Part 1

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~ ~ HUSBAND ~ ~

"H e lifts me up when I am down
U nderstands me like none other
S upports my every dream
B elieves in me no matter what
A ccepts me, flaws and all
N utures my heart and soul
D arn near perfect"

(Quote credit -

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(Monday, 10.30 AM)

"Stop! Stop!" A traffic constable stopped a two wheeler vehicle which was driven by a young girl.

"God! Madhu, I told you not to go in one way... see, now we got caught" Trishna scolded her friend Madhu

"Shut up, Trish. I will tackle him."

"Oh please no! Don't open your big mouth."

"We are in a hurry Trish. If we go by the other way then it will take more than one hour. This is the shortest way so I came by this side."

"But this is one way. We are not supposed to go. Now what justification you will give him?" Trishna asked her friend worriedly.

"Madam this is one way"

But this is my way! Madhu thought with a smirk.

"As if I don't know? Of course I see that Mr." Madhu looked at the name badge of the traffic constable & read it loud "...Sharman Joshi"

"If educated people like you violate the rules then why don't uneducated will do the same?" he asked. "Young educated citizens should be a role model to the society."

"Mr. Joshi, why don't you give this preach sitting under a banyan tree?"

"I thought to warn you & let you go but you speak too much..."


"Show me your license" He asked Madhu.

"Here" she produced him her license.

"Insurance is not renewed?" He checked the next set of papers. "No helmet..."

"I'm press reporter, Madhubala Malik!" Madhu cut him off. She hoped he will get scared & let her go Scot-free.

"So? You are just a press reporter not the president of India right?" Sharman Joshi asked her in a mocking tone. "Are you going to pay the fine or should I issue you a charge sheet Miss. Press reporter?"

"Okay, fine! I will pay the fine amount" Madhu said holding up her hands as if surrendering. She couldn't waste anymore with this guy.

"Good!" He smirked victoriously.


(Same day, 12. 30 PM)

"I hate that guy! If I see him I am gonna kill him!" Madhu shouted in frustration.

"Which guy, Madhu? That traffic constable? Or our boss?"

"Nah! Neither of them"


"That Kundra! I want to kill that Kundra!"

"Who is this new subject?"

"When you wake up in the morning what you will see first, Trish?"

"My mobile phone!"


"My coffee mug which will be sitting on my bed side table waiting for me to kiss the mug."

"Good! But what I saw, today?? How my day began?"

"How? Only if you tell me I will come to know right?" Trishna asked logically.

"Morning morning, my parents brought some idiot's photo & showed me... I didn't even open my eyes properly but they started asking me whether I like him? Am I ready to marry him? He is from a rich family, blah blah... f**k! First thing in the morning I saw his smile-less arrogant rude face & now my whole day sucks!" Hearing her friend's complaint Trishna burst out laughing.

"What's so funny hun?"

"Last night you went to 'Udta punjab' movie & returned home late night so you got late to office but you are blaming this poor guy..."

"C'mon Trish! You know how much I love Shahid kapoor & I was also so curious to know what was shown in the movie which made the grandmother' like censor board to remove so many scenes... but gladly it got release with one cut & A' certificate."

"You could have gone for that movie on weekend's right?"

"I felt bad that I didn't get the first day first show but only the last show... and you are so coolly saying I should have seen my Shahid leisurely?" Madhu gave a death glare to Trishna.

"Madhu, cool, what I meant to say was... you could have watched your hero so leisurely without any tension right? See, You got up so damn late in the morning because of your hero & if your parents hadn't woken you up by showing that kundra guy's photo then you would be still sleeping like a polar bear on your cozy bed..." Trishna teased. Madhu made a face.

"You came so late to pick me up, you went on one way when I told you not to do so & got caught by the traffic police, paid fine, then reached office by 11 am when you were told to be reported at 9 am... because of you I got scolding from our potbelly boss Bittuji... all because of you but you are blaming some innocent guy!" Trishna pitied for the guy who was earning curses from her friend.

