Chapter Thirteen: The Fault in Our Stars

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After some play, Shianne made a plan. She was going to talk to Taka to either get the bombs for her or teach her how to make them. Then, they were going to make small side bags that would hold them. And once the berries are thrown, there was no going back. 

"Taka, we need the Berry Bombs, are you able to get a hold of them?" Shianne asked the bay mare, who was fluttering above the ground. 

"Umm, I'm not sure. I'll check with Whisper and Star and see what I can do." Taka dipped her head and vanished. Shianne let out a sigh of relief. Taka was probably going to get the berries. 

As she walked back, she could hear a faint whinny for help. Shianne then saw a large group of horses raid on what looked like ShadowHerd camp. They killed all the soldiers, mares, and even foals. Shianne ran towards them but barreled into a tree. 

The horror continued and she suddenly saw a muscular buckskin stallion standing above a dappled gray stallion. The buckskin whispered something in Hurricane's ear and then his gaze fell directly on Shianne. 

It was now her turn to scream. The image faded and Shianne realized the horror was just an image inside her head. She shook herself off, trying to get rid of the memory. She started to track towards the Meeting Place, the grass rippling in the wind. The sky was a dark with only the stars producing light. 

Strange omen. Shianne thought, keeping her gaze down. If it was just an image then why did the buckskin look directly at me? Could he see me like I could see him? Shianne's mind buzzed with questions. She had to tell someone before she exploded with stress. 

As Shianne entered the trees, she noticed Milkweed standing and looking up at the stars. Shianne smiled and walked up to him. He was adorable with his legends and myths. 

"Aren't you scared of the dark?" Shianne wondered, following the stallion's eyes. 

"No." He replied, his amber eyes piercing through Shianne. "I've become too fond of the stars to be fearful of the night." Shianne titled her head but didn't ask what he meant. They sat in silence for some time. 


"Yes?" Shianne let out a long yawn. 

"If I die, will remember me?" His voice was deep with meaning. He reminded Shianne of a cage, trapping the good stuff on the inside while he lets his outside freeze. 

"Of course I will. What makes you say that?" Her heart started to pound in her chest. She hoped Milkweed couldn't hear it. 

"I don't have anyone that loves me. Except you. You've been the closest I've had to a friend." Milkweed let out a sigh. "I want to be remembered. I don't want to be the horse that isn't anything to everyone." Milkweed's eyes turned to his hooves. 

"I'll remember you." Shianne felt her hooves inching closer towards him. "I need you." 

Milkweed's powerful amber eyes locked into Shianne's silver ones. She never intended to feel love for Milkweed, but she couldn't stop love. No one can.

"I- I'm sorry. I'm going to get some sleep." Shianne turned around and started to walk away inside the Meeting Place. But before she left, she heard Milkweed ask a question. "Does Taka live among the stars?" 

Shianne let out a long, upset, breath. "No. No, she doesn't." Shianne felt angry at herself. She had just told a stallion she met a few days ago that she loved him. Shianne wanted her death to come already. 

Shianne kept walking, ignoring Milkweed's many questions. She was tired and annoyed at herself. She found a comfortable spot in the middle of the Meeting Place and let sleep conquer her body. 


Shianne awoke in a dark, misty area. The only light was a bright white light and it was shining down on her; making her look like a ghost. "Hello?" She asked, her breathing intensifying. 

An image played of Rogue, younger Rogue. Shianne pricked her ears and watched with interest. Rogue had a vicious smile on her face and she circled around a smaller black and white apprentice. 

"Rogue?" The apprentice squeaked, backing away from Shianne's mother. Shianne's heart skipped a beat. 

"You're going to regret everything!" Her mother's voice stung with bitterness. The palomino mare leapt at the filly, knocking her to the ground. 

Shianne watched as they tussled and suddenly, Rogue's sharp hoof dug hard into the filly's neck. The filly buckled under the pain and her breathing stopped. Rogue stood up, her eyes blazing with ambition. She glared down at the filly, her smile spreading. Rogue shook her head rolled her powerful eyes. 

"Stupid yearling." The palomino muttered and galloped away. 

Shianne's jaw hung open and tears welled in her eyes. She said nothing and the image switched to a grand battle. She recognized Jaguar and Picasso in the mix of horses. Suddenly, all of them stopped and watched a handsome buckskin stallion forced Taka to hang on the side of the cliff. 

Shianne gasped as she watched her Grandmare cling on with her life. Prince leaned down and whispered four deadly words in Taka's ears. "Long live the king." He then shoved Taka off the cliff, the bay mare plummeting to the ground. 

Shianne whinnied in despair and collapsed to her knees. "Stop! Make it stop!" She yelled and a dark horse came from the shadows. His coat color was unidentifiable but his eyes gleamed with a fierce glow. 

"Look at your family. Do you really trust them?" The horses circled Shianne, staying in the darkness. Shianne moved back to her hooves and stood straight. She puffed her chest in pride. "Look at them, they're all monsters. And you will be one too." 

Shianne charged at the stallion and he vanished. He then appeared on the other side of the area, a smile plastered on his face. "My family has done nothing!" 

Suddenly, the room burst with light and three other mares joined Shianne. Taka stood on Shianne's right and Gloria stood next to Taka with her head down. Rogue was on Shianne's left, a disappointed gleam in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Shianne." Her mother also hung her head. 

Shianne felt tears reform in her eyes and Taka was the only one who was standing straight, a fierce look on her face. 

"What have they done? Tell me!" Shianne ordered sternly and the black stallion winked. 

"My pleasure. Let's start with Gloria first." The stallion teleported next to the gray mare. "Good 'ol Gloria. Killing Autumn, what were you thinking?" He jeered and Shianne felt the urge to defend the mare.

"Taka next," the stallion moved next to Taka, who kept her gaze on him. "What were you thinking, turning Prince into his evil self?"

Taka's chest puffed up and she let out her dust spray. The dust spit hit the black stallion on the face, causing him to cough and gag. 

The stallion then went next to Rogue, looking down at her like a hungry lion. Shianne gagged at the sight. "I don't explain too much, but millions died." The stallion nickered into Rogue's ear causing her to pull back. 

"Now Shianne," the stallion walked up to Shianne, facing her with a destructive glare. "You have no idea what you're doing. You're killing thousands without ever setting a hoof on them." Shianne flinched but she didn't understand. 

"Don't worry, I've got plans for you." The stallion's yellow teeth gleamed and out of nowhere, two power wings smacked him in the face. The stallion rolled backward, blood dripping from his nose. 

"Get lost Shadow!" Taka whinnied, charging him and using her powerful hind legs to pound the stallion in the chest. 

"As you wish, my queen." The stallion disappeared and Shianne woke up in the Meeting Place. Her breathing was ragged. She glanced around and saw Vixen looking at her with concern. Shianne shrugged her off and walked outside. 

It was now her turn to look at the stars in hope. 

The chapter title is actually a book that exists. I thought it would just be perfect for this chapter, but I do not own the title name. 

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