Only Hope

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Rogue galloped through the precious night, becoming faster and faster. She laughed to herself, the wind tugging her mane, she was free. 

Rogue slowed to a stop, she heard others' hoof steps. They're after me! Rogue dove down behind a blueberry bush, she rolled in the damp mud, hiding her scent.  

The patrol stopped, sniffing the air. "I think she went this way!" Yelled a stallion, pointing his muzzle north. Rogue chuckled quietly and watched. The patrol galloped off in the direction they thought Rogue headed in. 

Rogue laughed and galloped south, she had started her adventure!

Rouge finally made it away from the herds and made herself a nest from old moss laying on the ground. Rogue drifted to sleep.  Rogue awoke to bird chirping and singing. She stretched out her hind legs and continues with her journey. Rogue remembered her mother telling her that Prince lived near the No Tailed barn and fed off them. Rogue had never been to the No Tailed barn, but she had directions before. 

Behind several forest pines sat a red little barn. Rogue knew it must of been the No Tailed barn, but it wasn't. There was nothing in the red thing and Rogue sniffed around, looking. Rogue slumped in disappointment but continued to search for her lost father, so they could rule together. 

Rogue then heard a hoof sound behind her, she looked back in curiosity. It was a handsome dark bay stallion thoroughbred. Rogue fell in love right away. The stallions mane was long and thick, plus, it was darker than midnight. His shiny dark chocolate fur was smoother than ever, the star on his head brighter than the stars at night. Rogue couldn't think straight. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The stallion asked, starting to look at Rogue. "I'm Rouge, I left my herd, looking for my father." Rogue explained. 

"You better give up, you can't survive out here." The stallion chuckled. "We'll see. You haven't seen my fighting just yet." Rogue laughed back and they both smiled at each other. 

"I mean, if you go. I must go too." The stallion followed Rogue and they talked.

"So what's your name?" Asked Rogue, walking swiftly. 

"I don't have a birth name, I was taking away from my mother at a young age. But my humans called me Apollo." The stallion explained. 

"Well, nice to meet you Apollo." Rogue nickered. 

"So wait, what's your history?" Rogue asked. "I don't remember much, but my mother was a beautiful white mare, and soon humans took me away too early and I learned to live on my own. Where that old barn is, well, two years ago it burned down and everyone left with their favorite horses, but forgot me." Apollo looked down, still walking. Rogue felt sorry. 

"I was able to escape, but I got burned all over my stomach and face. I lived on my own, I didn't want any part of those selfish humans. I race for them and win them billions of money. And they leave me in a barn that's on fire to die!" Apollo yelled angerly. "Wow, I'm so sorry."Rogue whispered. 

"So, what's yours?" Apollo asked, continuing their walk. 

"Well, I had a good life. I grew up happy but then I take a walk with my mom to ShadowHerd and this spirit named Whisper tells me that Picasso isn't my father. I become angry and I realize I have a lot of power." Rogue wasn't going to tell Apollo that she was a killer, not yet. 

"Oh, that sucks. So that's what we're doing right now?" Apollo checked and Rogue nodded her head. 

Soon, the sun setted, leaving a beautiful purple sky with bright stars. 

Rogue and Apollo found a spot next to each other and soon fell asleep. 

"Rogue...You're gorgeous." Apollo whispered, licking Rogue's ear. Rogue blushed. 

Apollo woke up in a large, foggy grass land. Nothing was there except trees to the north. 

Apollo was worried, Rogue was no where and this looked nothing like what they had been sleeping on. Right out of nowhere a stallion spirit was standing behind Apollo. 

The stallion was dappled with grey. He seemed young, and friendly. 

"Apollo, you are in StarHerd, where good spirited horses come in the afterlife." The stallion explained. 

"Where's Rogue?" Apollo asked curiously. "Sleeping." The stallion responded. 

"Who are you?" Apollo started to calm down and relax. 

"I am Hurricane, I was leader of ShadowHerd until someone killed me." Hurricane sighed and Apollo became more interested. 

"Who killed you?" Apollo dug his front hoof in the ground. 

"The horse you're looking for." Hurricane rolled his eyes and turned around.

"I am Hurricane, the horse you are looking for is my son, Prince. Prince had a daughter with Taka, who is full of power and greed." Hurricane explained, his eyes piercing Apollo's. 

"Rogue wants to find her father and rule the forest under a cruel command. You must save her or blood will run." Hurricane warned and Apollo took a fearful step back. 

"I hate to break it to you, but Rogue's a killer." Hurricane looked down full of misery. 

Apollo filled with fear. 

"No, it can't be." Apollo's breathing picked up, and he stepped backwards. 

"Apollo, you're the only one who can stop Rogue and make her kind again." Hurricane's voice started to pick up and Apollo woke up from where he was resting. 

Apollo was still breathing heavy, he looked down at Rogue, she slept so peacefully and beautifully. 

Apollo was horrified and thought it was a bad dream. 

Until a voice whispered in his ear, and it sounded different from Hurricane's

"Apollo, you're our only hope."

Apollo wanted to melt, he wanted to cry, he wanted to run, but he fought against the temptations. 

He took a deep breath and sighed, "I'm in love with a.....Killer." 

Picture 1: Pretty horse

Picture 2: Apollo 

Author's Note:

Sorry if there are any mistakes, it happens! How do you like Apollo, do you think he will kill Rogue? Answer in the comments! 

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