Hack/Slash Book Images for Season 2

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Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement and it's glorious! My Hack/Slash book is blowing up because of you guys and I thank every single one of you! So, in dedication, I made some season 2 images for the second season if this story does extremely well! So, tell me which one you all would prefer would be good for season 2. Be honest with your reasoning and I tried my hardest to make this work, so don't laugh when you see this! Here we go:




Make your decisions now and get back to me when you have chosen and gave me a reason why. Also, the reason why Cassie's hair is purple because Chelsea dyed it for her since they are going on vacation for the summer. Also, I couldn't find a good stand up picture for Vlad so he's absent in the first image and the same goes for Stephanie (Anna Popplewell as well.)

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