana who did the same.

Gajeel looked at Levy and she nodded as well.

"We'll bet everyone else but Lucy." Natsu said.

"What why?" Rouge asked.

"We have no consent from her. Until then, she is not apart if this bet." Gajeel said.

Sting and Rogue looked at each other before nodding at Natsu and Gajeel.

"The fight is continuing!" Chapati said before they continued to throw punches.


"How is my faithful servant?"

"Fine master."

"Are you heading there?"

"Yes Master, she will learn the consequences later."

"I'm cutting mind link off, remember your goal."

"My goal is something I will need forget."

Master cut off mind link as I continued on my path to the arena where all the guilds were fighting at.

Y/n shall pay....


"Close my eyes
My thoughts spread the wings of imagination

I am starting to sail through space
Into the garden of harmony
In that garden of a small clear brook
Welcomes me

Inviting me
I quench my thirst and see the beauty
Which is only here to be seen

I dream a dream
I dream a dream
I dream a dream
I dream a dream

Drifting into infinity
I am on the way amongst their worlds
To find more gardens and brooks of clear water." The woman of black hair while creating a beautiful silver crown.

"Y/n, my child be happy."


"He's coming, what are we to do?"

"We cannot leave our posts! We have an important role of their lives too! It's best we stay and not get involved!"

"But Ign-"

"No buts!"


Natsu sent the Fire Dragon's Secret Art, ultimately defeating Sting and Rouge and winning the bet they placed.

While fighting, Gajeel was wheeled away by Natsu because he said he could take them on by himself.

Which wasn't a lie.
The crowd was going wild as Y/n jumped down and hugged her boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss.

Right before it all went down......

A large purple thundercloud cover the  entire arena and blue lightning stroked the crowd causing them to scream.

Knowing that this was not a part of the games.

Y/n eyes widen as she froze at the site of the familiar magic that was only to her, Yana's, and Crystal's eyes.

"Have you remembered me? Y/n?"

A hole opened in the dark cloud as he flew out of it.

"Have you Y/n?" He said, looking down at her.

His Raven black hair and golden was anything but unfamiliar to Y/n's, Yana's, and Crystal's eyes.

"Vendala...." Y/n said...

Vendala chuckled, crossing his arms as well.

"Ahh, Y/n, last time I saw you I was attaching the Death Note inside of you." He said.

Natsu wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist.

"What do you want with Y/n?" He growled.

"Haha Flame Dragon, this does not concern you but a girl who has sinned in many ways." He said, looking at Y/n .

He snapped his fingers and suddenly purple clouds surrounded Y/n and stuck on her.

"AHHHH!!!! GET THIS SHIT OFF ME!!!!!!" She yelled as she was raised in the air.

She tried using every magic she owned but to her misfortune, it had no avail.

"Let my sister go!" Gray yelled as he jumped down there.

Yana, Crystal, Andy also jumped down.

"LET HER GO BASTARD!!!!!" Yana yelled.

Vendala laughed as they started sending magic attacks to get Y/n out of his hold.

"You can try but it's too late!" Vendala said as the cloud surrounded her.

"NOOO!!!!!" Natsu yelled.

Vendala clenched his hands and the cloud that was holding Y/n imploded and disappeared.

Along with Y/n....


I felt groggy as I opened my eyes, I was laying in a bed, a hospital bed. Did they find my body? I guess they did.

"Y/n! Your awake!" A male voice said.

I slowly sat up and saw Gray and Yana sitting beside my bed.

"Are you OK? That car really hit you in the head." Yana said.

I looked at them confused, a car, I never was hit by that.

Gray and Yana looked at each other before nodding.

"The doctor said that we should tell you who you are to see if you remember." Yana said.

I'm really confused, I know who I am.

I'm Y/n L/n a multi mage who is a mage at Fairy Tail.

"Your Y/n Fullbuster-L/n, a Highschooler at Fairy Tail Highschool."

My eyes widen at what Gray told me.

A Highschooler? No way.

Was it all a fake?!?

I could hear something beeping very fast as I felt my heart pounding more and more.

"She's hyperventilating! Get a nurse Yana!" Gray said as he grabbed my arms.

Yana left and came back with a girl in blue shirt and pants. She had a needle and inserted a liquid in me.

I felt my self slowly entering to darkness as this thought entered my body.

Was the guild was all a fake, was the love that Natsu and I had wasn't real? Was the adventures I had with Yana, Crystal, and Andy never existed?

It was all a fake.....

Thank you taking the time to read my story! I can finally announce that Once Evil ; Now Fairy is complete and now soon I can plan out my new book and everything! The official title of the Sequel is:

Once Fairy ; Now Highschooler!

You get it?!?

Arigatou for reading my story!

~Natsumi Sakura
    Owner of OntoImpossibleDreams

Bye for now!

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