The Space We Are In Together

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The trip to the lake turned out to be two weeks later. Nira held out her phone to Missy. The translator converted what she wanted to say. "This happens all the time." She wrote. Missy laughed and turned to Nira who rolled her eyes and sighed. She started typing on her own translator app and shared it with Nira who laughed. Aiko, seeing the exchange, put her bags down and looked over to see what the girls were chatting about. All three started giggling. They looked on to see the boys rounded up in a huddle. They continued bickering at the rest stop on the way about who gets which room. "We get my room." Namjun grinned. He won the first pick. "Hope-ah and Aiko-yah stay in the one he shared with Tae."

"It has two beds, aegi." Hobi he called out to her with a big smile and a thumbs up.

Namjun nodded. "Right..and that puts Jeonggukie and Nira-yah in Jiminie's room." He said pointing to Jeongguk. Jeongguk sent a big kiss to the heavens and went off to tell Nira. "Yoongi-hyung and Eun Ah.."

"Wait!" Jimin started to protest. "Where are we staying?" He was hoping to get his old room back.

"We need two rooms. We'll take the boathouse." Yoongi interjected. Everyone paused to look at Yoongi who was looking at the floor with a stony expression.

"We girls can share a room." Missy offered. The unpopularity of her opinion got everyone started again.

"Hyung, is that really necessary?" Jeongguk protested to Namjun in a hushed tone.

"No, not going to happen," Namjun replied under his breath. The boys laughed quietly. "We'll figure it out, babe. Don't worry." He smiled at Missy.

"Hyung, there are tents there. We can camp out." Taehyung suggested.

Jimin liked that. "You, me, Jin-hyung can stay in the tents."

"No way," Jin replied. "I'm staying in the camper." Taehyung and Jimin erupted forgetting about the camper where Yoongi stayed. Jin walked off with the two trailing behind asking to play cham-cham-cham.

They soon arrived at the lake house and everyone piled out. It was a little different this time. The boys did all the unpacking and quickly got into the division of tasks. The girls put all the food away and set up the kitchen while the boys moved sleeping mats around for the agreed sleeping arrangements. The sun was still high up in the sky, so they all decided to set up for lunch before exploring.

Yoongi noticed that Eun Ah was standing by the kitchen counter, unsure how to help. He approached her and asked, "Are you okay?"

She shrugged and smiled. "I've never had to do any of this before. I have never had any of this before." They both looked around. Outside, Taehyung and Jimin were carrying mattresses from the boathouse and setting them at the tent site where Jin was pitching the tents with Namjun checking the instructions.

"How many boy scouts does it take to pitch a tent?" the translation AI voice on Missy's phone asked. Yoongi turned and saw the other girls were watching the tent being set up through the glass windows. They all started giggling.

"Oppa, please go out there and help," Aiko asked. "We'll take care of Eun Ah-yah" Yoongi turned to Eun Ah who nodded before he took his leave.

"Hey, hey Suga.." Namjun greeted as he approached. "Have you come to help?" Yoongi put his hands on his waist and looked over Namjun's shoulder at the instructions.

"It's the least I can do to help. I'm sorry I put the boys out."

"It's fine," Namjun said patting him on the back. "No one minds." Jin joined them just in time as Jimin and Taehyung arrived with the mats.

"So what's the deal? Is she alright? You two seem aloof with each other." Jin asked. He pointed something on the instruction manual. "Let's pretend we're talking about the tent."

"I think she's fine. She's just not used to being around people." Yoongi responded nodding to Jin.

"Are you fine?" Nodding thoughtfully, asked.

"What's up?" Jimin asked, "What are we talking about?"

"Jiminie, pretend we're talking about the tents," Jin instructed. Tae took the cue and joined in looking over Namjun's shoulder.

"What's happening?" Hobi called as he and Jeongguk arrived with luggage. All seven surrounded the instruction manual.

"I'm fine." Yoongi nodded, "We're just still getting used to each other."

Taehyung put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. "Hyung, don't feel awkward around us. We're not going to give you a hard time. Just enjoy the time with your girl." The rest agreed and pushed him to make the most of the weekend with Eun Ah. Everyone started suggesting activities.

"Yaa..give Yoongi-hyung some space." Hobi interrupted. "Let them get to know each other better their own way." Namjun hid a smile. "Why are you smiling like that?" Hobi asked.

"Nothing.. only, you know... Yoongi has his ways." Namjun suppressed his smile. Yoongi's face instantaneously crumpled and he turned beet red. "And you can get to know each other pretty well here." He grinned.

"Oooh.." the boys exclaimed. "What's this?" Yoongi turned and told him he should sleep with his eyes open.

"Yaa..stop it." Yoongi finally drew the line and decided to fess up. "Alright, look. We're not together. She's my anonymous client. Just, just don't mention anything because it's under the contract that no one should find out who she is. I should have told you all sooner, but I was hoping I didn't have to. Now since we're here, I do need all your help. I don't think she has a family as we do, so you know, let's show her a good time."

"Wow, yes okay." Jimin nodded thoughtfully incensed. Hobi smiled proudly at his friend and nodded approvingly at Yoongi. Seeing this, Yoongi sighed with relief. It was good to let it out.

"Bullshit." Namjun cried out, breaking the moment's peace. "I call bullshit. You kissed her! We were watching you make out at the club."

"Hey tone down. Point at this very interesting useless manual." Jin reminded them all.

Yoongi was done for. He couldn't look up from the manual, especially not at Hobi. "Kissu! Kissu!?" He quietly shrieked. "When did this happen!?"

"It takes seven. The answer is seven." Missy laughed. She nudged her head towards the members huddled over the manual. The girls turned to look. "Should we help them?"

"No." Aiko was the one who replied. "They are gossiping." All the girls turned to her with surprise on their faces. "Boys are bigger gossip than girls, you should all know that," she smiled. "I borrowed those tents from my friend. They're the push-button pop-ups. They don't even need that manual."

The girls turned their gaze back towards the boys and saw that they all had their mouths open. They all started laughing. "Well then, that has got to be the most interesting manual in the history of men." Missy smiled. "Come on, let's join them out there."

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