Bunnelby and the Houndoom

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"I thought you knew where we were going!" Dig complained.

Bunnelby flicked her ears. "When did I ever say that? I never knew where we were going. You just assumed, brother." Bunnelby said.

Dig sighed. Sky looked back. "Can we please go back, sister?" She asked.

"You can, but I'm not going with you." She stated.

"B-but we'll die!" Sky exclaimed.

Bunnelby rolled her eyes. "Then stay with me. You won't die if I'm here."

Dig and Sky exchanged a doubtful glance.

"I believe Bunnelby!" Carbon said. "She wouldn't lie to us!"

"Thanks Carbon." Bunnelby said. She glared at Sky and Dig. "At least SOMEONE believes in me."

"How cute. A little Bunnelby thinks she's strong." A voice said. Sky, Dig, and Carbon looked scared. Bunnelby rolled her eyes.

"Ooh, so scary." Bunnelby said mockingly. The voice growled, and a Houndoom walked towards them.

"Scared now, little Bunnelby?" He growled.

"No actually." She said. The Houndoom narrowed his eyes in anger. "You wanna know why?" Bunnelby asked.

"Tell me, NOW." The Houndoom growled.

"I'm a magician!" Bunnelby exclaimed. The Houndoom burst out laughing.

"Give me your stick." Bunnelby whispered to Carbon.

"But-" Carbon started, but Bunnelby interuppted her. "Now!" Bunnelby snapped.

Carbon sighed and gave Bunnelby her stick. "Hey spooky Houndoom!" Bunnelby called.

The Houndoom stopped laughing. "What?" He asked.

"Wanna see a magic trick?" She asked.

The Houndoom narrowed his eyes. "Fine." He growled.

Bunnelby started chewing on the stick. The Houndoom looked confused.

Bunnelby made the stick have a sharp edge. "Ta-da!" She exclaimed.

"THAT'S IT!?" The Houndoom exclaimed.

"Of course not." Bunnelby snapped. "Now look at the stick and tell me what you see." She said, going closer to the Houndoom.

The Houndoom narrowed his eyes. "A sharp stick." He growled.

"You wanna know what I see?" She asked. "What?" The Houndoom asked.

She quickly stabbed the sharp end of the stick into the Houndoom's neck. Sky, Dig, and Carbon's eyes widened in shock. The Houndoom screeched in pain.

Bunnelby turned to her siblings. "Go on, run." She told them. They fled.

She watched the Houndoom. It was on the ground, blood pooling from its wound.

"Did you like the trick?" She asked, then took the stick. The Houndoom glared at her. She bounded away.

"Have a nice day!" She called, and caught up to her siblings. "What a nice guy!" She said.

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