"See, even my best friend is annoying me! It's all because of that damned Rishab Kundra!!!" Madhu screamed banging her desk.


(Same day, 11 PM)

"Sikky, you ready?" Madhu asked her camera man, Sikender.

"Madhu, this is too risky."

"Why you fear when I am here?"

"Madhu, what if they come to know that we are from press & media & not just ordinary passengers?"

"No one will suspect us because you look like an ordinary college guy... if someone ask you something just tell them you are returning home from your guitar class... if they ask more then play some awful tune"

"I don't know to play guitar" Sikky said to her now getting worried sick.

"What a waste luggage I brought with me!" Madhu groaned in irritation.

"If we cover this live news then our channel will shoot rocket high in TRP & that potbelly Bittuji will stop shouting at me for being late every day. Today I will prove him, what a valuable treasure this Madhubala is to our 'Sakal' news channel."

"Your camera is on? Btw where it is?" Sikky asked Madhu.

"It's here" She pulled her chain out & showed her black color pendant on which she had stuck her micro mini camera. "Where is yours?"

"My shirt button!" Sikky had had his camera on his shirt button.

"Train is about to come. Be ready!"


"What?" Madhu asked gritting her teeth.

Sikky showed her his pinkie finger indicating that he wanna pee.

"You!!" Madhu brought her fingers close to his neck ready to kill him.

"Go! & be back here in seconds"

"No, I don't want to go"


"I'm scared to go alone to the rest room."

"God! I shouldn't have brought a clown like you in this secret mission"


"You better run home. I will deal this on my own. You won't be useful to me. You will only get me in trouble."

"No! No! I will do this for you."

"Okay, come"

When the train arrived at the station, Madhu asked Sikky to get into the general compartment & Madhu got into the ladies compartment which was reasonably crowded. Madhu through her Bluetooth earpiece spoke to Sikky.

"Hello, Sikky, howz things there?"

"All cool. Men, here, seems decent"

"I guess we are unlucky that today those rogues didn't come." There were complaints registered in the local police station by girls of being harassed, abused even tried to molest by a group of men who do that on a regular basis in local train at night times when there was no one & no proper protection to girls. So today Madhu & Sikky took the bold move to take a live coverage of the event & bring those creepy creatures face to the light & force the police department to do the needful.

"May be they will board in the next station or they are in some other compartment. We should move to the front & check once the train stops at the next station." Sikky suggested.

"Yeah, yeah..." Madhu said & they continued talking while the train reached the next station & a group of men boarded into the ladies compartment. "They are here, I guess" Madhu whispered though she wasn't sure. She hadn't seen any pics of those men but she could guess from the research she had done on them. The men were with ugly ponytail, pressing type studs on their eye brows, single stone stud on their left ear, chewing gums & the leader of the gang had blue color eyes & all those evidence perfectly fit with what Madhu had read about their looks.

"Hello guys, this is ladies compartment!" an aged lady reminded them.

"You are going to get down?" a guy asked


"Then shut your f**king mouth & move your ass, you oldie bitch" A guy mocked her & the other men laughed. Cursing them the lady got off the train.

"Sikky, these men seems too dangerous. They just insulted an old lady who asked them to get off this ladies compartment."

"Oh! You stay safe, Madhu. You don't pounce on them & start fighting with them & land in unnecessary trouble. We will just take the video of their atrocity & seek police help."

"Okay. I'll" Madhu said & cowered to the back of the train to shoot the whole event with her hidden camera.

The leader guy with blue eyes scanned the entire compartment & his eyes set on Madhu. He gave her lustful look & licked his lower lip with his tongue. Madhu felt like worms were crawling on her skin under his lustful gaze. She muttered a silent prayer that she was not their target & they don't prey her.

Madhu nervously held her chain so that her hidden camera in her pendant covers everything clearly.

