If Monstress Was An Anime Part 1

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Side-Note: This is my most anticipated part out of everything else and yes, this will have 2 or 3 more pages on this category because my god are these amazing! Monstress is a comic series and I highly recommend reading it if you have never read it before. It's so good that it deserves to have a show and the artwork is absolutely incredible. This is: If Monstress Was An Anime! Are you ready? Here we go! First up is Maika and her mother, Moriko!

Monstress Anime Showcase:

A.) Maika Halfwolf

B.) Maika Halfwolf

C.) Moriko Halfwolf

D.) Moriko Halfwolf

E.) Moriko Halfwolf

F.) Moriko Halfwolf



Side-Note: I hope you all enjoyed this page and I cannot wait to hear your opinions about them! I was very excited to showcase these and don't go anywhere, but there is more of Maika, but it will also be Kippa and Ren, so stay tuned! For those who always been there for me, thank you so much! I greatly appreciate it and I cannot wait to post more of these. It was so fun to craft these! Thank you all and peace out!

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