Author's Note

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Sadly, that is the end of the Journey Series. (1-1) I really hoped you all enjoyed it and I'm celebrating my first series completed! Whoo! Thank you all so much for reading my stories, I really appreciate that you take you time to read my works. 

If you have any questions about any of the characters and books feel free to either post them here or pm me and I'll gladly answer them. 

Q: Will we have side stories? Like with Whisper and Gloria 

A: Yes! 

But don't worry, I'm creating a new series called Dark Echoes and it's based off of the Journey Series. Also, below I made some aesthetics for some of the characters in the Journey Series. Sadly, I only have a 20 picture limit so I had to leave out Aladdin and Foam. :( They will be remembered! Please, please don't steal them, and if you do, I have my name tagged on all of them and I'll hunt you down and report you to Wattpad. Stealing is wrong. 

Which character is your favorite and why? 

And one last thing, if you haven't realized already, doesn't Star look a lot like Taka? And, Gloria died giving birth to Taka the same way Shianne died giving birth to Star. ;) Think about it. 


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