Madhu noticed the blue eyed guy telling something to his fellow men & they all nodded their heads in agreement & they stood quietly without making any move to tease or trouble the girls.

Then the next station arrived & few girls got down safely without being troubled by those f**kers. Madhu thought it was not safe for her to stay there with those creeps so she started to get down but they blocked her way. A guy threatened the rest of the girls to get down too. Fearing for their lives they all got down leaving Madhu alone.

Madhu was shit scared but she tried her best to not show her fear on her face.

"Move!" Madhu ordered.

"Nah, baby" The blue eyed guy said with an evil smirk. Then he brought his hand close to caress Madhu's cheek but she swat his hand away & glared at him.

"You look hot, baby" He said & looked down at her cleavage. Then a guy from the group kept his hand on Madhu's waist & Madhu jerked & stumbled back.

"Hey, don't scare her. We will take it slow." The gang leader told his fellow guys when they surrounded Madhu making her panic.

"Sultan, we don't have long. I know you want her so have your fill, then we will have our turn." A guy told his leader.

"No! Today, no sharing! I will only enjoy her & you all will watch my show." Sultan said & took a step closer to Madhu but she pushed him with all her mighty force & started running. Luckily there was an inter link to the next compartment & she ran into it while the men followed her.

"Sikky? You there?" Madhu shouted over the phone.

"Sikky?" She called him again though she knew he can do nothing. The train was on move & he could reach her only when the train stops. If he reached her also he can't fight those men as they were way too stronger than him. She wanted some solid hands to save her & right then her savior appeared in front of her.

Madhu was running looking back & didn't see who was on her front. Madhu dashed hardly on someone & without looking at the person, she hugged the person & pleaded for help.

"Sir, please help me" Madhu pleaded the man in whose arms she was protectively wrapped & then she looked up to face him. Seeing the man relief spiraled through her body as a smile broke on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"Rishab kundra, please help me. They are chasing me..." Madhu said recognizing the guy whose photo she saw in the morning & cursed to her friend Trishna that only because of him she had a bad day. Even now she was in a bad state but glad to see him as she knew he will save her. Rishab looked down at her, momentarily surprised & shocked hearing his name from her but then he recovered from his shock & looked at the guys who stood still on their places behind her. Rishab released her from his embrace & pushed her behind him not before snatching her neck chain & switching off the rolling camera & putting it safely in his shirt pocket. Madhu was stunned that he noticed her hidden camera.

"Yaar, he is ACP Rishab kundra." A guy in the team whispered to his gang leader Sultan.

Sultan held his hands up surrendering & took a step backward.

"Stay there" Rishab roared. "One step, I will shoot" Rk pulled out his gun from behind his neck holster.

Madhu's eyes went wide seeing the gun. She was ready to bolt down, when he held her waist firmly for support.

"You okay?" Rishab asked Madhu. She nodded her head & wiped off the sweat beats which broke on her forehead.

"I will give you two options. You guys will choose the one which you find the best." Rk said to the creepy guys as he released the Glock. "Option A' you guys jump off the moving train. Option B' I'll shoot you all in a blink."

"We will surrender" a guy said to him.

"That's not in my option. Jump or die"

"We will jump." The guys said in a hurry & jumped off the speedy moving train.

"What are you still doing here? Go jump & join your buddies." Rk said to Sultan who didn't jump off the train. Sultan glared at Rk.

"Come here" Rk croaked his two fingers at him. He shook his head in refusal. Rk positioned his pistol.

"Can I sit & watch the show, ACP Sir?" Madhu asked sweetly to Rk & then glared at Sultna. Didn't he ask his friends to watch his show? Now she will watch him getting beaten black & blue.

"With pleasure, darling" Rk winked & blushed hearing him call her with such a sweet endearment.

Then the train came to halt in the next station & Sultan tried to find a route to escape but Rk had his gun pointed straight to him ready to shoot him if he moved an inch.

