Chapter Four: Moonlit Forest

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Shianne awoke the next morning to someone prodding her in the side. It was Kyper; he was telling her to get up. Shianne got to her feet with a groan and walked outside to meet Vixen and Merrick chatting together about today's plans. 

Merrick greeted Shianne with a warm nicker while Vixen started to introduce the plans. "This morning we'll be doing our own patrol near the OutHerds. Ivy and her apprentice Venus will be joining us." 

Shianne's heart sunk deep in her chest as she noticed the two horses walk slowly up to them. Venus had an ugly look on his face while Ivy was greeting Merrick and Vixen. While the three mentors were talking, Kyper and Shianne nipped on the grass in the camp. 

Venus stood near the two new apprentices, obviously bored. "I can't believe I have to train with two new, immature apprentices." He mumbled, his flaxen tail lashing at his side. 

"If anything, you're the immature one." Kyper snapped back. His ears quickly pinned to his neck. 

Venus strode forward, his newly formed muscles rippling under his shiny flaxen chestnut fur. "What did you say to me?" His voice deepened like a threat. 

Kyper straightened himself and faced the bigger apprentice with confidence. "I said you're a coward who's as mean as a tiger!" Kyper retorted. 

Venus came so close to the young colt that Shianne was afraid a fight would break out. "You better watch your back, liver," Venus warned and turned away to chat with Crown before he left for combat training. Liver was Kyper's nickname that Venus used. It pointed out Kyper's fur color, but the young colt didn't really care. He thought it was more of a compliment of jealousy. Shianne didn't understand what Kyper meant but dared not ask for a long explanation. 

Shianne's nicknames were the worst, ghost, colorless, dull, faded, and much more to describe a white horse. Shianne wasn't actually white though, she had a genetic disorder which took away all the color from her fur, mane, and eyes. She could be a pretty buckskin for all she knows. 

"Come on Kyper, Shianne!" Vixen whinnied and the small group of horses tracked out of the camp entrance. 

Shianne's eyes widened with wonder as she came out into the full territory. The land was split in half, the large grazing fields and a tree-full forest. The horses tracked into the damp forest, the large pine trees enclosing the forest. 

Most horses would feel trapped and claustrophobic in the confined space but Shianne loved it. The birds cawed and the crickets sang, she adored it. "Wow, it's beautiful," Shianne muttered breathless, her heart aching for more. 

"Yes, I always love to come out here and think," Merrick replied, sniffing at the bark on one of the trees. With a quick yank with his teeth, a few pieces of bark fell to the forest floor. But that opened up some trickling tree sap. 

Merrick's handsome brown eyes made Shianne's heart flip. "Try it." He motioned with his head for Shianne to step forward. At first, Shianne was hesitant, but she quickly scrambled forward. 

"You want me to- taste it?" She questioned with confusion. Her mentor nodded and Shianne's tongue rasped over the tree. The sweet sap made her mouth water for more. "That's amazing." She nickered and Merrick gave a happy smile. 

"Come on, we have to check the borders of the OutHerds, remember?" Vixen pushed the group forward and they soon came across a dry desert part of the territory. The grass was burned and the land was piled in dust. Over the hill, you could see a gorge that led further beyond sight. Shianne wanted to see more. In her eyes, the OutHerds were stunning. 

"Merrick and Shianne, check further above while us four will go beyond the hill a little bit," Vixen ordered. Merrick and Shianne cantered side by side with smiles on their faces. Shianne studied Merrick and never realized what a fine stallion he was. 

His fur was thin but neatly groomed, his big brown eyes were like a majestic pond. Readable yet mysterious. The muscles under his pelt bulged with power, the young red roan was surprisingly strong. 

They reached further ahead and there was still a pretty overview of the gorge. Merrick sniffed around the borders and seemed to pick something up. "Someone's been down here." He snorted all the dust out of his nose and quickly walked diagonally. 

"Who?" Shianne followed and noticed they were veering off into a thicker, darker woods. ShadowHerd. 

"I don't know. But's the scent is StreamHerd. We should follow it." Merrick nickered, an adventurous look on his face. 

Shianne backed up nervously. "No, we should tell Vixen and go as a group. You never know what could happen, we could be slaughtered or captured by a ShadowHerd patrol." Shianne's voice was suddenly shaky, why was she so nervous? 

"Come on, we could be promoted as the strongest soldiers or the bravest. Please, Shianne?" Merrick's bright brown eyes pierced Shianne through the heart. She then felt a fluttering feeling in her chest she had never felt before. Was it love or just random excitement? 

"Fine, but only for a little." Shianne agreed and the two horses plunged into the dark forest. 


Merrick had his nose on the ground for a long time, and it was getting dark. "We should head back now, it's getting late." Shianne nipped at a vine attached to her mane. 

"I would if I could, but I think we're lost." Merrick's word sent a cool shiver through Shianne. 

"We're lost?" She screamed, her tail lashing at her side. "I told you we should've gone back for Vixen. They're all worrying by now." Shianne hissed, swiveling away with her ears pinned. 

"I didn't think ShadowHerd was so big." Merrick whinnied quietly. "We should keep going forward, and see where we end up," Merrick suggested, walking onward again. Shianne didn't argue, she trotted right up next to his side. 

"If, for some reason, one of us doesn't make it out; I want you to know you're a great apprentice. I should've been a better mentor." Merrick scowled to himself, his head low. 

Shianne shook her head, she knew it was Merrick's first time and he was only young. "It's fine, really." 

Merrick nodded and they continued on. The almost full moon was in the dark sky and sparkled on their pelts. Suddenly, a crack of a stick echoed in Shianne's ear. It didn't sound too far away. 

"Merrick...." Shianne's voice trailed off and she came to a dead stop. "I don't feel safe." 

"Awe, come on. Nothing's here. It was probably just a rabbit." Merrick snorted and walked forward. When Merrick got to a prickly bush, two bright brown eyes met his and he leaped backward. 

A glimmering chestnut pelt came into view and Shianne sucked in her breath. 


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