The Nature Spirit

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"Listen up RogueHerd!" Prince announced to his herd that were gathered under his hooves. Rogue listened with anticipation, Jaguar next to her. 

"Last night, the bloody battle weakened us. But we won! Taka died and we now have Stacie, along with BloodHerd, to help us conquer the forest." Prince yowled, and nuzzled Stacie by his side. 

"We are going to set plans to attack the territories, I am going to assign 3 leaders to attack each herd, instead of wasting all of our energy on one herd." Prince explained. 

 "Stacie and I will attack StreamHerd, the toughest. Rogue and Jaguar, you will attack DustHerd and Fang and Mille  you will attack ShadowHerd. Crescent you are our strongest soldier, I need you to train everyone up. If I called your name meet me in my den." Prince ordered as the meeting broke up. 

They all gathered in Prince's den as he explained to them what to do. "Rogue and Jaguar, you two will stay together and defeat the old hag, Kion. Jaguar, if you don't mind tonight, I need you to spy on StreamHerd." Jag nodded his head. 

"Ok, you all know what to do, so scram!" Prince shooed off everyone but Rogue and Jag. 

"Stacie, would you like to tell Jaguar what you told me this morning?" Prince asked, nudging her.

"Of course, Jaguar, I know this seems strange, but I'm your mother." Stacie sighed, and Jag perked up. 

"How?" Jaguar's voice was shaky and confused. 

"I was kicked out of the Herd lands and I wanted a good life for you, so I gave you an adoptive mother. But now we are on the same side and I thought I should tell you." Jaguar ran into Stacie, hugging. 

"Anyway, Jaguar, better start heading over to StreamHerd to spy." Rogue nickered playfully. 

"Yes, I probably should. See you in the morning." Jaguar nuzzled Rogue and galloped away. 

Prince and Rogue looked at each other. "Rogue, during this battle, I may fall. I want you to know that you must take care of these horses, they depend on you. And you will still have Stacie and Jaguar to take care of you." Prince wrapped his head around Rogue's. 

"I know. I won't let go of this herd, because it will remind me of you." Rogue muttered. 

"Well, let's get some rest. You'll need energy tomorrow." Prince smirked and with Stacie by his side they strode off into his den. 

Rogue found a comfortable spot and settled down. 

Taka's POV: 

Taka looked around confused, she was floating in one spot, and were she was above a tiny pond. 

"Welcome, Taka." A faint voice filled the air. 

"Where am I, who are you?" Taka asked frightened. 

"I'm Star, don't panic, you're just receiving something special." Star explained, summoning Whisper to join. 

Whisper appeared out of nowhere and watched Taka. "Whisper? Help, what's happening?" Taka asked fearfully. 

"Taka, you're going to be like me. A nature spirit." Whisper explained, her milky white mane clinging to her legs. 

Taka nodded her head. Suddenly, dust started to spiral around Taka, blinding her from Whisper and Star, it whooshed around her, and Taka screamed in pain. Something started to sprout from her back, it hurt. 

Long black wings, fluttered from her back and the dust settled back down. "Taka, you are now the nature spirit of dust, you will guard over DustHerd, just like Whisper guards over ShadowHerd." Star explained as Taka flew down to face her. 

"Good luck." Star bowed her head and sent Taka home to DustHerd. 

Picture 1: Taka's Spirit 


Sorry this chapter is short, I wanted to get some details in, like Taka becoming the nature spirit of dust!! YAY!! After this book, there will be another one (sorry no spoilers). Keep reading!! 


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