Once, the train started moving, Sultan braced himself to put a fight with Rk.

When Sultan brought his hand to punch Rk, he blocked him efficiently & nudged his head with the back of the gun.

"Madhu" Rk gestures Madhu to come forward.

"How you know my name, ACP Kundra?" Madhu asked him with a frown while she moved closer to him.

"If you know my name then why not I know your name?" Rk asked shooting his brow up.

"Okay. What should I do now?" Madhu asked in a meek voice.

"Give him 4 slaps, Madhu"

"What?" Madhu shouted, horrified.

"Why? You girls will slap only the heroes hun?" He asked with a smirk. Madhu gave him a confused look but then slapped Sultan once & howls in pain.

"Shit! It's stinging." Madhu cries.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Hard shit. Okay I'll handle him."

"No!" Madhu stopped him. She braced some courage as she wanted to punish him & with full force slapped Sultan left right & center for misbehaving with her.

"Ah! Now I feel better." Madhu smiled in satisfaction though she rubbed her palms to ease the burning sensation.

"Here" Rk asked for her hand & Madhu willingly gave her hand to him. He gently caressed her soft palms.

"Better?" he asked.

"Much better. Thank you, ACP Kundra" Madhu said blushing.

"Teetering high-heels hun?" Rk appreciated looking down at Madhu's heel shoes.

"You like it?" Madhu asked doing a quick tap dance for him. Rk chuckled seeing her childishness.

Sultan didn't know what to do or how to escape. He was scared to move as Rk was holding him at gun point.

"Take it off." He ordered. Madhu obliged to his words. She quickly removed one shoe & held it in her hand. Rk grinned when she kept her shoeless leg on top of his boots to adjust the height.

"Hit the nail" Rk said rotating the gun with his fingers.

"Where?" Madhu asked dumbly. Rk sighed.

"You have beautiful eyes." Rk hinted her. "With the force you nail his one eye the other eye should pop out of it's socket." Rk whispered to Madhu.

Before Madhu could make her move Sultan pushed Rk with force & ran towards the door & jumped out of the moving train

"Fool! This move he could have taken the moment I gave him the option." Rk shook his head & Madhu helped him to get up.

"What you did is wrong!" Madhu said as she sat opposite to him folding her hands.

"What's wrong?" Rk asked curiously.

"You shouldn't have let them go. You should have arrested them."

"That you are saying me now? Why you didn't tell me that when you asked me 'Can I sit & watch the show ACP Sir?'..." Rk mimicked like Madhu.

"You are a police officer but you are not abiding to the law." Madhu complained.

"Those guys are rich bas***ds. I will produce them to the court & next day they will be bailed out. This is the better punishment which they chose. I didn't do anything."

"You didn't give them much options."

"Why are you championing them? Do you have any idea what they have done to innocent girls like you?"

"Yeah I know. Even I was nearly attacked but we can't take the law in our hand."

"I didn't take the law in m hand. You slapped him. You were about to hit him with your heel shoe. You scared him & made him jump out of the train." Rk turned the plate & coolly leaned back on the seat while Madhu watched him open mouthed.

"Um... I... you won't arrest me nah? Please!" Madhu begged him making him burst out laughing.

"Miss. Press Reporter please don't panic."

"How you know about me?" Madhu asked him.

"Morning morning my mom showed your photo asking me whether I like you & willing to marry you? She only told me details about you & your family"

Madhu giggled hearing him. Her day started the same way too.

"What's so funny."

"Even my parents showed me your photo this morning."

"Oh! I guessed that the moment you called my name."

"You are smart."

"I know" Rk smirked.

"So?" Madhu asked wanting to know whether he liked her.

"So what? You mean to ask whether I like you?" Rk asked. She nodded her head.

"I didn't like you when I saw your photo. You were too homely, a bit fat too." He lied. He found her so beautiful.

