Make It Right

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Mr. Kang left Eun Ah in the meeting room. He stopped talking when he realized that Eun Ah had stopped listening. For quite some time, she sat motionless and deep in thought. Her eyes rested on the black flash drive stick that arrived from Big Hit. The moment she found out that it contained the master file of the work she began with Yoongi, his voice grew muffled and drowned by her own thoughts.

Yoongi was adamant about keeping the masters and yet he had given it so willingly without her asking. She picked up additional information from Mr. Kang. Refused compensation. Declined to receive credit. Wedding gift.

The last part made her look up. "What?" She frowned. She turned to her manager Bora who looked uneasy. "What wedding gift?"

Bora handed her a tablet. On the screen was the rundown of news links speculating about her wedding announcements. "It seems like your family is putting the pressure on now that your contract is near expiration."

Eun Ah fumed. Of course, they will.

"How do you want to counter this?"

It was the last thing she wanted to deal with at that moment. She had to have conversations with people and the first was with Yoongi. She suddenly regretted running away and leaving Yoongi with no explanation. She thought she could clear things up and take things slower as she sorted her growing feelings for him as friends, but it appeared that canceling the collaboration coupled with the news had created more misunderstanding.

Eun Ah stood up and grabbed her coat. She had the flash drive clutched tightly in her hand as she made the move to leave. "Where are you going?" Bora asked.

"I need somewhere right now." She replied. Her mind raced. She didn't know exactly what to say, but she needed to fix things.

"Where?" Bora instinctively looked at her schedule but found it empty. When she looked up, Eun Ah was gone.

Eun Ah drove to Hannam On The Hill. When she got to the steps of their building, she realized she did not even know if he was home. She also realized she did not even know what to say. Her instinct was just to run to Yoongi, but how could she after leaving him humiliated? She stopped even before touching the lobby door.

How furious would he be when he sees her? Eun Ah faltered as she thought about what to do next. She had behaved atrociously from the beginning, and he had always extended an arm to let her set things right. Even in the end, he drew a line for her to step up to and open herself up to him, and yet again she had run away.

She should not have run away from Yoongi, but she could not seem to help it when people were getting too close to her. She always felt she was on her own and everyone needed something from her.

But not Yoongi, Eun Ah reminded herself. He had been nothing but generous with his patience, his friends, and his time. Yoongi didn't want anything from her, she realized. In fact, it had always been the other way around. She had more to gain from knowing him.

The master-- she felt the edges of the flash drive bite the skin of her hand for clutching it so tightly. It was the only reason she could come back to him and now it was in her hand. She suddenly felt daunted about showing up out of the blue.

"Lee Eun Ah?" A familiar voice called to her from behind. Eun Ah's back stiffened and her legs suddenly grew roots. Forcing herself to turn slowly, she found Jin and Hobi holding grocery bags a few feet away from her. The two looked at each other and turned back to look at her questioningly.

"Unnie!" a female voice called from behind them. It was Aiko walking towards her followed by Nira who both appeared happy to see her. Eun Ah was grateful they showed up to break the awkward moment. "I wasn't sure you got my message. I'm so glad you came!" Jin and Hobi turned to the girls, this time directing their confused expression towards them.

"Missy will be so glad you made it to her bon voyage party." Nira smiled and hugged Eun Ah in greeting. Arm in arm, the girls pulled Eun Ah into the building. Eun Ah began excusing herself saying she was about to go in but was starting to feel unwell when Jin used his hyung tone.

"Lee Eun Ah." He said sternly. "Say goodbye before you go."

Despite being usually headstrong, Eun Ah folded. Being told off was a novel feeling for her, and she felt herself grow small. On the surface, Jin had asked her to say goodbye to Missy, but it was clear that she also got scolded for leaving the lake house without notice. Quietly, she nodded.

So, the members must know, Eun Ah concluded. If the girls did too, they didn't show it. In contrast to the cold shoulder the boys were restraining, the girls were gracious and seemed genuinely pleased to see her. Hobi nodded at her and busied himself talking to Aiko about the groceries they bought. Jin kept himself preoccupied with the digital display of the elevator changing the number with every floor they passed.

When they arrived in front of the dorm door, Eun Ah looked up at Jin. Her eyes conveyed her hesitation, but Jin's expression was empty. When the door opened, he simply smiled and said, "Too late."

Upon seeing her, the rest of the members in the living room looked stunned and Eun Ah's face reddened. "Eun Ah, why don't you go ask Yoongi to come out and join us," Jin ordered her and walked off to the kitchen with Hobi behind him. She bowed in greeting to everyone. They bowed back and looked at each other before turning to Namjun from whom they waited for a reaction.

Namjun, at least, didn't look like he was mad, but his reservation was as obvious as everyone else's. "He's in the studio." He said simply.

"Go on," Aiko urged her, "Make it right."

Eun Ah turned to her and found her smiling encouragingly and she returned in gratefully. "Thank you." She said to Namjun and made her way to the studio, her footsteps echoing in the silence of the space. She knew they were all watching her. She was used to people always watching her, but never felt as conscious as she did getting to Yoongi.

When she finally reached the door of Genius Lab, she was ready to turn around. The urge to run away again was pulling at her. She was afraid and wished she planned what she was going to say instead of impulsively showing up at his doorstep.

Make it right. Make it right. She repeated to herself. Eun Ah closed her eyes and raised her hand to knock, but her fist landed on air. The door suddenly opened, and she gasped. Eyes wide, she found herself face to face with Yoongi who was equally surprised to see her.

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