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"Jeonggukie-ah can you please pass the pickled radish?" Hobi had his hand out for the side dish. They all slept late the night before catching up with Missy and kept her company as she suffered through her jetlag. The seven zombies at the table ate quietly.

Jeongguk tapped the empty bowl and spied the one near Yoongi. "Yoongi -hyung, can you please pass the one in front of you?" he asked and slouched over his plate.

Without looking, Yoongi passed the bowl and handed it to Hobi.

"Thanks, babe." Hobi replied sweetly, without missing a beat.

Taehyung almost spit the mouthful he was chewing as everyone laughed quietly. Jeongguk inhaled sharply and threw his head back as he slapped his knees. As usual, no sound came out as he laughed feverishly. He started wheezing when Jimin crumbled to the floor beside him. Namjun handed Taehyung a glass of water and patted his back as he wiped his tears.

"Alright, It was a little funny last night, but we can stop now." Yoongi nodded suppressing his own smile. Everyone had been having a field day and he had let them have it.

Hobi's head tilted as he considered what Yoongi just said. "No, still pretty funny," he digressed. Everyone burst into laughter this time.

Namjun put his finger up to his lips. "You guys... Missy." He reminded them.

"Seriously though. How did it happen? Where did you meet? You're really not going to tell us?" Hobi persevered.

"We met a few nights ago" Yoongi replied. "You were there." He pointed to Jin and Namjun with his chopsticks.

"Yaaa... you must have known her longer than that." Jin scoffed. "What was that show you put on there pretending not to like each other in front of the bosses? Seriously, I want to know... between sleeping and gathering moss, how the hell are you dating Lee Eun Ah?"

"This is practically occult." Namjun shook his head.

Yoongi sat back, crossed his legs, and rested his hands on top of his knees. He smiled mysteriously, shrugged, and winked at Jin. "Aaaish!" Jin exclaimed.

"I can't believe you're not telling us. We have no secrets from each other." Jimin complained. In frustration, he stabbed his rice bowl with his chopsticks. Hobi's giggling made him look up.

"Aaah Jimin-ah, you're so innocent." He laughed.

"Aish... what's happening to this family!" He wailed.

"Jiminie, Jiminie..." Taehyung laughed, "So cute."

While everyone teased Jimin, Jeongguk tapped Yoongi on the leg. "Suga-hyung." Jeongguk's said shyly moving his chair closer to him.

He leaned towards Jeongguk and answered dotingly. "Ye? What is it?"

Sitting closer, Jeongguk's rounded puppy eyes caught Yoongi's as he whispered, "You've never kept anything from me, have you? You would tell me, wouldn't you?"

Sensing the sudden hush across the table. Yoongi instantly pulled away from Jeongguk and jumped out of his chair. "What the fuck! Which of you punks weaponized the maknae?!"

Everyone rolled in stitches.

"Not this time, kid." Yoongi shook his fingers at Jeongguk. "If I tell you, they will pester you and your eyes will tell." Pointing at everyone, he declared them shameless, "Shameless. All of you!"

Yoongi's phone vibrated on the table. "Owooooo..." the boys clamored.

Yoongi was quiet for a moment, and they waited. Scratching his head, he looked up and said, "She's on her way here." He escaped the table to make sure the studio was in decent condition.

Eun Ah thought long and hard about everything Min Yoongi had said to her. She was shocked at first, but humiliation started to wash over her by the time the elevator opened to the lobby. 
It didn't matter who KingTiger was. Her actions towards KingTiger from the beginning were reprehensible. She owned up to losing control there, and she didn't weigh the effect of her actions carefully.

She felt differently about Min Yoongi. She never liked him. Besides the customary greeting during award shows and other public functions, he couldn't be bothered and really appeared like everyone was beneath him. He only talked to his group and when he was caught looking at anyone, he immediately looked away to avoid any interaction. Ugh. Eun Ah shivered thinking about the countless times she witnessed the way he moved away from any of the girls on stage like he would catch a disease. She hated more than anything that the arrogant Min Yoongi would be in the right to put her in her place. 

Later in the evening, she accepted her misfortune. She owed Min Yoongi an apology. In spite of his arrogance, he had never actually mistreated her personally. She was the one who had been on the attack from the beginning.

She also admitted that she appreciated his offer to continue working with her despite her behavior towards him.

If you want to continue with this collaboration, you can come back tomorrow and leave the attitude at home.

His words rang in her ears. She slept restlessly thinking about how to go back to the Bangtan dorm without looking so shameful with her tail between her legs.

The elevator opened to the foyer of the Bangtan dorm. Eun Ah felt like she was wading in oil as she stepped out. She steeled herself as she pressed on the door ringer.

A moment later, the door opened. She expected to see a smirking Min Yoongi, but instead, she was greeted with no trace of it. Yoongi opened the door wider and let her in. None of the members were in sight but she could hear them in the kitchen talking. "This way please," Yoongi said and led her down a hallway and up a flight of stairs.

She was led to a door with frosted glass. On it was a little black plaque with a simple font that read Genius Lab. He pressed on the security pad and the door unlocked. Yoongi stepped in and opened the door for her. "You can place your things on the couch." He instructed her. She did as he pulled another chair close to the one at the board. He shook the mouse on the table bringing the screens to life.

Noticing that she had not moved after setting her things on the table, he swung his chair to look at her. "Please take this chair." He said offering the one he rolled beside his. He waited until Eun Ah sat on it. Yoongi was about to turn back to the screen when Eun Ah put her hand on the armrest of Yoongi's chair.

"Before we start anything," Eun Ah mustered. "I want to start by saying I know when I am wrong and I want to apologize for my rudeness." Her eyes lifted from the floor to his. Yoongi didn't say anything, and his expression was stoic and unreadable.

"I don't really have friends and I'm not good with people..." she began to explain.

"Shocking." He mumbled. Yoongi didn't know he said it out loud and only realized it when her eyebrows knotted.

"You know, you could show a little more grace..." Eun Ah started. She looked like she was about to get riled up.

"Yes. You're right." Yoongi's face winced apologetically. He hurried to cut her off before they start bickering again. "Please continue with your apology."

She laughed at his boldness and looked at him incredulously. Yoongi started laughing himself.

"I'm done." She declared.

"Oh ok. Apology accepted." He nodded sheepishly. "I'm also sorry if I have said or done anything to offend you. I assure you it was not intended. I'm also often misunderstood because I am not very good with people I don't know. We can click on the reset button and start over from here."

Eun Ah nodded and appreciated that he made apologizing easier for her.

He handed her a headset. "Let's get to work." He said and got busy clicking on the interface.

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