"I'm not fat. I'm bubbly & cute."

Rk smiled fondly & nodded his head in agreement. "Yes, the way you have dressed up now I can't use the adjective homely for you. You look damn hot & beautiful too than what I saw in the photo."

"Thanks" Madhu blushed.

"But then I didn't like you a bit when you showed attitude to the traffic constable though you were at fault, this morning."

"You saw me?" Madhu asked looking down at her knotted fingers feeling embarrassed & also bad that he didn't like her.

"Yeah I was just behind you sitting in my jeep."

"Even I didn't like you." She said wanting to reject him before he could reject her.

"You didn't even know to smile. You looked so grumpy in that photo. Gosh! I had a worse day of my life seeing your photo, the first thing in the morning."

"Ahaan!" Then they sat in complete silence.

Once the train reached the final destination, they both got down.

"Come, I will drop you home"

"No... it's fine... I'll go."

"It's late. It's not safe for you to go on your own."

"Don't worry, I have discovered that I have strong arms & high heels. I can defend myself." Madhu said confidently.

"Nice knee cut jeans" He said looking down at her knees. Madhu didnt get instantly what he was trying to tell her... Then realization hits her.

"Oh yeah, I have knees too. I can knock down the assholes using my knee."

"Good! Use them when needed." Rk smiled proudly. "But still I can drop you as I'm going that way."

"Okay." Madhu agreed & told him her address.

"I wanna ask you something?"


"My chain. How do you know about the hidden camera?"

"When you hugged me asking for my help when those guys were chasing you your chain got tangled with my shirt button and at that I noticed your camera."

"Oh. Well what you will do with my micro camera? Will you destroy it?"

"Evidence should always be buried but never destroyed. You don't know when these footage will come handy."


All too soon they reached Madhu's house.

"I guess it's late. You should get in. I will ask my parents to come and meet your parents tomorrow."

"Oh why?"

"To fix our engagement and wedding dates"

"What?" She asked shocked. "You wanna marry me?"

"You don't?" He asked cocking his head to his side.

"I do."

"Good. I will make you mine soon." He winked. "But before that try and reduce a little bit of your weight."

"I am not fat! I am bubbly." She shouted when he walked backward to his jeep.

"Alright! I will have you this way." He smirked and hopped up in his car and took off from her place leaving her grinning like a loon.


(2 months later)

Today was the day they got married. In the past two months they hadn't talked much. They hadn't got the time to date and they even didn't find the reason to date when they had already decided to take each other as their spouses. They just had talked over phone few times that too brief conversation.

Rk walked into his room which was now their room. He will be sharing his everything with his new wife Madhu. He looked around for her but couldn't find her anywhere in the room. Then he heard shower running down sound from the bathroom letting him know his wife was taking her shower. He sat on the bed and anticipated for her to come.

Finally she walked out of the bathroom, a towel draped around her body and another towel worn around her head turban style. She gave him a smile and quickly rushed to the room where she had kept her suitcase. She had forget to take her night clothes. After taking it she went back to the dressing room to get ready for bed. Rk flipped the pages of a magazine as he patiently waited for her to join.

"You look cute in your pink pajamas" Rk complimented when she walked out of the dressing room and stood at the foot of the bed.

"Thanks." She blushed.

"Sit." He said softly. She sat on the edge of the bed fidgeting with her fingers.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Um... Yeah!" She breathed.

"Don't worry. I will teach you."

"Teach what?" She asked confused.

"How to make babies." He winked. She turned tomato red hearing his reply.

"Come closer, Madhu." He placed his hand on her hand which was on the bed and he gently tucked her. With one pull she landed on his lap. When she wriggled to get off him he tightened his grip on her. He buried his nose on her nape and inhaled her sweet jasmine fragrance. He placed a kiss on her neck and she shivered as her hands automatically gripped his biceps.

