Chapter 11 - Trust Issues

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Y/N = Your Name

L/N = your Last Name

S/N = Sister's Name

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name (boy)

N/A = Name of your Army

N/F = Name of your Followers

S/A = Symbol of your Army

Y/B = Your Birthday

M/N = your Mother's Name

H/C = your Hair Color

E/C = your Eye Color

F/C = your Favorite Color (you can have multiple if you'd like, lol)

The list will be updated as need be throughout the series.



My face blanched at the sight of Sky.

This was even more terrifying than I thought....

Samuel got caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the team, so Matt was able to disarm him and pin his arms behind his back.  Samuel didn't fight back, preferring to watch me closely instead.

The team was armed and ready to attack.

Jason with his ray gun thing.

Ty with a bow and arrow.

Mitch with his iron sword.

Jerome with his diamond axe, Betty.

SSundee with his iron sword.

Quentin with his iron sword.

Seto with his hands lit with purple magic.

Sky with his hands lit with budder-colored magic.

Sky looked extremely angry but also partially confused.  "Are you going to answer my question or do I need to force you to?"

I sighed.  "Sky, if I were really Father, I would laugh in your face because you cannot make him talk.  However, I'm not Father."

Sky seemed taken aback.  "Wh-What?  Did...Did you just call Herobrine Father?!"  He then shook his head.  "N-No, I'm the only child of Herobrine!  You are him!"

I looked towards my N/F to see them partially turned towards me but also towards  the team, preparing to defend me if need be.

I looked back at Sky.  "I'm not the only one.  I...WE have a younger sister named S/N.  But besides that...why I came here...."  I sighed.  "It's a bit of a story...."

Sky scowled.  "Well, you're not gonna tell it.  We're sending you back to the Nether where you belong.  And this time?  Stay there."

My eyes widened as I involuntarily thought of the Nether.

Scenes flashed in my mind.

Father smirking in the background.

Strapped to a table, unable to move.

Being stabbed over and over with needles.

The fiery pain of changing.

The anger of Father when it didn't work.

The sinister laugh when it did.

The cries of S/N when I was taken away.

The several days without food or drink.

When I zoned back, I realized I was breathing quickly.

I...I couldn't catch my breath....

"Y-Y/N?"  Gem asked quietly.

"N-No....  N-No, can't send me back there...."  I whispered, sounding terrified.

Part of me realized I was going through a sorta PTSD panic attack thing, but most of me was just panicking.

I couldn't go back!

Sky was watching me warily.

"Not there....  Not him again....  I can't...."

I took a step back from Sky, staring at him.

But...that wasn't Sky.

It was Father.

"You thought you could escape me, Y/N?"  Father laughed.

I stared wide-eyed at him.


My vision suddenly darkened, and then nothing.


I gasped, shooting straight up from lying down.

Wait, why was I lying down?

Where am I?!

I blinked a bit, realizing that my cloak, gloves, and sunglasses were gone...again.

I also realized that I wasn't outside anymore, but a cell.  A dimly-lit, cool cell.

Not the cool awesome kind, the cool temperature kind.

I looked around and at myself to see a strange bracelet on my right wrist.  It was tight on and glowing a harsh purple.

Power suppressor?

I pushed myself up against the wall and walked to the bars.

There was a cell across from me, N/F!

Most of them were up, but Samuel seemed to still be out.

Candid looked over at my cell and his eyes widened.  "Y/N!"

I noticed that Bren was by Samuel, watching over him.  She also had a bracelet on, though it wasn't as harsh of a purple glow as mine.

My N/F stood and came to the bars, watching me with wide eyes.

"Y/N!"  Gem exclaimed.  "Are you ok?!"

I bit my lip.  "I...I think so....  What happened?"

Ren sighed.  "The moment Sky said something about sending you back to the Nether, you kinda freaked out and began muttering about not there, not again.  Then you turned and broke into a run, straight past Seto and Quentin.  You startled them pretty badly as they didn't expect you to book it like that.  Sky went after you and knocked you out.  Seto watched us for a moment before muttering something, knocking the rest of us out.  Now we're here."

