Spin the bottle (A.k.a. the geek and the badboy)

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Rebecca's P.O.V.

There I sat, in the small ring of people who had gathered at this party to have fun. Allon Gray, the badboy of the school, sat across from me and Helena, my best friend, was sitting by my side. She had gotten me into this party and had persuaded me to join the game. No one had wanted me here. Who would want a geek invited to a party? No one, that's who. This circle was those who wanted to participate in a game of spin the bottle. The game had been modified, of course.

You see, in this game of spin the bottle, you would have to spin the bottle twice, to determine who would be your 'partner' and you would pick a card from the 'dating pile'. These heart-decorated cards would tell you what you would have to do with your 'partner'. The cards in the deck ranged from giving a hickey to hugging them to making-out with your 'partner' for several minutes.

I had never been fond of this game, I had never been fond of romance in general. A boy spun the bottle as Helena took a sip from her bottled water. All night, I had been lucky enough not to have the bottle point at me, but finally, my luck had run out.

I gasped as the bottle slowly slid to a halt at my feet. I had hoped that luck would be on my side that night. I pushed myself away from the circle. I hadn't wanted to be here! I hadn't even wanted to come to this stupid party! Helena took the bottle and spun it, determining my partner... Allon. Marie, another student from my school, was eager to have her turn so she picked up the card at the top of the 'dating pile' and read it aloud is a squeaky voice. "Rebecca and Allon, you two have to..." My best friend snatched the card from Marie's hands before she could finish reading the card. She stood up and read my fortune aloud. "Rebecca and Allon, you two have to make-out for a whole minute" She stated. My eyes widened, my cheeks flushed and I began feeling light-headed.

Many people from the circle snickered or cheered as I sat there like a deer caught in the head-lights of a transport truck. "Rebecca, you're so lucky!" My friend whispered in my ear as she sat next to me. I had hidden my face from the crowd, no one could see the pain I felt. "Bec? Are you okay?" someone from the circle asked. I felt a hand being placed on my back and assumed it had been Helena's. As I rose my eyes to face who I believed to be my friend, but I was greeted by Allon.

I wiped my eyes, seeing as they had been watering. I forced a small smile to appear on my lips as I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Hey, what's wrong?" Allon asked. "N-nothing... I'm fine" I lied. I could see his face approching mine. "W-wait!" I panicked.

Everyone from the circle was watching me closely. I had never told anyone, out of embarassement, but I had never kissed someone before..Such a pathetic fact for a 17 year old teenage girl... and here I was, forced to kiss the player of the school for 60 seconds. My eyes shifted to the ground before looking back at him. "Ugh, hurry up!" Marie yelled impatiently. I sighed.

I took a deep breath and leaned forward. I whispered my secret into his ear. I didn't give him time to take in the information before kissing him. I began counting down the seconds...


Allon's P.O.V.

I had never imagined the chance to kiss some one as hot as her. Even if she was the school nerd, she caught my eye. Yes, she had to be my next victim.

She leaned forward and caught me off guard by whispering a few words into my ear. She stunned me even more by kissing me first. I let her soft lips move against mine. It had been a long time since anyones kiss had felt this good. I could tell she was reluctant to kiss me, and after she whispered in my ear I knew why. The words she had whispered echoed in my head: "Allon, this is my first kiss so you had better make it good".

I smirked slightly as we kissed and bit her bottom lip, letting my toung roam in her mouth. Her hands pressed against my chest, she had wanted to push me away. Not wanting to lose the bet and wanting to keep control of herself, she grasped my shirt and pulled me closer instead. I let a small moan escape. This time I couldn't deny how good it felt.

I placed my hands on the arch of her back. I wanted more. I kissed her harder,making both of us moan in the process. Our lips were in sync. It was as if we were performers, having practiced this act for months and finally were given a chance to perform. I inhaled her scent as she became adventerous, causing me to moan once more. I felt water trickle down my cheek and opened my eyes to see her crying. I quickly cupped her face, hiding her tears and pulling her closer. Her eyes flickered open, just long enough for me to see her gratitude, and shut tight afterward.

"Why? What made me do that?" I wondered. "Twenty!Nineteen!" the crowd chanted as they began counting down the seconds. I rushed to kiss her harder and faster as Rebecca moaned silently. She grasped the collar of my shirt tighter, as if she hadn't wanted to let go. There was now no doubt in my mind, we had both been enjoying this kiss and we had both wanted more. This fact suprised me and would've suprised her too, along with everyone in the room."Ten!" The spectators chanted. Rebecca's hands found their way to my hair. Normally I wouldn't have let anyone lay a finger on my hair but this time it seemed like I couldn't care less. "Five!" The crowd chanted, leaving me four seconds more. Rebecca slowed down as we returned to the pace we had started with. She kissed me hard, making me wish that I had an excuse to kiss her longer. I was startled by the feeling of water trickling down my cheek once more.

Rebeccas hands cupped my cheeks aswell. She bit my lip before pulling away as the sound of the crowd cheering echoed in the room. Air hitched in the back of my throat and I realised that the tear was one that I had shed. Was I that desperate to feel her touch? Was I so desperate thst I had shed a tear? Or maybe had I felt guilty of taking her first kiss... whatever the reason,she hadn't let anyone see my vulnerability, just as I had done for her.


Rebecca's P.O.V.

I pulled back, breaking the kiss that felt like it had lasted an eternity. "Good job guys!" A boy from the crowd yelled. "Hope you get paired up with me next round of spin the bottle"Another one howled. Many other immature boys wolf-whistled at me.

I decided to go and get myself a glass of water, I needed to be alone. I stood up to go but someone grabbed my hand. Allon. What does he want!? He just stole my first kiss! Not that I'm complaining... Wait, what!? I refused to let my thoughts get out of control. "What do you want, Allon?" I asked, without turning to face him. He tugged on my arm so I turned to face him in fear that he wouldn't let go. I turned my head to face him and, before I could figure out what happened, he kissed me,hard. I returned the kiss, fast, so that no one would know but him, and I pushed him back. He stumbled backwards before facing me once more with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

I swerved through the crowd and made my way to the kitchen. The kitchen was empty, maybe the luck I had before the kiss was returning. The counter was covered with rows of red solo cups full of a brown liquid that looked like beer. I took a cup and dumped the beer into the sink. I watched the liquid flow down the drain.

(Not done... I'll work on it later)

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