He rolled her down on the bed and towered her with his body looking straight at her beautiful doe eyes.

"I am gonna kiss you." He whispered and took her lips in his. He sucked and nibbled her lips but she didn't give access to him.

"Open your mouth." He mumbled against her lips.

"Ahh" she parted her mouth making him chuckle.

"You are such a baby." He closed her mouth and pecked her lips.

He placed his head on his palm and gazed down at her. She shyly looked away as she felt hot and bothered under his steady lustful hungry gaze.

"Have you done this before?" Madhu asked boldly meeting his gaze once he let her lips go after giving her delicious kiss.

"Kissing?" He asked. "Many times."

"Have you gone far than just kissing?" she asked


"Always be honest with me, Rishab." She said softly but the warning was made clear.

"Yes. I have done everything... Before marriage.. But now it will be only you from now on. I will never cheat on you. I respect you and I will never dishonour my wife." He promised and kissed her forehead.

"I am pleased." She smiled.

"Have you..."

Before he could finish his statement she cuts him off

"I am still a virgin." She said hurriedly.

He chuckled. "I knew that from your inexperience"

"Oh... Then what were you going to ask me?"

"Have you fantasized this night ever?"

She blushed and slight shook her head in no. He chuckled again knowing she was lying.

"Well, let me take the pride of deflowering you."

"I am scared. I feel it's all too fast." She said in a raspy tone and pushed his chest away from her when he leaned closer to her to kiss her.

"You don't want me to touch you?" He asked hardly concealing his disappointment.

"I want to... But not now... Give me some time please." She asked in a desperate tone hoping he would understand her reticence.

He closed his eyes resting his forehead on her and once he looked at her eyes he made his decision. He will never force her. He will wait for his wife to submit herself to him with her will.

"Okay. Sleep." He pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks, Rishab."

"You look tired. Sleep." He said again and he lied down beside her.

Once she was settled, he switched off his bed side lamp and he felt her body rolling to his side and she hugged him placing her head on his chest.

"What are you doing, Madhu?" He panicked and switched on the lights. Her closeness was affecting him. Her warmth, her heavenly scent, her jasmine flavour shampoo, her soft skin... Everything was such a turn on. He didn't want to get tempted and lose his control when she explicitly told him she wasn't ready to make love this night, pouring water on his adolescent dreams.

"What? I thought I will hug my husband and sleep." She said innocently oblivious to the havoc she creates on him.

"Okay" he sighed and pulled her back in his arms not wanting to disappoint her.

She laid her head back on his chest and unknowingly her fingers traced over his chest feeling him. She didn't know why her hand was suddenly being horny and playing with him.

"Madhu..." He held her hand and stopped from feeling him up.

"What?" She asked.

"You are so confusing... One minute you say you are not ready but now you are doing things to me..."

"I am sorry... I don't know what I am doing. You are just so hot and I cant help myself from touching you." She said looking at his chest. He had taken off his shirt as soon as he switched off the lights.

"Can I kiss you here?" She asked pointing to his toned chest. He sucked in his breathe before nodding in yes. She quickly straddled him surprising him and leaning forward she planted a sweet kiss on his chest.

"Oh f**k!" He couldn't take it anymore after her soft lips touched his skin.

He pushed her back on the mattress and soundly kissed his lips. Initially she was like a deer caught in the head light but soon got adjusted and followed his lead, kissing him back with equal vigor.

"Hey... Come come... Don't leave me." Madhu tried to pull him back when her husband withdrew from her growling. He took his phone from the night stand which was buzzing and answered the call. "ACP Kundra here" he said in a brisk tone. "Yes... Where?... Who? Any intel? I will be there... Shortly." He said and hung up the phone.

"I gotta go." He said and scrambled out of the bed.

"May I ask where?" She asked adjusting her dress and rolling her hair in a messy bun.