I leaned against the bars.  "I'm so sorry that I freaked like that.  I think I had a PTSD moment...."

Candid shook his head.  "Don't apologize for that.  You went through a traumatic incident that you can't easily forget.  It's not uncommon to have PTSD panic attacks like that.  It's just that some are more easily triggered than others."

"And mine just happens to be deeply rooted in my lifestyle...."  I sighed.  "I really hope that doesn't happen every time someone mentions the Nether or...sending me...back...."

I shivered a little.  "Notch dang it...."

I heard a groan from the cell and watched as Samuel sat up.  Bren gave him a little space as he looked around, dazed for a moment.  "Y-Y/N?"

"Hey, Samuel.  Over here."  I said.

He shook his head swiftly and looked over.  "Oh...this is...unfortunate...."

He shakily stood up and paused for a moment before walking to the bars, studying me.

"...How do you feel?"  He asked suddenly.

I looked around, and for a moment, just~ a moment, the coolness of the cell got hotter and the stone turned to nether bricks.

I gasped lightly and squeezed my eyes shut before opening them again, the coolness returning.  "I'm...a little shaken in here.  Bad memories.  Are any of you guys hurt?"

They all looked at each other before turning to me.  "Trent and Bren have got bruises on the back of their heads from hitting the trees out there, but otherwise, I'd say we're just shaken from the whole event."

I nodded and went to a wall of the cell near the bars, leaning up against it and sliding down into a sitting position.  "How long have I been out?"

"No more than a few hours."  Pit answered, nervously fidgeting with his claws.

"So...4 1/2 days until...."  I trailed off.

They knew, and I knew.

It didn't need to be said.

It was silent for a small while before the sound of a door opening somewhere was heard.

I looked up, staring out of my cell.  My N/F also gathered around the bars, looking out of their cell.

"Sky, I really don't think this is a good idea!"  A male voice seemed to argue.

"Mitch, I've made up my mind.  I need to know."  I heard Sky say.


"Biggums, can you come here real quick?"  A slightly deeper, slightly rougher voice asked.

There was a sigh and then receding footsteps.

I heard Sky sigh and then walk over.

Jerome's POV

I could tell Mitch was agitated.


I sighed.  "Biggums, don't you think you're approaching this situation a bit harshly?  You do realize that she could really be a child of his...."

"Or that could be him!"  Mitch exclaimed.

I raked a paw through my fur.  "Biggums, do you remember when you first met me?"

Mitch crossed his arms, looking away.  "Yeah...."

I frowned.  "Mitch, HUMANS killed my family.  HUMANS ruined one of the most important things to me.  Look where I am today!"

Mitch grimaced, refusing to look me in the eye.  "But this is Herobrine we're talking about.... He's razed entire villages!"

I scoffed.  "And you think humans are any different?  Look, he isn't human.  To him, you guys are the baccas to his human.  He takes what he wants and destroys the rest.  I realize that you and I are the same in that analogy...."

Mitch flinched.

"...but are you mad at Sky?"

He finally looked me in the eye.  "N-No, I knew him long before that came up...."

"See?  You and I are Merome friends...."

He scoffed at the name people used when they wanted both of us around.  I guess people got tired of saying Mitch and Jerome all the time.

"...even though we're completely different species.  You and Sky are friends, even though he's half-brine.  You think you should hate him because of what his FATHER did, but you can't go back on all those years of friendship you guys made.  It's the same for me.  Your species killed my family. I think I should hate you, but those humans are not you guys.  Just because this girl is a child of Herobrine doesn't mean she's like him."

He looked down the dungeon hall.  Sky was leaning up against the wall, watching the cell the girl was in.  I could see some light coming from the cell.  Probably the girl's eyes.

I placed a paw on his shoulder, and he looked back at me.  "Give her a chance...please?"

He stared at me for a moment before sighing.  "I'll do my best."

I grinned and lightly punched his shoulder.  "Ye, boi!  Lez go meet Sky's little sis!"

Mitch rolled his eyes with a grin and followed me back to Sky.

I hope this chick is the real deal....  Otherwise, we're ALL gonna be having problems....

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