Chapter 5

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The bright lights were quickly blocked by the curtains as the king pulled them together. hating how the sun was still up enough to result in irritation for him. His nap was ruined by it, and so he grumpily headed to wake his snake up, who also wouldn't appreciate the wake up call.
The other hissed in protest as they were lifted up, but stayed limp.
"Calm it Kezu, it's breakfast time. I got your favourite." The king said, making the snake hiss happily and go back into a calm mood. As promised, the food was soon there, and the hungry snake quickly ate the snails it was given in one bite. They were specially made with spices and other stuff the snake liked, making it a delicious meal.
During that the king put his indoors clothes on, not really liking all the fancy stuff that were in his closet. He liked to be more casual, and so he only put on a comfortable robe, black pants, and a nice pair of slippers. He was planning on just going down, have some breakfast, and then go back to sleep, since there were still some hours until night. And he didn't want to miss any of it.
Once done, he took his snake and headed downstairs, happy that the servants remembered not to greet him at the door, rather at other places. Being formal wasn't his thing that much, and so he let his subjects be as long as they did their job. Some people were sceptikal and called it a horrible ruling over people, yet his was was the most effective so far.
He never had anyone miss a work day, no rebellions so far, the townspeople were nice, and his servants had all the free time they needed as long as they followed their schedule and followed orders. He wasn't really king material, so he treated every nobleman as his friends, who returned the favor. They would occasionally hang out and discuss recent news and that stuff, catching up to each other. There was rarely a need to come together in the castle for important discussions, but they usually ended quick due to the helpfulness amongst each other.
They were known as the evil people, just because they and their snakes were fueled on the hate for each other. But people outside the city hadn't realised that due to that they also developed a close relationship, and over the years the hate was just a side-fuel for magic. The snakes and their partners created family bonds with each other, which was found out to be way stronger than the bond it Honeymoon couples, bringing them into a huge advantage they would only use if needed.

Once in the kitchen a young servant geeted the king, being cheery
"Good morning my King ! Breakfast is being prepared."
He smiled softly "You're new here it looks like. Please, just call me Muno like the others, it's alright really. And it's okay if you want to join me and Kezu for breakfast as well."
The servant quickly nodded, and followed after him as they headed to check out today's breakfast.

Once they settled down and took their plates of food they joined into the chatting the others were doing at the table. They discussed the recent news and did some suggestions as well.
While that went on Kezu slithered to the play area for the snakes, and hissed happily when she saw her friend there among the others. She went over and started chatting with them in the serpentine tounge only they knew.

After breakfast was done Muno took his snake to the nesting area to check on the snakes, relieved to see this year's batch have survived. The eggs were neatly put into different nests, each labeled their corresponding species. There were Diamondback Cobras and Coppernicus Vipers as well, positioned in the center for all to see and care after for.
He smiled as he let Kezu wander over to the eggs of her species, gently craddling them, and giving warmth. She let out soft hisses, then after a bit gently set the eggs back in the nest as she was done, and slithered back to her partner.

After the small visit they decided to head down to town and check out the preparations for the Moon festival. The beautiful lanterns and drawings welcomes them warmly as they went through the gates, met with he sight of the townspeople enjoying themselves. The stands were already up and selling all kinds of wares, which were getting bought quick due to demand. As the king walked through the crowd they got greeted with smiles and waves, which he gladly returned, while his snake let out friendly hisses to them.
As they walked through the streets they occasionally got into smaller chats, asking the others how they were doing and such. Once they reached the townsquare they were amazed at how much of an amazing job they did with it. Everything looked beautiful in the sunset, and the people dressed up in traditional clothes were even more so. They were dancing to entertain everyone, snatching a few in here and there to make them dance as well.
The king chuckled softly and headed over, quickly going over and getting into a smaller circle to join the fun as well.
The people cheered once he was seen, and the music was sped up to challenge them all. Even Kezu decided to have some fun with the other snakes, slithering between the feet of the people carefully and gracefully.

This went on until the moon was high up in the sky, where then Muno bid farewell to the others as he and his snake headed away to the alleys. He hummed a small tone to himself as he turned around a corner, arriving into a shady part of town, and where a caravan was waiting for him.
With a smile he headed over, getting excited at the sight of the carriages.

What would tonight bring for him ?

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