"There is a problem... In a five star hotel... Gun shots were heard huh... And few people were kept hostage. Not sure it is a terrorist attack. Well, I gotta report there before things go out of hand" he said and walked into the dressing room to get changed.

When he returned out of the changing room he found madhu brushing her hair already dressed in her blue jeans and white kurta.

"Going somewhere?" He asked curiously. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and turned to him.

"I got a call from my office. They want me to report to cover the news in the hotel." She said as she started buttoning up his shirt.

"Don't they have anyone else to do this job? Don't they know today only you got married?"

"I know..."

"You are on your leave right? Then why they are disturbing you?"

"Rishab, my boss trusts me that I will do this job better... Besides what I will do sitting alone when you are off to work? Its better I come with you."

"Okay... Wait." He said and rushed back to the walk in closet.

Mean while Madhu put her I-card and stuffed few nothings in her hand bag.

"Here. Have this." He placed a small gun in her palm. Madhu's eyes went wide.

"I don't want my wife to be defenseless at anytime like you were the other day in the train."

"But I don't know to shoot."

"It's simple." He said and quickly taught her how to release the glock and aim and fire.

"Seems simple." She shrugged. "Wish I have a target to practice."

"Madhu, this is for your safety. Don't misuse your power. Oh and it's to kill not to get killed." He warned her.

"Okay." She nodded and securely placed it in her hand bag.

"Come let's get moving." He dragged her out of the house and took her to the car.

"What a way to spend our first night?" Madhu moaned with a sigh.

"If you hadn't stopped at the first time I would have had you at least once by now."

"It's okay, Rishab. We have all our lives to do it. Right now we will focus on our works."

"I am glad you are so understanding and practical. You are not like other nagging wives demanding their huabands to stay with them on their wedding night."

"But I am one nagging reporter. You will have to answer all my questions so that I can report to my channel."

"Purely professional. I won't give any consideration to you and your channel just because you are my wife." He said to her. She nodded her head with a smile.

Soon they reached Purple Orchid Hotel where the attack took place.

"Madhu... Please, stay safe. You are strictly not allowed to enter into the hotel till you get an all clear from me or my team. Got it?" He asked.

"Yes, ACP Sir." She smiled. He placed his hand on her head and patted it twice before jumping out of the car.

Madhu walked to her colleagues who were already setting up the camera and making other arrangements for the live coverage.

"Wow, new bride is here." Sikky, Madhu's friend whistled.

"Madhu, your husband is looking so hot in his police uniform. How you let him go on duty on you first night? If I was in your place, I would have handcuffed and tied him up to the bed and f**ked him" Trishna, Madhu's so called bestie commented not even once looking at Madhu but eying only her handsome husband who was standing far away with his fellow policemen, debriefing.

Suddenly she didn't understand why and what made her to run to her husband and talk to him before he entered the hotel.

"Rishab!" She called him stopping him in track. He turned and looked at her asking what through his eyes.

"Be careful. You are not alone anymore. My life depends on you." She said as her eye brimmed with tears. She started shaking and panicking. She feared what If there were terrorist cooped up in the hotel? What if they were harmed? What if they explode this whole hotel building in a second with some heavy explosives? What if something happens to her husband? So many what ifs and all those ridiculous thoughts were making her more nervous and worried. She silently prayed to the almight for her husband's well being.

"I know." He nodded and gestured her to wipe her tears before anyone could notice that. He hates tears. Tears make a person weak. He believed so!

Then he turned and was about to stepped in to the hotel but he was again stopped by his wife's call.

"What?" He asked getting highly irritated. He hated when people interrupt when he was in duty. His mind was reeling with thoughts of the hostages. He hoped he and his team could get things under control without shedding blood.

"Husband, I love you." She uttered those words softly but he clearly heard them. He stood still for few good seconds just holding her with his eyes before giving her a dazzling smile and saying two promising words "Me too" and with that he walked into the hotel leaving Madhu smile amidst her tears.

... To be Continued!!!

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