If Monstress Was An Anime Part 3

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Side-Note: Here we are, guys! Part 3 of this! Hypeness is real for me, so I hope you are excited! Anyway, enough of me rambling...Part 3.

Monstress Showcase Part 3

A.) Ren using his powers through meditation

B.) Kippa: Age 8

C.) Kippa: Age 8

D.) Kippa: Age 8

E.) Kippa: Age 8

F.) Kippa: Age 10

G.) Kippa: Age 10

H.) Kippa: Age 13

I.) Kippa: Age 13

J.) Kippa: Age 16

K.) Kippa: Age 18

L.) Ren summoning his fallen comrades (spirits)

M.) Ren charging up using his ultimate ability

N.) Ren

O.) Kippa: Age 21

P.) Kippa: Age 25

Q.) Maika Halfwolf

Side-Note: Well, guys! That was all I got and I hope that every single one of you had enjoyed all of them because I sure did! They all just look so beautiful 😍 I really hope that it will somehow come true same with Hack/Slash like one of these days it has to come! But I will wait for eternity until it gets announced. Until then, I want to thank everyone for participating in this and I hope you guys wish the same because I most definitely want it to happen. Both of these comic series is very underrated, but with you guys' feedback and love. I'm sure that it will happen someday. Anywho, thank you for everything, love everyone and I'll see you later! Peace!

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